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10-03 投稿


piedmont 發(fā)音

英:['pi?dm?nt]  美:['pidmɑnt]

英:  美:

piedmont 中文意思翻譯




piedmont 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 山麓;山麓地帶adj. 山麓的n. (Piedmont)人名;(德)皮德蒙特

piedmont 短語詞組

1、Piedmont type of glacier ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 山前型冰川

2、Piedmont glacier un. ─── 山麓冰川; ─── 山麓部川 [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] ─── 山麓冰河

piedmont 相似詞語短語

1、piedmontite ─── 斑巖

2、Caedmon ─── n.凱德蒙(公元7世紀(jì)盎格魯-撒克遜基督教詩人)

3、spied out ─── 秘密監(jiān)視

4、Piedmontese ─── n.(意大利一行政區(qū))皮埃蒙特居民;adj.(意大利一行政區(qū))皮埃蒙特的,皮埃蒙特居民的

5、Fremont ─── n.弗里蒙特(姓氏);菲蒙市(美國城市名)

6、piedforts ─── n.厚坯硬幣

7、Piedmont ─── n.山麓;山麓地帶;adj.山麓的;n.(Piedmont)人名;(德)皮德蒙特

8、Helmont ─── n.海耳蒙特

9、piedfort ─── n.厚坯硬幣

piedmont 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)


2、the piedmont plain of Taihang Mountains ─── 太行山前平原

3、Abstract: An analysis of piedmont structures and ground stress field in southern margin of Junggar basin is made in this paper. ─── 文摘:通過對(duì)準(zhǔn)噶爾盆地南緣山前構(gòu)造與地應(yīng)力場(chǎng)分析,認(rèn)為構(gòu)造復(fù)雜、目的層深、地應(yīng)力作用強(qiáng)烈是制約勘探進(jìn)程的主要因素。

4、For dining experiences at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, guests can choose from Italian cuisine of the Piedmont region at Barolo. ─── 北京麗思卡爾頓酒店為客人提供來自世界各地的美食體驗(yàn)。

5、The Oriente Basin in Ecuador is one of the biggest basins that produce petroleum in piedmont basins of Andean mountain, South American. ─── 厄瓜多爾Oriente盆地是南美安第斯山前盆地中最大的產(chǎn)油盆地之一。

6、People were always proud to be from Piedmont—lying at the foot of a mountain, on the banks of the mighty Potomac. ─── 蒙特位于壯闊的波托馬克河岸邊的山腳下,人們總是為自己來自皮埃蒙特感到自豪。

7、Species Diversity and Spatial Heterogeneity of Plant Communities in Piedmont Plain of South Slope of Tianshan Mountains ─── 天山南麓山前平原植物群落物種多樣性及空間分異研究

8、northern piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains ─── 天山北麓

9、The piedmont alluvial fans widespread on the east side of Xishan and the south side of Beishan. ─── 北京西山東麓和北山南麓廣泛分布著山麓洪積扇地形.

10、Your father DID not hesitate an instant, and the sum was sent to the frontier of piedmont, with a passport signed for Italy. ─── 令尊毫不遲疑,差人把那筆款子送到皮埃蒙特邊境上,還帶去了一張去意大利的護(hù)照。

11、The piedmont, a compressive ground stress area, contains oil/gas pools dominated by structure formed reservoirs. ─── 山前為擠壓地應(yīng)力作用區(qū),油氣成藏多以構(gòu)造成藏為主。


13、DENG Qi-dong,WANG Yi-peng,LIAO Yu-hua,et al.1984.Collapse wedges by fault scarps and Holocene history of movement along Helanshan piedmont fault[J].Science Bulletin,29 (9):557-560 (in Chinese). ─── [1]鄧起東,汪一鵬,廖玉華,等.1984.斷層崖崩積楔及賀蘭山山前斷裂全新世活動(dòng)歷史[J].科學(xué)通報(bào),29(9):557-560.

14、the Pliocene is piedmont diluvial conglomerates with mudstones; ─── 上新統(tǒng)為山麓洪積相礫巖夾泥巖;

15、piedmont of Taihang Mountain ─── 太行山山前平原

16、The Middle to Lower Jurassic source rock, which is high quality source rock for natural gas, only distributes in the piedmont zone of the northern margin of Kashi sag.So its contribution is limited. ─── 中下侏羅統(tǒng)烴源巖為一套優(yōu)質(zhì)烴源巖,但由于分布范圍所限,貢獻(xiàn)僅限于北緣山前帶。

17、Tarim piedmont tectonic belt ─── 塔里木山前構(gòu)造

18、Relationship between crop coefficient and precipitation pattern in the piedmont of Mt. Taihang ─── 太行山山前平原作物系數(shù)與降水年型關(guān)系探討

19、A city of northwest South Carolina northwest of Columbia. Located in the Piedmont near the Blue Ridge, it was laid out in1797 and is today a resort and manufacturing center. Population, 58, 282. ─── 格林維爾美國南卡羅來納州西北部一城市,位于哥倫比亞西北,座落在皮德蒙特山麓高原上,靠近藍(lán)嶺。始建于1797年,如今是制造業(yè)中心和度假勝地。人口58,282

20、New Ideas Urged in the Planning of the Auxiliary Projects in South-to-North Water Transfers at Piedmont Plains ─── 山前平原區(qū)南水北調(diào)配套工程規(guī)劃思路需要?jiǎng)?chuàng)新

21、Gavi, DOCG Michele Chiarlo, Piedmont, Italy ─── 格威(意大利)

22、Index System for Irrigation Scheduling of Winter Wheater and Maize in the Piedmont of Mountain Taihang ─── 太行山山前平原冬小麥和夏玉米灌溉指標(biāo)研究

23、Prospects for Exploring for Natural Gas in the South Part of Taihang Piedmont Fault Depression Belt ─── 太行山前斷陷帶南部天然氣勘探前景


25、In-Situ Stress Logging Responding Characteristics of Piedmont Thrust Belt and Its Influence on Hydrocarbon Distribution ─── 前陸沖斷構(gòu)造帶地應(yīng)力響應(yīng)特征及其對(duì)油氣分布的影響

26、The new City Music Donglu located in the Taihang Mountains, are inclined Piedmont plain, low-lying West High East, the basic level, there is the territory of Shahe, Mudao ditch two seasonal rivers. ─── 新樂市地處太行山東麓,屬山前傾斜平原,地勢(shì)西高東低,基本平坦,境內(nèi)有沙河、木刀溝兩條季節(jié)性河流。

27、You put a mirror on the mountain to reflect the sun's rays into your main square, says the mayor of Viganella, who has just presented the project to Italy's Piedmont region for approval. ─── 意大利維格尼拉鎮(zhèn)鎮(zhèn)長說:"你可以在山上安一面鏡子,將陽光線反射到大廣場(chǎng)上"。該鎮(zhèn)長已把這個(gè)方案呈報(bào)給意大利皮埃蒙特地區(qū),等待批準(zhǔn)。

28、A town of north-central North Carolina at the edge of the Piedmont west-northwest of Raleigh. It is the seat of the University of North Carolina (chartered 789). Population, 38,79. ─── 查布爾希爾:美國北卡羅來納州中北部一城鎮(zhèn),位于羅利西北偏西的彼得蒙邊界。為北卡來羅來納大學(xué)(建于789年)所在地。人口38,79

29、The main roadway district of Zhaozhuang coalmine,Shanxi Jincheng Coal Group is located in medium to low mountainous area of west piedmont of the Taihang Mts. ─── 山西晉城煤業(yè)集團(tuán)的趙莊礦大巷區(qū),地處太行山西麓中低山區(qū),區(qū)內(nèi)大面積黃土覆蓋,局部基巖裸露,地表莊稼、林木較多,建筑物較為密集,淺層地震地質(zhì)條件較為復(fù)雜。

30、In the year 1811 I was transferred to piedmont in France ─── 一八一一年,我從皮埃蒙特被轉(zhuǎn)押到了法國。

31、The No. 20 contact of shielding tunnel in Beijing Metro Line 4 project is located in Yongding River piedmont alluvial-pluvial fan, where the outcrop of rock is discontinuous and uneven. ─── 摘要北京地鐵4號(hào)線20標(biāo)盾構(gòu)隧道位于永定河沖洪積扇,巖石不均勻出露,在掘進(jìn)過程中遭遇水下、軟硬不均巖石地層和全斷面極硬巖等不良地質(zhì)情況。

32、The distribution of the rupture zone is controled strictly by Changlingshan Northern Piedmont Fault. ─── 其分布嚴(yán)格受長嶺山北麓活動(dòng)斷裂控制。

33、Abstract: As petroleum exploration applied to more and more regions, piedmont zone in foreland basin is becoming new areas in searching for the presence of hydrocarbons. ─── 摘 要: 隨著油氣勘探領(lǐng)域的不斷拓寬,前陸盆地山前帶已成為尋找新的油氣資源的地帶。

34、Simulation of water dynamics of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains ─── 太行山山前平原農(nóng)田水分動(dòng)態(tài)模擬研究


36、Piedmont alluvial plain on the vast grassland, is a major producing areas in Ningxia Tan sheep, produced by the fur Gu Chen Tan sheep "of gold Qiu," color Xirun, curly like clouds. ─── 山前沖積平原上草場(chǎng)遼闊,是寧夏灘羊的重要產(chǎn)區(qū),所產(chǎn)灘羊二毛皮古稱“千金裘”,毛色細(xì)潤,卷曲如云。

37、DSSAT and MODFLOW were integratively used to analyze the impact of agricultural water-use on groundwater dynamics in the piedmont landscape of Taihang Mountains, NCP. ─── 農(nóng)業(yè)用水與地下水位的變化密切相關(guān),被認(rèn)為是引起地下水位持續(xù)下降的最大誘因。因此,研究地下水動(dòng)態(tài)只有與農(nóng)業(yè)用水結(jié)合才更有意義。

38、After a brief stop on the coast, Lowe drifted toward the interior, eventually landing in the Piedmont section of South Carolina near the present-day town of Union. ─── 在海岸作短暫停留以后,洛朝內(nèi)地飛去,最終降落在南卡羅來納州的皮德蒙特區(qū),靠近現(xiàn)今的尤尼恩城。

39、The Bortala River is the only one which flow from west to east in north piedmont of Tian Mountain, and the most important supply source of Ebinur Lake. ─── 摘要博爾塔拉河是天山北麓唯一東西流向的河流,是目前艾比湖的主要補(bǔ)給來源。

40、This paper deals with the techniques for seismic acquisition of the shallow stratum in the piedmont zone on the western margin of Junggar Basin. ─── 摘要對(duì)準(zhǔn)噶爾西緣山前帶超淺層進(jìn)行了地震采集方法研究。

41、The influence of piedmont deposition on the time scale of mountain-belt denudation ─── 山前地帶沉積對(duì)山脈地帶裸露時(shí)間尺度影響


43、The continuing dropping of groundwater in the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain has influenced the soil-forming conditions. ─── 摘要太行山山前平原區(qū)的地下水持續(xù)下降,對(duì)土壤成土條件產(chǎn)生了重大影響。

44、Spatial variation simulation of lateral recharge potential of groundwater in piedmont regions ─── 山前平原地下水側(cè)向補(bǔ)給潛力空間變異模擬

45、There weren't any Georges among the colored people in Piedmont. ─── 皮埃蒙特的黑人中沒有任何人叫喬治。

46、The mode of slipping along the eastern Liupanshan piedmont fault zone is analyzed through both macroscopic and microscopic investigations. ─── 本文采用宏觀與微觀相結(jié)合的方法,研究六盤山東麓斷裂的滑動(dòng)方式。

47、The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers, ice caps, piedmont glaciers and medium- to small-scale valley glaciers. ─── 各次冰期的冰川性質(zhì)分別為大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。

48、Sinistral Strike-slip along Western End of the Piedmont Active Fault of Daqingshan Mountain, Inner Mongolia, China ─── 內(nèi)蒙大青山山前活動(dòng)斷裂帶西端左旋走滑現(xiàn)象

49、German rigs working in piedmont ─── 德國曼鉆在山前地帶施工

50、The 2004 Barolo Brunate is textbook Barolo from one of Piedmont’s most historic sites. ─── 2004年Barolo Brunate是從其中一個(gè)的課本Barolo山麓的古跡。

51、Loess deposits with varying thicknesses are widely distributed on intermontane valleys and piedmont zones on the northern side of the central Shandong mountainous region. ─── 摘要在魯中山地北側(cè)的山間谷地及山麓地帶廣泛發(fā)育厚度不一的黃土堆積。

52、These suggest the fixed sauce field sounding can be well used to piedmont prospecting with complex relief and geological structures. ─── 這表明固定源建場(chǎng)測(cè)深法在地形、地質(zhì)構(gòu)造復(fù)雜的山前帶也可取得良好的勘探效果。

53、Depositional Framework of Major Exploration Targets in the Piedmont Belt of North Tianshan Mountains in Junggar Basin ─── 準(zhǔn)噶爾盆地北天山山前主要勘探目的層沉積格架

54、This Docg wine is a member of today's Piedmont elite. ─── 佳薇干白葡萄酒是皮埃蒙特產(chǎn)區(qū)白葡萄酒的代表之作。

55、The aquifer of Taihang piedmont area has a huge water storage copacity and good regulation capability.It is a huge and potential underground reservoir. ─── 摘要海河流域太行山前地帶含水層具有巨大的儲(chǔ)水空間和良好的調(diào)節(jié)能力,是一巨大的潛在地下水庫。

56、A town of north-central North Carolina at the edge of the Piedmont west-northwest of Raleigh. It is the seat of the University of North Carolina (chartered 1789). Population, 38,719. ─── 查布爾希爾:美國北卡羅來納州中北部一城鎮(zhèn),位于羅利西北偏西的彼得蒙邊界。為北卡來羅來納大學(xué)(建于1789年)所在地。人口38,719

57、A town of north-central North Carolina at the edge of the Piedmont west-northwest of Raleigh. ─── 查布爾希爾:美國北卡羅來納州中北部一城鎮(zhèn),位于羅利西北偏西的彼得蒙邊界。

58、In the Piedmont cattle,the myotatin sequence contains a mis sense mutation in exon 3,resulting i n a substitution of tyrosine for an in variant cysteine in the mature region of the protein,which i s consistent with other reports previously. ─── 對(duì)PCR擴(kuò)增片段克隆、測(cè)序結(jié)果顯示,2頭皮埃蒙特牛均在編碼序列938處發(fā)生G到A突變,使編碼氨基酸由半胱氨酸變?yōu)槔野彼?符合前人檢測(cè)結(jié)果。

59、Nitrogen cycling and balance in agricultural ecosystem in piedmont plain of Taihang Mountains ─── 太行山前平原農(nóng)田生態(tài)系統(tǒng)氮素循環(huán)與平衡研究

60、A compressional tectonic setting occurs in the early episode of Middle Jurassic, which is characterized mainly by occurrence of piedmont thrust-compressional basins and thrusts at basinal margin. ─── 中侏羅世初期為擠壓環(huán)境,形成的主要地質(zhì)要素是山前沖斷收縮盆地及盆地邊緣的逆沖斷裂。

61、The party won 13% of the vote, up from 8% at the general election, and took the governorships of two northern regions, Veneto and Piedmont. ─── 該黨贏得了13%的選票,高于大選中的8%,而且還在北部拿下威尼托區(qū)和皮埃蒙特區(qū)的區(qū)長席位。

62、Abstract During the seismic prospecting in mountainous area or piedmont zones in western or southern China, rolling surface is the main factor affecting the imaging of complex structures. ─── 摘要 在我國西部或南方地區(qū)的山地、山前帶地震勘探中,起伏地表是影響復(fù)雜構(gòu)造成像的重要因素。

63、piedmont alluvial-pluvial fan ─── 沖洪積扇

64、You wouldn't know Piedmont anymore—my Piedmont, I mean—the town in West Virginia where I learned to be a colored boy. ─── 你再也不會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)皮埃蒙特了——我是說我的皮埃蒙特——西弗吉尼亞的一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn),在那里人們知道我是一個(gè)有色人種男孩。

65、Seismic exploration techniques suitable for piedmont thrust belts in western China ─── 我國西部山前沖斷帶油氣勘探地震技術(shù)的幾點(diǎn)思考

66、"Take a pinch of sun, a sprinkle of rain, cool nights and warm days, a vineyard of well-drained Piedmont soil, and an ancient tradition around the hilltop town of La Morra. ─── 取一縷陽光,少量的雨水,涼爽的夜晚,溫暖的白日,一個(gè)擁有良好的排水性能的山麓葡萄園,一個(gè)擁有古老傳統(tǒng)的洛曼拉山頂小鎮(zhèn)。

67、Index of precision fertilizer in high yield region of Taihang Piedmont ─── 太行山山前平原高產(chǎn)區(qū)精準(zhǔn)施肥指標(biāo)體系研究

68、For dining experiences at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, guests can choose from Italian cuisine of the Piedmont region at Barolo . ─── 北京麗思卡爾頓酒店為客人提供來自世界各地的美食體驗(yàn)。

69、He even braved the threat of a death sentence in Italy by smuggling rice out of Piedmont. ─── 他甚至冒著被判死刑的危險(xiǎn)從意大利皮埃葷特區(qū)把大米走私出來。

70、Kumtag desert is one of wild Bactrian camel distribution area in the world,the main topography unit there is piedmont alluvial floodplain gobi,desert and salt desert wetlands. ─── 庫姆塔格地區(qū)地貌形態(tài)單元以山前沖積洪積戈壁、沙漠、鹽漠濕地為主,是野駱駝分布的地區(qū)之一。

71、The new finding of two beds quartzitic conglomerate in the Ertix piedmont is sedimentary response with Altay nappe structure. ─── 在額爾齊斯山前地帶新發(fā)現(xiàn)兩套石英質(zhì)礫巖,是阿爾泰推覆構(gòu)造的沉積響應(yīng)。

72、The competition was held in the Piedmont region of Italy, the home of the red grape variety Barbera. ─── 比賽在意大利的皮德蒙特地區(qū)舉行,皮德蒙特是巴貝拉紅葡萄的故鄉(xiāng)。

73、The terrain is divided into three categories: the western, south-west of the mountains for the area in the central hills and mountains for the shallow areas in the Piedmont area to the east. ─── 地形分為三大類:西部、西南部為深山區(qū),中部為淺山區(qū)和丘陵區(qū),東部為山前平原區(qū)。

74、The waterfall one blue Trinidad, like a long river, it hung in piedmont vertical, spewing out of FeiXie volley. ─── 瀑布一碧千里,像一條長河垂直掛在山前,它凌空而出,噴涌飛瀉。

75、northwest piedmont of the Bogda Mountain ─── 博格達(dá)山

76、Paleoearthquakes on the north Xizhou piedmont fault show that the switch from the last stable to the recent active tectonic stage was abrupt and intense. ─── 從系舟山北麓斷裂的古地震研究來看,從末次穩(wěn)定期轉(zhuǎn)入最新活躍期是突然的、強(qiáng)烈的。

77、A foreland basin system may be divided into four structural elements such as piedmont fold-thrust belt, foredeep depression belt, slope belt and frontal uplift belt. ─── 在成藏研究中,前陸盆地可以劃分為前陸褶皺沖斷帶、前淵坳陷帶、斜坡帶和前緣隆起帶等4個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu)單元。


79、Aboveground biomass of Tamarix on piedmont plain of Tianshan Mountains south slope ─── 天山南麓山前平原檉柳灌叢地上生物量

80、In the piedmont zone of fault-block mountains the pediments and tectonic terraces developed during the same tectonic movement are possessed of a certain paragenetic relation. ─── 在斷塊山地的山麓地帶,同一期構(gòu)造運(yùn)動(dòng)形成的麓原面與構(gòu)造階地有一定的共生關(guān)系。

81、He concealed himself for some time with his bandits, the remnant of Gaspard Bes's troop, in the county of Nice,then he made his way to Piedmont, and suddenly reappeared in France, in the vicinity of Barcelonette. ─── 他領(lǐng)著他的徒眾,加斯帕爾·白的殘部,在尼斯伯爵領(lǐng)地里藏匿了一些時(shí)候,繼又轉(zhuǎn)到皮埃蒙特區(qū),忽而又在法國境內(nèi)巴塞隆內(nèi)特附近出現(xiàn)。

82、Leaching Loss of Nitrate During the Corn Season in Piedmont of Mountain Taihang ─── 太行山前平原夏玉米生長季硝態(tài)氮的運(yùn)移研究

83、There are three types: piedmont buried-water recharge, piedmont river and river valley buried-water recharge and plain area buried-water recharge. ─── 坎兒井的類型有三種:山前潛水補(bǔ)給型,山前河流河谷潛水補(bǔ)給型,平原潛水補(bǔ)給型。

84、Prospective areas and types of aquifer reserve in the Taihang piedmont plain ─── 太行山前平原地下調(diào)蓄遠(yuǎn)景區(qū)與類型

85、The Underground Reserve Capacity of the Taihang Piedmont Plain ─── 太行山前平原地下調(diào)蓄能力研究

86、Oil/gas resource is rich in piedmont of complex mountains that is one of major exploration fie-lds in the west of China. ─── 復(fù)雜山地山前帶油氣資源豐富,是中國西部地區(qū)的主要勘探領(lǐng)域之一。

87、north piedmont of the Kunlun Mountains ─── 昆侖山北麓

88、Piedmont College Athletics - Official site of the Lions with news items, related links, scores, statistics and game schedules. ─── 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網(wǎng)志,以及多個(gè)應(yīng)用項(xiàng)目。

89、On the nitrate-N accumulated characteristics in deep soil layer of winter wheat field in Taihang Piedmont. ─── 太行山山前平原冬小麥田深層土體硝態(tài)氮累積特征研究

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