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10-04 投稿


magnetometer 發(fā)音

英:[?m?ɡn??tɑ?m?t?r; ?m?ɡn??tɑ?m?t?r]  美:[?m?ɡn??t?m?t?(r)]

英:  美:

magnetometer 中文意思翻譯



magnetometer 詞性/詞形變化,magnetometer變形

名詞: magnetometry |形容詞: magnetometric |

magnetometer 常用詞組

vibrating sample magnetometer ─── 振動試樣磁力計,振動探針式磁強計

magnetometer 短語詞組

1、moving-magnet magnetometer ─── [電] 轉(zhuǎn)磁鐵磁強計

2、proton magnetometer ─── 質(zhì)子地磁儀

3、gulf magnetometer ─── 海灣磁強計

4、cryogenic magnetometer ─── 低溫磁力儀

5、saturable-core magnetometer ─── [電] 飽和鐵心磁強計

6、coil magnetometer ─── 感應(yīng)式磁強計

7、cesium magnetometer ─── 銫磁力儀

8、ground magnetometer ─── 地面磁強計, ─── 地面磁測儀

9、cesium vapor magnetometer ─── 銫蒸氣磁強計

10、aiborne magnetometer ─── 可見磁強計

11、null astatic magnetometer ─── 衡消無定向磁強計

12、torque coil magnetometer ─── [電] 轉(zhuǎn)矩線圈磁強計

13、electron-beam magnetometer ─── [電] 電子射束磁強計

14、Interplanetary Magnetometer Probe ─── 行星間磁力儀探頭

15、resistance magnetometer ─── [電] 電阻磁強計

16、generating magnetometer ─── [電] 起發(fā)地磁儀

17、rubidium-vapour magnetometer ─── 磁強計用Rubidium-va

18、differential magnetometer ─── [電] 差分作用磁強計

19、astatic magnetometer ─── 無定向磁力儀

magnetometer 相似詞語短語

1、cathetometers ─── n.[測]高差計;[測]測高儀

2、magnetometers ─── 磁力儀(magnetometer的復(fù)數(shù))

3、acetometer ─── 醋酸計

4、cathetometer ─── n.[測]高差計;[測]測高儀

5、magnetometric ─── adj.磁力的;測磁的

6、magnetomotive ─── adj.磁勢的;有磁力作用的;n.磁勢

7、magnetometry ─── n.[物]磁力測定;[物]測磁學(xué)

8、anemometer ─── n.風(fēng)力計,[氣象]風(fēng)速計

9、manometer ─── n.壓力計;[流]測壓計;血壓計

magnetometer 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Application of single chip microcontroller in digital magnetometer ─── 單片機在數(shù)字測磁儀中的應(yīng)用

2、The magnetic properties as mentioned above were measured in a steady magnetic field by an astatic magnetometer designed by- ourself. ─── 上述巖石磁性是由自行設(shè)計的靜態(tài)測量方法,用國產(chǎn)的數(shù)字式無定向磁力儀測定的。

3、metastable helium magnetometer ─── 亞穩(wěn)氦磁強計

4、Error analysis of Fourier of Z daily variation for ZNC intellec- tual faculties proton precession magnetometer ─── ZNC型智能磁力儀Z分量日變形態(tài)傅氏擬合誤差分析

5、Molecular Magnetometer Based on Faraday Effect of Gaseous NO_2 ─── NO_2分子Faraday效應(yīng)磁強計

6、CZM-3-proton magnetometer is to use hydrogen proton magnetic moment in the geomagnetic in the principle of free precession made of high sensitivity weak magnetic measurement devices. ─── CZM-3型質(zhì)子磁力儀是利用氫質(zhì)子磁矩在地磁中自由旋進的原理制成的高靈敏度弱磁測量裝置。

7、A dc SQUID Magnetometer with Nb-SiO_2-Nb Edge Tunnel Junction ─── 利用Nb-SiO_2-Nb邊緣隧道結(jié)的dc SQUID磁強計

8、Design of the low power consumption and high precision proton magnetometer ─── 低功耗高精度質(zhì)子旋進式磁力儀的設(shè)計

9、Tunneling magnetometer is a kind of MEMS magnetometer based on tunnel effect in quantum mechanics. ─── 隧穿磁強計是一種利用量子力學(xué)中隧道效應(yīng)原理研制的MEMS磁強計。

10、CZM-2A-proton magnetometer instrument by the host, the composition of the probe. ─── CZM -2A 型質(zhì)子磁力儀由儀器主機、探頭組成。

11、component proton precession magnetometer ─── 分量質(zhì)子旋進式磁力儀

12、This result is supported by the finding of a small magnetic anomaly above the same spot during our magnetometer survey. ─── 我們以磁力計探勘時,發(fā)現(xiàn)同一地點上方有些微磁力異常,也支持這個結(jié)果。

13、Pico Satellite Attitude Estimation with Magnetometer and Solar Panel Measurements ─── 三軸磁強計與太陽電池陣組合的皮衛(wèi)星姿態(tài)確定方法

14、Study on the improvement of observation quality of CTM-DI magnetometer ─── CTM-DI磁力儀觀測質(zhì)量的探討

15、Design of KF Algorithm for Aircraft Attitude Determination by Using Magnetometer ─── 應(yīng)用磁強計確定飛行器姿態(tài)的KF算法設(shè)計

16、On the Application of Optical Pumping Magnetometer to the Investigation in Optical Cable Routing ─── 光泵磁力儀在光纜路由調(diào)查中的應(yīng)用

17、The nuclear-magnetic-resonance magnetometer first went into service in airborne prospecting during the middle 1950s. ─── 核磁共振磁力儀第一次進入航空勘測是在五十年代中期。

18、Theoretically,the HTS RF SQUID magnetometer has superiority over the conventional inductive probe in TEM application. ─── 在理論上,高溫超導(dǎo)磁強計應(yīng)用在瞬變電磁法中具有優(yōu)勢。

19、Development of a Novel and Practical Minimized Vibrating Sample Magnetometer ─── 一種新型實用的小型振動樣品磁強計的研制

20、Light sensor, accelerometer, compass (magnetometer) and gyroscope. ─── 光線感應(yīng),加速感應(yīng),內(nèi)置羅盤及陀螺儀。

21、Operation environment and safeguard of digitized fluxgate magnetometer in Dalian geomagnetic station ─── 大連數(shù)字化磁通門磁力儀的工作環(huán)境與保護

22、Calibration of CTM-302 flux-gate magnetometer at GreatWall Staion Antarctica ─── 南極長城站地磁臺CTM-302磁通門磁力儀的標(biāo)定

23、Study of orientation techniques by geomagnetic component proton precession magnetometer ─── 分量質(zhì)子旋進磁力儀定向方法的研究

24、General purpose specification of filar suspension magnetometer ─── 懸絲磁力儀通用技術(shù)條件

25、According to measuring data of three axis magnetometer in the body frame, the attitude of the satellite in low orbit can be determined through Kalman Filter. ─── 利用三軸磁強計量測的地磁場矢量在儀表坐標(biāo)系中的分量,通過卡爾曼濾波器可以確定低軌道衛(wèi)星的姿態(tài)。

26、CCM-4-magnetometer to measure the magnetic field is the vertical component of the fluxgate magnetometer. ─── CCM-4 型磁力儀是測量地磁場垂直分量的磁通門磁力儀。

27、triaxial flux-gate magnetometer ─── 三軸飽和磁力儀

28、Joesting has used the magnetometer to locate gold in Alaska, taking advantage of the close association of gold and magnetite in gravels ─── 喬斯丁利用礫石中金子與磁鐵礦密切的共生關(guān)系,曾經(jīng)用磁力儀在阿拉斯加尋找金礦。

29、It's important to note that they went through all the security screenings - the magnetometer screening - just like all the other guests did, Donovan said. ─── 多諾萬說:“需要指出的是,他們和所有其他賓客一樣,通過了所有的安檢關(guān),包括磁力檢測?!?/p>

30、In the thesis, the test deviation of the system was analyzed in details especially for the vibrating sample magnetometer. ─── 本文還對測試系統(tǒng)的誤差進行了詳細(xì)的分析,其中著重討論了振動樣品磁強計的測試誤差。

31、By a vibrating sample magnetometer, we discovered that magnetic hysteresis loop of CAW in the shape of "S" at the room temperature. ─── 我們對碳原子線的磁學(xué)行為進行研究時,發(fā)現(xiàn)在室溫下碳原子線的磁滯回線為“S”形。

32、According to the measurements of three axis magnetometer in the body frame, the parameters of the orbit can be determined by using of Kalman Filter. ─── 利用三軸磁強計量測得地磁場矢量在儀表坐標(biāo)系中的分量,并通過卡爾曼濾波器來確定衛(wèi)星的軌道參數(shù)。

33、Design of a Torsional Resonant Magnetometer and Its Excitation, Signal Detection and Control Systems ─── 扭擺型諧振式磁強計及其激振與測控系統(tǒng)設(shè)計

34、The Design of a New Utility Diminutive Vibrating Sample Magnetometer ─── 一種新型實用小型振動樣品磁強計的研制

35、three component drillhole magnetometer ─── 三分量井中磁強計

36、fibre suspension vertical magnetometer ─── 懸絲垂直磁力儀

37、Study on Vacuum Performance of No-magnetic Liquid Nitrogen GFRP Dewar Used on SQUID Magnetometer ─── HTcSQUID磁強計用無磁液氮玻璃鋼杜瓦的真空性能研究

38、Keywords broad band seismometer,earthquake acquisition system,fluxgate magnetometer geomagnetic instruments calibration,digital geomagnetism observation; ─── 寬頻帶地震汁;地震數(shù)據(jù)采集器;磁通門磁力似;地磁儀器標(biāo)定;數(shù)字地磁觀測;

39、Analysis of observation error of the declination with bias current by vector proton precession magnetometer ─── 分量核旋儀偏置電流對磁偏角測量的影響分析

40、Specification for three-component borehole magnetometer ─── 三分量井中磁力儀技術(shù)條件

41、double nuclear resonance magnetometer ─── 雙重核共振磁力儀

42、magnetometer prospecting method ─── 強磁計堪探法

43、micropower fluxgate magnetometer ─── 微功率磁通量閘門磁強計

44、Therefore, the fluxgate magnetometer is widely used in many areas such as measurement of interplanetary magnetic field, magnetic prospecting, magnetic observation of the earth etc. ─── 所以,磁通門磁力儀在星際磁測、磁法勘探、地磁觀測等領(lǐng)域得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用。

45、optical pumping magnetometer ─── 光泵磁強計

46、To extend the search,especially for the wreck of the missing boat,a naw hydrographic vessel employed a proton magnetometer -- a powerful metal detector -- and side-scan sonar,which gives three-dimensional readings. ─── 為了擴大搜尋,特別是搜索失蹤船只的殘骸,一艘海軍水道測量船采用了質(zhì)子地磁儀,一種功率強大的金屬探測器和側(cè)掃描聲納。側(cè)掃描聲納可以給出三維讀數(shù)。

47、When the magnetometer is attached to the plane, compensation must be introduced in the aircraft itself ─── 當(dāng)磁力儀安置在飛機上時,必須對機身的影響加以補償。

48、miniature fluxgate magnetometer ─── 小型磁通閘門磁強計

49、three-component airborne magnetometer ─── 三分量航空磁強計

50、Technical improvement of the CHD-6 proton procession magnetometer ─── CHD-6核旋儀的技術(shù)改造

51、We apply Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Meter (MOKE), and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) to analyze magnetic properties. ─── 初步得到自旋幫浦效應(yīng)以及介面混合是額外造成阻尼系數(shù)增加的原因之一。

52、geomagnetic nuclear precession magnetometer ─── 地磁核旋


54、Algorithm for Satellite Autonomous Navigation Using Magnetometer ─── 一種基于磁強計的衛(wèi)星自主導(dǎo)航方法研究

55、Using a light shining on a suspended mirror with a magnet attached to it is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to make a magnetometer. ─── 用一個燈照著懸掛的鏡子,鏡子上附著一塊磁鐵。這是制作磁力計最簡單也最便宜的方式。

56、three-component magnetometer ─── 三分量測磁儀

57、RD316 is a flux-gate type of magnetometer which incorporates a unique patented technology that enables the factory to balance the magnetic sensing coils to a finite condition. ─── 井蓋 / 閥門探測儀 RD316 采用了專利的磁場平衡技術(shù),能探測到磁性物體周圍的磁場。


59、The Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) and Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetometer (SQUID) were used to measure the resistance and magnetic properties of Co nanowire. ─── 利用物理性質(zhì)測量系統(tǒng)(PPMS)與超導(dǎo)量子干涉測量儀(SQUID)測量鈷奈米線的電阻與磁性和溫度的關(guān)系。

60、differential nuclear magnetic resonance magnetometer ─── 差動式核磁共振磁強計

61、The structure, crystallite size and magnetic properties of powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometer. ─── 利用X射線衍射儀和振動樣品磁強計對樣品的結(jié)構(gòu)、晶粒尺寸和磁性進行了測量和分析。

62、The authors deal theoretically with the advantages of applying HTc RF SQUID Magnetometer in Transient Electromagnetic method(TEM). ─── 在河北固安以高溫超導(dǎo)磁強計做探頭和使用傳統(tǒng)感應(yīng)線圈做探頭在瞬變電磁法 (TEM)上進行了野外對比試驗。

63、Theoretically, the HTS RF SQUID magnetometer has superiority over the conventional inductive probe in TEM application. ─── 在理論上,高溫超導(dǎo)磁強計應(yīng)用在瞬變電磁法中具有優(yōu)勢。

64、Extended Kalman Filter for IMU Attitude Estimation Using Magnetometer, MEMS Accelerometer and Gyroscope ─── 利用磁強計及微機械加速度計和陀螺的姿態(tài)估計擴展卡爾曼濾波器

65、Keywords six arm dipmeter tool;testing device;conductivity;hole diameter;hole pressure;acceleration component;magnetometer component; ─── 六臂地層傾角電子儀;電子儀測試裝置;地層電導(dǎo)率;井徑;井內(nèi)壓力;加速度分量;磁力計分量;

66、component nuclear precession magnetometer ─── 分量核子旋進磁力儀

67、Based on the prior knowledge of flight navigation control, a combined navigation system is achieved by integration of DGPS, magnetometer and atmosphere data computer. ─── 基于飛行導(dǎo)航控制的先驗知識,對DGPS、磁航向計、大氣數(shù)據(jù)計算機等飛行導(dǎo)航傳感器獲取的飛行狀態(tài)信息進行綜合處理,實現(xiàn)了組合導(dǎo)航控制。

68、The optical pump magnetometer has the advantage of high sensitivity and resolution . ─── 光泵磁強計具有高靈敏度、高分辨力的優(yōu)點。

69、triaxial fluxgate magnetometer ─── 三分量磁通門傳感器

70、Using Two-Step Regression Iterative Algorithm in Calibrating Digital Magnetometer's Error ─── 應(yīng)用兩步回歸迭代算法校正數(shù)字式磁羅經(jīng)誤差

71、The magnetometer will study the magnetic properties of Mars to gain insight into the interior of the planet ─── 地磁儀研究火星的磁場特性,以了解該星體的內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)。

72、Method of earth's magnetic field fluctuation compensated by Cs magnetometer ─── Cs光泵磁強計補償?shù)卮抛兓姆椒?/p>

73、FHD-1 vector proton magnetometer ─── FHD-1

74、In fact, scientists from Milan, Italy have shown that tissues may exhibit the same Josephson effect that is the basis for the SQUID magnetometer. ─── 事實上,科學(xué)家從米蘭,意大利表明,該組織可能會出現(xiàn)同樣的約瑟夫森效應(yīng)是為SQUID磁強計的基礎(chǔ)。

75、To extend the search, especially for the wreck of the missing boat, a naw hydrographic vessel employed a proton magnetometer -- a powerful metal detector -- and side-scan sonar, which gives three-dimensional readings. ─── 為了擴大搜尋,特別是搜索失蹤船只的殘骸,一艘海軍水道測量船采用了質(zhì)子地磁儀,一種功率強大的金屬探測器和側(cè)掃描聲納。 側(cè)掃描聲納可以給出三維讀數(shù)。

76、proton precession magnetometer ─── 中子進動磁強計

77、application of the DI magnetometer ─── DI儀應(yīng)用

78、This result is supported by the finding of a small magnetic anomaly above the same spot during our magnetometer survey. ─── 我們以磁力計探勘時,發(fā)現(xiàn)同一地點上方有些微磁力異常,也支持這個結(jié)果。

79、Anti-jamming Technique for the Observation System of FHD-Component Nuclear Precession Magnetometer ─── FHD分量核旋儀觀測系統(tǒng)的抗干擾技術(shù)


81、Location of mobile ship based on stillness scalar magnetometer ─── 基于靜止標(biāo)量磁強計的運動艦船定位問題的研究

82、Analysis of common faults of CTM-DI magnetometer and the matters needing attation in operation ─── CTM-DI磁力儀操作時應(yīng)注意的事項與常見故障分析


84、Study on the influence of the directional error of the vector coil on the declination of FHD vector proton precession magnetometer ─── FHD磁力儀分量線圈裝置誤差對磁偏角觀測的影響分析

85、Due to alternating amplification and deep feed-back loop, the stability and linearity of the magnetometer are promoted. ─── 采用交變模擬信號處理電路、深度負(fù)反饋網(wǎng)路提升儀器的穩(wěn)定性和線性度;

86、During the aeromagnetic surveys, a magnetometer hangs on a rope some meters behind the plane in order to avoid the plane's magnetic field. ─── 在航磁調(diào)查飛行中,磁力儀被一條幾米長的繩子拖掛在飛機尾部,其目的是為了避免由飛機造成的磁場影響。

87、Analysis of observation Error by geomagnetic component proton precession magnetometer ─── 分量質(zhì)子旋進磁力儀觀測誤差分析

88、cesium optical-pump marine magnetometer ─── 光泵磁力儀

89、Overhauser's marine magnetometer ─── Overhauser海洋磁力儀

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