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10-03 投稿


minima 發(fā)音


英:  美:

minima 中文意思翻譯



minima 短語詞組

1、dosis necrotisans minima ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死限量, 最小壞死量

2、Limnocryptes minima ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] Limnocryptes最小值

3、maxima/minima ─── [電] 最大/最小

4、below minima ─── 低于最 ─── 低值

5、thalassemia minima ─── [醫(yī)] 極輕型地中海貧血

6、opuntia rufida minima montrose ─── 蒙特羅斯最小流氓

7、minima principle ─── 投資決策的最小風(fēng)險原則

8、siliqua minima ─── 小西力克

9、Nocardia minima ─── [醫(yī)] 小諾卡氏菌

10、Taenia minima ─── [醫(yī)] 短膜殼絳蟲

11、Arnoseris minima ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 最小阿諾斯菌

12、capitis deminutio minima ─── [法] 人格小減等

minima 詞性/詞形變化,minima變形


minima 相似詞語短語

1、minimart ─── n.便利店;很晚才打烊的雜貨鋪

2、minicam ─── n.小型攝像機,迷你攝像機

3、minicar ─── n.[車輛]微型小車

4、minim ─── n.量滴(液量最小單位);極小的東西;二分音符;adj.最小的;微小的

5、minimal ─── adj.最低的;最小限度的

6、minibar ─── n.迷你吧(旅館房間內(nèi)的小冰箱)

7、minicab ─── n.微型出租汽車

8、minims ─── n.量滴(液量最小單位);極小的東西;二分音符;adj.最小的;微小的

9、minimax ─── n.極大極??;使對方得點減到最低以使自己得最高分的戰(zhàn)略

minima 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Minimum Bachelor degree at engine or turbine. ─── 內(nèi)燃機專業(yè),本科以上學(xué)歷。

2、Karl makes close to the league minimum of $412,000. ─── 卡爾的是接近聯(lián)盟最低的$412,000。

3、The demand for money can be brought to a minimum. ─── 對貨幣的需求就會下降到最低水平。

4、"Minimum refresh rate of the video controller in Hertz. ─── "該視頻控制器的以赫茲表示的最小刷新速率。

5、Grammar problems will be at a minimum. ─── 基本不犯語法錯誤。

6、If you send your cable full rate to Paris, it's20 cents per word, minimum charge one dollar. ─── 如果您全價打海底電報到巴黎,那是每個字20美分,1美元起付。

7、There was always a minimum payment required. ─── 公司要求你付最低數(shù)額。

8、Will 100 yuan be enough for a minimum deposit? ─── 100元作最低存款額夠嗎?

9、Thus, we must be sitting at a minimum. ─── 因此,我們宇宙的隱藏空間必定處于一個最小值上。

10、That is what happens at minima or maxima. ─── 這個就是最小值或最大值發(fā)生的時候的情況了。

11、The value is less than the minimum allowable date. ─── 值小于允許的最小日期。

12、Why is There an Evaporation Minimum at the Equator? ─── 為什么在赤道出現(xiàn)蒸發(fā)極小值?

13、Box should be a minimum of 1 and 1/2 walls (W/D). ─── 因為不清楚你的行業(yè),從字面上看,可能是“盒子的壁厚最少要1.5(單位不詳)。”

14、Passengers may only take aboard the aircraft a minimum of luggage. ─── 乘客上飛機時,只可以帶最少量的行李。

15、MAP sensor input below minimum acceptable voltage. ─── MAP感知器輸入低于最小可接受電壓。

16、Our minimum deposit for a savings account is $ 50. ─── 我們這兒儲蓄存款的最低存額是50 美元。

17、Three low-lying minima were found. ─── 發(fā)現(xiàn)了三個能量極小點。

18、To Minimum inventory spare parts to save cost. ─── 減少備品的最小安全庫存。

19、Is a minimum initial deposit required? ─── 開戶有最低存款要求嗎?

20、The standard minimum allowance is 800 yuan. ─── 其中,津貼的最低標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為800元。

21、No, solutions are not quite guaranteed to be absolute minima or maxima. ─── 不,這些解不能保證是絕對的最小值或最大值。

22、Minimum 2-3 years working experience. ─── 工程方面專業(yè),本科學(xué)歷,2-3年工作經(jīng)驗。

23、You're inside minimum vectoring range. ─── 你已經(jīng)超出引導(dǎo)范圍。

24、"Log this event type at the minimum detail level. ─── "將該事件類型用最低詳細(xì)層次記錄。

25、The thermometer reached the minimum for the year. ─── 寒暑表已降到當(dāng)年的最低記錄。

26、This function is used to determine the subrange minima of a measurement result. ─── 子區(qū)間最小值搜索:該功能得到測量結(jié)果的子區(qū)間最小值表。

27、A standard procedure ensured that orders were relayed with minimum delay to all sub-units in the division. ─── 一種標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的程序保證各種命令可在最短的時間內(nèi)下達到師屬各部門。

28、Let's keep the questions to a minimum. ─── 我們把問題化小吧。

29、Minimum two-year relevant work experiences. ─── 兩年以上相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗。

30、Costs should be kept to a minimum. ─── 成本應(yīng)保持在最低限度。

31、You must practice each day for a minimum of 30 minutes. ─── 你每天必須最少練習(xí)三十分鐘。

32、Minimum one year experience in antenna design. ─── 一年以上的天線設(shè)計經(jīng)驗。

33、A minimum of 3 years experience in stamping design. ─── 3年以上沖壓與拉伸模具的設(shè)計經(jīng)驗。

34、We refer to this minimum as the MOQ. ─── 我們了解到這個最低數(shù)量與MOQ一樣。

35、Japan does not have a national minimum wage, but rather a local system which tends to set minima at very low levels. ─── 日本沒有全國統(tǒng)一的最低工資制,而有把最低工資水平定得很低的地方制度。

36、The minimum z-value of the clipping volume. ─── 剪輯體的最小z值。

37、She just scraped into university with the minimum qualifications. ─── 她剛剛及格,勉強進了大學(xué)。

38、We built the plant at top speed and minimum cost. ─── 我們以最低的投資,最高的速度修建了該工廠。

39、The minimum lease term is one year. ─── 合同的最短期限為一年。

40、Payout button will appear when you reach minimum. ─── 一個框,意思是當(dāng)你達到最小支付條件時,你就可以點擊它了。

41、What is our minimum order qty for Kester products? ─── 凱斯特產(chǎn)品的最少訂購數(shù)量是多少?

42、Minimum 1 years experience in accountant. ─── 一年以上會計工作經(jīng)驗.

43、As a new machine learning method, SVM can solve the small sample, nonlinear, high dimension and local minima, the actual problem. ─── 作為一種新的機器學(xué)習(xí)方法,SVM能較好地解決小樣本、非線性、高維數(shù)和局部極小點等實際問題。

44、Is there a minimum GMAT score to apply CEIBS? ─── 中歐有沒有規(guī)定最低的GMAT申請分?jǐn)?shù)線?

45、The minimum length required for a password. ─── 密碼所要求的最小長度。

46、Compared with gradient-type methods, the ant colony optimization is able to converge to global minima for estimating model parameters. ─── 與傳統(tǒng)的基于梯度的優(yōu)化方法相比較,對于參數(shù)識別反問題蟻群算法能夠收斂到全局最優(yōu)解。

47、P034 [Minimum Freq] can be set anywhere. ─── 參數(shù)P034[最小頻率]可以在任何地方進行設(shè)置.

48、Repairing your car will cost a minimum of 100 dollars. ─── 修理你的汽車最低限度要100美元。

49、We have pare down our expenses to a bare minimum. ─── 我們已最大限度地削減了開支。

50、The minimum number of times the sequence can occur. ─── 序列可出現(xiàn)的最小次數(shù)。

51、You slow down to minimum your sink rate. ─── 你減速以達到最小的下降率。

52、Engineers try to design new nuclear power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. ─── 工程師們試圖設(shè)計新的核電廠以盡量減少對環(huán)境的危害。

53、Will 200 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit? ─── 二百美元作最低存款額夠了嗎?

54、TPB considered the minimum reclamation option. ─── 城規(guī)會考慮最小填海范圍方案。

55、He passed the exams with the minimum of effort. ─── 他沒費什么勁就通過了考試。

56、Connectivity, maxima and minima, and other graph and matrix concepts are explained here. ─── 連通性、最大通路和最小通路以及其他圖和矩陣的概念在本章中都進行了介紹。

57、The minimum number of times the choice can occur. ─── 可進行選擇的最小次數(shù)。

58、A cyclic code with minimum redundancy used to check errors in a set of characters. ─── 一種用于檢查一組字符的錯誤、并且具有最小冗余度的循環(huán)碼。

59、The study of slopes of curves, accelerations, maxima, and minima by means of derivatives and differentials. ─── 通過導(dǎo)數(shù)和微分來研究曲線斜率、加速度、最大值和最小值的一門學(xué)科導(dǎo)數(shù)

60、Expenditure on road repair has been cut to an irreducible minimum. ─── 修路費已削減到不能再減的最低限度了。

61、Minimum Credits Required for Class:26 crs. ─── 完成學(xué)業(yè)最低學(xué)分要求:26學(xué)分。

62、But even for such products we have minimum quality requirements that must be met. ─── 即使是這些產(chǎn)品,我們也規(guī)定了必須達到的最低質(zhì)量要求。

63、Minimum quantity of ozone friendly refrigerant. ─── 填充量少的環(huán)保型冷媒。

64、He was content with a minimum of comfort. ─── 他滿足于最起碼的舒適。

65、The value you specify is used as a minimum value. ─── 您指定的值用作最小值。

66、The distance of the contour from its axis of rotation continuously varies through alternating maxima and minima. ─── 這是自其旋轉(zhuǎn)軸輪廓的距離不斷變化,通過交替極值。

67、At a minimum, a theme will contain skins. ─── 主題將至少包含外觀。

68、Today's minimum temperature was 5℃ . ─── 今天最低溫度是5度。

69、Keep dialogs, especially modeless dialogs, to a minimum. ─── 將對話框,尤其是非模式對話框減至最少。

70、What minimum runs do you want for new shapes? ─── 關(guān)于新式的產(chǎn)品你們希望最低的訂貨量是多少?

71、Minimum percentage of free space in a block. ─── 塊中可用空間的最小百分比。

72、You will be paid once per month with no minimum !. ─── 你將每月得到一次支付,沒有最小支付額。

73、Since output equals input minus losses, the engineer must kept the losses to a minimum. ─── 因為輸出等于輸入減去損耗,工程師必須使損耗降低到最小。

74、What is the minimum possible clinker content? ─── 可能的最低熟料含量是多少?

75、And when I did, I tried to keep it to a minimum. ─── 吃的時候,我也要保持在最小量。

76、Most people carry a minimum amount of med pay. ─── 大多數(shù)人只需承擔(dān)很少的醫(yī)療費用。

77、Minimum grooming of his short coat is necessary. ─── 少量的梳他的毛發(fā)是需要的。

78、Minimum 80% in GRE subject test. ─── GRE專業(yè)科目測驗必須達80%以上.

79、Keep Outgoing Links Off Of Your Page To a Minimum. ─── 盡量不要在你的頁面上放置外部鏈接。

80、Works with a minimum of supervision. ─── 工作主動性強。

81、Chaotic search can effectively jump out of local minima but it has poor fine search ability. ─── 混沌搜索能夠有效跳出局部極小,然而其細(xì)搜索能力不足;

82、They have trim their staff to the absolute minimum. ─── 它們把員工人數(shù)削減到最低限度。


84、A:Okay.Is there a minimum balance? ─── 好的,請問有起存金額嗎?

85、Well, I've kept your obligations down to a minimum. ─── 唉,我把你的負(fù)擔(dān)減少到最低限度。

86、Make the minimum storage of the spare parts. ─── 制定備品備件的最小儲備量。

87、Reduce to your minimum approach speed. ─── 減至你的最小進近速度。

88、He smoke a minimum of ten cigarettes a day. ─── 他每天最少抽10支煙。

89、The absolute minimum allowed value. ─── 允許的絕對最小值。

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