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10-03 投稿


nearsightedness 發(fā)音

英:[?n?r?sa?t?dn?s]  美:[?n???sa?t?dn?s]

英:  美:

nearsightedness 中文意思翻譯



nearsightedness 短語詞組

1、nearsightedness is a defect ─── 近視是一種缺陷

nearsightedness 反義詞


nearsightedness 詞性/詞形變化,nearsightedness變形

名詞: nearsightedness |副詞: nearsightedly |

nearsightedness 同義詞

myopic | short-sighted | owlish | shortsighted

nearsightedness 相似詞語短語

1、farsightedness ─── n.[眼科]遠視

2、sharp-sightedness ─── 視力敏銳

3、clearsightedness ─── 清明

4、far-sightedness ─── 遠視

5、delightedness ─── 高興

6、benightedness ─── 愚昧無知

7、clear-sightedness ─── 視力

8、shortsightedness ─── n.近視

9、near-sightedness ─── n.近視眼;目光短淺

nearsightedness 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Does nearsightedness frequency arrive how does change come long video? ─── 短視頻到長視頻是怎么變化來的?

2、Cause of Nearsightedness of the Youth and Countermeasure Research of Diet ─── 青少年近視的成因及飲食對策探究

3、My nearsightedness makes me especially glad for corrective lenses. ─── 我的近視令我特別珍惜這些能矯正視力的鏡片。

4、One current theory holds that nearsightedness might be caused by reading in dim light or holding books too close to the face. ─── 一名現(xiàn)任理論認為,近視可能造成閱讀弱光或控股的書籍太接近了面子。

5、For almost a century, eye exercises have been promoted as a way to strengthen vision and ease nearsightedness and astigmatism, much like exercise for the body trims fat and improves health. ─── 幾乎近一個世紀,眼球運動被當作是一種加強視力、緩解近視眼和閃光的一種方法,就象是為了減肥和改善健康狀況的身體鍛煉。

6、Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when the shape of the eye is too long or the curve of the cornea is too extreme. ─── 近視或者近視眼,發(fā)生,當眼睛的形狀是太長的或角膜的曲線是太極端的。

7、Under photograph comparing, the very much today person that do poineering work too nearsightedness and blundering, lack mission sense. ─── 李開復認為,蓋茨開創(chuàng)了軟件產(chǎn)業(yè),外界對微軟與蓋茨的所有爭議,都掩蓋不了這個功勞。

8、In recent years, the nearsightedness rate of primary and middle school students is showing an upward tendency, which has caused wide public concern. ─── 近年來,中小學生視力不良檢出率呈上升趨勢,其視力健康問題已經(jīng)引起越來越廣泛的關(guān)注。

9、Nearsightedness and farsightedness are both the result of problems with the flexibility of the lens. This is fixed with glasses, or contact lenses. ─── 近視和遠視都是因為晶狀體失去了彈性,矯正的辦法是戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡。

10、People with a low grade of nearsightedness tend to have the most success with refractive surgery. ─── 要期望視覺在接下來的兩到三個月后改善。

11、Nearsightedness is sharp vision for things that are close and blurred vision for things that are farther away. ─── 所謂近視是指當物體在較近的距離時看的比較清楚,一旦距離稍遠一些,視力就變得比較模糊。

12、Nearsightedness?Good, I adjust, I adjust biggest:"Could you not see?" ─── 近視眼?好,我調(diào),我調(diào)最大:"你看不到嗎?"

13、Nearsightedness does not, however, prevent bass from observing above the surface of the water on calm days. ─── 近視不,但是,防止低音觀察冷靜天以上的水面。

14、Objective To understand the differences between retinoscopy andautorefractor in children and adolescents' nearsightedness. ─── 目的了解兒童近視檢影驗光與自動驗光儀驗光的差異。

15、After ten minutes, the doctor sure Harry is nearsightedness, have to wear glasses. ─── (之后過了十幾分鐘,醫(yī)生確定哈利近視了,必須配眼鏡。)

16、Please take it easy.Serious nearsightedness and aging probably contribute to atrophy of retina. ─── 深度近視眼加上年齡,大約是導致視網(wǎng)膜萎縮的原因。

17、Recognize the tradition and dange of the nearsightedness culture and pay attention to the innovation in philosophy and social sciences ─── 認清短視文化傳統(tǒng)及其危害重視哲學社會科學的理論創(chuàng)新

18、the procedure effectively corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. ─── 有效地矯正近視、遠視和散光。

19、Eye's question and is not only the nearsightedness, color blindness is such simple; ─── 眼睛的問題并不僅僅是近視、色盲這么簡單;

20、But is this appearance for a part lets not have the nearsightedness, the tooth in vain neat Li Xin you to be fed up the suffering. ─── 但是就是這個扮相讓沒有近視、牙齒又白又整齊的李欣汝吃盡苦頭。

21、Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).PRK is sometimes used if you have a low to moderate degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness, or if you have nearsightedness with astigmatism. ─── 屈光性角膜切除術(shù)(PRK):當你有低于中等度數(shù)的近視或者遠視,或者近視加散光,有時會選擇PRK。

22、myopia (nearsightedness): difficulty in seeing distant objects clearly; ─── 近視眼:看不清遠處物體;

23、Secondly, they have witnessed the diminishing of social justice, the fading away of nobility, the increase of nearsightedness and snobbery, and fraud everywhere. ─── 其次是:感受到社會正義的日漸消亡,君子之風的日漸遠去,短視近利,詐虞日盛。

24、Over the short term, LASIK has been shown to be very effective in reducing mild to moderate nearsightedness (myopia). ─── 在短期內(nèi),對于緩解輕度至中度近視,LASIK手術(shù)已被證明是十分有效的。

25、There is no doubt that nearsightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country. ─── 毫無疑問,近視在我國的年輕人中是一個嚴重的問題。

26、What is the reality for a child with undetected vision impairments, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed-eyes), or severe nearsightedness or farsightedness? ─── 如果一個孩子患上了未覺察到的視力缺陷,諸如弱視,斜視或嚴重的近視或遠視,會有什么后果呢?

27、Myopia (nearsightedness) is an abnormal elongation of the eye, causing distant objects to appear blurred. ─── 近視是視力不正常的伸長,使遠距離的物體模糊不清。

28、LASIK eye surgery may be an option for you if you have nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism. ─── 如果你有近視、遠視、或者散光,LASIK眼科手術(shù)是種選擇。

29、Among children who spend the same amount of time outside, the amount of near work has no correlation with nearsightedness. ─── 孩子花的時間等量情況下,近視和所做的“純工作”量是沒有相關(guān)性的。

30、Now it doesn't matter if we inherited nearsightedness - we wear eyeglasses. ─── 現(xiàn)在,對于遺傳近視眼的人來說這再也不是什么問題了-因為我們可以配戴眼鏡。

31、False. Some people have been led to believe that wearing contact lenses will permanently correct nearsightedness so that eventually they won't need either contacts or eyeglasses. ─── 錯.有些人被誘導而相信佩戴隱形眼鏡可以永久性地矯正近視,以至于最終不需要隱形眼鏡或者玻璃眼鏡.

32、475 degree nearsightedness for right eye and 225 degree nearsightedness for left eye. ─── 右眼四百七十五度近視,左眼二百二十五度。

33、The doctor uses a microscope with an adjustable light source to check the eyes for lens dislocation, nearsightedness, cataracts, or a detached retina. ─── 醫(yī)生使用一臺顯微鏡和一盞可調(diào)的光源來檢查眼睛是否存在晶狀體異位、近視、白內(nèi)障或視網(wǎng)膜脫落。

34、Information blemish, behavior of the blame reason impulse of adventurer, nearsightedness and anticipate agglutinant etc is foamy of rationality of financial capital blame main contributing factor. ─── 信息缺陷,投機者的非理性沖動、短視行為和預期粘性等是金融資產(chǎn)非合理性泡沫的重要成因。

35、A visual defect in which distant objects appear blurred because their images are focused in front of the retina rather than on it;nearsightedness. ─── 近視一種視覺缺陷,由于它們的圖像在視網(wǎng)膜前聚焦而不是在視網(wǎng)膜上,所以遠處物體看起來模糊不清的

36、He made the nearsightedness to rectify the surgery, has cast off the goggles, in addition, his style of playing hale and hearty many, often had the excellent performance. ─── 他做了近視矯正手術(shù),摘掉了護目眼鏡,除此之外,他的球風硬朗了不少,不時有出色表現(xiàn)。

37、student nearsightedness ─── 學生近視

38、There is no evidence that wearing contact lenses produces a permanent improvement in vision or prevents nearsightedness from getting worse. ─── 沒有任何證據(jù)表明佩戴隱形眼鏡在視力方面起到永久改善的作用,或者能阻止近視加深.

39、A visual defect in which distant objects appear blurred because their images are focused in front of the retina rather than on it; nearsightedness. ─── 近視一種視覺缺陷,由于它們的圖像在視網(wǎng)膜前聚焦而不是在視網(wǎng)膜上,所以遠處物體看起來模糊不清的。

40、Eye doctors in shanghai found out recently that the nearsightedness among primary and middle school students has something to do with the color of the paper in their textbooks and notebooks. ─── 最近上海的眼科醫(yī)生發(fā)現(xiàn)小學和中學生的近視與課本和練習本所用紙張的顏色有關(guān)。

41、Nearsightedness is preventable. Did you know that your vision goes negative with your concave (minus) eyeglasses........ ─── 近視本來可以避免的,恐怕你不知道,近視眼鏡其實是你近視不斷加深的幫兇......

42、The nutrition plays a role in the prevention of nearsightedness. ─── 這種營養(yǎng)劑對預防近視有一定作用。

43、"Contact lenses can prevent nearsightedness from getting worse." True or False? ─── 隱形眼鏡可以阻止近視加深,對還是錯?

44、But a debate lingers among some scientists who say that myopia (or nearsightedness) may be partially caused by environmental factors during childhood. ─── 對此大家爭論不休,有些科學家認為近視(或遠視)可能部分是兒時的環(huán)境因素所致。

45、Above functions thoroughly overcome the weakness of common desk lamp that easily causes eye's fatigue.If eyes don't get tired,of course,there is no nearsightedness. ─── 以上的功能從而徹底克服了一般臺燈容易引起眼睛疲勞的弱點,眼睛如果不疲勞,自然就不會近視。

46、Is the practice of business school of justice black work to overturn to the tradition teachs the pioneering work of mode or succumb the nearsightedness at reality? ─── 義烏工商學院的做法是顛覆傳統(tǒng)教育模式的創(chuàng)舉還是屈服于現(xiàn)實的短視?

47、Objective To investigate the status of nearsightedness in elementary and middle school students,and to provide the evidence for preventing students' nearsightedness. ─── 目的了解中小學生近視狀況,為防治學生近視提供依據(jù)。

48、And at the 11th grade, when they are preparing for the college entrance examination, 87 percent have bad vision, most of them suffering from nearsightedness, he said. ─── 在高三年級,當他們?yōu)楦呖紲蕚涞臅r候,87%的學生視力有問題,大多數(shù)都是近視。

49、Should genetic engineers fix nearsightedness, say, or a propensity to put on weight or lose hair? ─── 比如說,遺傳工程師應當不應當矯正近視或矯正易于發(fā)胖、掉頭發(fā)的體質(zhì)呢?

50、Nearsightedness occurs when the eyeball is slightly longer than normal or when the cornea curves too sharply, causing light rays to focus in front of the retina and blurring distant vision. ─── 近視是眼球前后徑輕微的變長或者角膜彎曲度大,引起光線聚焦于視網(wǎng)膜前,視遠模糊;

51、at the army conscription, he was considered unfit for the service because of his nearsightedness. ─── 部隊征兵時,他因近視而被認為不宜服役。

52、My nearsightedness must wear tears to see life clearly ─── 我的近視必須戴上眼淚才能看清生活

53、Keywords atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS);element;nearsightedness; ─── 原子吸收法;元素;近視眼;

54、Ceng Xiangquan: Now is such, all network companies still have company of resources of a few manpower, the thing that is nearsightedness now actually is much. ─── 曾湘泉: 現(xiàn)在是這樣,所有的網(wǎng)絡(luò)公司還有一些人力資源公司,其實現(xiàn)在都是短視的東西多。

55、LASIK surgery may be used to correct mild to moderate nearsightedness. ─── LASIK手術(shù)可用于糾正輕度至中度的近視。

56、And some view is: Will turn on the light to sleep for a long time will possibly induce the nearsightedness, even if because will be away from the eyelid, the eyeball still could be photosensitive. ─── 另有一個說法是:長期開燈睡覺可能會誘發(fā)近視,因為即使隔著眼皮,眼球仍能感光。

57、The light rays will focus either in front of or behind the retina resulting in "refractive errors" such as nearsightedness farsightedness and astigmatism. ─── 在光線的重點不是在前面或后面的視網(wǎng)膜,在“屈光不正,如近視,遠視和散光”造成的。

58、The newly bespectacled Phil Hughes was also making the rounds, showing off the prescription glasses that will help cure his slight nearsightedness the next time he takes a mound. ─── 而帶著新眼鏡的休斯,到處繞來繞去,不時炫耀著他那副有度數(shù)的眼鏡。據(jù)說那樣子對于他下次先發(fā)時,有助于矯正他些微的近視。

59、what does nearsightedness have to do with you working yourself to death on your job ? ─── 為什么?近視跟你工作賣命有什么關(guān)系?

60、An eye abnormality, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, resulting from faulty refractive ability of the eye. ─── 屈光不正因眼的折射力缺陷造成的一種不正常的情況,如近視、遠視或散光

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