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10-03 投稿


monograph 發(fā)音

英:[?mɑ?n?ɡr?f]  美:[?m?n?ɡrɑ?f]

英:  美:

monograph 中文意思翻譯




monograph 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 專題著作,專題論文vt. 寫關(guān)于…的專著

monograph 詞性/詞形變化,monograph變形


monograph 短語詞組

1、monograph tablets ─── 專題片

2、technical monograph ─── 技術(shù)專著, ─── 技術(shù)專論

monograph 相似詞語短語

1、sonograph ─── n.[聲]聲譜儀

2、phonograph ─── n.留聲機;[電子]電唱機;vt.用留聲機灌音;用留聲機放音

3、monographic ─── adj.專題論文的

4、monographs ─── n.[圖情]專著;專題論文(monograph的復(fù)數(shù));v.寫專題著作;寫專題論文(monograph的第三人稱單數(shù))

5、sonography ─── n.超聲波掃描術(shù);超聲波檢查法

6、monographer ─── n.專題論文作者

7、monographed ─── n.專題著作,專題論文;vt.寫關(guān)于…的專著

8、sonographs ─── n.[聲]聲譜儀

9、monography ─── n.專論;???/p>

monograph 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、March 2001,"Monograph on Tibetan Culture at Jiuzhaigou"published by Sichuan Nationalities Publishing House. ─── 2001年3月,出版學(xué)術(shù)專著《九寨溝藏族文化散論》,四川民族出版社出版。

2、monograph teaching ─── 專題式教學(xué)

3、Companies wishing to market OTC drugs that do not meet the monograph requirements can submit and receive approval of a new drug application. ─── 如果制藥公司希望標記OTC但沒有達到專著要求的,均可以提交新藥上市的申請和獲得注冊新藥的許可。

4、She is the author of numerous books, including a monograph on the works of Vanessa Beecroft. ─── 作者簡介 Marcella Beccaria is curator at the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art.

5、The document is known as an "audio monograph. " It begins with normal radio calls shortly after eight o'clock. ─── 這份新公布的文件被稱為“音頻專輯”,它從八點后不久的正常廣播開始。

6、But up to now, there is no domestic monograph on it. ─── 但到目前為止,國內(nèi)尚無研究“互文性”問題的專著。

7、Functionalism and Chinese Grammar, with Frank Hsueh. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Monograph Series, no. 1. ─── 功能主義與漢語語法。(戴浩一、薛鳳生主編)北京語言學(xué)院出版社。

8、monograph production ─── 專著成果

9、In such cases, a suitably validated quantitative test method for related substances and suitable limits for these related substances in accordance with the general monograph should be proposed. ─── 在這些情況下,應(yīng)擬定合適的驗證的定量的檢測方法來測定有關(guān)物質(zhì),這些有關(guān)物質(zhì)的合理的限度應(yīng)和總論一致。

10、Under its OTC drug monograph system the FDA allows some OTC drugs to be marketed without first obtaining agency approval. ─── 在OTC類藥物專著系統(tǒng)規(guī)定內(nèi),F(xiàn)DA答應(yīng)一些OTC藥物在沒有獲得批準前上市。

11、The change of finger-tip pulse monograph and the microvascular circulation after cardiovascular interventional procedures ─── 從指尖脈搏圖的變化看心臟介入治療對微循環(huán)的影響

12、In 1992 he was co-recipient of the Paleontological Society’s award for the most outstanding monograph in systematic palaeontology. ─── 1992年,由于它在系統(tǒng)古生物領(lǐng)域發(fā)表了一篇杰出的著作,因此贏得了古生物學(xué)大獎。

13、Relevant materials to his monograph On Painting: Trace and Image are also to be displayed, plus an audio-visual presentation of his painting practice and theory. ─── 以展柜陳列“跡象論”有關(guān)資料;播放有關(guān)跡象論主要觀點和個人實踐的影像資料。

14、The latter is characterised to a large extent by the monograph, which is a different publication format. ─── 人文學(xué)科的作品以專書居多,與論文相比,是完全不同的出版形式。

15、relevant government ministries, commissions and agencies will be organized to prepare and publish the white paper on Chinese people's nutrition and health status, and series of monograph and popular scientific books. ─── 將組織有關(guān)部委和機構(gòu)完成中國國民營養(yǎng)與健康狀況白皮書、論文集和系列科普叢書,

16、For substances appearing to contain water as the only volatile constituent, the procedure given in the chapter, Water Determination921, is appropriate, and is specified in the individual monograph. ─── 分檢測法適用于那些似乎以水分作為唯一揮發(fā)性成分的供試品,具體規(guī)定見各論。

17、Companies wishing to market OTC drugs that do not meet the monograph requirements can submit and receive approval of a new drug application. ─── 假如制藥公司希望標記OTC但沒有達到專著要求的,均可以提交新藥上市的申請和獲得注冊新藥的許可。

18、bibliographic monograph ─── 專題文件目錄

19、Good-looking monograph on this Spanish-Milanese industrial and exhibition designer, nicknamed the Hurricane. ─── 好看的專著對這一西班牙語米勒尼茲工業(yè)和展覽設(shè)計師,稱為颶風(fēng)。

20、Monograph in Research Library of Chinese Architectural Culture ─── “中國建筑文化研究文庫”專著

21、Epic Janggar and Mongols Religious Culture. Monograph, Inner-Mongolian University Press, 1999. Hohhot. ─── 《江格爾與蒙古族宗教文化》,呼和浩特:內(nèi)蒙古大學(xué)出版社,1999年。

22、A monograph of Pilea (Urticaceae) in China. ─── 中國蕁麻科冷水花屬的研究.

23、We publish 14 papers in the academic periodicals and conferences, and a monograph on footmark recognition. ─── 6.在學(xué)術(shù)期刊和會議發(fā)表論文14篇,出版專著一部。

24、When planning crossing work, it is desirable to be guided by the groupings in such a monograph ─── 當(dāng)計劃雜交工作時,最好利用這種專著中的分組作指導(dǎo)。

25、In 50 time, mr Zhang publishs the first Li Dazhao to study monograph namely, it is the inaugurator that Chinese Li Dazhao studies. ─── 在50年代,張先生即出版第一部李大釗研究專著,是中國李大釗研究的開創(chuàng)者。

26、Decision-making in Engineering Design is the first monograph to provide a much-needed insight into the ways in which our minds behave when we make decisions, focusing particularly on decisions made about design. ─── 決策,在工程設(shè)計中是第一個專著,以提供一個十分必要的洞察方法,使我們的頭腦,做人,當(dāng)我們作出決定,并應(yīng)尤其注重對所作出的決定有關(guān)的設(shè)計。

27、The revised monograph for the new ORS formula will be published in the fourth edition of the International Pharmacopoeia. ─── 修訂的口服補液鹽新配方專論將在國際藥典第四版中發(fā)表。

28、Equilibrate the column with the prescribed mobile phase and flow rate at room temperature or at the temperature specified in the monograph until a stable baseline is achieved. ─── 在室溫或?qū)U撝兄付ǖ臏囟?,用指定的流動相和流速平衡色譜柱,直至獲得穩(wěn)定的基線。

29、The first monograph on the subject, On Acoustics, is attributed to Aristotle, although it may have been written by his followers. ─── 關(guān)于這個問題的第一本專著《聲學(xué)》,是由亞里士多德,或可能是他的追隨者寫的。

30、The IARC monograph that details the link between shift work and cancer risk is yet to be published (only a statement has been released so far). ─── IARC的專題中,關(guān)于夜班工作與腫瘤風(fēng)險之間的細節(jié)尚未發(fā)布(目前為止僅僅是一個聲明)。

31、25. The purpose of the SESA monograph is to assemble, in several chapters, experimental techniques related to fracture mechanics. ─── 出版這本實驗應(yīng)力分析學(xué)會(SESA)專集的目的,在于用幾個章節(jié)把分散的有關(guān)斷裂力學(xué)實驗技術(shù)的資料匯編成冊。

32、He is the author of two monograph books, chief editor or the first author of five books , and co-author of two books. ─── 主要研究領(lǐng)域:俄羅斯政治、外交、社會轉(zhuǎn)型、大國關(guān)系、國際政治理論等。

33、[Zhang Yixia,Ye Tingsong and Yan Hongquan,et al.1986.The Archaean Geology and Banded Iron Formation of Jidong,Hebei Province.Geological Monograph Series 1.No.6. ─── 張貽俠,葉廷松,閻鴻銓,等.1986.冀東太古代地質(zhì)及變質(zhì)鐵礦.中華人們共和國地質(zhì)礦床部地質(zhì)專報-區(qū)域地質(zhì)第6號,北京:地質(zhì)出版社,179.

34、My education is scientific and I have, in one field, contributed a monograph to a scientific journal. ─── 我受的是科學(xué)的教育,曾為一份科學(xué)刊物寫過某個領(lǐng)域的一篇專題文章。

35、The monograph specifications of identity, strength, quality, and purity apply throughout the shelf life of the product. ─── 在有效期內(nèi),產(chǎn)品須符合各論中有關(guān)鑒別、效價、質(zhì)量和純度的規(guī)定。

36、The Idea of a University by John Henry Newman is a monograph discussing systematically and comprehensively the basic theoretical questions of university education. ─── 《大學(xué)的理想》是英國著名高等教育思想家紐曼系統(tǒng)、全面、綜合論述大學(xué)教育基本理論問題的專著。

37、Linguistic Adaptation Theory is proposed by Jef Verschueren, a Belgian linguist, in his systematic and comprehensive monograph Understanding Pragmatics. ─── Verschueren提出的語用理論,他的著作Understanding Pragmatics一書系統(tǒng)而全面地闡釋了這個理想。

38、1.a special issue or column; a special supplement of a publication; 2.a monograph ─── ???/p>

39、Monograph and Periodical Article Database ─── 專論和期刊文章數(shù)據(jù)庫

40、Published an infertility monograph, and published many papers on national-level journals. ─── 出版有關(guān)不孕不育專著一部,在國家級雜志上發(fā)表論文多篇。

41、This comprehensive new monograph on the emerging Chinese Conceptualist, Liu Jin, features work from 1995 to the present. ─── 劉瑾的攝影集收集了通過不同藝術(shù)形式的作品,包括油畫、雕塑、攝影、錄像、行為藝術(shù)等。

42、Where the individual monograph directs that loss on drying be determined by thermogravimetric analysis, a sensitive electrobalance is to be used. ─── 假如各論中要求采用熱重分析法測定干燥失重,需要用到高精度電子天平。

43、CMAA World Conference educational presentation based on the monograph. ─── 在CMAA世界大會上基于專著進行教學(xué)演講。

44、Although some studies have been made on their theory at home,there is no monograph on their interpretative theory. ─── 國內(nèi)雖有學(xué)者對該學(xué)派的思想理論進行過一些探討,但對他們的解釋理論進行專門研究的專著尚暫付厥如。

45、Based on plenty of references, such as monograph, journal, thesis and other document, the status quo of disaster research in China and the world is studied. ─── 在查閱了大量災(zāi)害科學(xué)方面的專著、期刊、學(xué)位論文和其它文獻資料的基礎(chǔ)上,本文試圖對國內(nèi)外的災(zāi)害科學(xué)研究現(xiàn)狀進行粗淺的討論。

46、In case where the authorisation or registration refers to a herbal medicinal product for which a monograph has been established under this Directive, it should be recognised, unless there are major objections of public health. ─── 對于依照本指令下已建立的專論進行授權(quán)和注冊的草藥品,應(yīng)當(dāng)認可,除非招到公眾健康的極力反對。

47、He has published more than 80 papers, and over 30 papers entered EI, ISTP, and is co-writer of one published monograph. ─── 合作發(fā)表專著一本,發(fā)表學(xué)術(shù)論文80余篇,EI、ISTP檢索論文30余篇。

48、In 2003, he published his first monograph, Nonfiction, published by deMo. ─── 2003年,他出版了自己的第一本專著,非小說,出版了演示。

49、Applications of The Stress Wave Correlation Analysis in Monograph Dynamic Calibration Data ─── 壓力波形相關(guān)分析在測壓器動態(tài)校準數(shù)據(jù)中的應(yīng)用

50、academic monograph ─── 學(xué)術(shù)專論

51、For instance, Qian Zhong-shu's research on Song poetry is of great significance but not any monograph has made it the focus. ─── 如錢鐘書的宋詩研究無疑是“錢學(xué)”體系中獨具個性的一個有機構(gòu)成,但目前尚無專著予以總結(jié)。

52、James W.Best modeling practices for urban water system (Monograph 10).Guelph,Ontario,Canada:CHI,2002 ─── 周玉文,趙洪賓.排水管網(wǎng)理論與計算.北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,2000

53、The document is known as an "audio monograph." ─── 該文件被稱為“音頻著作”。

54、Historical Culture of Parsi and Moslim Custom of Iran by Mr. Wang F en g is also named Entering Iran,which is the first monograph to study historical c ulture and modern custom of Iran since the new century in our country. ─── 《波斯歷史文化與伊朗穆斯林風(fēng)情禮儀》又名(《走進伊朗》)是新世紀以來我國出版的第一部研究伊朗歷史文化與現(xiàn)實風(fēng)情的專著。

55、For substances appearing to contain water as the only volatile constituent, the procedure given in the chapter, Water Determination 921, is appropriate, and is specified in the individual monograph. ─── 水分檢測法適用于那些似乎以水分作為唯一揮發(fā)性成分的供試品,具體規(guī)定見各論。

56、In the academic publication publishes paper 25 publicly above the provincial level, Chinese core journal 17, subeditor or the senate arrange monograph 3. ─── 在省級以上學(xué)術(shù)刊物上公開發(fā)表論文25篇,其中中文核心期刊17篇,副主編或參編專著3部。

57、Spitzer, Robert L(1989). DSM-III-R casebook: a learning companion to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders monograph 3rd ed., Wash., D.C.: American Psychiatric Pr., Inc. ─── 中華醫(yī)學(xué)會精神科分會(2000):中國精神障礙分類與診斷標準(第三版),山東科技出版社,336-339

58、The monograph sections on pharmacological actions summarize both animal and human studies. ─── 專題著作部分在藥理學(xué)行動上總結(jié)動物和人研究。

59、Information on current GAP and residues resulting from supervised trials has been provided for all of these "Step 7B" crops for the present Meeting and is evaluated in this monograph. ─── 關(guān)于“7B級”作物的現(xiàn)行農(nóng)業(yè)規(guī)范以及經(jīng)由檢測得出的殘留結(jié)果呈送會議,并在此專著中加以評估。

60、When planning crossing work , it is desirable to be guided by the groupings in such a monograph. ─── 當(dāng)計劃雜交工作時,最好利用這種專著中的分組作指導(dǎo)。

61、The changes related to Ph. Eur. Monograph revisions or any other regulatory requirements are treated separately and generally initiated by the EDQM. ─── 和藥典專論變更或其它法規(guī)要求相關(guān)的變更需單個處理,一般由EDQM發(fā)起。

62、Pressman Software Engineering are internationally renowned experts and authors of the consultation, a number of the academic monograph, the book is its fourth edition. ─── Pressman是軟件工程領(lǐng)域國際 知名的咨詢專家和作者,著有多本學(xué)術(shù)專著,本書已是其第四版。

63、Where no such Community herbal monograph has yet been established, other appropriate monographs, publications or data may be referred to. ─── 在歐共體草藥專論建立之前,其他合適的專論、出版物或數(shù)據(jù)可作為參考。

64、short monograph ─── 小專論

65、Close the containers hermetically and place in the thermostatically controlled chamber set to the temperature and pressure prescribed in the monograph; ─── 密閉容器,放于恒溫控制的箱中,溫度和壓力根據(jù)各論來設(shè)定;

66、Looking the Establishment of Periodical Science from the publication of Monograph in Division Subject ─── 從分支學(xué)科專著的出版看期刊學(xué)已經(jīng)建立

67、printed monograph ─── 單行本出版物

68、product monograph ─── 產(chǎn)品專題材料, 產(chǎn)品正文

69、occasional monograph series ─── 不定期出版的專題叢刊

70、The purpose of the SESA monograph is to assemble, in several chapters, experimental techniques related to fracture mechanics ─── 出版這本實驗應(yīng)力分析學(xué)會(SESA)專集的目的,在于用幾個章節(jié)把分散的有關(guān)斷裂力學(xué)實驗技術(shù)的資料匯編成冊。

71、1999 Monograph of Thinking Style and Creation in Fine Arts were published by Guangxi Arts Publishing House. ─── 1999年專著《美術(shù)思維與創(chuàng)作》由廣西美術(shù)出版社出版。

72、Newmark, N. M. and Hall, W. J. ”Earthquake Spectra and Design.” EERI Monograph Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 1982, Oakland, California. ─── “結(jié)構(gòu)塑性設(shè)計與分析,”張國鎮(zhèn)教授編著,國立臺灣大學(xué)土木工程學(xué)研究所,九十一年一月。

73、Marketplace: Do not have the glib-tongued legend middle mouth , only do not have a monograph heart. ─── 市場:沒有傳說中巧舌如簧的嘴,只有一顆專著的心。

74、I am chief editor of a monograph on cardiology.i published more than 20 articles among which one was included in SCI. ─── 主編心血管專著一部,在國內(nèi)外專業(yè)雜志發(fā)表論文20余篇,其中SCI收錄一篇。

75、power monograph ─── 功率圖集

76、1985 The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior (With Hsieh Jih-chang, eds.). Monograph Series B. No.15. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. ─── 1994臺灣與福建社會文化研究論文集(一)(與潘英海合編)。臺北:中央研究院民族學(xué)研究所。

77、What is our country's earliest traditional Chinese medical science learns monograph? ─── 我國最早的中醫(yī)學(xué)專著是什么?

78、A monograph on the subject might be forthcoming. ─── 主題的一個專論即將推出。

79、Drawing up the mid- and long-term research project, publishing monograph series, and providing legislative and judicial suggestions; ─── 制訂中長期研究規(guī)劃,推出系列專著,提出立法和司法建議。

80、Monograph emphasizes the importance of proper planning of the recycling process and the system design including all levels and links in the material cycle. ─── 專題著作強調(diào)適當(dāng)?shù)脑傺h(huán)程式的計畫和系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(在物質(zhì)系列里包括全部水準和連接)的重要性。

81、Randy L. DeSimone, Jon M. Werner, David M. Harris. [monograph] Human resource development[M]. Tsinghua University Press 2003 ─── “館藏目錄”“人力資源開發(fā)”外文文獻數(shù)據(jù)2,其一:

82、Thank the authors for inviting me to share their contributions earlier. And I am really pleased to recommend this monograph to you. ─── 感謝作者讓我先睹為快!同時,我也誠懇地向大家推薦這本力作。

83、The relative monograph has a special system and tackle with wide fields. ─── 從相關(guān)研究專著來看,各成體系,面也鋪得較寬;

84、Sufficient quantities should be retained to conduct at least two full compendial analyses or, when there is no pharmacopoeial monograph, two full specification analyses. ─── 應(yīng)保留足夠的樣品以進行至少兩次完全的藥典分析或,當(dāng)無藥典專論時,兩次規(guī)格標準的全分析。

85、The latter two published a monograph on semigroup theory in 1961. ─── 后面二人在 1961 年出版了半群理論的專論。

86、The Improvement Suggestions about Joint Use of TLC and HPLC to Control the Same Monograph of Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 對聯(lián)用TLC法和HPLC法檢驗同種中藥的改進意見

87、Problems and Countermeasures of Bibliographic Quality in the Construction of Chinese Monograph Retrospective Database ─── 中文圖書回溯建庫中常見的書目數(shù)據(jù)質(zhì)量問題及對策

88、Where no such Community herbal monograph has yet been established, other appropriate monographs, publications or data may be referred to. ─── 在歐共體草藥專論建立之前,其他合適的專論、出版物或數(shù)據(jù)可作為參考。

89、Material and methods: Select8 documents about acupuncture that representative different dynasties of China history, modern four documents inquire into acupuncture's accidental monograph, excerpt relative to document and collation. ─── 另隨機選定51具新群尸體,進行局部解剖,探討穴位安全針刺深度與危險深度。

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