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10-03 投稿


massiness 發(fā)音

英:[?m?s?n?s]  美:[?m?sin?s]

英:  美:

massiness 中文意思翻譯



massiness 相似詞語短語

1、mossiness ─── n.生苔;陳腐

2、messiness ─── n.亂糟糟;混亂

3、massiveness ─── n.沉重;巨大,大塊;大量

4、gassiness ─── n.充滿氣體狀態(tài);無實質(zhì)內(nèi)容

5、brassiness ─── n.賤而華麗;黃銅;似黃銅

6、mussiness ─── 雜亂

7、sassiness ─── 無禮;時髦;活潑

8、glassiness ─── n.玻璃質(zhì);玻璃狀

9、classiness ─── 上等;優(yōu)等;有品位

massiness 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Deserve classicly to act the role of, of massiness tonal, the antique display of collect carefully, let a person be in when entering here, when marrow of dug China culture, be like Mu Chunfeng. ─── 古典的配飾,厚重的色調(diào),珍藏的古玩陳設(shè),讓人在進(jìn)入這里時,在探究中國文化精髓時,如沐春風(fēng)。

2、The droplight appearance of primitive simplicity with marble qualitative material, gift lamplight of a kind of massiness quiet. ─── 云石材質(zhì)的吊燈外形古樸,賦予燈光一種厚重的安寧。

3、Flag of vitreous stair suitable Dali is winding and go up, collect massiness is lightsome at a suit, extend fluent. ─── 玻璃樓梯順大理石板蜿蜒而上,集厚重輕盈于一身,伸展流暢。

4、Italy Pageant Valentina - Massi, bluish water uncontaminated beautiful smile. Source: China News Network ─── 意大利佳麗瓦倫蒂娜-馬西,藍(lán)藍(lán)的海水映襯著美麗的笑容。來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

5、Zhang Baijun's lifetime is full of legend and variable, the history of chapter home big house is rich and massiness. ─── 章伯鈞的一生充滿傳奇和變數(shù),章家大屋的歷史豐富而厚重。

6、The set of chairs and tables are of good material, leek color, massiness and elegance. ─── 這套座椅工料精良,色澤韭深,厚重典雅,可謂精美絕倫。

7、Winter appropriate uses the fabrics of massiness, warmth retention property is strong; ─── 冬天宜用厚重的面料,保暖性強;

8、In bright type furniture, ferreous mesua furniture is behaving him with the style of Chinese hackberrya of its massiness clumsy. ─── 在明式家具中,鐵力木家具以其厚重拙樸的風(fēng)格表現(xiàn)著自己。

9、All of its greatness,wideness,massiness,and depth are alike with you very much. ─── 海的博大,海的深廣,海的厚重,海的深沉,都像極了妳。

10、Also be the both hands that this sagacious old person once did benchwork for two times with him, pushed China thoroughly long the gate of the massiness that already shut. ─── 也正是這位睿智的老人用他曾經(jīng)兩度做鉗工的雙手,徹底地推開了中國久已關(guān)閉的厚重的大門。

11、We suggest the summer chooses product of a kind of render only can, need not repeat overlay, can appear bottom makeup massiness. ─── 我們建議夏季只選用一種打底產(chǎn)品即可,不必重復(fù)疊加,會顯得底妝厚重。

12、The line of the bang of massiness, elaborate clip, long hair and bingle union are together, build a feminine polyhedral model. ─── 厚重的劉海、精心修剪的線條,長發(fā)和短發(fā)結(jié)合在一起,營造出女人多面的造型。

13、Peaceful comes bureau of prefectural qualitative inspect is identifying true carry out " 3 delegates " " exam paper " on the brushstroke that filled massiness. ─── 泰來縣質(zhì)監(jiān)局在認(rèn)真實踐“三個代表”的“答卷”上填入了厚重的一筆。

14、As household the space increases, the feeling of massiness restoring ancient ways with classical adornment the artistic breath with its reservation, high style will get more favour. ─── 隨著家居空間增大,古典主義的裝飾風(fēng)格以其含蓄的藝術(shù)氣息、高貴的復(fù)古厚重感將受到更多的青睞。

15、The coat of massiness and silk pledge the dress matchs properly, avoid to produce overstaffed posture. ─── 厚重的大衣與絲質(zhì)連衣裙搭配得恰到好處,避免產(chǎn)生臃腫體態(tài)。

16、But finger is different.It won't at any time and place so soft, massiness. ─── 可手指就不同了.它不會隨時隨地都那么綿軟、厚重。

17、The sea ‘s greatness, wideness, massiness and deepness,all like you. ─── 海的博大,海的深廣,海的厚重,海的深沉,都像極了你。

18、Millennium ancient cultural heritage and people of massiness plow, studious, as YongWei diligence, honesty, tolerance of the fine tradition of enterprise culture of XX brand connotation. ─── 千年古城厚重的文化積淀和人們勤耕好學(xué)、剛正勇為、誠信包容的優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng),孕育了XX品牌豐富的企業(yè)文化內(nèi)涵。

19、The droplight appearance of primitive simplicity with marble qualitative material, gift lamplight of a kind of massiness quiet. ─── 云石材質(zhì)的吊燈外形古樸,賦予燈光一種厚重的安寧。

20、Lightsome, frivolous, without massiness feeling, contractive pore, flaw of effective cover skin. ─── 輕盈,輕薄,無厚重感,收縮毛孔,有效遮蓋肌膚瑕疵。

21、The wonderful collocation of shade head and shade body, massiness and easy. ─── 簾頭與簾身的出色搭配,厚重而又大方。

22、Additional, if you decide to bind hair ribbon, ten million wants the bang of evasive massiness, otherwise, the meeting is very easy dress up oneself the village aunt about with a foolish foolish. ─── 另外,假如你決定綁發(fā)帶,千萬要回避厚重的劉海,否則,會很輕易將自己妝扮成一個憨傻的村姑模樣。

23、Nanjing Fiat CEO Mr.Andrew J. Humberstone announced to resign on August 3 only 9 months after he took office in October 2006 replacing the then head Paolo Massi. ─── 8月3日,南京菲亞特外方CEO韓同安宣布離職。此時,距離韓同安2006年10月12日上任僅9個月。當(dāng)時,韓同安從意大利前來接替馬思博,擔(dān)任該公司新任CEO。

24、combs 9 comb 9 rows " 9 " it is a generally refer to, point to the comb that combs tine stands side by side many rows, can penetrable relatively the long hair of massiness. ─── 九排梳九排梳的“九排”是一個泛指,指梳齒多排并列的梳子,能穿透較厚重的長發(fā)。

25、But this as to with, "Precondition" of such massiness state. ─── 但是這至于用,“先決條件”這樣厚重的表述嗎。

26、Hang down from coping weak yellow curtain, divide bundle of both sides, not the heavy curtain that massiness is the landscape outdoor however. ─── 從頂部垂下來淡黃的窗簾,分束兩邊,不厚重卻是室外景觀的帷幕。

27、The modeling and meticulous, neat, cutin patina massiness moist. Take the best of small and exquisite, modelling is a good image, the collection. ─── 此器物造型規(guī)整,角質(zhì)細(xì)膩縝密,包漿厚重潤澤。取事事如意之意,小巧玲瓏,造型形象,是一對不錯的藏品。

28、Classic toilet glass grace is chic, tie-in and brunet peach wood clothes closet, appear massiness and full. ─── 古典的梳妝鏡優(yōu)雅別致,搭配深色的桃木立柜, 顯得厚重而飽滿。

29、Doff the jacket of next massiness, make the body lightsome rise, a comfortable, fashionable small unlined upper garment, had walked along bright Chun Xia together. ─── 脫下厚重的外套,讓身體輕盈起來,一件舒適、時尚的小衫,一起走過燦爛春夏。

30、The set of chairs and tables are of good material, leek color, massiness and elegance. ─── 這套座椅工料精良,色澤韭深,厚重典雅,可謂精美絕倫。

31、Silver grey is in plain in show massiness , make the person restores gentle state of mind. ─── 銀灰在質(zhì)樸中顯出厚重,使人恢復(fù)平和的心態(tài)。

32、Decorate a picture: The room that Europe type style decorates should choose line trival, look the frame that compares massiness, ability matchs to it. ─── 裝飾畫:歐式風(fēng)格裝修的房間應(yīng)選用線條繁瑣,看上去比較厚重的畫框,才能與之匹配。

33、The line of the bang of massiness, elaborate clip, long hair and bingle union are together, build a feminine polyhedral model. ─── 厚重的劉海、精心修剪的線條,長發(fā)和短發(fā)結(jié)合在一起,營造出女人多面的造型。

34、Lightsome, frivolous, without massiness feeling, contractive pore, flaw of effective cover skin. ─── 輕盈,輕薄,無厚重感,收縮毛孔,有效遮蓋肌膚瑕疵。

35、The lavabo of of primitive simplicity, massiness is made after the conventional technology that make a surname is transformed, let a person experience pastoral romance and nature. ─── 傳統(tǒng)的制陶工藝改造后制成古樸、厚重的洗手盆,讓人感受到田園生活的浪漫與自然。

36、Its elegant and clever fabrics breaks shirt type dust coat completely Qiu Dong's massiness, collocation confuses your knitting skirt with shoulder-straps, relaxed in go out a few minutes fully sedate. ─── 襯衫式風(fēng)衣其飄逸靈動的面料完全打破秋冬的厚重,搭配迷你針織吊帶裙,清爽之中透出幾分穩(wěn)重。

37、The process is transitory and fragrance while beautiful and massiness. ─── 這個過程短暫又而美麗,馨香而又厚重。

38、In bright type furniture, ferreous mesua furniture is behaving him with the style of Chinese hackberrya of its massiness clumsy. ─── 在明式家具中,鐵力木家具以其厚重拙樸的風(fēng)格表現(xiàn)著自己。

39、" 3 delegates " serious thought is had extremely the historical sense of massiness, the reality with extremely strong specific aim feels, before the prospective sense with look up stronger sex. ─── “三個代表”重要思想具有極其厚重的歷史感,針對性極強的現(xiàn)實感,前瞻性較強的未來感。

40、Think oneself skin works, " superstitious " went up the embellish skin frost of massiness, the result removed grease bead, fall for long not to go; ─── 亞洲女性尤其青睞質(zhì)地輕薄的護(hù)膚品,它們涂了后能迅速徹底地被肌膚吸收。

41、This is a warmth that the Party Central Committee, the State Council gives 900 million peasant undoubtedly and the New Year great gift of massiness. ─── 這無疑是黨中心、國務(wù)院送給9億農(nóng)民的一份暖和而厚重的新年大禮。

42、On the loess plateau of honest massiness, standing tall and upright one old anew two miracles. ─── 淳樸厚重的黃土高原上,矗立著一舊一新兩個奇跡。

43、In imitation of metal etching is a special kind of surface finishing techniques, have good packaging decoration, so that products'packing, massiness. ─── 仿金屬蝕刻是一種不入格的暗不天增工伎倆,具有很好的包裝點綴成果,使不銷物包裝昂貴矮雅,金碧輝煌。

44、Silver grey is in plain in show massiness, make the person restores gentle state of mind. ─── 銀灰在質(zhì)樸中顯出厚重,使人恢復(fù)平和的心態(tài)。

45、Lukewarm city leather shoes is precipitating massiness history, accumulate containing exuberant opportunity of survival. ─── 溫州皮鞋沉淀著厚重歷史,蘊含著勃勃生氣。

46、The sea can hold the water from thousands of rivers, it's big because of its capacity.All of its greatness,wideness,massiness,and depth are alike with you very much. ─── 海納百川,有容乃大,海的博大,海的深廣,海的厚重,海的深沉,都像極了你。

47、And membership card making products seem massiness, grace. ─── 使制卡和會員卡制作品顯得富麗堂皇、高貴典雅。

48、To follow the persistent architectural style of massiness, grandeur and opulence of traditional manors ─── 沿襲了莊園一貫的厚重而富麗堂皇的建筑風(fēng)格

49、Pi Cao is winter cosset all the time, add Pi Cao appropriately on the dress, or the Pi Cao of quick match massiness, all show the idea of stylist everywhere. ─── 皮草一直是冬季寵兒,在衣服上適當(dāng)添加皮草,或靈活配搭厚重的皮草,處處盡顯設(shè)計師的心思。

50、People in the autumn of massiness gradually become. ─── 人們在秋雨中漸漸變得厚重。

51、Hollow and solid materials comparison and stable proportional scales highlight the architectural rusticity and massiness with the grand, stately, impressive and bold feeling. ─── 材質(zhì)的虛實對比,穩(wěn)重的比例尺度,突顯建筑的質(zhì)樸與厚重,給人以雄偉莊嚴(yán)、氣派豪邁之感。

52、The bookmark, not only being as the tag when you are reading, it condensed the massiness culture, simultaneously the records of historic feeling. ─── 書簽,不只作為讀書時的標(biāo)記,凝聚著厚重文化的書簽,同時也是歷史情感的記錄。

53、Usually, the gate is considering his outside burglarproof safety factor, can choose the beautiful, strong, completely real wood that has massiness feeling the door; ─── 一般來說木門使用一段時間后,往往較易出現(xiàn)變形、開裂等現(xiàn)象,從而降低了門的隔音效果、密封性及各項性能。

54、From now on ,our aren't each other, thee are the sea , my love sea , I belong to thy part of body, also I am the sea ,thy love sea ,also l am greatness, wideness, massiness and deepness. ─── 從此,我們難分彼此,你是海,是我的海,我是你的一部分,我也是海,是你的海.我也會博大,深沉,寬容,豁達(dá)。

55、Brown, cyan is archaize brick love most, show the history of massiness and culture sense. ─── 褐色、青色是仿古磚的最愛,表現(xiàn)出厚重的歷史與文化感。

56、Discharge makeup is oily: Can use at at the same time facial with eye ministry discharge makeup, can mix by the pink of effective purify massiness prevent watercolour makeup. ─── 一個好的卸妝品應(yīng)具備2點,一是要有強勁的卸妝能力,二是洗后不能在臉上留下殘余。

57、And complementary broke massiness feeling with frozen lens, glass, whole is tonal and pure and fresh natural, have contemporary feeling extremely. ─── 而輔之以冰冷的鏡片、玻璃打破了厚重感,整體色調(diào)清新自然,極具現(xiàn)代感。

58、Today integral ambry market of summer, did not have the massiness former days, discarded original multifarious, turn the history and space of relaxed and comfortable modern life. ─── 今夏的整體櫥柜市場,沒有了往日的厚重,丟棄了原來的繁雜,推開歷史而輕松寫意現(xiàn)代生活空間。

59、Furniture of classical method style, the design washs practice and line is beautiful, do not have the massiness that in envisaging, classic furniture gives a person to feel. ─── 經(jīng)典法式風(fēng)格家具,設(shè)計洗練且線條美麗,并無想像中古典家具給人的厚重感覺。

60、For instance, classicism furniture had better match massiness a few, a few darker compound look, as harmonious as historical atmosphere photograph. ─── 比如,古典風(fēng)格家具最好搭配厚重一些、暗一些的復(fù)合色,與歷史氛圍相協(xié)調(diào)。

61、Choose on makings, often abandoned the material of those massiness, replace by transparent, gentle stuff place; ─── 選料上,往往擯棄了那些厚重的材料,由透明、輕柔的材料所取代;

62、"Bottom makeup more inferior smooth, but not massiness. ─── “底妝更亞光,但不厚重。

63、The uppermost duty of the Congress is to recover the protective legislation which is of the most massiness mainstay of the government finance all the time to prevent the finance deficit. ─── 1國會的最高職責(zé)是恢復(fù)始終是國家財政最堅實支柱的保護(hù)性立法,以制止財政赤字。

64、If think style, also can let bang massiness a few. ─── 如想時尚,也可以讓劉海厚重一些。

65、the old old corneous take out with outer skin, it is the coat that helped skin take off a massiness undoubtedly, can ease skin pressure, promote maintain tasted absorption. ─── 將肌膚外層的老舊角質(zhì)去掉,無疑是幫助肌膚脫了一層厚重的外套,可以減輕皮膚壓力,并促進(jìn)保養(yǎng)品的吸收。

66、Resemble his novel, always be silent, always be so pure however, appearing a massiness details and tenacious and tough sex, still narrow removes eye laugh so a clever, crafty interest. ─── 就像他的小說,總是不聲不響,卻總是那么地道,透著股厚重底蘊和頑強堅韌性,還有瞇縫起眼睛笑的那么一股聰明、狡黠的勁兒。

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