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mongrelize 中文意思翻譯



mongrelize 詞性/詞形變化,mongrelize變形

動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): mongrelizes |名詞: mongrelization |動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mongrelizing |動(dòng)詞過去式: mongrelized |動(dòng)詞過去分詞: mongrelized |

mongrelize 相似詞語短語

1、mongrelism ─── 品種間雜交現(xiàn)象

2、mongrelizer ─── 蒙格里澤

3、mongrelise ─── 孟加拉語

4、mongrelizes ─── 蒙格里斯

5、mongrelises ─── 雜種

6、mongreliser ─── 混血兒

7、mongrelized ─── 使血統(tǒng)混合

8、mongrelised ─── 雜種

9、to mongrelize ─── 重溫

mongrelize 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)

1、In addition, "Plug phone mongrel " still can engrave when appoint, through " car arrives electrified wire netting (V2G) " the technology loses electric energy return electrified wire netting to go up. ─── 此外,“插電混血兒”還能在指定時(shí)刻,通過“車輛到電網(wǎng)(V2G)”技術(shù)把電能輸回到電網(wǎng)上。

2、(4) Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel[2], and that miscegenation[3] is the way forward. ─── 要是有人說華南虎不過普通的雜種虎,而且雜交繁衍才是長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)之計(jì),那么很多中國(guó)人肯定都將無法接受。

3、DJ:I cannot be sunmmoned like some mongrel pup. ─── 戴魏:我可不是什么雜種狗任你呼來喚去.

4、A dog considered to be inferior or undesirable;a mongrel. ─── 劣等狗一種被視為低劣的或不受歡迎的狗;

5、9.Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel, and that miscegenation is the way forward. ─── 要是知道華南虎是其貌不揚(yáng)的雜種,并且只能倚靠混種繼而繁衍,許多人中國(guó)人定會(huì)難以容忍。

6、Labour MPs know that they cannot win a bidding war on immigration.But they can assert that England is, in Mr Blunkett's words, “evidently mongrel, multi-national and multiethnic. ─── 工黨議員們知道他們不能靠移民問題贏得選舉戰(zhàn),不過他們宣稱英國(guó),用布倫基特先生的話來說,“明顯是混血,跨國(guó)和多種族的”。

7、Don't make me laugh! You paid two hundred pounds for a scruffy mongrel like that? ─── 我可不相信,你花200英鎊買了這樣一條不值錢的雜種狗?

8、The English word "television" is a mongrel because "tele" comes from Greek and "vision" from Latin. ─── 英語television是個(gè)語源混雜的詞,因?yàn)閠ele來自希臘文,vision來自拉丁文。

9、Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs. ─── 目的構(gòu)建膠原涂層記憶合金人工氣管,通過動(dòng)物實(shí)驗(yàn)觀察其氣管重建的初步效果。

10、She had more respect for Michaelis, on whose name they all poured such withering contempt, as a little mongrel arriviste, and uneducated Bounder of the worst sort. ─── 他們一提起蔑克里斯的名,便盛氣凌人地罵他是雜種的幸進(jìn)者,是無教育的最賤的下流人,但是康妮卻比較尊重他。

11、I, not born here, was loving this mongrel city, an innominate root generated from my heart, enlaced me every day. ─── 我,一個(gè)異鄉(xiāng)人,愛著這混血的城市,我的心中長(zhǎng)出了無名的根,每天都在纏繞。

12、Jon back to a dog called audio, audio is only a very cute mongrel dog, Garfield suddenly feel that they are out of favor status was threatened. ─── 喬恩帶回了一條叫歐迪的小狗,歐迪是只非??蓯鄣碾s種狗,加菲貓頓時(shí)覺得自己失寵地位受到了威脅。

13、The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips. ─── 昨天晚上,一只看上去是德國(guó)混血的牧羊犬進(jìn)入酒吧里討要炸土豆條。

14、The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips.He was mangy and starving and just the size of the lump in question. ─── 在夜晚來臨之前,一位德國(guó)牧羊人帶著混血犬已經(jīng)進(jìn)入一個(gè)酒吧去乞討一些薯片,他有點(diǎn)污穢和有點(diǎn)餓并且有一點(diǎn)瘤一樣大的還是一個(gè)問題。

15、She seemed to find some comfort in Nusch, my plump and bustling mongrel,but was at frist in fear of Winck,my heavy weight Alsatian. ─── 以及一只具行德國(guó)狼犬,叫溫克。新來的那只狗好像喜歡和努斯奇一起,但最初很害怕溫克。

16、Keywords Shuguan Capsule(Corocalm);myocardial blood flow;myocardial oxygen consumption;mongrel dog; ─── 疏冠膠囊;心肌血流量;心肌耗氧量;雜種犬;

17、The Mongrel Club will also submit our views to AFCD and concern groups attending the meeting. ─── 本會(huì)亦將以唐狗會(huì)名義,向漁護(hù)署及與會(huì)團(tuán)體提交意見。

18、The mongrel city is noble, proud and gloomy, behind its noises and bloom. ─── 一路推開熱浪、沙漠與風(fēng)雪,穿越時(shí)光隧道,我來了。。。

19、(4)Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel[2],that miscegenation[3] is the way forward. ─── 要是有人說華南虎不過普通的雜種虎,而且雜交繁衍才是長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)之計(jì),中國(guó)人肯定都將無法接受。

20、Mongrel still can have fecundity, ─── 混血兒還會(huì)有生育能力么,

21、Keywords Lipid ultrasound contrast agent Cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage Video analysis Grey scale value Mongrel dog; ─── 關(guān)鍵詞脂質(zhì)體聲學(xué)造影劑;腦出血;視頻分析;灰階值;實(shí)驗(yàn)犬;

23、A mongrel or cur. ─── 雜種狗或無用之狗

24、Thirty healthy adult mongrel canines were made into models of acute myocardial ischemia by ligating the left anterior descending of c... ─── 吉林大學(xué)基礎(chǔ)醫(yī)學(xué)院機(jī)能科學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)中心吉林省長(zhǎng)春市;

25、a snappish mongrel. ─── 咬人的雜種狗

26、And also it was a little irritating. She had more respect for Michaelis, on whose name they all poured such withering contempt, as a little mongrel arriviste, and uneducated Bounder of the worst sort. ─── 然而有時(shí)也有點(diǎn)令她覺得討厭。他們一提起蔑克里斯的名,便盛氣凌人地罵他是雜種的幸進(jìn)者,是無教育的最賤的下流人,但是康妮卻比較尊重他。

27、Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel, and that miscegenation is the way forward. ─── 許多中國(guó)人仍然斷定老虎是普通的混血?jiǎng)游?而且是以混種的方法來形成的。

28、A golf club in southern Wales has awarded lifetime membership to a mongrel dog because of his uncanny knack for finding lost balls from golf shots that have gone off the course. ─── 威爾斯南部的一家高爾夫球俱樂部頒給一只混種狗終身會(huì)員資格,因?yàn)?#29280;有驚人的本領(lǐng)能撿回被擊出球道高爾夫球。

29、You can say that. I feel I have always kept things mixed, I often say I am the “mongrel” of the art world. ─── 沈:可以這么說,我覺得我一直玩得比較雜,我經(jīng)常說我是藝術(shù)界的“雜”種。

30、Accidentally, my Dachshund and Basset Hound gave birth to a mongrel. ─── 一不留神, 我家的臘腸和巴吉度生出了一個(gè)混血種。

31、A dog considered to be inferior or undesirable; a mongrel. ─── 劣等狗一種被視為低劣的或不受歡迎的狗; 雜種狗

32、Protective effect of Yangxin granules on endothelial cells and myocardium in mongrel dogs with myocardial infarction ─── 養(yǎng)心顆粒對(duì)急性心肌梗死犬血管內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞及心肌損傷的保護(hù)作用

33、ownerless half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India ─── 常見于亞洲鄉(xiāng)村特別是印度的沒人養(yǎng)的半野生雜種狗

34、I cannot divide it now.I have loved but one flag and I cannot share that devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner invented for a league ─── 我只熱愛一種國(guó)旗,要我把這份熱愛勻出一部分給那面為國(guó)聯(lián)而設(shè)計(jì)的不倫不類的旗幟,也是做不到的。

35、IN THIS ARTICLE: Former Mongrel Mob member Martin Hemomo-- who had a bad beginning and a worse middle to his life--tells how the turnaround began for him. ─── 本文簡(jiǎn)介:前“混合幫”成員馬

36、In a prominent New York hotel last month, a uniformed man strode purposefully through the corridors, a beagle mongrel trotting at his side. ─── 上個(gè)月,在紐約一家著名的旅館,一個(gè)穿制服的男子穿過走廊,旁邊跟著一只混血小獵狗。

37、MATERIALS: Eight pregnant mongrel dogs were selected to obtain umbilical cord blood for isolation and culture of stem cells. ─── 材料:選取妊娠雜交犬8只,抽取臍血進(jìn)行干細(xì)胞的分離和培養(yǎng)。

38、English is a mongrel language that keeps its vitality by absorbing new words, uses and expressions. ─── 英語是一種雜交語言,一直靠吸收新詞、新用法和新含義來保持其生命力。

39、ownerless half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India. ─── 常見于亞洲鄉(xiāng)村特別是印度的沒人養(yǎng)的半野生雜種狗。

40、A mongrel dog. ─── 雜種狗

41、You can summon a new mongrel (or make an old one explode first) which would then take on tanking duty for the stronger enemy that was closing in. ─── 你可以召喚一個(gè)離它近新的寵物讓它(或者先讓一個(gè)之前的寵物自曝)來承擔(dān)坦克的作用。

42、Glycosaminoglycans in Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Alveolar Bone of Mongrel Dogs after Guided Tissue Regeneration ─── 引導(dǎo)組織再生術(shù)后齦溝液和牙槽骨中糖氨多糖的變化

43、The Effect of Adenosine on Ischemia-reperfusion Lung Injury of Mongrel Dog after Extracorporeal Circulation ─── 腺苷對(duì)犬體外循環(huán)后肺缺血-再灌注損傷的作用

44、Keywords Amino acid;Nitrogen balance;3-methylhistidine;Mongrel; ─── 氨基酸;氮平衡;3-甲基組氨酸;犬;

45、But let's get one thing straight: We don't need a Heinz-57 mongrel," The puppy nestled comfortably in Jeffrey's arms as they walked toward the house. ─── 不過有一點(diǎn)要說清楚:我們不需要海因茨57雜種狗?!?他們朝房子走去,那小狗舒服地窩在杰弗里懷里。

46、thin-bodied mongrel hog of southeastern United States that is a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds. ─── 美國(guó)東南部的瘦體雜種豬,是野豬或半野豬的改良后代。

47、"Nah," my dad said, "she's just a mongrel bitch." ─── “不行”,我爸說,“她不過是一條雜種母狗罷了”

48、 雙語使用場(chǎng)景

49、Underneath the wagon, between the hind wheels, a lean and rangy mongrel dog walked sedately. ─── 在馬車后輪之間,一條瘦骨嶙峋的長(zhǎng)腿雜種狗不聲不響地跟著。

50、A mongrel dog is prowling aimlessly along the canal bank. ─── 一條笨狗無目的地在運(yùn)河岸上閑逛。

51、Even if is compared with common mixture motor vehicle, "Plug phone mongrel " the travel course of development of every gallon oily bad news also wants many at least 30 miles. ─── 即便與普通混合動(dòng)力車相比,“插電混血兒”每加侖油耗的行駛里程也要多出至少30英里。

52、Twelve mongrel dogs, average about l0 Kg, were used as experimenttalanimal and were divided into six groups for study. ─── 使用12只約10公斤的混血狗,分為六組,每組兩只。

53、Gradually Spaniards and Indians (and later blacks) blended to create a mongrel nation. ─── 后來,西班牙人和印第安人(即后來的黑人)混雜而居,逐漸形成了混合血統(tǒng)的一個(gè)民族。

54、Josie : That's not surprising because it's not a thoroughbred, it's a mongrel. ─── 卓喜:那不奇怪啊,因?yàn)樗皇羌兎N狗,是混種的。

55、Can summon mongrel things that he can cast locust swarm on, which buffs their damage.Outdoor environment now. ─── 也可以將腐蜂施放在他召喚的混合怪物上,增強(qiáng)它們的攻擊力。

56、mongrel stock ─── 混血家畜, 血統(tǒng)不明的家畜

57、The local veterinarian25 was still at his office, so I borrowed a pickup truck from my employer and loaded the limp mongrel into the cab. ─── 當(dāng)?shù)氐墨F醫(yī)還在班上。

58、Out of that, you mongrel. ─── 放開它,你這雜種!

59、Study of relationship between MAP and regional cerebral blood flow to pulse volume amplitude under controlled hypotension in mongrel dogs ─── 犬控制性低血壓下平均動(dòng)脈壓、腦局部血流與脈搏容積波幅的關(guān)系

60、Russel, complained of Chinese vice, disease and dirtiness, and deplored the possibility of a "mongrel" population resulting from the immigration of an "inferior race". ─── 其他如小羅素,抱怨華人的惡習(xí)、疾病與骯臟,并對(duì)因“次等種族”移民所產(chǎn)生的“混血”人口問題而痛惜。

61、Mongrel dogs ─── 雜種犬

62、mongrel word ─── 混合詞

63、Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with a prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs. ─── 目的:構(gòu)建膠原涂層記憶合金人工氣管,通過動(dòng)物實(shí)驗(yàn)觀察其氣管重建的初步效果。

64、Pooch was my father's dog, a big, happy, flop-eared mongrel. ─── 普茨是我父親的一只狗,是只雜種狗,它體型高大,性格歡快,耳朵下垂;

65、mongrel iron ─── 厚鐵頭球棒

66、Mongrel and Bounder or not, he jumped to his own conclusions. He didn't merely walk round them with millions of words, in the parade of the life of the mind. ─── 不論他是不是雜種的下流人,他卻一直向目的地走去。他并不僅僅用無限的言詞,到處去夸耀精神生活。

67、My mother's dog is only an old mongrel but she thinks the world of him. ─── 我母親的狗只是一條雜種的老狗,但是她很喜歡它。

68、Our volunteer unfortunately found an abandoned mongrel tied to a fire hydrant outside Langham Place in Mongkok. ─── 但不幸地,義工在旺角鬧市也遇到被遺棄的狗狗。

69、A cadaverous mongrel picking through the garbage. ─── 從垃圾堆里撿來的瘦弱的混血兒

70、From there it was a "natural progression" to the Mongrel Mob. ─── 打那時(shí)起,他就“順勢(shì)發(fā)展”到“混合幫”了。

71、Most people who own a pedigree dog look down their noses at somebody with a mere mongrel. ─── 大多數(shù)有純種狗的人總是瞧不起養(yǎng)雜種狗的人。

72、A.,Nikkatsu Corporation,Mongrel Media,Primer Plano Film Group Video S.A.,Elephant Picture Inc. ─── 發(fā)行公司 A-Film Distribution,索尼經(jīng)典,Primer Plano Film Group S.

73、Josie: That's not surprising because it's not a thoroughbred, it's a mongrel. ─── 卓喜:那不奇怪啊,因?yàn)?#29280;不是純種狗,是混種的。

74、And a mongrel race will dwell in Ashdod, And I will cut off the pride of the Philistines. ─── 私生子(或作外族人)必住在亞實(shí)突。我必除滅非利士人的驕傲。

75、a mongrel breed ─── 雜種

76、Evaluation of left ventricular myocardial regional function in normal and myocardial infarction of mongrel dogs with displacement curve ─── 位移曲線對(duì)犬正常及心肌梗死模型左室心肌局域功能的評(píng)價(jià)

77、In the Yukon during the Gold Rush, mongrel teams were the rule. ─── 淘金熱時(shí)期,在加拿大的育空,雜交的狗隊(duì)通常是慣用的做法。

78、But most ecological communities stumble along into a mongrel mixture of species that offers no outstanding self-protection to the group as a team. ─── 但是大多數(shù)生態(tài)群落跌跌撞撞地發(fā)展出的雜交混合物種,并未作為一個(gè)團(tuán)體給群落提供突出的自衛(wèi)能力。

79、Experiment on dock silage and microbral silage of Mongrel Rumex ─── 雜交酸模青貯微貯試驗(yàn)

80、Being a demon is just like being a human , who should be kind-hearted. With a kind heart , we won't be a demon any longer, but a mongrel. ─── 所以說做妖就像做人一樣,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖.

81、Methods After fourty mongrel dogs underwent thoracotomy, myocardial ischemia animal models had been established. ─── 方法雜種健康犬40只,建立心肌缺血?jiǎng)游锬P?

82、To make mongrel in race, nature, or character. ─── 使種族、性質(zhì)或特點(diǎn)混合

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