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10-03 投稿


seasickness 發(fā)音

英:[?si?s?kn?s]  美:[?si?s?kn?s]

英:  美:

seasickness 中文意思翻譯



seasickness 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、seasickness medication ─── 暈船藥

2、braving seasickness ─── 勇敢地暈船

3、seasickness has troubled sailors and ─── 暈船困擾著水手們

4、seasickness and sunburn ─── 暈船和曬傷

5、seasickness free ride ─── 暈船免費(fèi)乘車(chē)

6、seasickness medicine ─── 暈船藥

7、seasickness has troubled ─── 暈船困擾著

8、seasickness has troubled sailors ─── 暈船困擾著水手

seasickness 詞性/詞形變化,seasickness變形

形容詞: seasick |

seasickness 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、seaminess ─── 裂紋缺陷;裂紋現(xiàn)象

2、heartsickness ─── 心臟病

3、suasiveness ─── 溫文爾雅

4、slickness ─── n.滑溜;巧妙;花言巧語(yǔ)

5、easiness ─── n.容易;舒適;輕松

6、sickness ─── n.疾??;嘔吐;弊病

7、airsickness ─── n.暈機(jī)

8、slackness ─── n.松弛;懈??;不活躍

9、carsickness ─── n.暈車(chē)

seasickness 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Having been knocked out by Charlton Athletic at this stage last season, and seen Manchester United get seasick in Southend on Tuesday evening, Mourinho took precautions against suffering an upset, fielding a formidable line-up. ─── 上賽季這一階段切爾西被查爾頓淘汰出局,周二晚曼聯(lián)在南部遭遇失利,為防敗績(jī),穆里尼奧排出了令人生畏的強(qiáng)大陣容。

2、Medically speaking seasickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis. ─── 醫(yī)學(xué)上稱暈船是一種運(yùn)動(dòng)病的變化。

3、Psychological factors influencing individual seasickness ─── 影響個(gè)體暈船發(fā)生的心理因素

4、You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick. ─── 當(dāng)你暈船時(shí),你會(huì)厭惡油膩的氣味。

5、They , too, got that type of nausea that we call seasickness and that the French speak of as mal de mer , or ‘sickness of the sea . ─── 他們也有這種類(lèi)型的惡心,我們要求暈船,而且講法語(yǔ)作為濱海誤的,或生病的海洋。

6、In the scenes where the ship is sinking, you actually feel a little seasick watching it. ─── 在船要沉沒(méi)的場(chǎng)景,你在觀看電影時(shí)實(shí)際上能感到有點(diǎn)暈船。

7、Seasickness was everywhere and people had no appetite. ─── 到處都是暈船的,人們沒(méi)有食欲。

8、How could you possibly get seasick from my ocean sound effects CD? ─── 妳怎么可能聽(tīng)著我大海音響效果的CD而暈船呢?

9、Anchorperson: The animals are said to have suffered a mild seasickness, but now are back to eating the finest calf's liver. ─── 主持人:這些動(dòng)物據(jù)說(shuō)已經(jīng)遭受了輕度暈船,但現(xiàn)在又回到了吃最好的牛肝。

10、If you already know you are susceptible to seasickness or the sea will be rough, you should take some medication before beginning the voyage. ─── 如果你已經(jīng)知道自己容易暈船或海浪很猛烈,你就應(yīng)該在航程前準(zhǔn)備好暈船藥。

11、Effect of hypoxic preconditioning on certain habituation processes in rats treated by mimic seasickness ─── 低氧對(duì)模擬暈船處理大鼠某些適應(yīng)性的影響

12、872. You look pale. Are you seasick? ─── 你臉色不太好,是不是暈船?

13、You loathethe smell of greasy food when you are seasick. ─── 當(dāng)你暈船時(shí),你會(huì)厭惡油膩的氣味。

14、Has the dual effect, hot time cool, cold time warm body, treats thecold, ventilates the effectwonderful to be good and to reducecarsickness, the seasickness phenomenon. ─── 具有雙重功效,熱時(shí)清涼,冷時(shí)暖身,治療感冒,通氣效果奇佳并減輕暈車(chē)、暈船的現(xiàn)象。

15、3.Ziou, governance seasick waves. ─── 3.止嘔,治暈船浪。

16、Do you get seasick? ─── 你暈船嗎?

17、you can obtain medicine for seasickness from the lifeboatman. ─── 你可從救生艇員處得到暈船藥。

18、But for Florence a "visceral dread, a helpless disgust as palpable as seasickness" is overwhelming her. ─── 但對(duì)佛羅倫薩而言,“一種和暈船一樣明顯、發(fā)自內(nèi)心的恐懼和無(wú)助的惡心”正席卷全身。

19、e.g.After several days on board,I found my sea legs and no longer felt seasick. ─── 例句:我在船上過(guò)了幾天,就習(xí)慣了顛簸,再也不怕暈船了。

20、The correlations of seasickness susceptibility with Coriolis acceleration tolerance and total protein and amylase in saliva ─── Coriolis加速度耐力、唾液總蛋白和淀粉酶與暈船敏感性的相關(guān)性

21、I got seasick when the rough wave came. ─── 當(dāng)巨浪打來(lái),我暈船了。

22、2. One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never put on airs. ─── 對(duì)自尊自大與裝模作樣的最佳應(yīng)急療法是暈船:要嘔吐的人是決不擺架子的。

23、Get seasick If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick, no form of transport could be worse. ─── 如果大海肆虐起來(lái),你就可能暈船,那種難受勁兒是任何一種別的旅行方式都不會(huì)帶來(lái)的。

24、Feel seasick in the heavy swell. ─── 在猛烈起伏的海面上感到暈船。

25、He was very prone to seasickness and already felt queasy. ─── 他很容易暈船,此時(shí)已經(jīng)感到惡心了。

26、If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick, no form of transport could be worse. ─── 如果大海肆虐起來(lái),你就可能暈船,那種難受勁兒是任何一種別的旅行的方式都不會(huì)帶來(lái)的。

27、It is mainly used to treat summer-head,mind-cold due to exogenous evils,headache,nausea vomiting,seasickness,carsickness,etc. ─── 主要用于治療暑熱、外感風(fēng)寒、頭痛、惡心嘔吐、暈船等病證。

28、7.Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared sealskins to seasick sailors. ─── 7個(gè)穿著鯊魚(yú)皮外套的差勁的騙子把剪平的海豹皮賣(mài)給暈船的水手。

29、You look pale. Are you seasick? ─── 你臉色不太好,是不是暈船?

30、Motion sickness and motion sickness, seasickness, etc. , as referred to as motion sickness medicine. ─── 暈機(jī)和暈車(chē)、暈船等一樣,醫(yī)學(xué)上統(tǒng)稱為運(yùn)動(dòng)病。

31、Of instance, speed boat was a highest a incidence of seasickness. ─── 例如,快速船的暈船病發(fā)生率最高。

32、Keywords Seasickness;Differentially expressed genes;Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH); ─── 關(guān)鍵詞暈船;差異表達(dá)基因;抑制消減雜交;

33、I couldn't help myself from getting seasick. ─── 2小時(shí)的航行對(duì)于我太長(zhǎng)了,我很快就暈船了。

34、You look pale.Are you seasick? ─── 您臉色蒼白。是不是暈?

35、Typical indicators for seasickness are a dry mouth, cold sweat, dizziness and nausea, sometimes followed by vomiting. ─── 典型的暈船癥狀是口干、出冷汗、頭昏眼花并且惡心,有時(shí)候還會(huì)嘔吐。

36、same ship cabin space than officers face a high incidence of seasickness; ─── 同一船舶上艙內(nèi)人員比艙面人員暈船的發(fā)病率高;

37、Did you have any infected diseases before? Are you seasick? ─── 你有傳染病史么?你暈船么?

38、The ship rocked violently from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness. ─── 輪船劇烈地左右晃動(dòng),許多乘客都暈船了。

39、Are there any seasick captains? ─── 哪有暈船的船長(zhǎng)啊?

40、'I feel seasick already,' she moaned. ─── “我已經(jīng)感到暈船,”她呻吟著。

41、be liable to seasickness; be a bad sailor ─── 好暈船

42、Despite seeming weak and unreliable (he gets very seasick, and does not have a driving license), he wins over the skeptical islanders with his skill and dedication. ─── 盡管似乎薄弱和不可靠的(他會(huì)非常暈船,而且沒(méi)有駕駛執(zhí)照),他贏得了島上居民的懷疑與他的技能和奉獻(xiàn)精神。

43、I, on the other hand, had mild seasickness for part of the time and felt too queasy to eat. ─── 在又一次前往餐廳甲板時(shí),喬會(huì)說(shuō),午飯的肉丸子真不錯(cuò)。

44、You must endure seasickness, storms, a vicious crew, rotten food, unsafe water, and worst of all, the deadly "black fever. ─── 他寫(xiě)過(guò)很多非小說(shuō)類(lèi)的兒童圖書(shū),其中不少都是與歷史有關(guān)。現(xiàn)在他與心愛(ài)的妻子梅麗莎居住在愛(ài)爾蘭的都柏林。

45、Fortunately, the storm abated somewhat, though the seas were choppy and many of the soldiers arrived miserably seasick. ─── 幸運(yùn)的是這天的風(fēng)暴平靜了一些,但海峽海域仍是波濤洶涌。 許多士兵在到達(dá)彼岸時(shí)因暈船而感到痛苦難忍。

46、They , too, got that type of nausea that we call seasickness and that the French speak of as mal de mer , or 'sickness of the sea . ─── 他們也有這種類(lèi)型的惡心,我們要求暈船,而且講法語(yǔ)作為濱海誤的,或生病的海洋。

47、He got seasick and heaved up. ─── 他因暈船嘔吐了。

48、Don't get close to me; I'm about to get seasick. ─── 不要靠近我,我要暈船了。

49、People go red, pale, or white with anger, blue with cold, green with seasickness or envy, purple with rage. ─── 人們因生氣而臉色變紅,變得蒼白,或變得煞白,臉凍得發(fā)紫,由于暈船或妒嫉而臉色發(fā)青,由于狂怒而臉色發(fā)紫。

50、Study of the correlation between personality trait, cognitive style and seasickness symptoms ─── 人格特質(zhì)、認(rèn)知方式與暈船癥狀的相關(guān)研究

51、Rita: Jake gets seasick on boats. ─── 麗塔:杰克暈船嗎?

52、He got seasick during the voyage. ─── 在航行中他暈船。

53、CNN) -- After almost 3,000 miles of rowing, bouts of seasickness, equipment failure and salt sores, Paul Ridley is back on land. ─── 在暈船,設(shè)備失效以及海鹽燒灼的創(chuàng)傷伴隨著的約三千英里的航程之...[更多

54、Mulder: Do you have any Dramamine on you by any chance? Cause these [microfilm readers] things make me seasick. ─── 你有可能帶著茶苯海明嗎?這些(縮影膠片瀏覽器)東西讓我有暈船反應(yīng)。

55、One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness: a man who wants to vomitnever put on airs. ─── 對(duì)自尊自大與裝模作樣的最佳應(yīng)急療法是暈船:要嘔吐的人是決不擺架子的。

56、If you get seasick when looking at three-dimensional games, this time waster might not be for you. ─── 如果當(dāng)你看三維立體游戲時(shí)感到暈眩,那么這件費(fèi)時(shí)的事可能不適合你。

57、2.A harness is always worn in darkness and when seasick. ─── 2. 天黑及暈船時(shí)需帶上個(gè)人安全索具。

58、You obtain medicine for seasickness from the lifeboatman. ─── 9你可從救生艇員處得到暈船藥。

59、In order for our troops to avoid becoming seasick and to be prepared for all circumstances, we performed maneuvers north of Chaohu Lake day and night. ─── 為了在水中不發(fā)暈,為了能應(yīng)付各種情況,我們?cè)诔埠辈孔隽硕喾矫娴臏?zhǔn)備,白天夜晚進(jìn)行演習(xí)。

60、1. He get seasick every time he crosse the channel. ─── 他每次渡英吉利海峽時(shí)都暈船。

61、He is liable to seasickness. ─── 他容易暈船。

62、Did you get seasick during the voyage? ─── 你在坐船時(shí)暈船了嗎?

63、9.Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared seal skins to seasick sailors. ─── 七個(gè)穿著鯊魚(yú)皮衣服的卑劣的論棍賣(mài)剪好的海豹皮給暈船的水手。

64、Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness. ─── 歐洲人吃瓜作為預(yù)防暈船的方法。

65、11. Sixty-six seasick sea serpents swam the six seas. ─── 六十六條暈船的海蛇在六個(gè)海洋中游泳。

66、No, I have a sailing lesson. Where can I buy some medicine? I get seasick. ─── 不,我有一節(jié)航帆課。我到哪里可以買(mǎi)些藥?我暈船。

67、Commonly used drugs such as methyldopa, Symmetrel, Inderal, cimetidine, scopolamine seasickness patches, and digitalis preparations ─── 常用藥物,如甲基多巴、鹽酸金剛烷胺、心得安、甲腈咪胺、莨菪胺暈船膏藥和洋地黃制劑。

68、None of the family got seasick save the puppie. ─── 全家人都沒(méi)有暈船,除了小狗。

69、Early in the navigation, above the middle under the conditions of wind, sailors seasick a higher rate of incidence above 80%; ─── 如在航行初期、中等以上風(fēng)浪的條件下,海員暈船的發(fā)病率較高,達(dá)80%以上;

70、There are a few things you can do to reduce the chance of feeling seasick. ─── 你能做一些事情來(lái)減少暈船感覺(jué)的機(jī)會(huì)。

71、Feel seasick in the heavy swell ─── 在猛烈起伏的海面上感到暈船

72、Keywords hypoxic preconditioning;hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning;seasickness;activity of enzyme;iron;copper;rat; ─── 低氧預(yù)處理;高壓氧預(yù)處理;暈船;酶活性;鐵;銅;大鼠;

73、When I get seasick, I throw up my food. ─── 我一暈船就嘔吐。

74、It delves into everything from seasickness, jet lag and the hazards of camels to malaria and plague. ─── 它探究了從暈船、時(shí)差和駱駝的危害到瘧疾和瘟疫的一切。

75、also known as motion sickness motion sickness is motion sickness, seasickness, airsickness, etc. general. ─── 也暈車(chē)暈船暈車(chē)知道的是,暈船,暈機(jī)等一般。

76、You look good when you're seasick. ─── 你暈船時(shí)看上去還是蠻好的。

77、You wouldn't have a bad time at all, so long as you weren't seasick. ─── 只要你不暈船。你就根本不會(huì)受苦。

78、If it not,and you are likely to get seasick,no form of transport could be worse. ─── 如果海上有浪,你又暈船,就沒(méi)有什么比坐船廠更糟糕的旅行方式了。

79、3.She was very much worried about getting seasick, but fellow-travellors laughed her out of it. ─── 她很擔(dān)心會(huì)暈船,可是旅伴們同她說(shuō)說(shuō)笑笑,使她忘了暈船的事。

80、Is not the direction of the sea, I can only seasickness, given my degeneration only dreamer. ─── 是沒(méi)有方向的大海,我只能暈船,追夢(mèng)唯有賦予我墮落。

81、They got on board knowing full well the voyage would get rocky, but conveniently forgot that fact when rough sailing made them seasick. ─── 他們上船的時(shí)候就知道旅途不會(huì)那么順利,但是他們忘了海浪太厲害了,他們都暈船了。

82、Keywords Hypoxic preconditioning;Seasickness;Habituation change;Rat; ─── 低氧預(yù)處理;暈船;適應(yīng);大鼠;

83、Do you have nausea on ship? / Are you very prone to seasickness? ─── 12、你知道在麗星郵輪是工作一個(gè)船期是多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間嗎?

84、912. If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick, no form of transport could be worse. ─── 如果大海肆虐起來(lái),你就可能暈船,那種難受勁兒是任何一種別的旅行的方式都不會(huì)帶來(lái)的。

85、Of course I had some worries too: Getting seasick, encountering a storm, being bitten by a poisonous fish or facing sharks or crocodiles(salt water crocodiles in Australia)in the water. ─── 當(dāng)然,我也有我的擔(dān)心:擔(dān)心會(huì)暈船,遭遇暴風(fēng)雨,被毒魚(yú)噬咬,或者碰到鯊魚(yú)或鱷魚(yú)(澳大利亞的咸水鱷)。

86、One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness:a man who wants to vomit never puts on airs. ─── 對(duì)自尊自大與裝模作樣的最佳應(yīng)急療法就是暈船:要嘔吐的人是決不擺架子的。

87、One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is. seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never puts on airs. ─── 對(duì)自尊自大與裝模作樣的最佳應(yīng)急療法就是暈船:要嘔吐的人是決不擺架子的。

88、They had left many friends and family members behind in The Netherlands.They had experienced rough seas brought on by a hurricane and had dealt with seemingly endless seasickness. ─── 他們離開(kāi)了荷蘭的親朋好友,經(jīng)歷過(guò)颶風(fēng)捲起的狂濤,嘗盡了似乎永無(wú)止盡的暈船。

89、Are you seasick? ─── 你是不是暈船?

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