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10-04 投稿


mysteriousness 發(fā)音

英:[m??st?ri?sn?s]  美:[m??st??ri?sn?s]

英:  美:

mysteriousness 中文意思翻譯



mysteriousness 短語詞組

1、mysteriousness of creativity ─── 創(chuàng)造力的神秘性

mysteriousness 相似詞語短語

1、abstemiousness ─── 節(jié)制

2、semiseriousness ─── 半嚴重性

3、utmost seriousness ─── 極其嚴肅

4、meritoriousness ─── n.有價值

5、boisterousness ─── n.喧鬧;歡躍;(風暴)狂烈

6、unseriousness ─── n.不認真;不嚴肅;不莊重

7、seriousness ─── n.嚴重性;嚴肅;認真

8、dexterousness ─── 靈巧;敏捷;熟練

9、deleteriousness ─── 有害性

mysteriousness 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Cats are often admired for their grace and mysteriousness. ─── 貓因為它們的優(yōu)雅和神秘而常常受到崇拜。

2、But, it must now be said, another portion of the community had latterly begun to take its own view of the relation betwixt Mr. Dimmesdale and the mysteri old physician. ─── 但是,我們現(xiàn)在必須說明的是,后來另外一部分居民開始對丁梅斯代爾先生和那神秘的老醫(yī)生之間的關(guān)系持有異議了。

3、The sense of secrecy, mysteriousness and excitement that comes from a whisper is very attractive. ─── 保守秘密的感覺,通過耳語帶來的神秘感和興奮的感覺是很令人著迷的。

4、That mysteriousness was the thing that made Lehman's collapse turn instantly into a systemic crisis. ─── 神秘的是讓雷曼兄弟垮臺的事立即轉(zhuǎn)變成了系統(tǒng)的危機。

5、I haven't had enough of your morning loveliness, and I will always look forward for one more glimpse of your mysteriousness at night. ─── 我還沒有看夠你清晨的美麗,也永遠不會看夠你夜里的神秘。

6、This must be the place where the mysteri ous man was hiding! ─── 這一定就是那位神秘人士的藏身之處了。

7、"Elopement" is a term or an event with some sort of mysteriousness. ─── “私奔”總是個神秘的話題。

8、When people sail in the Wu Gorge and recall the story of King Xiang's dream at Gaotang, they are likely to feel excited by the mysteriousness of the setting. ─── 人們過巫峽,聯(lián)想起這則“高唐夢”的故事,大概都會生出幾分神秘感的。

9、Meili Snow Mountain is world-known for its loftiness, magnificence and mysteriousness. ─── 梅里雪山以其巍峨壯麗、神秘莫測聞名于世。

10、Some people had said that because of my blog, I have spoiled the mysteriousness of an entertainer. ─── 有人說我寫博客破壞自己作為一個藝人的神秘感。

11、The mysteriousness of God's will is its philosophical basis; ─── 天意神秘論是其哲學基礎(chǔ);

12、appalling things happened, and the mysteriousness of the morning was explained to Mary. ─── 可怕的事情發(fā)生后,瑪麗就知道了早晨的秘密。

13、They like to have an edge of mysteriousness. ─── 藥物治療可服用維生素類藥物。

14、The charm of love lies in the mysteriousness and spontaneousness; requiring no reasons, regardless of losses and gains, and anything else. ─── 愛情的魅力就在于它的神秘性和自發(fā)性,它不問原因,不顧一切,不計利害。

15、This step is where most of the frustrations, disappointments, and mysteriousness associated with trading begin. ─── 大部分的挫折、失望、和交易的神秘聯(lián)系都從此開始。

16、Its major characteristics include: multiplicity and complexity; orderliness and locality; mysteriousness and practicality; ─── 其主要特征有 :多元性與復合性 ,階層性與地方性 ,神秘性與實用性 ,穩(wěn)定性與變異性。

17、Because we can merely appreciate it"s simply primitiveness and its mysteriousness but can not reach a further understanding. ─── 因為我們除了從形式上直觀地感悟到一種所謂的古樸、神秘的美外,幾乎不能再作出進一步的理解了。

18、Not only for its mysteriousness, but more importantly, for one day of the year, they can wear the creative customs, the funny masks, the fun trick-or-treating, and the limitless candies. ─── 不僅充滿神秘色彩,更重要的是,一年中只有這一天,他們可以穿上五顏六色的化妝服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提上一盞“杰克燈”,要回來一堆堆的糖果。

19、This step is where most of the frustrations, disappointments, and mysteriousness associated with trading begin. ─── 大部分的挫折、失望、和交易的神秘聯(lián)系都從此開始。

20、the mysteriousness of God's will ─── 天意神秘論

21、Also, ghosts don't like to work in conditions where people might see them, because they want to retain the mysteriousness that makes them so scary. ─── 而且,鬼魂不喜歡在能被人看到的地方活動,因為他們想要保留這種令人發(fā)指的神秘感。

22、Whispering in her ear. The sense of secrecy, mysteriousness and excitement that comes from a whisper is very attractive. ─── 和她耳語。替人保守秘密的感覺,通過耳語帶來的神秘感和興奮的感覺是很令人著迷的。

23、5) Cats are often admired for their grace and mysteriousness. ─── 貓因為它們的優(yōu)雅和神秘而常常受到崇拜。

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