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10-03 投稿


meandrous 發(fā)音


英:  美:

meandrous 中文意思翻譯



meandrous 相似詞語短語

1、-androus ─── 雄(蕊)的

2、diandrous ─── adj.有雙雄蕊的

3、hexandrous ─── adj.[植]六雄蕊的

4、enneandrous ─── 高尚的

5、misandrous ─── 錯亂的

6、decandrous ─── adj.具十雄蕊的

7、isandrous ─── adj.等雄蕊的

8、monandrous ─── adj.單雄蕊的;一夫制的

9、anandrous ─── adj.[植]無雄蕊的

meandrous 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、We can just meander outside all day looking at spring blossoms and all the life bubbling over after a long winter. ─── 我們只能每天只能在外面誑誑,欣賞春天盛開的鮮花寒冬過后準(zhǔn)備盛開的花骨朵。

2、meander line polarizer ─── 折線柵圓極化器

3、For this reason, Shakespeare is called the Swan of Avon;Virgil, the Swan of Mantua;Homer, the Swan of Meander. ─── 所以莎士比亞被譽為“埃文河上的天鵝”,維吉爾號稱“曼圖亞的天鵝”,荷馬有“密安德的天鵝”之美稱。

4、enforced meander ─── 強化曲流

5、entrenched meander ─── 嵌入曲流深切河灣嵌入曲流淙切蜿曲嵌入曲流

6、At least he had remembered "broad meander valley," while looking at his map and the scenery. ─── 不過他總算記住了一個曲流寬谷,而且是對著地圖和大地記住了它。

7、3) There is an offshore branch of the Taiwan Warm Current in the west side of the Kuroshio, and it makes a cyclonic meander, then flows northeastward. ─── 3)黑潮西側(cè)有一臺灣暖流外側(cè)分支 ,先作氣旋式彎曲 ,爾后向東北方向流動 .

8、meander line antenna ─── 平面折線振子天線

9、Pull-in Phenomena of Multilevel Meander Magnetic Microactuator ─── 多層彎曲磁芯微執(zhí)行器的吸合現(xiàn)象

10、cutoff meander ─── 割斷曲流弓形湖

11、belt meander ─── 帶狀河曲

12、meander through the park ─── 從公園的一端漫步到另一端

13、Influence of inflow angle on development of meander ─── 入流角對河道曲流形成的影響

14、They meander the byways, cross the stone bridges, and linger in their halls and homes as they will. ─── 他們看管過路,穿越石頭橋梁,隨意的徘徊在他們房間內(nèi)部。

15、The axes of the brook spread from south to north,and one part of brook deviates to east-western,which causes a small meander at the east-western. There is a sandbank in the center of the Huanhua Brook. ─── 其中軸線沿南北向伸展,部分又有近東西向偏移,造成局部河身的東西向小幅度彎曲,河心尚有沙洲,是一個結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜的不規(guī)則河曲。

16、The wind variation, wavelike meander of Kuroshio and Taiwan Warm Current and instantaneous eddy, atmospheric pressure vibration are mainly factors for the low frequency current variation. ─── 初步得出:風(fēng)的變化、強流彎曲和瞬時渦旋是低頻流變化的機制,而在半封閉海區(qū)低頻流的變化同海面氣壓振蕩有關(guān)。

17、Here is a brief record in "Green Lakes", a chapter in the Annals of Nanping County: "In Jiuzhaigou, lakes meander for miles, with wooded hills mirrored in the clear water. ─── 《南坪縣志 - 翠?!穼耪瘻巷L(fēng)光曾有過粗略的記載:“羊峒番內(nèi),海狹長數(shù)里。 水光浮翠,倒映林嵐。”

18、advanced cut meander ─── 拓寬河曲

19、We meander west, or uphill, or downtown, while using the map to evaluate the next immediate turn ahead, wherever we are. ─── 我們會曲折向西,或上坡,或下坡,同時,不管到了哪里,都會拿出地圖看看下一個馬上要到的路口。

20、alluvial meander ─── 沖積曲折河段

21、assistentrenched meander ─── 嵌入曲流深切曲流

22、deformation incised meander ─── 變形深切曲流

23、ingrown meander ─── 內(nèi)生曲流

24、A resistance meander wire usually of constantan is welded onto a strip of foil. ─── 在金屬薄片上焊接了改良的電阻導(dǎo)線,通常使用的是康銅導(dǎo)線。

25、A novel antenna design called dual meander line antenna is proposed.The method of moments is used to investigate the resonant characteristics of the antenna. ─── 摘要提出一種新型單極子天線,天線的輻射主體由雙彎折線構(gòu)成,通過矩量法研究天線的諧振特性。

26、Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box, they tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe. ─── 思緒如不安的風(fēng)在信箱里蜿蜒,在尋找超越萬物的出路時盲目跌倒。

27、magnetic microactuator with a multilevel meander ─── 多級曲折磁芯微梁執(zhí)行器

28、multilevel meander magnetic microactuator ─── 多層彎曲磁芯微執(zhí)行器

29、The bar closes early forcing Eve to meander her way through the crowded cheerful streets back to her apartment. ─── 作為一個事業(yè)成功的單身女人,伊芙老想成功到底帶給她什么呢。

30、We have established a physical model for the meander point bar. ─── 摘要建立了曲流點壩物理模型,模擬地下曲流點壩儲層進(jìn)行驅(qū)替實驗。

31、giving wandering animals the “right-of-way” on the lanes. Deer, cattle, and sheep often halt the buses' progress up or down the mountain as they meander ─── 今天游覽到這個莊園,起點就在舊飛機跑道所在位置附近??腿藗兂税褪康缴巾?。路上,仍然可以看見讓放養(yǎng)的動物們“優(yōu)先通行”的標(biāo)示牌。鹿、牛和羊悠閑地在鹽漬地舔食時

32、meander line dipole antenna ─── 彎折線對稱振子天線

33、Guo Yongxian,Jia Jianynan,Liang Liping,et al.Design and Research of a Three-layer Multilevel Meander Magnetic Microactuator[J].Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators,2008,21(3):412-415. ─── [12]郭永獻(xiàn),賈建援,梁麗萍,等.三層多級彎曲磁微執(zhí)行器設(shè)計與研究[J].傳感技術(shù)學(xué)報,2008,21(3):412-415.

34、"Broad meander valley" -- suddenly this concept jumped out at him, and he smiled faintly. ─── “曲流寬谷”,突然一個概念跳了出來,他不禁微微笑了。

35、Explanation and Naming of Meander Bank in China's Pre-Qin Days ─── 中國先秦時期河曲地貌的述稱

36、Threemajor roads led from the seaport: one road went east towardsBabylon via Laodicea, another to the north via Smyrna and a thirdsouth to the Meander Valley. ─── 從港口通出三條主要街道:一條經(jīng)由老底嘉,通往東邊的巴比倫。另一條經(jīng)由伊茲密爾通往北方,第三條通往南方的河曲谷。

37、The meander antenna is sited on top of a standard SMA type connector considered as the antenna ground plane and is fed through the coaxial core of the connector. ─── 似乎是:螺旋天線被置于一個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的SMA型連接器上,此連接器被視作該天線的接地面并通過同軸線為此連接器饋電。

38、meander loop ─── 彎曲河環(huán)型河床

39、Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box. ─── 思緒象不平靜的風(fēng)在信箱里蜿蜒著。

40、Effects of Cu Layer Width on the Giant Magneto-impedance Effect in Sandwich FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/ FeCuNbCrSiB Films With a Meander Line Structure ─── Cu層寬度對彎曲型三明治結(jié)構(gòu)FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/FeCuNbCrSiB多層膜巨磁阻抗效應(yīng)的影響

41、abandoned meander ─── 廢棄河曲

42、Three major roads led from the seaport: one road went east towards Babylon via Laodicea, another to the north via Smyrna and a third south to the Meander Valley. ─── 從港口通出三條主要街道:一條經(jīng)由老底嘉,通往東邊的巴比倫。另一條經(jīng)由伊茲密爾通往北方,第三條通往南方的河曲谷。

43、Unless you have a plan, your ship will meander through the water, drifting along with no destination in mind. ─── 但是,你要去哪里呢?除非你有一個計劃,您的船舶將在水中漂泊,毫無目的地隨波逐流。

44、Numerical Investigation of Resonant Characteristics for the Dual Meander Line Antenna ─── 雙彎折線天線諧振特性的數(shù)值研究

45、The aprons have larger shells of oval form, from which floral sprigs emerge and meander over the flat channelling. ─── 圍裙有較大的橢圓形形式的炮彈,其中花卉開的出現(xiàn)和蜿蜒的單位輸送。

46、Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they ─── 思考彎曲像他們的信箱內(nèi)風(fēng)不寧

47、is the meandrous and intense reflection of their attachment consciousness. ─── 的自相殘害是依附意識的曲折和激烈的反映。

48、Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box ─── 思緒流淌著如同信箱里不息的風(fēng)

49、They usually meander down to the pub after work. ─── 他們通常下班后漫步到那家小酒店去。

50、meander corner ─── 折測線角

51、FEM Model Analysis of Magnetic Microactuator with a Multilevel Meander Magnetic Core ─── 多層彎曲磁微執(zhí)行器的有限元分析

52、Waterfalls roaring like thunder cascade down precipitous cliffs and gurgling streams meander through serene nooks. Clouds and vapor float and wrap the scenery in a blanket of mist. ─── 廬山奇?zhèn)饔碾U,瀑飛泉鳴,云蒸霧涌,氣象萬千。

53、But we'll have a bit of lunch at the park pavilion first and then meander over to see No. 10 ─── 但是我們要先在公園的亭子里吃點東西,然后拐彎去參觀唐寧街10號

54、cut-off meander ─── 割斷曲流

55、In the northern part of Daqing Oilfield,fluvial channel sandbodies such as sandy braided channel,meander channel,high sinuosity channel and low sinuosity channel are developed. ─── 大慶油田北部發(fā)育砂質(zhì)辮狀河道、曲流河道、高彎度分流河道和低彎度分流河道等砂體類型。

56、Dacke and her colleagues discovered that beetles chart a straight course only on moonlit nights. Without the Moon, they meander randomly. ─── Dacke和她的同事發(fā)現(xiàn)甲蟲只在月光的夜里才能形成直線。沒有月亮,它們隨意彎彎曲曲移動。

57、meander channel ─── 彎曲河槽

58、A fun arts and crafts route known as the Midlands Meander is extremely popular for those who want to explore. ─── 內(nèi)陸漫步是在一條充滿樂趣的工藝品路徑上的旅程,深受熱衷探險的人士歡迎。

59、meander configuratio ─── 扭曲型|曲折型

60、For something entirely different, head towards Dullstroom along the Highlands Meander. ─── 如果您想嘗試一些完全不同的東西,向前走可以到達(dá)高地曲流沿岸的杜爾史頓。

61、1.long and curving; 2.to meander ─── 宛延

62、tape meander line ─── 帶狀蛇行線

63、meander suspension ─── 弓型支撐梁

64、The Meander on College Life ─── 大學(xué)生活漫談

65、meander configuration ─── 扭曲型曲折型

66、I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. ─── 我不會在犧牲面前退縮,在敵對者面前猶豫,在敵人的桌前談條件,在名聲的河里思想,或在庸碌的迷宮里碾轉(zhuǎn)。

67、cut off meander ─── 弓形牛軛湖割斷曲流

68、Analysis on the mechanical preference of microresonators with meander suspensions ─── 弓型懸臂梁微靜電諧振器力學(xué)建模

69、Stress-impedance Effect in Sandwich FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/ FeCuNbCrSiB Films with a Meander line Structure ─── Cu層寬度對彎曲型三明治結(jié)構(gòu)FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/FeCuNbCrSiB多層膜應(yīng)力阻抗效應(yīng)的影響

70、Three-dimensional diagram illustrating a river meander with a point bar being formed on one bank and erosion occurring on the other bank. ─── 對某河曲進(jìn)行說明的三維示意圖,河的一岸正在形成曲流沙壩,另一岸正在受到浸蝕。

71、scroll meander ─── 內(nèi)側(cè)堆積曲流

72、They tumble down mountainsides; they meander through flat farmlands. ─── 它們滾滾沖下山脊,蜿蜒穿過平坦的農(nóng)田。

73、meander delay line ─── 折疊帶延遲線

74、meander concertina ─── 多重河曲

75、Wear comfortable shoes and plan to meander through the massive back lot, which has more than 500 outdoor sets and facades depicting locations as diverse as the Old West, New York City, and Europe. ─── 你還可以穿著舒適的鞋子,打算漫步走過寬闊的外景場地,那兒擺著500多個露天布景和建筑物的正面布景,它們描繪出過去的西部、紐約市和歐洲等一些不同的場所。

76、I meander through my life and never return. ─── 我的生命漂泊不定,一去不回來。

77、Keywords Multi-folded-beam suspensions;Meander suspensions;Laterally oscillation;Electrostatic comb silicon micro resonators;MEMS; ─── 關(guān)鍵詞多折疊支撐梁;弓型支撐梁;橫向振動;梳狀硅微靜電諧振器;MEMS;

78、ingrown meander valley ─── 內(nèi)生曲流谷

79、I liked to meander through familiar streets. ─── 我喜歡閑逛穿過熟悉的街道。

80、The meander of fine arts of the computer ─── 主題:計算機的藝術(shù)河曲

81、A journey on the Loire is a meander in history art and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. ─── 徜徉在盧瓦爾河上,如同蕩漾在歷史、藝術(shù)與現(xiàn)實之中。歐洲這小小的一角,卻已深深鐫刻在人們的內(nèi)心深處。

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