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10-03 投稿


moll 發(fā)音

英:[m?l]  美:[mɑl]

英:  美:

moll 中文意思翻譯



moll 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 莫爾(女子名,Mary的昵稱)

moll 詞性/詞形變化,moll變形


moll 短語詞組

1、Moll's glands ─── [醫(yī)] 莫耳氏腺, 睫腺

2、gangster's moll ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 流氓黑社會(huì)

3、Moll Flanders ─── 摩爾·弗蘭德斯(書名)

4、contagium moll ─── 軟性接觸

5、gun moll ─── 女罪犯

6、pepe moll ─── 五顆鉆石

7、Ebers-Moll model ─── [電] 衣伯-莫爾模型

moll 相似詞語短語

1、coll ─── n.膠原;膠質(zhì)(等于colloid)

2、Doll ─── n.洋娃娃;玩偶;無頭腦的美麗女人;vt.把…打扮得花枝招展;n.(Doll)人名;(英)多爾(女子教名Dorothea和Dorothy的昵稱);(西)多利

3、molly ─── n.花鳉,胎鳉;胎鳉科,胎鳉屬;懦夫;娘娘腔的男人;n.(Molly)(美)茉莉(人名)

4、molls ─── n.情婦;妓女

5、mall ─── n.商場(chǎng),購(gòu)物廣場(chǎng);步行商業(yè)區(qū);步行道;鐵圈球球場(chǎng);n.(Mall)(美、瑞)邁勒(人名)

6、loll ─── vi.懶洋洋地倚靠;vt.懶洋洋地倚靠;n.(Loll)人名;(德)洛爾

7、mell ─── vt.使融合;n.(Mell)(美、英、加)梅爾(人名)

8、boll ─── n.[植]圓莢;博耳(容量單位);n.(Boll)人名;(阿拉伯)布勒;(英、法、德、芬、瑞典)博爾

9、molal ─── adj.(重量)克分子的

moll 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Cameron Moll . ─── 原著: Andy Budd .

2、Narrative structure and confirmation of?capitalist individual value in Moll Flanders ─── 從敘述結(jié)構(gòu)論《摩爾·弗蘭德斯》對(duì)資本主義個(gè)體價(jià)值的肯定

3、Martin himself attended the sick moll. ─── 馬丁自己來照顧這個(gè)病人。

4、He has had two wives, this is bright coal is marrying what cross oath in the announce in cathedral, still have 4 well-known cohabitational Moll, still have other be counted thoroughly hard. ─── 他有過兩個(gè)妻子,這是明煤正娶在教堂里宣過誓的,還有四名眾所周知的同居情婦,還有其他的就難以數(shù)得清了。

5、Moll's gland ─── 摩爾氏腺莫爾氏腺

6、CARL: Let your feeling out, Moll. ─── 卡爾:把你的感情釋放出來,莫。

7、Artist: The feeling of Moll is far want than what wife place gives bold and unrestrained. ─── 藝術(shù)家:情婦的感情遠(yuǎn)比妻子所給予的要奔放。

8、"The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, Etc. ─── 不久,她做了一位富有紳士的情婦,并生下一個(gè)兒子。

9、The chapter also discusses the fight of Moll against the patriarchal society, which is a prominent point of Moll as a feminist character, also from the economic and marital aspects. ─── 在這一章里還從經(jīng)濟(jì)和婚姻方面分析了摩爾在父權(quán)社會(huì)里的反抗,這也是摩爾作為女性主義人物形象的閃光點(diǎn)。

10、He First tries to steal Diamond's moll Frances (Jennifer Miller). ─── 但他 發(fā)現(xiàn)家境貧困為了養(yǎng)活家人,他被迫干回非法勾當(dāng),并跟五名青年組 成六人幫,稱霸街頭。

11、1731 Daniel Defoe, English writer, author of Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders, died. ─── 英國(guó)作家、小說《魯濱遜漂流記》和《摩爾·弗蘭德斯》的作者丹尼爾·笛福去世。

12、Moll says: "If be heard 3 times,knock, it is my husband came back. ─── 情婦說:“要是聽到三聲敲門,就是我丈夫回來了?!?/p>

13、We have already noted Moll Flanders'blunt summary of what a woman owes herself and how she can best secure it. ─── 我們已經(jīng)注意到,摩爾·弗蘭德斯直言不諱地概括了一個(gè)女人對(duì)自己承擔(dān)著什么義務(wù),如何最好地達(dá)到這一目的。

14、"If you get one piece of spyware, you will get five because the business model says they pay each other to pass on information about victims," said Mr Moll. ─── "如果你得到一張間諜、因?yàn)槟銜?huì)得到五個(gè)業(yè)務(wù)模式稱他們付錢給對(duì)方傳遞消息的受害者"羊.

15、Moll rs gland ─── 摩爾氏腺, 莫爾氏腺

16、Now I don’t use the word moll in conversation too often. ─── 目前,我在日常對(duì)話中很少用到moll這個(gè)詞。

17、Moll gland ─── 睫毛腺, 莫爾腺

18、rhododendron moll ─── 鬧羊花

19、Dr Moll had an extensive problem on his hands, it turned out, called extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB. ─── 摩爾醫(yī)生所面臨的是一種廣泛耐藥結(jié)核菌(XDR-TB)。

20、Lamudu casts the wife in British villa, and overcome Lyell with Moll - Ward spent a paragraph of happy time in Italy. ─── 拉姆頓把妻子扔在英國(guó)的別墅里,而和情婦克萊爾-沃德在意大利度過了一段快樂時(shí)光。

21、Her husband learned of her secret and, craving for the young Moll, stole her pills and ate three at once. ─── 她先生得悉了她的秘密,而渴望著年輕的瑪兒,所以偷走她的藥丸,一下子吃了三粒。

22、Moll sees assist collect already went, go opening the door. ─── 情婦見佐羅已走,便去開門。

23、On March 5, 2004, the Guinness World Records acknowledged him as the oldest living man when Joan Riudavets Moll, of Spain, passed away at age 114. ─── 黑爾1910年結(jié)婚,有子女5人、孫輩9人、曾孫輩9人以及玄孫輩11人。老人的壽命不僅比他妻子長(zhǎng),也超過了他子女中的3人。

24、With A Friend like Harry by Dominik Moll ─── 哈利·親愛吾友

25、Cameron Moll encourages web designers to realign their website rather than redesign. ─── 卡梅倫莫爾鼓勵(lì)網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)重新調(diào)整他們的網(wǎng)站,而不是重新設(shè)計(jì) 。

26、Moll asks assist collect: "If my husband came back, how to do? ─── 情婦問佐羅:“要是我丈夫回來了,怎么辦?”

27、Bi Deman still was employed last year profess " professional Moll " person, become to England for the website spokesman. ─── 畢德曼去年還雇了位自稱“職業(yè)情婦”者,為網(wǎng)站到英國(guó)當(dāng)代言人。

28、Moll microphotometer ─── 摩耳測(cè)微光度計(jì)

29、Moll's microphotometer ─── 莫爾(氏)測(cè)微光度計(jì)

30、9 see joke: A day, assist collect trysts to Moll home and Moll. ─── 9看笑話: 一日,佐羅到情婦家與情婦幽會(huì)。

31、" the husband answers, "She is my Moll. ─── 丈夫答,“她是我的情婦?!?/p>

32、15 Freitas GR,Moll J,Aranjo AQL,et al.The Babinski-Nageotte Syndrome.Neurology,2001,56:1604. ─── 14李晨,靳桂琴.延髓背外側(cè)綜合征25例臨床.臨床神經(jīng)病學(xué)雜志,2006,19:309.

33、External hordeolum: An external hordeolum (sty) is an acute small staphylococcal abscess of a lash follicle and its associated gland of Zeis of Moll. ─── 外瞼腺炎:睫毛根部毛囊或其附屬的皮脂腺或變態(tài)汗腺感染,又稱外麥粒腫。

34、She is known as his moll or sometimes as a gun moll. ─── 她一般會(huì)被看作是他的moll,或者有時(shí)被看成一個(gè)gunmoll。

35、in the audio version) I'll read you the citation for moll. ─── 在本文的mp3里)我會(huì)為您讀出這條單詞moll的引語。

36、Moll and Grafman asked subjects to consider donating money to charity while their brains were monitored under an MRI. ─── 莫爾和葛夫曼受試對(duì)象在他們要求考慮捐錢的同時(shí)就對(duì)他們的大腦進(jìn)行磁共振監(jiān)測(cè)。

37、In The Oxford English Dictionary the term gun moll is said to be American slang for a female thief or an armed woman. ─── 在《牛津英語詞典》里,詞組gunmoll被說成是一個(gè)美國(guó)俚語,用來指稱女賊(femalethief)或是持有槍械的女子(armedwoman)。

38、Flour acidity (using of 0.1 molL NaOH10 g, titrated in the presence of phenolphthalein)depends upon the extraction rate of the flour and ranges between 2.0 mlg (flour type 450)and 5.5 mlg (flour type 1800). ─── 面粉的酸度(0.1mollnaOH10g面粉,在以酚酞為指示劑的情況下滴定)主要取決于面粉的出品率,其變化范圍2.0mlg(面粉型號(hào)為450)~5.5mlg(面粉型號(hào)為1800)

39、Methods MSCs were isolated and cultured in vitro, and then exposed to different dose of dexamethasone (10 -8 molL,10 -7 molL,10 -6 molL), rhFGF (50 ngml,200 ngml,500 ngml) and rhBMP-2 (50 ngml,500 ngml, 1 000 ngml) respectively. ─── 實(shí)驗(yàn)組分別與終濃度為10-8、10-7、10-6mol/L地塞米松; 終濃度為50、200、500ng/mlrhFGF;

40、"Go quickly, the lady that I see me and Moll are sitting there on the chair of the corner. ─── “快走吧,我看見我的太太和情婦正坐在那邊角落的椅子上。”

41、Moll arch ─── 莫爾型可縮式絞接拱形支架

42、gland of Moll ─── 莫耳腺

43、We have already noted Moll Flanders' blunt summary of what a woman owes herself and how she can best secure it . ─── 我們已經(jīng)注意到,摩爾·弗蘭德斯直言不諱地概括了一個(gè)女人對(duì)自己承擔(dān)著什么義務(wù),如何最好地達(dá)到這一目的。

44、Moll thermopile ─── 慕爾溫差電堆莫爾熱電偶摩爾溫差電堆莫耳熱電偶康銅熱電偶

45、In this endeavor, the third chapter will try to reason why Coetzee should insert a female image who resembles Moll and Roxana in every aspect into Robinson Crusoe’s world; ─── 第三章節(jié)將著重于論證為何庫(kù)切要在魯賓遜的男人世界之中插入一個(gè)摩爾或羅克塞娜式的女性形象。

46、Moll joint ─── 莫爾型鉸接

47、As the first female protagonist in Daniel Defoe's novels with first-person narrators , Moll Flanders emerges as an extraordinary character. ─── 作為笛福用第一人稱敘述手法創(chuàng)作的小說中第一位女性主人公,摩爾·福蘭德斯是一位非常特別的人物。

48、Moll's gland cyst ─── Moll腺囊腫

49、gun moll ─── 武裝歹徒的情婦

50、9 see joke: Division of programming of an an a stylist, artist, computer discusses after all is a wife good or Moll is good. ─── :妻子還是情婦?9看笑話:一個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)師、一個(gè)藝術(shù)家、一個(gè)電腦程序設(shè)計(jì)師討論到底是妻子好還是情婦好。

51、It is these narrative arts-journalistic narration, episodic plot, innovatory characterization and dual voices that make Daniel Defoe father of the modern English novel as well as Moll Flanders the first novel in the English literature. ─── 獨(dú)特的小說的敘事藝術(shù)不但使《摩爾·弗蘭德絲》成為英國(guó)小說史上第一部小說,同時(shí)也確立了笛福英國(guó)小說之父的文學(xué)地位。

52、Dr Moll had an extensive problem on his hands, it turned out, called extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB. ─── 摩爾醫(yī)生所面臨的是一種廣泛耐藥結(jié)核菌(XDR-TB)。

53、His diabolic and rather complicated masterplan is, inevitably, fuelled by shards of that dreaded green kryptonite, while Parker Posey's moll makes delightfully dimwitted fun of his megalomania. ─── 他那惡毒且相當(dāng)復(fù)雜的全盤策劃,不可避免地要借由可怕的綠色氪星碎片來加以推動(dòng),而帕克·波西扮演的情婦對(duì)于他的癲狂的那種愚蠢的取笑方式則制造了不少笑料。

54、Moll and Grafman asked subjects to consider donating money to charity while their brains were monitored under an MRI. ─── 莫爾和葛夫曼受試對(duì)象在他們要求考慮捐錢的同時(shí)就對(duì)他們的大腦進(jìn)行磁共振監(jiān)測(cè)。

55、Moll checker ─── 橢圓格子磚

56、9 see joke: Near already side is suitable year the judge goes looking for Moll, discover she is trysting with a young lawyer. ─── 9看笑話: 已近耳順之年的法官去找情婦,發(fā)現(xiàn)她正和一位年輕的律師幽會(huì)。

57、Having a strong a business model in place before starting to look for investors is key, said David Moll, chief executive officer of Webroot Software Inc. ─── (網(wǎng)根軟件公司CEO,David Moll說在開始找尋投資者之前先擁有強(qiáng)勢(shì)的業(yè)務(wù)模式是關(guān)鍵所在。

58、glands of Moll ─── 莫爾腺

59、The film was written by both of them (and directed by Moll) with a flair that makes any illogicality or absurdity in this set-up seem perfectly natural. ─── 本片的劇本由他們二人合作編寫(莫爾擔(dān)任導(dǎo)演),他們出色的編劇讓影片中所有的不合情理和荒謬的情節(jié)都變得自然合理。

60、Chapter One analyses how Moll Flanders, the heroine of the novel, as a female character in the patriarchal society, becomes a victim of it, mainly from the aspects of economy and marriage. ─── 第一章分析了這部小說女主人公摩爾,作為父權(quán)制下的女性形象,是怎么淪為父權(quán)社會(huì)的犧牲品的。這個(gè)問題主要是從經(jīng)濟(jì)和婚姻兩方面來展開論述的。

61、Bombyx moll ─── 家蠶

62、Moll Flanders ─── 摩爾·弗蘭德斯

63、Being in good financial shape gave Webroot time to sort through investment deals to find the best fit, Moll said. ─── (Moll說財(cái)政狀況優(yōu)良使得網(wǎng)根有時(shí)間去篩查眾多投資意向的條目以獲得最佳方案。)

64、The surface structure and deep structure of the novel reveal that Moll is doomed to be trapped in the inescapable cycles of fate. ─── 小說的淺層結(jié)構(gòu)和深層結(jié)構(gòu)揭示了摩爾無法超越命運(yùn)的循環(huán)這一深刻事實(shí)。

65、Barques petites al moll. ─── 吠叫圖片 Barques.

66、Moll, just keep moving.Miracle comes from the progress.Quantitative changes led to the qualitative changes. ─── 末啊,踏踏實(shí)實(shí)走下去,奇跡也是從小小的進(jìn)步開始的,量變才能導(dǎo)致質(zhì)變。

67、Moll rs glands ─── 莫耳氏腺

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