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10-04 投稿


moppet 發(fā)音

英:[?mɑ?p?t]  美:[?m?p?t]

英:  美:

moppet 中文意思翻譯



moppet 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 娃娃;小孩;寶寶

moppet 詞性/詞形變化,moppet變形

動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mopping |動(dòng)詞過去分詞: mopped |名詞: mopper |動(dòng)詞過去式: mopped |動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): mops |

moppet 短語詞組

1、moppet x tama moppet x tama

moppet 相似詞語短語

1、mopped ─── n.拖把,墩布;蓬亂的頭發(fā);清掃;洗碗刷;(秋季雇傭農(nóng)工的)雇工市場(chǎng);鬼臉;v.用拖把拖洗;擦去(臉)上的汗水,拭去(眼)中的淚水;扮鬼臉

2、moppers ─── n.擦洗者

3、muppet ─── n.提線木偶

4、mopper ─── n.擦洗者

5、moppets ─── n.娃娃;小孩;寶寶

6、mopiest ─── adj.悶悶不樂的,消沉的;無精打采的(mopey的變形)

7、-mopped ─── n.拖把,墩布;蓬亂的頭發(fā);清掃;洗碗刷;(秋季雇傭農(nóng)工的)雇工市場(chǎng);鬼臉;v.用拖把拖洗;擦去(臉)上的汗水,拭去(眼)中的淚水;扮鬼臉

8、moppiest ─── 悶悶不樂的

9、poppet ─── n.提升閥;寶寶

moppet 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Miss Moppet ties up her head in a duster, and sits before the fire. ─── 毛胚小姐把自己的頭綁在一塊抹布里,然后坐在爐火前。

2、The name Ya-Tou means moppet in Chinese. ─── 頭這個(gè)名字的中文意思是小女孩.

3、And then all of a sudden, Miss Moppet jumps upon the Mouse! ─── 然后突然之間,毛胚小姐一撲撲到老鼠上!

4、This is Miss Moppet jumping just too late; she misses the Mouse and hits her own head. ─── 毛胚小姐這次就是跳得太慢了;她抓不到老鼠且還撞到自己的頭。

5、This girl is such infatuated with new moppet, clinging to it day and night. ─── 這個(gè)女孩對(duì)她的新娃娃如此著迷,她日日夜夜地抱著它。

6、Moppet and Mittens tried to pull him together; his hat fell off, and the rest of his buttons burst. ─── 毛胚和密騰嘗試為他整衣斂容;他的帽子掉了,而且其他的紐扣也爆開了。

7、I took the moppet to the mother's room and woke her up ,I told what happened just then . ─── 我拿著娃娃來到媽媽的房間,把她叫醒,告訴她剛剛發(fā)生的事情。

8、Moppet and Tom descended after her; ─── 毛胚和湯姆也跟著她下來;

9、With the unique position of Chinese jade culture in Chinese civilization, jade moppets occupy an important place in the traditional moppet culture. ─── 而憑借中國玉文化在中華文明中獨(dú)特的地位,玉福娃在傳統(tǒng)嬰戲文化中占有重要的地位。

10、Miss Moppet looks worse and worse. The Mouse comes a little nearer. ─── 毛胚小姐越看越難看。老鼠又稍微走近了些。

11、This is a Pussy called Miss Moppet, she thinks she has heard a mouse! ─── 這是一只叫毛胚小姐的貓咪,她想自己聽到有只老鼠來了。

12、"Well" said the moppet "She went into the church with one man and came out with another!" ─── “嗯,”孩子說,“她進(jìn)教堂時(shí)和一個(gè)男人,出來時(shí)又和另一個(gè)男人!”

13、Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses. ─── 毛胚和密騰搖搖擺擺地走下花園里的小路。不久他們踩到自己的無袖連衫裙并且迎面撲倒。

14、“I'm confused,” adds another adorable moppet. ─── “我被搞糊涂了,”另一個(gè)可愛的小女孩接著說。

15、"I'm confused, " adds another adorable moppet. ─── “我被搞糊涂了,”另一個(gè)可愛的小女孩接著說。

16、The Mouse watches Miss Moppet from the top of the cupboard. ─── 那老鼠從柜子頂上觀察毛胚小姐。

17、First she scrubbed their faces. This one is Moppet. ─── 首先她用力擦洗他們的臉。這一只是毛胚。

18、And he was so lovely. He robbed my breath with his pale beauty. This little blond moppet, gentle and kind and interested in the world. ─── 他太可愛了。他蒼白的小樣子喜歡得我無法呼吸了。這個(gè)金發(fā)的小娃娃,溫順而友好,對(duì)世界充滿了興趣。

19、moppet noun affect. ─── 把快忌快扶抉抗;

20、Mrs.Tabitha dressed Moppet and Mittens in clean pinafores and tuckers; ─── 泰貝莎太太為毛胚和密騰穿上干凈的無袖連衫裙和領(lǐng)布;

21、Miss Moppet ties up her head in a duster, and sits before the fire . ─── 毛胚小姐把自己的頭綁在一塊抹布里,然后坐在爐火前。

22、Miss Moppet holds her poor head in her paws, and looks at him through a hole in the duster. The Mouse comes very close. ─── 毛胚小姐用爪子托著自己怪模怪樣的頭,透過抹布的洞看他。那老鼠走得很近了。

23、That is a comic moppet with a pear of snookerball eyes, and her long-to-heels hair floating with her beautiful long skirt like dancing slowly in water. ─── 那是一個(gè)卡通小女孩兒,眼睛像臺(tái)球那么大,長發(fā)直到腳跟,同漂亮的長裙一起像在水中那樣緩緩漂動(dòng)著。

24、moppet movie ─── 布偶電影

25、In his 20s, he married a 16-year-old moppet; ─── 二十幾歲時(shí)他娶了個(gè)16歲的小姑娘;

26、The Mouse watches Miss Moppet from the top of the cupboard. ─── 那老鼠從柜子頂上觀察毛胚小姐。

27、As long as you draw one of the strings, the moppet with blue eyes and golden hairs would say, “MY name is susi” But it doesn't matter. ─── 只要拉拉它身上的一條細(xì)繩,這個(gè)藍(lán)眼睛、金發(fā)的娃娃就會(huì)說道,"我叫蘇西",不過這都沒有關(guān)系。

28、Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses. ─── 毛胚和密騰搖搖擺擺地走下花園里的小路。不久他們踩到自己的無袖連衫裙并且迎面撲倒。

29、I asked mum whether she had changed her idea and picked the moppet back . ─── 我問媽媽是不是她改變主意了,又把娃娃拿了回來。

30、Zhuaji moppet ─── 抓髻娃娃

31、” asks a golden-haired child in an ad from the National Organisation for Marriage, a group that campaigns to keep wedlock heterosexual.“I'm confused,” adds another adorable moppet. ─── ”一個(gè)頂著一頭金發(fā)的小孩在一個(gè)捍衛(wèi)異性婚姻的全國婚姻組織的廣告中詢問道,“我也很困惑,”另一個(gè)很可愛的小孩回答道。

32、Mum asked my brothers whether they had moved the moppet ,but they all swore not to do that . ─── 媽媽問我的兄弟們是不是他們動(dòng)了娃娃,但他們都發(fā)誓說沒有。

33、Someone brought a moppet and put it on the straw in the cardboard manger (pretending the little Jesus ). ─── 有人帶來了一個(gè)娃娃,把它放在紙板槽里的稻草上(假裝小耶穌)。

34、Next morning ,mum put the moppet into the garbage can and told me the moppet had been covered by the soul . ─── 第二天早上,媽媽把娃娃扔到了外面的垃圾筒,告訴我那娃娃已經(jīng)被鬼魂附身了。

35、Mrs.Tabitha dressed Moppet and Mittens in clean pinafores and tuckes; ─── 泰必沙夫人給默比特和米登斯戴上了干凈的圍兜和領(lǐng)布。

36、They turned their pinafores back to front, and went up with a skip and a jump; Moppet's white tucker fell down into the road. ─── 他們把自己的無袖連衫裙前后倒反穿,然后蹦一下,跳一下就上去了;毛胚的白色領(lǐng)布掉落到路上。

37、Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus Blanchard ,1871), local name is moppet fish, belongs to Amphibia, Salamandriformes, Cryptobranchidae in classification, is a local species of China. ─── 大鯢(Andrias davidianus Blanchard,1871)屬于兩棲綱、有尾目、隱鰓鯢科,為我國特有有尾兩棲動(dòng)物。

38、Someone brought a moppet and put it on the haulm in the cardboard manger. ─── 有人帶來了一個(gè)娃娃,并把它放在紙板槽里的稻草上。

39、As the coming for mouse year, I buy cloth moppet can get something inside when I go through street in single.When the lily open follower its taste spicy I go with a common necklace. ─── 伴隨著鼠年的到來,當(dāng)我一個(gè)人走在街上看到只布娃娃的老鼠,那只布娃就送給你了,百合花開放的到來,其中我掛了一條項(xiàng)鏈也送你。

40、moppet: n. ─── 小孩,小女孩。

41、And because the Mouse has teased Miss Moppet, Miss Moppet thinks she will tease the Mouse; which is not at all nice of Miss Moppet. ─── 因?yàn)槔鲜笕⌒^毛胚小姐,毛胚小姐一點(diǎn)都不仁慈地認(rèn)為自己要戲弄這只老鼠。

42、Once upon a time there were three little kittens, and their names were Mittens, Tom Kitten, and Moppet. ─── 很久以前有三只小貓,他們的名字是密騰、湯姆小貓和毛胚。

43、Mittens laughed so that she fell off the wall. Moppet and Tom descended after her; the pinafores and all the rest of Tom's clothes came off on the way down. ─── 密騰笑到從墻上跌了下來。毛胚和湯姆也跟著她下來;無袖連衫裙和湯姆的其他衣服全都掉了下來。

44、"Well, " said the moppet, "She went into the church with one man and came out with another! " ─── “嗯,”孩子說,“她進(jìn)教堂時(shí)和一個(gè)男人,出來時(shí)又和另一個(gè)男人!”

45、It was sent out by moppet . ─── 是那個(gè)娃娃發(fā)出的。

46、First she scurbbed their faces(this one is Moppet). ─── 她先給他們擦臉(這是默比特)。

47、"Come! Mr. Drake Puddle-Duck," said Moppet"Come and help us to dress him! Come and button up Tom!" ─── “來呀!泥潭公鴨先生,”毛胚說“來幫我們替他穿衣!來幫湯姆扣上紐扣!”

48、I took the moppet up and thought : “It is a moppet that could sing ,it is too cool!!” ─── 我把娃娃拿起來,心想“是個(gè)會(huì)唱歌的娃娃哪,太酷了?。 ?/p>

49、“I’m confused,” adds another adorable moppet. ─── 另一個(gè)同樣可愛的孩子回答說:“我也不知道?!?/p>

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