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10-03 投稿


marketable 發(fā)音

英:[?mɑ?rk?t?bl]  美:[?mɑ?k?t?bl]

英:  美:

marketable 中文意思翻譯



marketable 詞性/詞形變化,marketable變形

名詞: marketability |

marketable 常用詞組

marketable products ─── 適銷產(chǎn)品;有市場的產(chǎn)品;暢銷產(chǎn)品

marketable 相似詞語短語

1、market-led ─── 商品鉛

2、marketably ─── 適銷對路

3、marketableness ─── 市場性

4、targetable ─── 可命中目標的

5、nonmarketable ─── 不可流通的

6、cartable ─── 書包

7、unmarketable ─── adj.滯銷的,不能上市出售的;不會有市場的

8、market abuse ─── 市場濫用

9、marketise ─── 市場營銷

marketable 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The intense interest in the condition and appearance of the body has generated a steady flow of highly marketable innovations. ─── 對身體狀況和外在形體的廣泛關注,導致高度市場化的創(chuàng)新穩(wěn)步發(fā)展。

2、Earlier a Presidential commission ... probed the market's structure for defects and came up with a laundry list of weaknesses with program trading in the forefront. ─── 前些時一個總統(tǒng)授命成立的委員會探究[股票]市場的結(jié)構,以便找出缺點。結(jié)果毛病一籮筐,其中以程式交易為最顯著的缺點。

3、Advise how shipper dispose towards market movement? ─── 對市場動態(tài),煩告貨主意向如何?

4、Several publishers are competing in the same market. ─── 幾家出版公司正在同一市場上進行競爭。

5、The market values are in a nose dive. ─── 市價暴跌。

6、The slump on wall street set up a chain reaction in stock market around the world. ─── 華爾街金融滑坡引起世界股票市場的連鎖反應。

7、If you can produce fashionable styles of such fine quality, your shoes will win great popularity in our market. ─── 如果那么你們能生產(chǎn)品質(zhì)這么優(yōu)良款式有新穎的鞋子,它們在我們市場上將會大受歡迎。

8、Yes, but it is not so marketable as you think. ─── 對不過沒你想得那么有錢途

9、I wish they will hold off their market strategy plan until after we have seer the result of research and development. ─── 在我們知道研究發(fā)展結(jié)果以前,我倒希望他們延緩行銷計劃的實施。

10、She look at the house and assess its market value. ─── 她看了看房子并估算了其市場價值。

11、It is aimed at stopping the black market. ─── 它的目的是制止黑市交易。

12、She buy a dozen of egg in the market. ─── 她在市場上買了一打雞蛋。

13、But your product is still new to our market, and we need to do a lot of work and spend a lot of money on sales promotion. ─── 但我們市場對你們產(chǎn)品仍然不太了解,我們在推銷過程中需要做很多工作,花很多錢。

14、It's important for a firm to keep pace with changes in the market. ─── 對一個公司來說,能跟上市場的發(fā)展是很重要的。

15、The bumper harvest of coffee last year is the cause of this year's weak market. ─── 去年的咖啡大豐收是造成今年市場疲軟的原因。

16、At the stock market your broker will inquire of other broker if they know of anyone who would like to sell the stock that you want to purchase. ─── 你的經(jīng)紀人將在股票交易所向別的經(jīng)紀人打聽他們是否知道有人要拋出你想買進的股票。

17、In old China that capitalist got his factory working round the clock, churning out cheap cloth for the market. ─── 在舊中國,那個資本家使工廠日夜開工,大量生產(chǎn)劣質(zhì)布傾銷市場。

18、But then, they have establish their market while we have to start from the very begin. ─── 可是到那時,他們都有了鞏固的市場,而我們得從頭開始。

19、The market is a place set apart where men may deceive each other. ─── 市場,是為了方便人們互相欺騙而撥出來的場所。

20、He studied the German market to find the potential there for profitable investment. ─── 他對德國的市場進行了研究以尋求投資獲利的可能性。

21、A market or exchange where business is transacted. ─── 交易所做生意的市場或交易所

22、May be the season for this commodity on our market. ─── 五月份是這種商品在我方市場上銷售的季節(jié)。

23、His clever manipulation of the stock market make him lots of money. ─── 他在股票交易中買賣精明,賺了很多錢。

24、From this point of view that in the next few years, Light Rail along the lower low-density residential definitely marketable. ─── 從這個角度上說,在未來幾年里,輕軌沿線低層低密度住宅肯定搶手。

25、This article has explored a way that friction spinning machines can be better used for manufacturing high-grade marketable goods . ─── 探索了一條更好地利用摩擦紡紗開發(fā)中高檔市場適銷產(chǎn)品的途徑。

26、Doctors recommended that the drug should be taken off the market. ─── 醫(yī)生建議市面上應停止出售該類藥物。

27、Never buy food from a market stall. ─── 千萬別在小攤上買食物。

28、His wool finds but little market. ─── 他的羊毛幾乎找不到買主。

29、Holidays in the Antarctic are a niche market. ─── 南極假日游是一個利基市場。

30、Danny chooses the taxicab because driving is about the only marketable skill he possessed. ─── 丹尼選擇開計程車因為開車差不多是他擁有的唯一可以出售的技術。

31、The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods. ─── 女士們喜歡在自由市場呆上很長時間,同貨主們討價還價。

32、Good quality jeans are only available on the black market in this city. ─── 在這個城市,上乘的牛仔褲只有在黑市上才能買到。

33、If he does not break himself of his bad habit, he will mar his own market. ─── 如果他不必掉這種壞習慣,他會壞自己的事的。

34、He was very tired, and therefore he didn't give the market report. ─── 他非常疲倦,所以沒能作市場報告。

35、Don't put your house on the market in the winter, when sales are slow. ─── 不要在冬季出售你的房屋,因為是銷售淡季。

36、Made a killing on the stock market. ─── 在股票市場中獲取暴利

37、Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new market? ─── 為了幫助他們開拓新的市場,你有何具體計劃?

38、But a state school might be just as marketable. ─── 但公立大學也許有市場了。

39、You can buy fresh vegetables in the market. ─── 你可以在市場上買到新鮮的蔬菜。

40、The market have not recover from the rise in oil price. ─── 市場還未從上漲的石油價格中得到恢復。

41、Clive lost a fortune on the stock market, but he went into it with his eyes open and remains quite philosophical about it. ─── 克萊夫在股票市場賠了一筆錢,但是他明知后果如此卻仍要投入并且表現(xiàn)非常達觀。

42、He decided to buy5,000 shares at the market. ─── 他決定以市價購買5,000股。

43、She looks like the de luxe edition of a wicked French novel meant especially for the English market. ─── 她看上去仿如那種專以英國市場為對象的法國淫邪小說的精裝版。

44、She loved the life, noise, and color of the market. ─── 她愛市場上的生趣、喧嘩與多姿多彩。

45、He put his old car on the market. ─── 他將他的舊車標價出售。

46、The commercial property market is booming. ─── 商業(yè)房地產(chǎn)市場日益繁榮。

47、What began as an attempt at artistic creation has turned into a marketable commodity. ─── 原本藝術創(chuàng)作上的一個嘗試最終變成了一個可以出售的商品。

48、Our goods are second to none on the world market. ─── 在國際市場上,我們的商品不亞于任何人。

49、Ever since your product entered our market two years ago, it has shown a great market potential. ─── 你們產(chǎn)品自從兩年以前進入我們市場以來,顯示出了很大的潛力。

50、It was a seller's market for cars in 1970. ─── 1970年是汽車的賣方市場。

51、Flood the market with cheap foreign goods. ─── 市場上充斥著廉價的外國貨

52、Cosmetics for the upscale market. ─── 以上流階層為消費對象的化妝品

53、Our price remain unchanged in spite of the recent rise of the market. ─── 盡管最近市場需求增加,我們的價格依然沒變。

54、In the market, I breathed the smells of the Orient. ─── 在集市上,我聞到了東方的氣息。

55、Public sales are held on market days. ─── 在市集日公開舉行買賣。

56、Sale in the home market rise by22%. ─── 國內(nèi)市場的銷售量提高了22%。

57、The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair price. ─── 農(nóng)場主結(jié)成聯(lián)盟,以便用合理的價格銷售貨物。

58、She's made a killing on the stock market. ─── 她在股票市場上大發(fā)了一筆財。

59、Our aim has always been to produce something better for the market of discriminating pen users. ─── 其目的在為市場上有鑒賞力的消費者提供更精良的產(chǎn)品。

60、Can you make us some special offer for the purpose of introducing your product to our market? ─── 為把你方產(chǎn)品介紹給我方市場,可否給我們一些特別報價?

61、Mr.Hilton made a killing on the stock market; he bought a lot of shares when the price was low and sold them when the price went very high. ─── 希爾頓先生在證券市場獲得很大成功,在股票價格低的時候,他買進了許多股票,結(jié)果價格漲到很高時,他拋了出去。

62、That man in the free market put it across me by selling me some bad eggs. ─── 在自由市場上,那個男人賣給我壞雞蛋騙了我。

63、I'll appreciate your strenuous effort to promote the sale in your market on commission basis. ─── 在市場上為我們的產(chǎn)品盡全力促銷的話,我將非常感謝您。

64、Careful study of the market is a prerequisite for success. ─── 仔細研究市場情況是取得成功的先決條件。

65、Our price is attractive as compared with that in the international market. ─── 與國際市場相比,我們的價格是有吸引力的。

66、It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market. ─── 也許要經(jīng)過若干年這家新公司才能在市場上取得穩(wěn)固的立足點。

67、By defeating their main competitor, this company will corner the wheat market. ─── 擊敗主要對手后,這家公司將壟斷小麥市場。

68、Market dull and slacken no business report. ─── 市場蕭條胩衰退,沒有有關交易的報道。

69、A quick recovery of the cotton market is generally expected. ─── 人們大都認為棉花市場將迅速恢復。

70、For health's sake, I suggest you never eat in the night market. ─── 為了健康的緣故,我建議你永遠不要在夜市吃。

71、If you'll take my advice, you'll try touting that money around somewhere else. If you stay here, the police will pick you up for black market dealing. ─── 你要是聽我的勸告,就到別處去推銷你的錢,要是你呆在這兒,警察會以做黑市交易的罪名抓住你的。

72、She packed her two daughter off to school and then go to market. ─── 她先打發(fā)兩個女兒上學去,然后去市場。

73、Whether or not a spouse has marketable skills and is able to work outside the home is something else the courts take into consideration. ─── 配偶是否擁有具市場價值的技能,及能否離家工作,也是法庭考慮的因素。

74、Bad news sent market prices down. ─── 壞消息使市場價格下降。

75、The type of computer may be very marketable in my. ─── 這種型號的電腦可能很有銷路。

76、Hadn't you better make a market report? ─── 你不認為寫一份市場報告好些嗎?

77、As your agent we shall spare no effort to promote the sale of your slippers on our market. ─── 作為你方代理我們將不遺余力地在我們的市場上推銷你們的拖鞋。

78、He took a beating in the stock market. ─── 他在股市上遭受慘重的損失。

79、A marketable product; marketable skills. ─── 可出售的產(chǎn)品; 市場所需的技術

80、Furthermore, once they succeeded in making marketable flat glass, the machine was turned off for a service to prepare it for years of continuous production. ─── 另外,一旦他們成功地生產(chǎn)出暢銷的平板玻璃,為了讓機器準備好連續(xù)幾年的生產(chǎn),這臺機器會被停用以進行維護。

81、Hurried disposal unadvisable market recovery envisage. ─── 市價已見回升,倉促處理掉,不足為取。

82、The main factor in the market is that the supply of Chinese antimony is quite limited. ─── 市場的中心因素是中國對銻的供應有限。

83、The market offer optimum condition for sale. ─── 市場為銷售提供了最佳條件。

84、Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. ─── 一般來說,在期貨市場上買進賣出的是期貨契約,而不是商品。

85、It was greatly surprising to Tom that ladies of standing in society, often of rank and fashion, should condescend to utter sentiments couched in the language of the fish market. ─── 使湯姆十分驚訝的是,社會地位很高的、有時還是貴族社會和上流社會的貴婦們,怎么會自貶身價,用下流粗話來發(fā)泄感情。

86、The farmer carted his vegetables to the market. ─── 農(nóng)民用車把蔬菜裝運到市場。

87、The worker fattened the cattle for market. ─── 工人把牛養(yǎng)肥供應市場。

88、Mr Smith did not want to lose his market by sticking to having it at the market price. ─── 史密斯先生不想因堅持按市價購進而失去做買賣的機會。

89、The agent priced the house at the right level for the market. ─── 代理商按市場價格給這所房子定了價。

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