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10-03 投稿


mendable 發(fā)音


英:  美:

mendable 中文意思翻譯



mendable 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 可修好的;可改正的;可改善的

mendable 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、bendable ─── 可彎曲的

2、emendable ─── adj.可修訂的

3、sendable ─── 可發(fā)送的(send的變體)

4、unmendable ─── 不可修理的

5、vendable ─── 可出售的

6、amendable ─── adj.可修正的

7、lendable ─── adj.可借貸的,可貸放的

8、amenable ─── adj.有責(zé)任的:順從的,服從的;有義務(wù)的;經(jīng)得起檢驗(yàn)的

9、spendable ─── adj.可使用的;可花費(fèi)的

mendable 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、You have better have your shoes mend. ─── 你最好把你的鞋修理一下。

2、Could you come and help me mend it? ─── 你可以過(guò)來(lái)幫我修一下嗎?

3、Exploration and Application of the Mendable Method on the Conductive Circuit for PCB ─── 印制電路板銅導(dǎo)線斷路修補(bǔ)方法的探索與應(yīng)用

4、Are you trying to mend you kite? ─── 你在試圖修好你的風(fēng)箏嗎?

5、He asked her to mend his socks. ─── 他叫她替他補(bǔ)襪子。

6、Fix@ and @mend@ mean the same thing. ─── 修理和修補(bǔ)意思是一樣的。

7、He promised to mend his ways. ─── 他答應(yīng)改過(guò)自新,重新做人。

8、He cannot possibly mend his own case. ─── 他不能改善自己的境遇。

9、To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour. ─── 東西真的太少,連面餅也沒(méi)被放過(guò)。

10、Don't mend that tear by hand-stitch it up on a machine. ─── 不要用手工縫補(bǔ)那破口,用機(jī)器縫。

11、And how can you mend a broken heart? ─── 你如何修補(bǔ)一顆破碎的心?

12、You'll have to mend that leak or it will cause problems later. ─── 你得修補(bǔ)那個(gè)裂縫, 不然以后會(huì)出問(wèn)題.

13、Things at the worst will mend. ─── 否極泰來(lái)。

14、You can't tell where the mend is. ─── 你簡(jiǎn)直看不出補(bǔ)丁在哪兒

15、The mend in your dress scarcely shows. ─── 你衣服上補(bǔ)過(guò)的地方幾乎看不出來(lái)。

16、To make or mend(boots or shoes). ─── 修制造或修理(長(zhǎng)統(tǒng)靴或鞋)

17、The will mend the car as soon as possible. ─── 他們將盡早將汽車修理好。

18、Can you mend the hole in my shirt ? ─── 你能補(bǔ)一下我襯衫上的洞嗎?

19、Are you trying to mend your kite? ─── 你在試圖修好你的風(fēng)箏嗎?

20、Will you let me try to mend it for you? ─── 你們肯讓我試著替你們縫補(bǔ)嗎?

21、Such a thing usually takes time to mend. ─── 修理這種東西通常需要時(shí)間。

22、A Passion, without warmth, cannot mend a broken heart. ─── 僅有熱情而沒(méi)有熱心,不足以修補(bǔ)一顆受傷的心靈。

23、They tried to mend their fences with us. ─── 他們努力想與我們修好。

24、Jim went up the ladder to mend the roof. ─── 吉姆從梯子爬上去修理屋頂。

25、A: You should mend fences with your sister and apologize. ─── 你應(yīng)該跟你妹和好,然后向她道歉。

26、How can you mend a broken heart? ─── 你如何修補(bǔ)一顆破碎的心?

27、They will mend the car as soon as possible. ─── 他們將盡。

28、Does he believe the economy's really on the mend? ─── 他相信經(jīng)濟(jì)確實(shí)在復(fù)蘇嗎?

29、Which parts of the clothes do you want to mend? ─── 你要改那些部分?

30、The relations among the fuzzy qualified event, the fuzzy unqualified event, the mendable fuzzy unqualified event and the non-mendable fuzzy unqualified event of the parts are analyzed. ─── 分析了零件模糊合格事件、零件模糊不合格事件、零件可修復(fù)模糊不合格事件和零件不可修復(fù)模糊不合格事件之間的關(guān)系。

31、If you want to mend the window, I can get glass cheap. ─── 你要想修理窗戶,我能給你買到便宜的玻璃。

32、He gave me his coat to mend. ─── 他把上衣交給我,讓我補(bǔ)一補(bǔ)。

33、Could you mend the puncture in the tyre at once for me? ─── 你能馬上替我補(bǔ)胎嗎?

34、Could you mend my bike for me? ─── 你能幫我修一下自行車嗎?

35、The repair man has come to mend the photocopier. ─── 修理工已經(jīng)來(lái)修理這臺(tái)影印了。

36、He have his pen mend yesterday. ─── 他昨天把鋼筆拿去修理。

37、They tried to mend their differences. ─── 他們?cè)噲D消除他們之間的分歧。

38、He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engines of the tender. ─── 他派了十個(gè)人去修理供應(yīng)船發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的齒輪。

39、But it is never too late to mend . ─── 不過(guò)想要補(bǔ)救,總沒(méi)有來(lái)不及的。

40、He took the watch apart to mend it. ─── 他把手表拆開(kāi)修理。

41、Look here,you two,you're always at loggerheads. Mend it or end it. ─── 喂,你們兩人老是爭(zhēng)吵。要么握手言和,要么決裂算了。

42、Can she wash and mend? If so she can help Gao Ma. ─── 不知道她會(huì)洗洗作作的不會(huì),假若她能作些事呢,就讓她幫助高媽;

43、A plumber is coming to mend the piping this afternoon. ─── 今天下午水管工會(huì)過(guò)來(lái)修管道。

44、You need to mend your ways or one day you'll be sent to prison. ─── 你需要改過(guò)自新,否則有一天你會(huì)蹲監(jiān)獄。

45、He demonstrated how to mend a puncture. ─── 他示范如何修補(bǔ)車胎刺孔。

46、Don't let him mend your bike. He's sure to bungle the job. ─── 別讓他修理你的自行車. 他肯定會(huì)弄得一團(tuán)糟的。

47、Relations between these two countries are now on the mend. ─── 兩國(guó)關(guān)系正在改善中.

48、They have turned off the water while they mend a burst pipe. ─── 他們修理爆裂的水管時(shí),關(guān)上了水閘。

49、Studies in a new equipment shock mount and job team of mendable drilling tools with lathe ─── 鉆具車修中心架和作業(yè)線裝置的研制

50、Can you mend this split in my jacket? ─── 你能將我?jiàn)A克衫上的裂縫補(bǔ)好嗎?

51、He was determined to mend his ways and turn over new leaf. ─── 他決心改過(guò)自新,重新做人。

52、He's on the mend. ─── 他的病見(jiàn)好了。

53、He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engine's tender. ─── 他派了十個(gè)人去修理機(jī)車頭的煤水車上的凹陷.

54、"The IPCC is certainly mendable, " he said. ─── “IPCC當(dāng)然是可以改良的,”他說(shuō)。

55、You didn't mend the boat properly, the water is still leaking in. ─── 你沒(méi)有修好船,它還在漏水。

56、The husband gave up drinking to mend the broken marriage. ─── 為了使破裂的婚姻重歸于好,丈夫把酒戒了。

57、One of fishermen's work is to mend their nets. ─── 修補(bǔ)漁網(wǎng)是漁夫的工作之一。

58、How can you mend this broken man ? ─── 你如何治愈這個(gè)心碎的男子?

59、And how can you mend a broken heart ? ─── 你如何撫慰一顆破碎的心?

60、They agreed to mend the machine immediately. ─── 他們同意馬上修理機(jī)器。

61、You'll need a strong adhesive to mend that chair. ─── 你需要一種粘性很強(qiáng)的東西來(lái)修理那把椅子。

62、You've got a puncture? No problem! I'll soon mend that for you. ─── 你的車戳破了嗎?沒(méi)問(wèn)題,我即刻為你補(bǔ)好。

63、You'll never mend your car like that let me have a stab at it. ─── 你這樣怎么能修好汽車--讓我來(lái)試試吧。

64、Mend the fold after a sheep is lost. ─── 亡羊補(bǔ)勞。

65、Could you come round and mend a leak in my hot water tank? ─── 你能不能到我們家修補(bǔ)一下熱水箱上的洞?

66、It won't take long to mend the car. ─── 修理這輛汽車用不了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間。

67、He pledged that he would mend his ways. ─── 他保證他將改過(guò)自新。

68、In the end, things will mend. ─── [諺]車到山前必有路。

69、It is not too difficult to mend the fuses. ─── 修理這些保險(xiǎn)絲并不困難。

70、He was determined to mend his ways and turn over a new leaf. ─── 他決心改過(guò)自新,重新做人。

71、He offered to mend the wireless set for me. ─── 他主動(dòng)提出要幫我修理收音機(jī)。

72、You won't mend the matter by being so impolite. ─── 你這么無(wú)禮是于事無(wú)補(bǔ)的。

73、You must mend your pace if you would reach home by dinner time. ─── 你如果想在吃晚飯前趕到家,就得加快步伐。

74、He took the engine apart to mend it. ─── 他把發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)拆開(kāi)進(jìn)行修理。

75、I don't think that could mend the case. It is not mendable . ─── 我認(rèn)為那不能彌補(bǔ)此事,它是無(wú)法彌補(bǔ)的。

76、Have you been able to mend any fences? ─── 你們爭(zhēng)取到了什么支持了嗎?

77、You' ll never mend your car like that let me have a stab at it. ─── 你這樣怎麼能修好汽車--讓我來(lái)試試吧.

78、You'll never mend your car like that,let me have a stab at it. ─── 你這樣怎么能修好汽車,讓我來(lái)試試吧.

79、He will have to mend his way if he wants to be invited to my house again. ─── 他要再想讓我請(qǐng)他來(lái)我家做客,那就得好好改一改才行。

80、The doctor said that he was on the mend. ─── 醫(yī)生說(shuō)他的病情正在好轉(zhuǎn)。

81、Nothing short of this could mend the case. ─── 不這樣就不能挽回局面。

82、If they are to cooperate, they'll have to mend fences. ─── 一個(gè)妻子出于誤會(huì)地把丈夫大罵一頓。第二天她說(shuō)

83、He sent for someone to mend the broken window . ─── 他叫人來(lái)修補(bǔ)破窗子。

84、He will have to mend his ways if he wants to be invited to my house again. ─── 他要再想讓我請(qǐng)他來(lái)我家作客,那就得好好改一改才行。

85、You did not mend the boat properly ,the water is still leaking in . ─── 你沒(méi)有修好船,它還在漏水。

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