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10-03 投稿


northeasterly 發(fā)音

英:[?n??rθ?i?st?rli]  美:[?n??θ?i?st?li]

英:  美:

northeasterly 中文意思翻譯




northeasterly 詞性/詞形變化,northeasterly變形

形容詞: northeastern |

northeasterly 同義詞

nor'-east | NE | northeastward | north-east |northeasterly | northeastern

northeasterly 反義詞


northeasterly 相似詞語短語

1、north-westerly ─── adj.向西北的;來自西北的;adv.向西北;來自西北

2、northwesterly ─── adj.向西北的;來自西北的;adv.向西北;來自西北

3、northeaster ─── n.東北風(fēng);東北的暴風(fēng)

4、northeastern ─── adj.在東北的;東北方的;來自東北的

5、northeastwardly ─── adj.向東北的;從東北的;adv.向東北;從東北

6、northeasters ─── n.東北風(fēng);東北的暴風(fēng)

7、north-easterly ─── adj.向東北的;來自東北的;adv.向東北;來自東北

8、southeasterly ─── adj.往東南的;來自東南的;adv.往東南;來自東南

9、northeasterlies ─── 東北

northeasterly 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、As seen from steering charts, as NEOGURI weakens, it will turn into a more northeasterly direction as it is subject to steering from lower and lower levels. ─── 從駛流圖可以得知,當(dāng)浣熊減弱,它將會受到較低層大氣環(huán)境的影響而向較為偏東北的方向移動,趨向華南沿岸。

2、The current had a northeasterly set. ─── 水朝東北方流去。

3、The ship is holding a northeasterly course. ─── 這艘船朝著東北方向航行。

4、Beijing perennial popularity northeasterly, Miyun Reservoir (Beijing important water), also northeast, the north-east of Beijing in northern particularly regarded as an "auspicious treasure-house. ─── 北京常年盛行東北風(fēng),密云水庫(北京的重要水源),也在東北方,所以北京北部尤其是東北部被視為“風(fēng)水寶地”。

5、It is expected that rain will become heavier overnight together with strong northeasterly winds, reaching gale force offshore. ─── 預(yù)料今晚雨勢將會變得較為頻密,香港將普遍吹強(qiáng)風(fēng)程度的東北風(fēng),離岸間中吹烈風(fēng)。

6、It will maintain its northeasterly movement along the northwest periphery of the subtropical ridge in the rest of the forecast period. ─── 預(yù)料在馀下時(shí)間威馬遜將沿副熱帶高壓脊的西北部向東北加速移動。

7、It would later indicate that the station was very sensitive to northeasterly winds while somewhat obscured to the southeast. ─── 于當(dāng)天稍后的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,該站對于東北風(fēng)非常敏感,而東南面則可能被屏蔽。

8、Strong northeasterly winds, turning gradually into easterly, will affect Hong Kong in the next 2 days. ─── 香港將會在未來兩天受東北強(qiáng)風(fēng)(漸轉(zhuǎn)偏東強(qiáng)風(fēng))影響。

9、Weather is expected to deteriorate rapidly in Tuesday night with strengthening north to northeasterly winds. ─── 按照目前預(yù)測途徑,本港天氣將于星期二晚急劇轉(zhuǎn)壞,北至東北風(fēng)將會明顯增強(qiáng);

10、coast of China, plus a small tiny low pressure system will bring good northeasterly wind to Hong Kong this2 days, good luck! ─── 開波啦,東北風(fēng)!一個(gè)很像樣的高氣壓正逐漸向華南伸展,東、北、北風(fēng)都會越來越多,越來越密,越來越好玩!

11、These northeasterly winds are likely responsible for the regular dune arms that point into the valley from both sides. ─── 這種東北風(fēng)似乎能夠解釋為什么河谷兩側(cè)的沙丘山脊都有規(guī)律的指向峽谷。

12、While winds over the airport remained generally easterly, the newly-installed weather buoy saw winds changing from northeasterly to northwesterly, then southerly and finally northeasterly. ─── 雖然機(jī)場風(fēng)向維持偏東風(fēng),但新安裝的浮標(biāo)氣象站卻錄得風(fēng)向由東北轉(zhuǎn)為西北,再轉(zhuǎn)為南風(fēng),而最后轉(zhuǎn)吹東北風(fēng)。

13、Africa and the Bay of Bengal region and there have been noticeable Chuidao the northeasterly winds near the equatorial regions. ─── 非洲和孟加拉灣地區(qū)也有明顯的東北風(fēng)吹到近赤道地區(qū)。

14、When there are cold SST anomalies in the SCS and the Bay of Bengal and warm anomalies in the western tropical Pacific Ocean, there is anomalous northeasterly over the SCS in February and March. ─── 確切地說,南海冷水年份,即南海和孟加拉灣負(fù)距平、西太平洋正距平的年份,2,3月份南海有東北風(fēng)異常;

15、1.Beijing perennial popularity northeasterly, Miyun Reservoir (Beijing important water), also northeast, the north-east of Beijing in northern particularly regarded as an "auspicious treasure-house. ─── 1. 北京常年盛行東北風(fēng),密云水庫(北京的重要水源),也在東北方,所以北京北部尤其是東北部被視為"風(fēng)水寶地"。

16、RAMMASUN has turned to a northeasterly track and is gradually weakening. At 14 HKT, RAMMASUN was situated about 630 km (340 NM) WNW of Iwo Jima. ─── 威馬遜開始轉(zhuǎn)向東北移動,并開始減弱。在14HKT,威馬遜集結(jié)在硫磺島之西北偏西約630公里(340海里)。

17、Winter more than northeasterly wind blowing. ─── 冬季多刮東北風(fēng)。

18、Years of heavy spring and early summer rains, mild winters, and frequent Atlantic storms, or to periods of droughts, light northeasterly winds, and summer heat waves. ─── 多年的春季和初夏大雨,溫和的冬季,頻繁的大西洋風(fēng)暴,或干旱時(shí)期,輕微的東北風(fēng),和夏季熱浪。

19、Africa and the Bay of Bengal region and there have been noticeable Chuidao the northeasterly winds near the equatorial regions. ─── 非洲和孟加拉灣地區(qū)也有明顯的東北風(fēng)吹到近赤道地區(qū)。

20、Among these typhoons, Lynn in 1987 appeared to interact with the northeasterly monsoon most significantly. ─── 在這些臺風(fēng)中,以琳恩(1987年)之共伴效應(yīng)最顯著;

21、in winter, the seasonal northeasterly winds disturb the seabeds and is the season with lowest visibility.Therefore spring and autumn are the best seasons for diving in Hong Kong. ─── 冬季的東北季候風(fēng)則使海床混濁,能見度更是全年最低的,所以春天和秋天應(yīng)該是香港最佳的潛水季節(jié)。

22、The storm subsequently turned to a northeasterly direction and skirted the coast of southeastern China during June 22nd. ─── 其后蓮花向東北移動,于22日擦過中國東南部沿海地區(qū)。


24、It is expected that 10W will start to affect Hong Kong tomorrow, with strengthening northeasterly winds changing to southeasterlies. ─── 10W將于明天開始影響本港;東北風(fēng)將增強(qiáng)并于星期三轉(zhuǎn)為東南風(fēng)。

25、A violent, cold, northeasterly winter wind on the Adriatic Sea. ─── 布拉風(fēng)一種亞得里亞海上暴烈、寒冷、向東北方向吹的冬季風(fēng)

26、While the high pressure extending to the southeast coast of China, plus a small tiny low pressure system will bring good northeasterly wind to Hong Kong this 2 days, good luck! ─── 開波啦,東北風(fēng)!一個(gè)很像樣的高氣壓正逐漸向華南伸展,東、東北、或北風(fēng)都會越來越多,越來越密,越來越好玩!

27、It will maintain its northeasterly movement along the northwest periphery of the subtropical ridge in the rest of the forecast period. ─── 預(yù)料在馀下時(shí)間威馬遜將沿副熱帶高壓脊的西北部向東北加速移動。

28、Moderate to fresh north to northeasterly winds. API Central/Western District 64 (respirable suspended particulates), Tung Chung 68 (respirable suspended particulates). ─── 吹和緩北至東北風(fēng),空氣污染指數(shù)中西區(qū)64(可吸入懸浮粒子),東涌68(可吸入懸浮粒子).

29、The near Beibu Wan weakens and now the north to northeasterly airstream dominates. ─── 在北部灣的高壓區(qū)已減弱。

30、to northeasterly winds. ─── 至東北風(fēng)。

31、northeasterly winds mainly to the South China Sea, the north less than the number of strong winds. ─── 南海以東北風(fēng)為主,大風(fēng)次數(shù)比北部少。

32、Under the northeasterly wind, three land uses have not much difference between with each other in the result of simulation in north and middle part of Taiwan. ─── 在東北季風(fēng)盛行的天氣型態(tài)之下,三種土地利用型態(tài)對臺灣北部與中部地區(qū)氣象場的模擬結(jié)果差異并不明顯。

33、Moderate east to northeasterly winds. ─── 吹和緩東至東北風(fēng)。

34、But compass sense alone cannot explain how birds navigate the ocean: after a flock traveling east is blown far south by a storm, it will assume the proper northeasterly course to compensate. ─── 但是,方位感本身不足以解釋鳥類是如何在海洋上空導(dǎo)航的:當(dāng)一群東飛的候鳥被暴風(fēng)雨吹向偏南方之后,這群鳥會采取適度的東北方向以補(bǔ)償誤差。

35、It seems that recently the property market is strong northeasterly over again, we look forward to Taiyanggong not too! ─── 看來,強(qiáng)勢的東北風(fēng)正向京城樓市的上空襲來,太陽宮不會讓大家期待太久了!

36、of the path led in a northeasterly ascent to the last part of Temple Valley. ─── 接下去往東北方向攀登的路通往了寺廟谷的最后一個(gè)部分。

37、Sunday morning's king tide was "lifted" by a low pressure system, and pushed by northeasterly winds into north-facing coastlines. ─── 周日早晨,“國王”級海潮被低氣壓系統(tǒng)提升威力,并且被東北風(fēng)“推波助瀾”,侵襲了整個(gè)的北向海岸線。

38、The weather is expected to deteriorate rapidly in Tuesday evening with strengthening north to northeasterly winds. ─── 本港天氣將于今日傍晚快速轉(zhuǎn)壞,北至東北風(fēng)將會明顯增強(qiáng);

39、Moderate north to northeasterly winds. API Central/Western District 50 (respirable suspended particulates), Tung Chung 52 (respirable suspended particulates). ─── 吹和緩北至東北風(fēng),空氣污染指數(shù)中西區(qū)50(可吸入懸浮粒子),東涌52(可吸入懸浮粒子).

40、The railway was completed, will be to jing jin tang region of Inner Mongolia northeasterly most convenient transportation, freight channel. ─── 該鐵路建成后,將成為內(nèi)蒙古中東部至京津唐地區(qū)最便捷的客運(yùn)、貨運(yùn)通道。

41、Among these typhoons, Lynn in 1987 appeared to interact with the northeasterly monsoon most significantly. ─── 在這些臺風(fēng)中,以琳恩(1987年)之共伴效應(yīng)最顯著;

42、Northeasterly winds have reached gale force in most parts of the territory, while a couple of stations are registering sustained storm force winds. ─── 本港大部分地區(qū)正吹烈風(fēng)程度東北風(fēng),數(shù)站更錄得持續(xù)暴風(fēng)風(fēng)力。

43、As 10W strengthens and moves closer to Hong Kong, it is expected that 10W will start to affect Hong Kong tomorrow, with strengthening northeasterly winds changing to southeasterlies. ─── 隨著10W增強(qiáng)并逐漸移近,預(yù)料它將于明天開始影響本港;東北風(fēng)將增強(qiáng)并于星期三轉(zhuǎn)為東南風(fēng)。

44、Comparison of the upper northeasterly flow with and without heavy rain ─── 高空偏北大風(fēng)與有無暴雨的對比分析

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