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10-03 投稿


malarious 發(fā)音

英:[[m?'le?r??s]]  美:[[m?'le?r?rs]]

英:  美:

malarious 中文意思翻譯



malarious 短語詞組

1、malarious tidewater hamlets ─── 瘧疾潮水村落

malarious 相似詞語短語

1、malicious ─── adj.惡意的;惡毒的;蓄意的;懷恨的

2、fallacious ─── adj.謬誤的;騙人的;靠不住的;不合理的

3、hilarious ─── adj.歡鬧的;非常滑稽的;喜不自禁的

4、-arious ─── 五花八門的

5、amatorious ─── 戀愛的

6、malvaceous ─── adj.錦葵屬的

7、vagarious ─── adj.異想天開的;奇特的;越出常規(guī)的

8、salacious ─── adj.好色的;猥褻的;淫蕩的

9、salubrious ─── adj.清爽的;氣候有益健康的

malarious 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Take Tanzania, which is known as the "epicenter" of malaria because of the high incidence of disease there. ─── 以坦桑尼亞這個以瘧疾病高發(fā)區(qū)的中心為例。

2、A bitter alkaloid extracted from chinchona bark used in malaria therapy. ─── 從金雞納樹的樹皮中提取的較苦的生物堿用于瘧疾治療。

3、The hospital was full of malaria patients. ─── 醫(yī)院里擠滿了瘧疾患者。

4、The red cells for the adsorption were obtained from donors who had come back from malarious areas. ─── 吸附的紅細胞來自瘧疾流行區(qū)的捐贈者。

5、She says the compound retally cure drug resistant readily cured drug-resistant malaria and laverage in laboratory dogs. ─── 她說這種混合藥物確實治愈了一直患有瘧疾的實驗狗。

6、Quinine is used as medicine against malaria . ─── 奎寧是用來治療瘧疾的藥物。

7、Quinine is an effectual preventive for malaria. ─── 奎寧是有效的瘧疾預防藥。

8、The hospital treated forty cases of malaria last year. ─── 去年這家醫(yī)院收治了四十例瘧疾患者。

9、He had frequent attacks of malaria. ─── 他?;集懠?。

10、Globally, around 40% of the population is at risk of malaria. ─── 全世界約40%的人口有患瘧疾的危險。

11、The World Health Organization says artemisinin-based combination treatments are the best way to treat common malaria. ─── 世界衛(wèi)生組織說,青蒿素為基礎(chǔ)的聯(lián)合治療是最好的治療方法共同瘧疾。

12、Men have wiped out malaria. ─── 人類已消滅瘧疾。

13、Quinine is highly specific for malaria. ─── 奎寧完全是專門對付瘧疾的。

14、In many areas once infested by mosquitoes,men have wiped out malaria. ─── 在許多地方一旦蚊子大批滋生,人們就容易患上瘧疾.

15、Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. ─── 六、對抗愛滋和瘧疾,以及重要疾病。

16、ExxonMobil is the largest private sector donor, outside of the pharmaceutical industry, to malaria research activities. ─── ??松梨诠臼侵扑幮袠I(yè)以外針對瘧疾研究活動的最大的私人部門捐贈企業(yè)。

17、Funds for malaria research and development amount to a meager 0.3 percent of all medical expenditures worldwide. ─── 供研究瘧疾的基金的總數(shù)不足全世界醫(yī)療費用支出的0.3%。

18、If you're going trekking in the jungle,you should take malaria tablets. Prevention is better than cure. ─── 如果你去熱帶叢林,你該帶些瘧疾藥片。治病不如防病嘛。

19、He is under treatment for malaria. ─── 他正在治療瘧疾。

20、The red cells for the adsorption were obtained from donors who had come back from malarious areas. ─── 用來吸附的紅細胞來自瘧疾流行區(qū)的捐贈者。

21、Macdonald model, based on the Ross model, advanced the dynamics theory of malaria transmission. ─── Macdonald模型是在Ross模型的基礎(chǔ)上提出的,進一步發(fā)展了瘧疾傳播動力學理論。

22、But consider a disease like herpes, or malaria, or AIDS. ─── 但是,請考慮一種疾病,像皰疹、瘧疾、艾滋。

23、For malaria control: use young immature fruit for soup with rice. ─── 不能成熟之果加米用來煮湯用于輔助治療瘧疾。

24、But Panama was all jungle, torrential rain, malaria and yellow fever, and the French failed catastrophically. ─── 在21世紀,要把巴拿馬運河現(xiàn)代化是非常艱辛的工程。

25、There are many malaria sufferers in hospital. ─── 醫(yī)院里有很多瘧疾病人。

26、The variant form of DARC stops the growth of Plasmodium vivax one of the four parasites that can cause malaria. ─── DARC的變異形式阻止了間日瘧原蟲的生長,這是四種引起瘧疾的寄生蟲的一種。

27、He contracted malaria while he was travelling. ─── 他在旅行時染上了瘧疾。

28、During the 1960s, scientists were optimistic that malaria could be wiped out, and in fact, great progress was made. ─── 在六十年代,科學家們對于消滅瘧疾還是樂觀的,事實上也取得了很大的進展。

29、Rising flood waters raise the incidence of malaria and diarrheal disease. ─── 不斷增加的洪水增加了瘧疾和痢疾的發(fā)病幾率。

30、"Like malaria will spread to areas which are not affected right now. ─── ”他表示,”例如瘧疾將會播到現(xiàn)在未受到影響的地方”.

31、People get malaria from Anopheles mosquitoes that themselves are infected with a protozoan parasite called Plasmodium. ─── 人們從瘧蚊感染了瘧疾,它們被感染的原生動物寄生蟲稱為瘧原蟲。

32、From one month to five years of age, the main causes of death are pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, measles and HIV. ─── 從1個月至5歲,死亡的主要原因是肺炎、腹瀉、瘧疾、麻疹和艾滋病毒。

33、The WHO says simple measures can prevent child deaths from road accidents, malaria, diarrhea and breathing disorders. ─── 世界衛(wèi)生組織表示,只要采取簡單的措施就可以避免兒童死于交通事故、瘧疾、痢疾和呼吸系統(tǒng)疾

34、He was quarantined for three weeks when he had malaria. ─── 他得瘧疾時被隔離了三個禮拜。

35、He's been tortured with malaria for a couple of days. ─── 他受瘧疾折磨已經(jīng)幾天了。

36、In preventing malaria transmission, an environmental control approach has been adopted and found to be successful. ─── 在預防瘧疾傳播方面,本署采用環(huán)境控制方法,證實相當成功。

37、Ethiopia is a one of the poorest countries and the one of the most serious malaria regions in the world. ─── 埃塞俄比亞(ETHIOPIA)是世界上最貧窮的國家之一,也是瘧疾病流行最嚴重的國家之一。

38、During these journeys he caught malaria, was arrested for spying, narrowly escaped drowning and survived a plane crash. ─── 在這途中,他得過瘧疾,也因間諜罪被捕,差點淹死,還從一次墜機事故中逃生。

39、Ironically, the success of the control programs is partly to blame for the resurgence of malaria. ─── 令人啼笑皆非的是,這種控制計劃的成功要對瘧疾的卷土重來負一定的責任。

40、Clinical analysis of characteristics of Chinese and African falciparum malaria patients. ─── 中國人和非洲人惡性瘧疾的臨床特征分析。

41、Protozoa are responsible for diseases such as malaria, amebic dysentery, giardia, leishmaniasis, and trypanosomiasis. ─── 原生動物是類似瘧疾、阿米巴痢疾、賈第蟲癥、黑熱病和錐蟲病的罪魁禍首。

42、Quinine is good for malaria. ─── 奎寧對治療瘧疾有效。

43、Quinine is a specific for malaria. ─── 奎寧是治療瘧疾的特效藥。

44、In any region infested with malaria-carrying mosquitoes, there are individuals who appear to be immune to malaria. ─── 在任何大量滋生瘧蚊的地方,都存在某些人對瘧疾免疫。

45、Last Wednesday, on Africa Malaria Day, PATH marked the first year of an expanded campaign to prevent malaria in Zambia. ─── 上周三,非洲瘧疾日,PATH在贊比亞舉辦了第一年的預防瘧疾擴大運動。

46、Quinine is a specific for malaria . ─── 奎寧是治療瘧疾的特效藥.

47、He has had another attack of malaria. ─── 他又發(fā)了一陣瘧疾。

48、People have made a long search for the cause(s) of malaria. ─── 人們?yōu)榱苏页霪懠驳钠鹨蜻M行了長時期的探索。

49、Nowadays, chloroquine and Atabrine are used to prevent malaria. ─── 如今,氯喹和瘧滌平都被用來防止瘧疾。

50、These include arthritis, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, malaria and psoriasis. ─── 作為試驗對象的包括關(guān)節(jié)炎、糖尿病、腸易激綜合征、瘧疾和牛皮癬。

51、Malaria is diagnosed by detecting the parasites in Blood. Quinine was long used to alleviate the fevers. ─── 在血液中尋找寄生蟲可診斷瘧疾??鼘幘帽挥脕硐税l(fā)熱。

52、The doctor diagnosed his illness as malaria. ─── 醫(yī)師診斷他的病為瘧疾。

53、He contracted malaria in Africa. ─── 他在非洲染上了瘧疾。

54、Last year the hospital treated over forty cases of malaria. ─── 去年這所醫(yī)院醫(yī)治了四十余例瘧疾病人。

55、The plain was infected with malaria. ─── 在此平原上,瘧疾流行。

56、Their idea is to dose those in malarious areas with a drug called ivermectin. ─── 他們的方法是讓瘧疾流行區(qū)的人們服用一種名為伊維菌素的藥物。

57、And today, I propose a tax credit to speed the development of vaccines for diseases like malaria, TB and AIDS. ─── 今天,我提議一項促進痢疾、結(jié)核、滋病等疫苗研究的稅收優(yōu)惠政策。

58、Studies on Malaria Control and Surveillance after Malaria Basically Eliminated. ─── 基本消滅瘧疾后監(jiān)測與防治對策的研究。

59、A year ago, the World Bankannounced a new program to control malaria in Africa and Southeast Asia. ─── 一年前,世界銀行宣布了一個在亞洲和東南亞控制瘧疾的新項目。

60、Clark's work on malaria has been backed by the World Health Organisation. ─── 克拉克研究瘧疾的工作得到了世界衛(wèi)生組織的支持。

61、In Nigeria, an Interfaith effort of Christians and Muslims has set an example of cooperation to confront malaria. ─── 在尼日利亞,基督徒和穆斯林所進行的跨信仰努力為抗擊瘧疾樹立了合作的典范。

62、It is the major media for malaria and dengue fever. ─── 埃及伊蚊是登革熱病的傳播媒介。

63、The inherent uncertainties make it difficult to optimize malaria control strategies or to prioritize areas of research. ─── 內(nèi)在的不確定性使得最優(yōu)化瘧疾控制方法或者為這方面的研究領(lǐng)域劃分優(yōu)先次序變得相當困難。

64、In Vietnam, malaria sapped many troops' strength. ─── 在越戰(zhàn)期間,瘧疾拖垮了許多士兵。

65、Protozoa are responsible for diseases such as malaria, amebic dysentery, giardia, leshmaniasis, and trypanosomiasis. ─── 原生動物是類似瘧疾,阿米巴痢疾,賈第蟲癥,黑熱病和錐蟲病的罪魁禍首。

66、therefore , pregnant women should not visit malarious areas unless this is absolutely necessary. ─── 故此,如非必要,孕婦應盡量避免前往瘧疾流行的地區(qū)。

67、He is infected with malaria. ─── 他感染到瘧疾。

68、For years, the drugs chloroquine and quinine have been frontline treatments for malaria. ─── 多年來,氯喹和奎寧一直是治療瘧疾的主要藥品。

69、A hospital consultant said conditions were ripe for an outbreak of cholera ,typhoid and malaria. ─── 一個醫(yī)院顧問聲稱對于爆發(fā)霍亂、傷寒癥、瘧疾的條件已經(jīng)成熟了。

70、The World Health Organization is warning people not to use only one drug to treat Malaria. ─── 世界衛(wèi)生組織向人們發(fā)出警告不要使用一種藥物治療瘧疾。

71、In Vietnam, malaria was reduced 97% through the use of bed nets. ─── 在越南,通過使用蚊帳瘧疾減少了97%。

72、Malaria is also a problem in Asia and South America. ─── 在亞洲和南美洲,瘧疾同樣是一個難題。

73、But the malaria parasite has become resistant to the chloroquine and quinine. ─── 但是,瘧疾寄生蟲開始對氯喹和奎寧有抗藥性了。

74、They investigated a link with malaria, which is prevalent in the area. ─── 他們調(diào)查1個與瘧疾的連結(jié),這在區(qū)域中是普遍的。

75、They are trained first how to diagnose people, and then how to treat people with malaria in people's homes. ─── 他們首先接受培訓如何對民眾進行診斷,然后如何在他們的家中對瘧疾患者進行治療。

76、How about harnessing the winged creatures themselves to kill malaria parasites? ─── 可否利用這些長翅膀的生物自己去殺死引起瘧疾的寄生蟲呢?

77、You should start taking the drugs before the trip, continue throughout the journey and for four more weeks after leaving the malarious area. ─── 這些藥物須在出發(fā)前開始服用,并在旅程中繼續(xù)服用,直至離開該地區(qū)后的四個星期。

78、Malaria is no longer a domestic threat to health in most wealthy countries. ─── 在多數(shù)富裕國家,瘧疾不再是國內(nèi)的一種健康危害。

79、He fall sick with malaria on a trip to africa. ─── 他在去非洲時患了瘧疾。

80、The cheap, used irrigation gear he could finagle leaks more than it irrigates, leaving mosquito pools that qualify this farm as malarious. ─── 他能搞到的便宜二手灌溉機泄漏的水比用于灌溉的還多,而蚊患水池使得整個農(nóng)場痢疾肆虐。

81、Why is it important to combine malaria drugs? ─── 為什么聯(lián)合使用抗瘧疾藥物至關(guān)重要?

82、Similarly, we found no reduction in deaths due to malaria. ─── 同樣,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)因瘧疾而死亡的人數(shù)沒有下降。

83、Pullman, I have whirled through the gloomy, Godforsaken villages of Iowa and Kansas, and the malarious tidewater hamlets of Georgia. ─── 我曾安安穩(wěn)穩(wěn)地坐著普爾曼臥車,周游了衣阿華州和堪薩斯州那些昏暗凄涼的村鎮(zhèn)以及佐治亞州那些烏煙瘴氣的沿海漁村。

84、Quinine is the medicine for malaria. ─── 奎寧是治療瘧疾的良藥。

85、A new advance has been made in the control of malaria. ─── 在控制瘧疾方面已取得新的進展。

86、A perpetual malaria reigns in this region. ─── 在這個地區(qū),經(jīng)常流行瘧疾。

87、And in the absence of a vaccine, Africa's malaria woes could continue to grow like a multiheaded Hydra. ─── 但在沒有疫苗的狀況下,非洲的瘧疾災難將會像多頭怪獸一般持續(xù)冒出。

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