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10-03 投稿


nim 發(fā)音


英:  美:

nim 中文意思翻譯




nim 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

vt. 拿,偷竊vi. 偷竊n. 取物游戲n. (Nim)人名;(朝)林;(柬)寧

nim 詞性/詞形變化,nim變形

動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: nimming |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞: nimmed |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去式: nimmed |動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): nims |

nim 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、seon aeng nim ─── 森永寧

2、nim ls ─── 尼姆ls

3、nim oil ─── [化] 印度楝樹(shù)油

4、nim tree ─── [植物]印度楝樹(shù)

nim 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、Kim ─── n.金姆(人名)

2、Jim ─── n.吉姆(人名)

3、Bim ─── n.女子,蕩婦;n.(Bim)人名;(俄)比姆

4、-im ─── abbr.感應(yīng)電動(dòng)機(jī)(InductionMotor);abbr.即時(shí)通信(InstantMessaging)

5、Tim ─── n.蒂姆(男子名)

6、nimb ─── 敏捷

7、him ─── pron.他(賓格);n.(Him)人名;(東南亞國(guó)家華語(yǔ))欣;(柬)亨;(中)謙(廣東話·威妥瑪)

8、dim ─── adj.暗淡的,昏暗的;模糊的,看不清的;悲觀的,懷疑的;vt.使暗淡,使失去光澤;使變模糊;vi.變模糊,變暗淡;n.笨蛋,傻子;n.(Dim)人名;(俄)季姆;(柬)丁

9、aim ─── v.目的在于;引導(dǎo);把……對(duì)準(zhǔn);瞄準(zhǔn);n.目的;瞄準(zhǔn)

nim 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Nim strove to keep his tone conversational and easy. ─── 尼姆努力使自己的語(yǔ)氣隨便一些。

2、Nim and his kind were trouble-making upstarts. ─── 尼姆和他那一幫人是專找麻煩的暴發(fā)戶。

3、The image of Karen, her breathtaking beauty, warm smile and gentle voice, stayed with Nim through the remainder of the drive downtown. ─── 凱倫的形象,她那驚人的美貌、熱情的微笑和柔和的聲音在尼姆駕車去市內(nèi)的路上一直在他的腦海中縈繞。

4、Another reason Marsh decided to make Project Nim was the rich seam of human drama that unfolded around the chimp. ─── 馬什拍這部片子的另一個(gè)原因是圍繞這只黑猩猩展開(kāi)的大量戲劇性場(chǎng)面。

5、Marsh goes on to describe his impression of Nim. ─── 馬什在繼續(xù)向我們描述他對(duì)尼姆的印象。

6、In mid afternoon Nim folded the newspaper and flagged the article, then gave it to J. Eric Humphrey's secretary. ─── 下午三四點(diǎn)的時(shí)候尼姆把報(bào)紙折好,又在那篇文章上做了記號(hào),然后遞給約·埃里克·漢弗萊的秘書(shū)。

7、Perhaps Nim's absence from the screen today would lower Leah's status among her friends. ─── 也許尼姆今天沒(méi)在熒光屏上出現(xiàn)會(huì)降低莉婭在她朋友中的威信。

8、I think that she was trying to get with what Nim is, as opposed to what others were trying to make him. ─── 我認(rèn)為她在努力順應(yīng)尼姆的本性在教育他,這與其他人的做法正好相反。

9、Listening, Nim experienced a surge of anger. ─── 尼姆一邊聽(tīng),一邊感到怒火涌上心頭。

10、In his late forties, Nim Goldman usually appeared younger, but not today because of strain and fatigue. ─── 尼姆·歌德快五十了,但通??瓷先](méi)那么大年紀(jì),不過(guò)今天例外,那是由于太緊張,太疲倦了。

11、"Nim's Island" is a fun story, particularly in its playful, creative sense of the relationship between fiction and reality. ─── “尼姆島”是一個(gè)有趣的故事,尤其她描繪的那些幽默的,有創(chuàng)意的小說(shuō)與現(xiàn)實(shí)的關(guān)系。

12、Nim heard a discreet cough and turned his head to see Josie standing at the doorway. ─── 尼姆聽(tīng)見(jiàn)有人低咳了一聲,轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)頭去,發(fā)現(xiàn)喬西站在門口。

13、On impulse, Nim turned in, wheeling the Fiat into one of the empty places. ─── 尼姆一時(shí)興起就拐了進(jìn)去把菲亞特推向一個(gè)空的地方。

14、But Nim is unaware that the real Alex is Alexandra Rover (Jodie Foster), an agoraphobic, fussy San Francisco fiction writer. ─── 但尼姆不知道真正的A是亞歷山德拉R(朱迪福斯特扮演),一個(gè)有著廣場(chǎng)恐懼癥,常常大驚小怪的舊金山小說(shuō)家。

15、The quantum hall resistance standard in NIM ─── 中國(guó)計(jì)量科學(xué)研究院建成量子化霍爾電阻標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

16、It was not too late, he knew, but so far Nim had not resolved the issue. ─── 他知道為時(shí)還不晚,但到目前為止尼姆還沒(méi)解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題。

17、They were in the elegant Squire Room of the Fairhil Hotel, where they had met for lunch at Nim's suggestion. ─── 他們坐在弗厄希爾飯店優(yōu)雅的紳士廳,他們是根據(jù)尼姆的建議到這兒來(lái)共進(jìn)午餐的。

18、Nim rose from his seat and crossed to a bureau beneath bookshelves. ─── 尼姆從座位上站起來(lái),走到對(duì)面書(shū)架下的一張寫字臺(tái)旁。

19、I think Bob felt very sorry for Nim when the chimp returned to Oklahoma, and he began to give him certain freedoms. ─── 我想,當(dāng)尼姆回到俄克拉荷馬時(shí),鮑伯應(yīng)當(dāng)感到很遺憾的,所以他開(kāi)始給他一定的自由。

20、During the research, a simple PWM method with direct flux control (DFC-PWM) and a novel identification method (NIM) for parameters using least square theory are proposed. ─── 在進(jìn)行該研究的過(guò)程中,提出一種簡(jiǎn)化的DFC-PWM法,能夠有效改善輸出轉(zhuǎn)矩的性能;

21、There were reasons for this-often debated by Nim and other younger executives. ─── 尼姆和其他年輕一些的行政官員經(jīng)常討論造成這種情況的原因。

22、We believe that the net interest margin (NIM) would be slightly reduced if the banks transfer their funds from the inter-bank market (reduced by 0.1%), investment securities (by 0.16%) and loans to the Central Bank (0.4%) respectively. ─── 如果商業(yè)銀行將資金從同業(yè)拆借市場(chǎng)、債券投資和貸款轉(zhuǎn)移至央行,那么凈息差將分別小幅降低0.1%、0.16%和0.4%。

23、With Nim and Daphne wedged tightly into the back of Thurston's Pinto , Daphne squeezed his arm. ─── 尼姆和達(dá)夫妮緊緊地?cái)D在瑟斯頓的品托牌轎車的后座上,達(dá)夫妮捏捏他的胳膊。

24、NIM is the signatory to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement( MRA) for national measurement standards and for calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes. ─── 中國(guó)計(jì)量科學(xué)研究院于1999年代表中國(guó)簽署了“國(guó)家計(jì)量基標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及國(guó)家計(jì)量研究院出具的校準(zhǔn)和測(cè)量證書(shū)相互承認(rèn)協(xié)議”。

25、MNet also wanted us to deliver Seung Heon nim and their will to return love from all fans with participating in widespread public good events continuously. ─── MNet也要求我們傳達(dá)承憲nim和公司的意愿,是通過(guò)不斷參與廣泛的社會(huì)公益活動(dòng),回饋所有影迷的愛(ài)戴。

26、Nim settled himself in the witness chair, aware that his presentation would be long and arduous. ─── 尼姆在證人席上坐定,意識(shí)到他的陳述將是又長(zhǎng)又費(fèi)勁的。

27、Nim controlled an impulse to snap back angrily. ─── 尼姆壓住了怒火,沒(méi)有頂撞。

28、Among 54 patients, 28 patients (M 10, F 18, age 39+s9a) were given Nim 40 mg tid and 26 placebo for 12 wk. ─── 54例偏頭痛患者治療12wk結(jié)束時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)28例(男10,女18,年齡39±s9a)服了Nim(40mg,tid); 26例服了安慰劑。

29、Nim had a roving commission in Gsp %26 L which cut across department boundaries. ─── 尼姆在金州公司里有一個(gè)跨越各個(gè)部門的巡回性的任務(wù)。

30、For help, Nim turns to her favorite author, Alex Rover, an Indiana Jones type whose books about his rough-and-tumble adventures are international bestsellers. ─── 尼姆向她最喜愛(ài)的作家,A.R尋求幫助,A.R是一個(gè)寫關(guān)于他的亂七八糟的奪寶奇兵類型冒險(xiǎn)書(shū)籍的作家,世界范圍廣收歡迎。

31、Two deferent NIM plug-in modules designed for deferent delay time scales are introduced in this article. ─── 介紹了兩套不同原理的延時(shí)功能NIM插件的設(shè)計(jì)。

32、As compared with the ischemia?reperfusion group,the activity of ATPase was increased significantly in the sham operation group(P< 0.01),and was also significantly increased in the TWP groups and Nim group(P< 0.05 or P< 0.01). ─── 三磷酸腺苷酶活性:缺血再灌注組顯著低于假手術(shù)組(P

33、Nim and Ardythe had exchanged a few stilted words, but that was all. ─── 尼姆和阿黛絲拘謹(jǐn)?shù)亟徽劻藥拙?,沒(méi)有別的。

34、Josie was a careful driver and Nim relaxed during the journey to the Palace of Arts. ─── 喬西是個(gè)謹(jǐn)慎的駕駛員,因此在去藝術(shù)宮的路上,尼姆感到很輕松。

35、In a week's time Nim was due to address the annual convention of the National Electric Institute. ─── 一個(gè)星期后,尼姆預(yù)定要向全國(guó)電力協(xié)會(huì)的年會(huì)發(fā)表講話。

36、During the late morning they had gone together to one of the trim tract houses Nim noted earlier. ─── 將近中午的時(shí)候,他們一起來(lái)到一座尼姆先前注意過(guò)的漂亮的房屋前。

37、In the basement recreation room Ruth and Nim sat side by side on a sofa, with Leah sprawled on a rug. ─── 在地下娛樂(lè)室里,露絲和尼姆并排坐在沙發(fā)上,莉婭懶洋洋地躺在地毯上。

38、Establish of Heat Meter Calibration Facility in NIM ─── 國(guó)家級(jí)熱能表檢定裝置的建立

39、The Barthel Index (BI) and Clinical Neural Impairment Measures Scale (NIM) were applied to assess patients at the beginning of enrollment, and the end of the 5th and 17th month. ─── 于入組時(shí)、第5個(gè)月末和17個(gè)月末應(yīng)用巴氏指數(shù)(BI)、臨床神經(jīng)功能缺損評(píng)分量表(NIM)中關(guān)于肩、臂運(yùn)動(dòng)及手運(yùn)動(dòng)的評(píng)定對(duì)兩組患者進(jìn)行評(píng)定。

40、Nim had eaten sparingly. ─── 尼姆吃得很少。

41、NIM Game simulation implemented in Prolog complete source code, has been tested. ─── (譯):游戲模擬的NIM實(shí)施Prolog語(yǔ)言完整的源代碼,已經(jīng)過(guò)測(cè)試。

42、Minutes later Humphrey strode into Nim's office and tossed the paper down. ─── 幾分鐘后,漢弗萊大步走進(jìn)尼姆的辦公室,把報(bào)紙往地上一摔。

43、Later, Nim would learn the procedure was prohibited. ─── 尼姆事后才知道這個(gè)做法是違禁的。

44、"Give me a minute, Harry," Nim said. ─── “停一會(huì)兒,哈里”,尼姆說(shuō)。

45、"He's reciting lines," Nim muffled angrily. ─── “他在背臺(tái)詞,”尼姆憤怒的低聲說(shuō)道。

46、Nim had been sent, a few minutes ago, by J. Eric Humphrey to make a personal appaisal of the scene. ─── 尼姆在幾分鐘前被約·埃里克·漢弗萊派來(lái)親自視察現(xiàn)

47、It was Teresa Van Buren who, at Nim's request, arranged box seats and the facilities for Karen. ─── 原來(lái)是特麗薩?范?伯倫應(yīng)尼姆的請(qǐng)求,安排了包箱座位以及凱倫需要的種種方便。

48、to nim money from one's own house ─── 從家里偷錢

49、Nim addressed Harry London. ─── 尼姆對(duì)哈里·倫敦說(shuō)。

50、Oscar O'Brien's voice brought Nim back to the present. ─── 奧斯卡·奧布賴思的聲音把尼姆又帶回到現(xiàn)實(shí)。

51、In a negative index material (NIM), the peaks and troughs of an electromagnetic wave travel backward even though the energy of the wave continues to travel forward. ─── 在負(fù)折射率材料中,電磁波的波峰和波谷將朝相反方向行進(jìn),但波的能量仍向前行進(jìn)。

52、Nim studied the map, his eyes roving. ─── 尼姆兩眼轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),研究著地圖。

53、"They have Birdsong in jail," Nim pointed out. ─── “他們把伯德桑押在牢里,”尼姆指出。

54、As Nim elbowed his way outward through the crowd, Yale beckoned a policeman and identified himself. ─── 當(dāng)尼姆擠出人群的時(shí)候,耶爾抬手叫來(lái)了一個(gè)警察,又說(shuō)明了自己的身分。

55、Nim reached out snapping off the radio. ─── 尼姆伸手關(guān)掉了收音機(jī)。

56、London preceded Nim into gas station office. ─── 倫敦領(lǐng)著尼姆進(jìn)入加油站辦公室。

57、In mid afternoon Nim folded the newspaper and flagged the article, then gave it to J.Eric Humphrey's secretary. ─── 下午三四點(diǎn)的時(shí)候尼姆把報(bào)紙折好,又在那篇文章上做了記號(hào),然后遞給約·埃里克·漢弗萊的秘書(shū)。

58、Nim and O'Brien already had had several rehearsals in which Ray Paulsen shared. ─── 尼姆和奧布賴恩已經(jīng)預(yù)演過(guò)幾次,雷·波爾森也參加了。

59、Nim eventually gets some chimp companionship. ─── 最后尼姆得到了一些猩猩冠軍。

60、Which show did Han touch Nim's thigh? ─── 哪個(gè)節(jié)目上,韓庚摸了希澈的大腿?

61、In Nim's dream, the electric system was in desperate crisis. ─── 在睡夢(mèng)里,尼姆看到電力系統(tǒng)處于嚴(yán)重的危機(jī)中。

62、A spark of resistance flared in Nim. ─── 反擊的念頭從尼姆的腦海中一閃而過(guò)。

63、Without waiting for answer she scooped up Nim's glass and replenished it, along with her own. ─── 她不等尼姆回答,就端起他的酒杯,又倒?jié)M了酒,給自己也斟了一杯。

64、The Property protection chief had been cool today when meeting Nim, probably remembering their sharp words two days ago. ─── 今天,財(cái)產(chǎn)保衛(wèi)部長(zhǎng)見(jiàn)到尼姆時(shí)很冷淡,興許他還記得兩天前他們倆那番激烈的爭(zhēng)辯。

65、Flawless CGI and forays into animation keep things visually lively, and Nim's enviable life is likely to hook kids into the story early and keep them entranced. ─── 完美無(wú)瑕的CGI和類似動(dòng)畫(huà)的制作讓場(chǎng)面十分活潑,尼姆那讓人嫉妒的生活也許會(huì)鉤起孩子們?cè)缙诘慕?jīng)歷從而讓他們鉆進(jìn)影院。

66、Nim stood rooted, thinking. ─── 尼姆呆在原地不動(dòng),思索著。

67、Mary, who had been slim for as long as Nim remembered her, had noticeably put on weight. ─── 在尼姆的記憶里,瑪麗的身材一向是很苗條的,而現(xiàn)在顯然是發(fā)胖了。

68、Nim had learned of the arrangement accidentally and was unsure whether to be grateful, irritated or amused. ─── 尼姆偶然之中知道了這種安排,他簡(jiǎn)直不知道是應(yīng)該感激、氣惱還是覺(jué)得有趣才好。

69、Siu Nim Tao (Xiao Lian Tou)is the fundamental routine of Wing Chun (Yongchun). ─── 小練頭是詠春拳中的初級(jí)套路。

70、NIM is a component of the AIX operating system. ─── NIM是AIX操作系統(tǒng)中的一個(gè)組件。

71、Nim slipped back into his earlier manner, making his contempt for Birdsong clear. ─── 尼姆回到了原先的態(tài)度,明顯地流露出對(duì)伯德桑的鄙夷。

72、Nim had been sent, a few minutes ago, by J. Eric Humphrey to make a personal appraisal of the scene. ─── 尼姆在幾分鐘前被約?埃里克?漢弗萊派來(lái)親自視察現(xiàn)

73、Nim released some irritability of his own. ─── 尼姆發(fā)泄出一點(diǎn)怒火。

74、But the general public, Nim believed, had still not grasped, or perhaps didn't want to, the full significance of what was happening. ─── 但是,尼姆認(rèn)為,一般的公眾還沒(méi)理解,或者是不想理解眼下發(fā)生的事情的全部意義。

75、Watching it, I was struck by how much the protagonist's story paralleled Nim's. ─── 觀看時(shí),我強(qiáng)烈震撼了,主人公的經(jīng)歷與尼姆的經(jīng)歷何其相似。

76、Nim weighed something else from time to time. ─── 尼姆反復(fù)思忖著另一件事。

77、Flawless CGI and foray s into animation keep things visually lively, and Nim's enviable life is likely to hook kids into the story early and keep them entranced. ─── 動(dòng)畫(huà)中無(wú)暇的CGI和截圖保持了物體視覺(jué)上的生動(dòng)。而且尼莫令人羨慕的生活也很可能使還在們很快進(jìn)入到故事中并被其吸引。

78、When he was alone, Nim regretted having vented his bad humour on Harry London. ─── 在只剩下他一個(gè)人的時(shí)候,尼姆后悔不應(yīng)該把氣出在哈理·倫敦身上。

79、Nim Goldman had been conferring with somebody at the dispatch console. ─── 尼姆?哥爾德曼一直在調(diào)度臺(tái)上與別人商量。

80、"Good night, you two characters." Nim kissed Leah and Benjy. ─── “晚安,你們兩個(gè)淘氣鬼?!蹦崮肺橇艘幌吕騺喓捅窘堋?/p>

81、He tapped Nim's memo with a fingernail. ─── 他用指甲輕輕地彈了彈尼姆的備忘錄。

82、Nim had known Walter Talbot Jr., an only son, almost as long as he had been a friend of the dead chief. ─── 尼姆幾乎是從和已故的老總剛交上朋友起就認(rèn)識(shí)了他的獨(dú)子小沃爾特·塔爾伯特的。

83、The surgeon glanced at an older man beside him, Nim knew to be the hospital administrator. ─── 醫(yī)生看了一眼身邊一位年紀(jì)比他大的人,尼姆知道,他是醫(yī)院院長(zhǎng)。

84、Advanced rapid spectral analysis module with great accuracy and repeatability. Our calibrations are available with traceability to NIM standards. ─── 先進(jìn)的快速光譜分析模塊,采用一系列高新技術(shù)計(jì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn);

85、In a week's time Nim was due to address the annual convention of the National Electric Institute. ─── 一個(gè)星期后,尼姆預(yù)定要向全國(guó)電力協(xié)會(huì)的年會(huì)發(fā)表講話。

86、In the living room of her apartment Karen bestowed on Nim the same radiant smile he remembered so well from their previous encounter. ─── 凱倫在公寓的起居室里朝著尼姆嫵媚地笑著,他清楚地記得她和上次見(jiàn)面時(shí)笑得一模一樣。

87、County Administration Nim Town relief fund, 217 million, primarily for uniform placement of the Housing construction, infrastructure construction. ─── 縣民政局下?lián)茱镦?zhèn)救災(zāi)款217萬(wàn)元,主要用于統(tǒng)一安置房建設(shè)、基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)等。

88、It was Tersea Van Buren who, at Nim's request, arranged box seats and the facilities for Karen. ─── 原來(lái)是特麗薩·范·伯倫應(yīng)尼姆的請(qǐng)求,安排了包箱座位以及凱倫需要的種種方便。

89、Fifteen years ago, when Ruth and Nim were married, Ruth made clear she didn 't care one way or the other about Jewish observances. ─── 十五年前露絲和尼姆結(jié)婚時(shí),露絲表示過(guò)她對(duì)猶太教規(guī)是無(wú)所謂的。

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