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10-02 投稿


mileage 發(fā)音

英:[?ma?l?d?]  美:[?ma?l?d?]

英:  美:

mileage 中文意思翻譯



mileage 常用詞組

gas mileage ─── 每英里汽油消耗量;一加侖汽油所行駛的里程

mileage 詞性/詞形變化,mileage變形


mileage 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、gas mileage ─── 一加侖汽油所行駛的里程

2、litreage ─── 荔枝

3、mileages ─── n.英里數(shù)

4、lineage ─── n.血統(tǒng);家系,[遺]世系

5、milage ─── n.哩數(shù);運(yùn)費(fèi);旅費(fèi)

6、hireage ─── 雇傭率

7、Meleager ─── n.梅利埃格(男子名)

8、millage ─── n.厘計(jì)稅率;adj.厘計(jì)稅率的

9、milages ─── n.哩數(shù);運(yùn)費(fèi);旅費(fèi)

mileage 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Obama accessorized with two strands of pearls, which will also get mileage on this trip. ─── 奧巴馬夫人用了兩串珍珠作為點(diǎn)綴,這也將陪同她此次歐洲之行。

2、Various channels for accumulating mileage of Air China Companion make you got free journeys more easily and conveniently. ─── 國(guó)航知音"多種多樣的里程積累途徑使您更容易、更快捷地獲取免費(fèi)旅行。

3、According to the company's data, F6 will have a maximum mileage of 400 kilometers and a top speed of 160 kilometers per hour if it uses batteries only. ─── 依據(jù)該公司的數(shù)據(jù)資料,如果僅僅使用電池動(dòng)力,F(xiàn)6系列車(chē)型的最大行駛距離為400公里,最高行駛速度可達(dá)160公里每小時(shí)。

4、Mileage runners” seek out the longest flights and the most connections hoping to game the airlines' frequent flier rewards programs. ─── 哩程跑步者"尋找最長(zhǎng)的飛行和最大多數(shù)的對(duì)比賽希望的連接航空公司的時(shí)常飛行員酬賓獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)計(jì)劃。

5、In the five years, 4,267 km of waterways were harnessed, adding 22,200-km Class-V and above waterways, which is 19 percent of the total mileage of navigable channels. ─── 五年共整治內(nèi)河航道4267公里,五級(jí)以上航道達(dá)到2.22萬(wàn)公里,占通航總里程的19%。

6、Zhang Heng was also a mechanical engineer, and made a flying "wooden eagle" and a "mileage-counting drum-cart" . ─── 張衡又是一位機(jī)械工程師,制造過(guò)能飛的“木雕”和能計(jì)算里程的“計(jì)里鼓車(chē)”等。

7、By the end of last year, the total mileage of railways in operation nationwide reached 68,000 km, a rise of 6,000 km on 1995. ─── 到去年底,全國(guó)鐵路總營(yíng)業(yè)里程達(dá)到6.8萬(wàn)公里,比“八五”末增加6000公里,是改革開(kāi)放以來(lái)新增營(yíng)業(yè)里程最多的5年;

8、Toyota had appeared almost unstoppable before the global financial crisis, with sales booming on its reputation for mileage and quality. ─── 在全球金融危機(jī)爆發(fā)之前,本田憑借低油耗與高性能的優(yōu)勢(shì),銷(xiāo)量激增,勢(shì)不可擋。

9、Just select the mileage at which it was changedand number of miles/kms after which it needs to be changed. ─── 可以按照你的想法添加盡可能多的費(fèi)用類型以及你想要添加的任何類型。

10、The dis- tance from London to Istanbul is less than the distance between Pittsburgh and Phoenix and only two-thirds the mileage from Maine to Miami. ─── 倫敦到伊 斯坦布爾的距離還沒(méi)有匹茲堡到鳳凰城遠(yuǎn),只是從緬 因州到邁阿密路程的三分之二。

11、My annual mileage is about 10 000. ─── 我一年的行駛里程大約為1萬(wàn)英里。

12、MINT CONDITION: Male, 1932, high mileage, good condition, some hair, many new parts including hip, knee, cornea, valves. Isn't in running condition, but walks well. ─── 完美的現(xiàn)況:男性,1932年出生,高里程,不錯(cuò)的狀況,存有一些空氣,一些新?lián)Q的零件,包括臀部,膝蓋,閘門(mén)。不可長(zhǎng)跑,但適合于漫步。

13、He doesn't think there's any mileage in that type of advertising. ─── 他認(rèn)為做那種廣告毫無(wú)效益。

14、If you plan to race, cut down on your training mileage and recover fully from each one. ─── 如果計(jì)劃去比賽,那么減少你的訓(xùn)練里程,從每個(gè)比賽中完全恢復(fù)。

15、Please bear in mind that this review reports only my own experience and opinions of the CD and that "your mileage may vary" . ─── 請(qǐng)記住,這只是我自己的審查報(bào)告的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和對(duì)裁談會(huì)的意見(jiàn),說(shuō):“您的里程可能會(huì)有所不同?!?/p>

16、And you thought you were getting good mileage out of your Prius! ─── 你以為你是越來(lái)越好了您的里程普瑞斯!

17、By 2005, the mileage of railways in operation will total 75,000 km. ─── 2005年鐵路營(yíng)業(yè)里程達(dá)到7.5萬(wàn)公里。

18、Your mileage may vary, but elements can encode all the information required for such a project. ─── 大小可能不同,但是元素可以編碼此類項(xiàng)目的所有信息。

19、They are willing to pay up to $500 more for cars that get better mileage. ─── 他們?cè)敢舛喔?500來(lái)買(mǎi)單位汽油里程數(shù)更高的汽車(chē)。

20、Keeping your tirs inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3%. Every gallon of gasoline saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of atmosphere! ─── 保持輪胎完全的膨脹能使每英里燃油量增加3%以上。每加侖汽油能減少20磅的二氧化碳排放到大氣中去。

21、Have you claimed your mileage? ─── 你申請(qǐng)汽車(chē)?yán)飻?shù)津貼了嗎?

22、Their governments already get considerable political mileage by confronting the Bush administration. ─── 主要原因是,他們已經(jīng)在其配額以內(nèi)生產(chǎn),削減讓他們損失最少。

23、If you drive carefully you can get better mileage from your car. ─── 你只要小心開(kāi)車(chē),你的車(chē)就能多跑很多里程。

24、Bricklin says the system could net “100 percent better mileage”. ─── 布里克林說(shuō),該系統(tǒng)可凈“百分之百更好里程".

25、What mileage has your car done ? ─── 你的汽車(chē)共行駛過(guò)多少英里?

26、Other determining factors would be mileage, personal or work-related usage and your credit scores. ─── 其他決定性因素將里程,個(gè)人或與工作有關(guān)的使用情況和您的信用分?jǐn)?shù)。

27、The country's total highway mileage now has surpassed 1.4 million km. ─── 五年新增24萬(wàn)公里,全國(guó)公路通車(chē)?yán)锍桃殉^(guò)140萬(wàn)公里。

28、Use the right and correct figure for the date, mileage, and accurate condition of your car. ─── 使用權(quán)和日期,里程正確的數(shù)字,和你的汽車(chē)準(zhǔn)確的規(guī)定。

29、What kind of gas mileage do you get? ─── 你一加侖汽油可以跑多少英里啊?

30、Sorry, what does it mean by mileage here? ─── 對(duì)不起,什么是行車(chē)費(fèi)?

31、The mileage accumulation begins on the date of your application. ─── 從您填申請(qǐng)表的日期開(kāi)始就可以累積里程了。

32、What mileage does your car do per gallon? ─── 你的汽車(chē)每加侖汽油行駛的平均英里計(jì)程是多少?

33、If you install the supercharger it will be covered by a 12 month unlimited mileage warranty. ─── 如果你安裝增壓器12個(gè)月無(wú)限的英里數(shù)保證將蓋住它。

34、Just fill out this form. Write your address here, and sign your name on the bottom of the page. Unlimited mileage and the mandatory collision insurance are included. ─── 當(dāng)然可以。請(qǐng)?zhí)钜幌逻@張表。把你的地址寫(xiě)在這兒,在末尾簽上名字。你租的車(chē)?yán)锍滩皇芟拗?而且有規(guī)定的碰撞保險(xiǎn)。

35、They drive red convertibles with great stereos;to heck with the gas mileage. ─── 他們開(kāi)的是有著很好音響的紅色敞篷;。。。

36、He reached down in his hip pocket and took out a fat purse. It was filled with slips of paper, some mileage books, a roll of greenbacks. ─── 他伸手到后面的褲袋里掏出一個(gè)厚厚的皮夾,里面裝著些單據(jù),旅行里程記錄本和一卷鈔票。

37、Some restrictions apply, your mileage may vary. ─── 具體情況具體分析吧。

38、You should ask what mileage it has done when you buy an old car. ─── 買(mǎi)舊車(chē)應(yīng)問(wèn)問(wèn)該車(chē)已行駛多少公里了。

39、B: $19.00 a day or $129.00 a week, unlimited mileage. ─── 一天19元,一周129元,不計(jì)車(chē)程。

40、Mileage may vary slightly of course, but it would (from what I've seen) be in the realm of a second or two second pause at most. ─── 當(dāng)然在不同的配置下運(yùn)行情況是會(huì)有不同,但是目前我見(jiàn)過(guò)的,最多也只有一兩秒的停頓。

41、From that point, long run and weekly mileage can be added in small increments. ─── 基于此,每周的跑步量可以有少量的增加。

42、He uses his own car for business purpose and is paid mileage. ─── 他用自己的汽車(chē)出差,并按行駛里數(shù)支付費(fèi)用。

43、Do you have anything with unlimited mileage? ─── 你們有沒(méi)有不限行車(chē)費(fèi)的?

44、It's 400 yuan per day, unlimited mileage. ─── 1天400元,不限里程數(shù)。

45、Club mileage sector credits will be credited according to the class of travel booked and paid for and not the class actually flown. ─── 會(huì)籍里數(shù)航段乃根據(jù)已預(yù)訂及付款之機(jī)票客位等級(jí)計(jì)算,而并非根據(jù)實(shí)際飛行之客位等級(jí)而計(jì)算。

46、Being a frequent flyer, Bill earns benefits based on mileage of flights taken since he became a salesman 15 years ago. ─── 從15年前比爾開(kāi)始做推銷(xiāo)員起,他就經(jīng)常坐飛機(jī)來(lái)往各地,也因此而享受優(yōu)惠。

47、First, enormous increase in highway mileage. ─── 一是公路總量大幅度增長(zhǎng)。

48、Your mileage may vary, and you may want to experiment with changing the buffer size to find the best size for your Linux system. ─── 您做了各種不同的實(shí)驗(yàn),您想要通過(guò)更改緩沖區(qū)大小進(jìn)行實(shí)驗(yàn)以找到適合您Linux系統(tǒng)的最佳大小。

49、This order starts from the XXX, we will be a new cooperation mileage. ─── 從XXX這筆訂單開(kāi)始,我們將會(huì)是一個(gè)新的合作里程。

50、Valid on electronic ticket. Ticket Validity: 7 days (Q-Class). Not eligible for KrisFlyer mileage accrual. ─── 只適用于電子機(jī)票.機(jī)票有效期:7天(機(jī)票級(jí)別代號(hào)為Q).可積飛哩.

51、Several methods to extend the longevity of EEPROM s R/W times and a special storage arithmetic of auto mileage data are introduced in this paper. ─── 介紹幾種延長(zhǎng)EEPROM壽命的寫(xiě)入算法和一種汽車(chē)?yán)锍虜?shù)據(jù)的存儲(chǔ)算法,突破了EEPROM的擦寫(xiě)次數(shù)限制和傳統(tǒng)算法的精度限制,實(shí)現(xiàn)了汽車(chē)?yán)锍虜?shù)據(jù)10m的保存精度,并經(jīng)過(guò)了上車(chē)試驗(yàn)正常運(yùn)行。

52、Colleagues intent on achieving the worst possible mileage during our preview drives bottomed out at a still respectable 29 mpg - wow. ─── 同事意圖實(shí)現(xiàn)最惡劣的里程預(yù)覽驅(qū)動(dòng)器在我們走出谷底,在29分鐘仍然尊敬-哇。

53、Mr Pandit said the savings the technology offered would be more pronounced in commercial vehicles that had high mileage rates. ─── 潘迪特稱,該技術(shù)的節(jié)約效應(yīng)在里程費(fèi)率較高的商用車(chē)上將更加顯著。

54、They may get some mileage out of it until people realize, 'Hey, I don't get jiggled like with a real speed hump. ─── 人們可能為逃避這種減速帶有一定里程,但一旦他們意識(shí)到,‘哎,好象沒(méi)有真減速帶那樣產(chǎn)生搖動(dòng)啊!

55、County Highway traffic mileage of 204 kilometers. ─── 縣境內(nèi)公路通車(chē)?yán)锍?04公里。

56、He has got a lot of mileage out of the shoes. ─── 他已將那雙鞋穿夠了本錢(qián)。

57、The digital odometer system has been designed to measure accurately and show the mileage,rev and driving time. ─── 為了能精確測(cè)量并顯示行駛中的自行車(chē)的里程、速度和行駛時(shí)間,設(shè)計(jì)并研制了該里程表。

58、New cars made by 2015 will have to get a lot better fuel mileage under a new plan being rolled out by the Bush administration. ─── 一項(xiàng)由布什政府制訂的新計(jì)劃表示到2015年新產(chǎn)汽車(chē)將會(huì)達(dá)到更好的燃油里程。

59、By 2005, China's railway mileage in operation will be increased by 75,000 km, and the installed capacity of new power stations under construction will total 77 million kw. ─── 到2005年,將中國(guó)鐵路營(yíng)業(yè)里程增加到7.5萬(wàn)公里。新開(kāi)工電站規(guī)模7700萬(wàn)千瓦。

60、The car rental included unlimited mileage, but not fuel. ─── 汽車(chē)租金不限里程,但不包括燃油費(fèi)。

61、Engine No. Vehicle ID number(VIN)Production Date Mileage (km. ─── 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)號(hào)車(chē)輛識(shí)別號(hào)(VIN)生產(chǎn)日期里程表讀數(shù)(km)

62、Food mileage is a concept that people can get their hea d around. ─── 它指的是食物從生產(chǎn)到消費(fèi)的運(yùn)送旅程。它其實(shí)是一個(gè)環(huán)保概念。

63、Your footprint will take into account your habits, the foodyou eat, your gas and electricity usage, your car and air mileage. ─── 你的碳足跡將包括你的習(xí)慣、吃的食物、汽油和電的使用以及你的汽車(chē)和空中旅行的里程數(shù)。

64、The ministry expects that the mileage of China's expressways will surpass that of the USA in the next two to three years. ─── 交通部預(yù)計(jì),中國(guó)的高速公路里程在未來(lái)2至3年將超過(guò)美國(guó)。

65、I get a mileage allowance if I use my car for work(= an amount of money paid for each mile I travel). ─── 如果我因公開(kāi)自己的車(chē),就有一筆里程補(bǔ)貼。

66、I enjoyed an extra 21% in mileage just after the 1st treatment! ─── 在第一次采用之后,我就已享獲21%更長(zhǎng)的駕駛里程!

67、For example, if you drive a sub compact for one hundred kilometers you'll have to pay fifteen dollars for mileage. ─── 例如你開(kāi)經(jīng)濟(jì)型號(hào)車(chē)子開(kāi)了一百公里,就要付十五元行車(chē)費(fèi)。

68、B: Yes. It's $23.00 with unlimited mileage. ─── 乙:每天二十三美元,不限里程。

69、Do you think that basically you were lacking mileage during practice, particularly yesterday morning when that turned out to be wet? Is that a part of the problem? ─── 基本上,你認(rèn)為在練習(xí)賽期間你缺乏里程數(shù),尤其是昨天早上賽道是濕的時(shí)候?這是問(wèn)題的一部分嗎?

70、Highway since Haishiwan downtown Lanzhou City to 108 kilometers (actual mileage), in Xining city in Qinghai Province to 119 km. ─── 公路自海石灣城區(qū)至蘭州市中心108公里(實(shí)際里程),至青海省西寧市119公里。

71、The expressway mileage from the city proper to Guangzhou is 198 kilometers long. ─── 市區(qū)到廣州高速公路里程198公里。

72、It's coffee time --- time to compare mileage, scan the day's headlines,excoriate local and world scoundrels. ─── 在喝咖啡時(shí),大家相互比較走過(guò)的里程,瀏覽當(dāng)天的頭條新聞,痛罵本地或世界的惡棍。

73、Do you think your car tops mine when it comes to gas mileage. ─── 你認(rèn)為你的車(chē)耗油比我的車(chē)少嗎?

74、I'd like a compact car that gets good mileage. ─── 一輛省油的小型車(chē)。

75、The speedometer clicked off the mileage as they drove on. ─── 他們驅(qū)車(chē)前進(jìn),里程計(jì)滴答滴答地把里程記錄下來(lái)。

76、Parcel post is charged by weight and mileage, without reference to contents. ─── 包裹郵遞按重量和路程收費(fèi),不管所裝何物。

77、Trip Anyplace helps you keep track of trips you have made (origin and destination) and mileage. ─── Trip Anyplace有助于跟蹤您所做的旅行(起點(diǎn)和目的地)和里程。

78、Pros: great mileage, smooth and very quiet ride in any condition. excellent braking and standard safety. ─── 優(yōu)點(diǎn):大排量,在任何路況下駕駛都非常地平順和安靜,優(yōu)秀的剎車(chē)性能和安全性能。

79、If the mileage is less than 7,5miles (12 0km) yearly, replace the engine oil filter at each oil change. ─── 如果每年的行駛哩程不足7500英哩(12000km),每次更換機(jī)油時(shí)必須更換引擎機(jī)油濾清器。

80、With road mileage increasing in our country, the deteriorating of asphalt pavement such as cracking, rutting and pumping is greater. ─── 在我國(guó)道路里程不斷增加的同時(shí),路面的早期破壞現(xiàn)象也越來(lái)越突出,這些現(xiàn)象主要包括橫向裂縫,坑槽和唧漿等等。

81、He uses his own car for business purposes and is paid mileage. ─── 他用自己的汽車(chē)出差,并按行駛哩數(shù)支付費(fèi)用。

82、Suqian enjoys blue-chip regional dominance and traffic potential. Beijing-Hang Great Cannal runs through Suqian. Its expressway mileage is nearly 1/6 of that of Jiangsu Province. ─── 宿遷具有獨(dú)特的區(qū)位優(yōu)勢(shì)和交通潛力,黃金水道京杭大運(yùn)河縱貫全境,高速公路里程占江蘇省的近六分之一。

83、In 1990, the Chinese did not have any superhighways, and now, in superhighway mileage, they are the second in the world next to the United States. ─── 在1990年時(shí),中國(guó)還沒(méi)有一條高速公路,現(xiàn)在,在高速公路的里程上,中國(guó)是僅次于美國(guó)的世界第二大國(guó)。

84、Tough as the vehicle they're named for (but with better gas mileage), these Hummer chukka boots are a great looking treat for your feet. ─── 就象以悍馬命名的吉普車(chē)一樣陽(yáng)剛,這些悍馬鞋是對(duì)你腳的最好裝飾。

85、Retention of the afterbirth of the cow is the comm on disease to seriously affect the economy mileage. ─── 奶牛的胎衣不下,是嚴(yán)重影響奶牛經(jīng)濟(jì)效益的常見(jiàn)病。

86、The mileage of highways has increased from 1.03 million km to 1.7 million km, while that of expressways has reached 19,000 km, coming second in the world. ─── 公路里程由103萬(wàn)公里增加到170萬(wàn)公里,高速公路已達(dá)1.9萬(wàn)公里,躍居世界第二位。

87、By the oil crises of the 1970s, common wisdom among drivers held that to get good gas mileage one had to sacrifice size, weight and performance. ─── 1970年代發(fā)生石油危機(jī),汽車(chē)駕駛?cè)舜蠖嗾J(rèn)為要降低油耗,必須犧牲車(chē)身尺寸、重量和性能。

88、If consumption of the total amount of calculation issue for a year, so traffic mileage the calculation issue must also is one year. ─── 如果消耗總量的計(jì)算期為一年,那么行車(chē)?yán)锍痰挠?jì)算期必須也是一年。

89、On the mileage of Chinese pioneer's literature, its height achieved by the text makes people insurmountable. ─── 在中國(guó)先鋒文學(xué)的裹程表上,其文本所成就的高度令人矚目。

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