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10-02 投稿


misspent 發(fā)音

英:[?m?s?spent]  美:[?m?s?spent]

英:  美:

misspent 中文意思翻譯



misspent 短語詞組

1、misspent sum ─── 浪費的總和

misspent 詞性/詞形變化,misspent變形

動詞過去分詞: misspent |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): misspends |動詞過去式: misspent |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: misspending |

misspent 相似詞語短語

1、mispen ─── 錯開

2、miskent ─── 米斯肯

3、misspend ─── vt.浪費;濫用(時間、金錢等)

4、misevent ─── 未知的

5、mispens ─── 錯開

6、misspends ─── vt.浪費;濫用(時間、金錢等)

7、misagent ─── 錯配劑

8、missent ─── adj.誤寄的;錯遞的;v.誤寄(missend的過去式和過去分詞)

9、misspelt ─── v.拼寫錯誤(misspell的過去式和過去分詞)

misspent 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、He lives long that lives well, and time misspent is not lived but lost. ─── 生活長久指活得有意義,虛度年華實際上不是生活,而是白活。

2、And I think that your time will not be misspent, for there are points about the case which promise to make it an absolutely unique one. ─── 我想你此去決不會白白浪費時間的,因為這件案子有一些特點,看來它可能是極為獨特的。

3、He joked that being good at cards was the sign of a misspent youth(= having wasted his time when he was young). ─── 他開玩笑地說擅長打牌表明他虛度了青春年華。

4、My troubles began while I was tidying up my CD collection, the decaying fruit of a misspent youth. ─── 當我收拾自己的CD藏品(它們是荒廢的青春正在腐爛的果實)時,我的麻煩來了。

5、4. A clean house is a sign of a misspent life. ─── 一間干凈的房子是一個浪費的人生的標志。

6、However , proponents of a green stimulus also claim that there will be serious consequences if the money is misspent . ─── 但是,環(huán)保刺激計劃的提出者也提出如果這些錢花在不恰當?shù)牡胤綄韲乐氐暮蠊?/p>

7、Misspent with Angel Eyes tonight. ─── 啊,天使之眼。

8、My troubles began while I was tidying up my CD collection, the decaying fruit of a misspent youth. ─── 當我收拾自己的CD藏品(它們是荒廢的青春正在腐爛的果實)時,我的麻煩來了。

9、misspent sum ─── 亂花掉的數(shù)額

10、the idea of going to europe just for scenary is my idea of a misspent journey when there are so many different cultures to explore and historical and artistic experiences to absorb. ─── 譯文為:在我看來,歐洲有這么多不同的文化值得探索,那么多歷史和藝術遺產(chǎn)汲取,如果只是為了看看風景,真是枉了此行。

11、This is Dungeons &Dragons (D&D), the first of the role-playing games and the reason for thousands of misspent youths. ─── 這些回憶就是有關“龍與地下城”(D&D)的,它是第一個角色扮演游戲,成千上萬人為它浪費青春。

12、misspent the funds; misspent their youth. ─── 浪費財款;浪費青春

13、My old lover represents a part of my past, my misspent youth, and many memories that are important to me. ─── 我以前的情人本就是我過往的一部份,他代表了我逝去的青春,以及很多對我來說重要而美好的回憶。

14、8 And with misspent toil he molds a meaningless god from the selfsame clay; ─── 后來,他竟枉費心機,將同樣的泥土,捏成一個虛無的神像。

15、Much of the money was grossly misspent. ─── 很多錢都被揮霍了。

16、a misspend youth ─── 虛度了的青春

17、Once in as CEO, I found a bridge loan we made had been diverted and misspent and brought this to the attention of our local partners. ─── 我一上任CEO,就發(fā)現(xiàn)公司有一筆過橋貸款被挪用了,于是我提醒當?shù)氐暮献骰锇樽⒁獯耸隆?/p>

18、A large share of tax revenues has been transferred to local authorities, though so far with disappointing results: much has either been misspent or gone unspent. ─── 稅收收入的一大部分轉給了地方政府,盡管到目前為止的結果令人失望:大部分不是被胡亂花掉就是不翼而飛。

19、Take one more step, and you'll never be able to get off the path you're on, and you'll regret your misspent youth for the rest of your life. ─── 再走一步您就會陷入泥坑不能自拔,一輩子都會為青年時期的失足而后悔。

20、Take one more step, and you'll never be able to get off the path you're on, and you'll regret your misspent youth for the rest of your life. ─── 再走一步您就會陷入泥坑不能自拔,一輩子都會為青年時期的失足而后悔。

21、Money misspent one year is clawed back the next. ─── 今年浪費的錢財要在下一年設法加以彌補。

22、misspent enthusiasm ─── 濫用的熱情

23、9.Statistics show that the poorer a country is ,the worse corruption exists there .It is outrageous that corrupt officials in underdeveloped countries misspend or pocket the aid . ─── 統(tǒng)計學顯示國家越窮,腐敗就越嚴重.不發(fā)達國家的腐敗官員浪費援助或將援助放入自己的口袋讓人非常憤怒.

24、An old man who still moans about his misspent youth. ─── 一個仍為浪費青春而痛心疾首的老人

25、Their ability to misspend easily rivals the public sector. ─── 他們錯誤地使用資金已經(jīng)危害到了公共領域。

26、During a portion of my misspent youth, I was a delivery driver for a well-known pizza-making organization. ─── 在部分我露了一手青年,我是一個送貨司機知名比薩餅制作組織。

27、An old man who still moans about his misspent youth ─── 一個仍為其虛擲的青春悲

28、He misspent youth. ─── 他浪費了青春。

29、The opposition parties are right that accountability is needed to make sure money is not misspent; ─── 確保刺激經(jīng)濟的錢不被亂花,讓政府對撥出去的錢負責,反對黨在這些問題上沒有錯。

30、misspend holiday ─── 虛度假日

31、Gardner, former Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, on some of those misspent attitudes. ─── 倘若如此,過去加在某些行業(yè),某些職業(yè)選擇上的污名便會消失。

32、During a portion of my misspent youth, I was a delivery driver for a well-known pizza-making organization. ─── 在部分我露了一手青年,我是一個送貨司機知名比薩餅制作組織。

33、And I get the feeling that he considers the great part of his own life misspend. ─── 但是我有一種感覺,霍蘭先生認為自己生命的很重要的一部分被用在了沒有用處的事兒上。

34、The idea of going to Europe just for scenery is my idea of misspent journey when there are so many different cultures to explore and historical and artistic experiences to absorb. ─── 在我看來,歐洲有這么多不同的文化值得探索,那么多歷史和藝術遺產(chǎn)汲取,如果只是為了看看風景,真是枉了此行。

35、to misspend time ─── 虛度時光

36、misspent one year is clawed back the next. ─── 今年浪費的錢財要在下一年設法加以彌補。

37、15、The idea of going to Europe just for scenery is my idea of a misspent journey when there are so many different cultures to explore and historical and artistic experiences to absorb. ─── 在我看來,歐洲有這么多不同的文化值得探索,有那么多歷史和藝術遺產(chǎn)值得汲取,如果只是為了看看風景,真是枉了此行。

38、It is misspent time to calculate and report hemagglutinating titers for cell hybrid studies ─── 在細胞雜交過程中計算和報道血球凝集的滴定度是浪費時間。

39、My old lover represents a part of my past, my misspent youth, and many memories that are important to me. ─── 我以前的情人本就是我過往的一部份,他代表了我逝去的青春,以及很多對我來說重要而美好的回憶。

40、A clean house is a sign of a misspent life. ─── 一間干凈的房子是一個浪費的人生的標志。

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