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10-02 投稿


ropy 發(fā)音

英:[?ro?pi]  美:[?r??pi]

英:  美:

ropy 中文意思翻譯



ropy 短語詞組

1、ropy milk ─── [醫(yī)] 綢乳

2、ropy pus ─── [醫(yī)] 粘稠性膿

3、ropy saliva ─── 粘性涎

4、Ropy Lava ─── 繩狀熔巖

5、ropy fermentation ─── 黏液發(fā)酵

ropy 詞性/詞形變化,ropy變形


ropy 相似詞語短語

1、ropey ─── adj.(非正式)破舊的,劣質(zhì)的;舊式的;不舒服的

2、-opy ─── 眼;視力

3、roky ─── 年

4、mopy ─── adj.悶悶不樂的;沒精打采的;消沉的(等于mopey)

5、roupy ─── adj.聲音沙啞的;患粘膜炎的

6、roopy ─── 羅普斯

7、dopy ─── adj.遲鈍的;愚蠢的;被麻醉的;n.藥癮

8、copy ─── n.副本;一冊;稿件;作業(yè)本;(報紙、雜志的)題材;廣告文字;vt.復制;抄寫;抄送;抄襲;效仿;收到,聽見;vi.復制;抄寫

9、rope ─── n.繩,繩索;vt.捆,綁;vi.擰成繩狀;n.(Rope)人名;(英)羅普;(芬)羅佩

ropy 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、a ropy consistency ─── 粘性的稠度

2、ropy lava ─── 繩狀熔巖

3、Rich-world banks and investors seeking higher returns when interest rates were low had bought a lot of the ropy mortgage securities. ─── 當利率低的時候,為了追求更高的回報,發(fā)達國家的銀行和投資者購買了許多不良抵押債券。

4、Ropy asphh ─── 粘稠瀝青

5、1. The coat is a bit ropy, isn't it? ─── 這件上衣有點兒破舊,不是嗎?

6、Good, OK and attenuant ropy blood, very helpful to health. ─── 早上空腹喝淡鹽水到底好不好?

7、The fat globule can take place partial coalescence over 60% only in whipping process,it made phase inversion of ropy whipped topping emulsions turn into stable solidity foam. ─── 只有在攪打條件下才能獲得60%以上的脂肪球部分聚結(jié)率,使植脂奶油由一個黏稠的液體轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榉€(wěn)定的泡沫結(jié)構(gòu)。

8、...as the funds suffered badly when they lent to bank-sponsored entities that invested in ropy mortgage securities.... ─── 借錢給那些銀行資助的投資于質(zhì)次的抵押證券上的企業(yè) 使貨幣市場基金吃夠了苦頭。

9、ropy legs ─── 強健的腿

10、They snake through our bodies, literally conveying our life's blood, their courses visible through our skin only as faint bluish tracks or ropy cords. ─── 血管蜿蜒穿梭在我們的身體之中,可以說提供了生命之泉;從皮膚下方模糊的青藍色軌跡,或像繩索一樣的突起,讓我們可以看出它們的走向。

11、If accompany deficiency of yin with irritability, body fluid deficit, criterion blister fluid is ropy and the quantity is little. ─── 若伴陰虛,津液虧損,則皰液粘稠而量少。

12、We spent the night in a ropy old tent. ─── 我們在一個破舊的帳篷里過了一夜。

13、Bread products can be spoiled by Bacillus species that produce ropiness. If the dough is baked after these organisms have grown, stringy and ropy bread will result, leading to decreased consumer acceptance. ─── 產(chǎn)生膠粘物質(zhì)的芽孢桿菌會破壞面包產(chǎn)品。如果這些菌在面團中生長之后進行焙烤,就會產(chǎn)生粘性起絲的面包,因而使消費者不愿接受。

14、Rather, mucus tends to occur as ropy strands of secretion exuded from the mural bronchial mucus glands ─── 說得更恰當一點,粘液是壁狀支氣管粘液腺滲出的分泌物,呈膠粘體存在。

15、ropy bread ─── 拉絲面包

16、Drivel freezes hard, crowd aspic drivel is euqally ropy, wriggled, be attributed to again caky. ─── 鼻涕都凍硬了,人群凍鼻涕一樣粘稠,蠕動了一下,又歸于凝固。

17、Keywords Ropy asphh;Storage tank;Sampling;Effect factors; ─── 粘稠瀝青;儲罐;采樣;影響因素;

18、[Informal] (of quality, ability, etc.) disappointing; dismal; ropy; third-rate; useless; no good; of a kind; of a sort; of sorts ─── 差勁

19、ropy [long] milk ─── 粘乳

20、as the funds suffered badly when they lent to bank-sponsored entities that invested in ropy mortgage securities. . . ─── 借錢給那些銀行資助的投資于質(zhì)次的抵押證券上的企業(yè)使貨幣市場基金吃夠了苦頭。

21、This image shows ropy pahoehoe, a type of basaltic lava that forms when solidifying lava meets an obstruction. ─── 這幅圖片顯示成粘絲的繩狀熔巖,一種類型的玄武巖熔巖它的成型是當凝固的熔巖遇到一個障礙。

22、And CIT's hopes of getting an exemption that would permit it to fund ropy assets at its non-bank parent company with deposits from its Utah-based bank appear to have been dashed. ─── CIT曾希望得到豁免,讓其可以用位于美國猶他州的銀行儲蓄款,來資助其母公司(非銀行業(yè))的劣質(zhì)資產(chǎn),眼下,這個希望已破滅。

23、Rather, mucus tends to occur as ropy strands of secretion exuded from the mural bronchial mucus glands. ─── 說得更恰當一點,粘液是壁狀支氣管粘液腺滲出的分泌物,呈膠粘體存在。

24、The test is studied on the bate adhesive efficiency of the high efficiency bate adhesive for ropy oil through Lab tests and locale experiments. ─── 通過實驗室測試和現(xiàn)場應用試驗,研究了高效稠油降粘劑的降粘效果。

25、Yet the country's official statistics are notoriously ropy. ─── 但國家統(tǒng)計數(shù)字是出了名的錯綜復雜。

26、By late 2005, this battle had pushed rates for ropy borrowers down to a little over 7%. ─── 到2005年后期,這場廝殺已經(jīng)使對資信較差借款人的利率壓低到了略高于7%的水平。

27、If the dough is baked after these organisms have grown, stringy and ropy bread will result, leading to decreased consumer acceptance. ─── 如果這些菌在面團中生長之后進行焙烤,就會產(chǎn)生粘性起絲的面包,因而使消費者不愿接受。

28、They spent the night in a ropy old tent. ─── 他們在一個破舊的帳篷里過了一夜。

29、Official holiday came, the first day always is collywobbles, and is classics blood ropy close to at black? Be defect of serious department of gynaecology? 21 years old. ─── 例假來了,第一天總是肚子疼,而且經(jīng)血都粘稠的近乎于黑色?是嚴重的婦科病么?21歲.

30、The coat is a bit ropy, isnt it? ─── 中文:這件上衣有點兒破舊,不是嗎?

31、ropy milk ─── 稠乳粘稠奶

32、It was clear he had been trying for some time to release the swoop. His hands and tunic were covered with the sticky, ropy web. ─── 顯然,他花了不少時間試圖將飛梭摩托弄下來,以至于手、上衣都粘上了一層粘乎乎的絲狀蜘蛛網(wǎng)。

33、stringy [ropy] milk ─── 膠黏乳

34、ropy surface ─── 繩狀表面索狀表面

35、By late 2005, this battle had pushed rates for ropy borrowers down to a little over 7%. ─── 到2005年后期,這場廝殺已經(jīng)使對資信較差借款人的利率壓低到了略高于7%的水平。

36、Semi-automatic Filling Machine are suitable for dosing filling products at any kinds of ropy pitch from aquiform to viscosity. ─── 半自動灌裝機列產(chǎn)品適用于從水狀到膏狀的任何種類粘稠度的產(chǎn)品的定量灌裝。

37、Murraya was found having with blurred dividing lines on epidermis without ropy emblazonry,while sect.Bergera appeared the other way round. ─── 結(jié)果:九里香組表皮細胞垂周壁界限模糊,兩面無條索狀紋飾,棕莖組表皮細胞垂周壁界限清晰,多少具條索狀紋飾。

38、Patterns in Nature: Lava Pahoehoe lava, the hottest Hawaiian lava type, may darken into ropy strands or wrinkle into silver-sheened taffy, such as this flow in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. ─── 意譯:熔巖在自然界的模式。pahoehoe熔巖,最熱門的夏威夷火山熔巖類型,可能會變暗,到ropy strands或皺成銀sheened taffy ,像這樣的流動在夏威夷火山國家公園。

39、ropy pus ─── 粘稠性膿

40、Methods 84 patients with respiratory system disease who had ropy sputum and couldn't cough effectively to exclude the sputum,were randomly divided into three groups. ─── 方法選擇痰液重度黏稠,不能自行順利咳出,伴有咳嗽的呼吸道疾病患者84例,隨機分為3組。每組均常規(guī)給予抗生素,分別給予壓縮霧化、超聲霧化和簡易霧化治療。

41、Few realised just how ropy the Banks were. ─── 很少有人意識到銀行是多么的糟糕。

42、It has resolved the problems of respiratory tract dryness, ropy sputum, dead cavity increase resulting from the traditional oxygen therapy device. ─── 它解決了傳統(tǒng)的吸氧裝置無恒溫和加濕功能,易于造成患者呼吸道干燥,導致痰液粘稠、死腔增多,從而增加患者痛苦的問題。

43、The Fed only runs a risk of being left holding ropy assets if one of its counterparties goes bust. ─── 美聯(lián)儲僅有的風險是,當它的某個借款者破產(chǎn)時,它還得持有著那些次級的資產(chǎn)。

44、Blood is ropy be to show the solute in blood increases, basically be the content that points to cholesterol, do not have direct connection with immune force. ─── 血液粘稠是指血液里溶質(zhì)增加了,主要是指膽固醇的含量,和免疫力沒有直接的聯(lián)系。

45、Is spermatozoon very ropy how be to return a responsibility? ─── 有可能,是精子不化,能夠到診所作一個精蟲闡發(fā).

46、And rice meal oar, qualitative soft ropy, can stick the contamination that sucks skin surface, have the effect of bright and clean skin. ─── 而粳米飯漿,質(zhì)軟粘稠,可粘吸皮膚表面的污物,具光潔皮膚之作用。

47、UBS still has $31 billion of subprime and other ropy American mortgages on its books, not far below the $37 billion that it has already written down. ─── UBS賬面上還有310億美元的次級貸款和其它劣質(zhì)美國抵押貸款,這與它已有的370億美元虧損不相上下。

48、ropy vines ─── 繩似的藤蔓

49、I felt a bit ropy earlier this week, but I'm better now. ─── 頭半星期我有點兒不舒服,現(xiàn)在好多了。

50、diaphragm valve own special reasons for the structural design suitable for super pure medium or severe pollution very ropy liquids, gases, corrosive or inert medium. ─── 隔膜閥本身結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計的原因特適合于超純介質(zhì)或污染嚴重,十分粘稠的液體、氣體、腐蝕性或惰性介質(zhì)。

51、ropy fermentation ─── 粘液發(fā)酵

52、ropy saliva ─── 粘性涎

53、Flay of lotus seed, hyacinth bean, add polished glutinous rice 50 grams, boil to ropy, add candy edible. ─── 蓮子、扁豆去皮,加糯米 50克,煮至粘稠,加糖食用。

54、When he gashed on the cacti with his broken shell, there would be clear and ropy juice by which the snail could satisfy his thirst and moisten his body. ─── 當他用自己殼上掉落的碎片去劃開仙人掌的身體時,會流出清涼粘稠的汁水來。小蝸牛用它來解渴和滋潤身體。

55、ropy flow structure ─── 繩狀流動構(gòu)造

56、Semi-automatic filling machine are suitable for filling products at kinds of ropy pitch from aquiform to viscosity.They are suitable for medicine, chemistry, lube and daily merchandise tec. ─── 半自動灌裝機系列產(chǎn)品適用于水狀到膏狀的任何種類的粘稠度的產(chǎn)品的定量灌裝。廣泛適用于醫(yī)藥、化工、潤滑油及精細化工等行業(yè)的灌裝設(shè)備。

57、This image shows ropy pahoehoe, a type of basaltic lava that forms when solidifying lava meets an obstruction. ─── 這幅照片展示了當玄武質(zhì)熔巖流動時遇到障礙形成的繩狀熔巖。

58、The nest that build on the trunk lid has a ropy function to deposit honey. ─── 它是檢查蜂群之重要工具,撬開黏固之巢脾,鏟除贅脾及蠟屑,刮去雄蜂房蜂蓋等。

59、The fill inside its compresses body of air or liquid, bubble, ropy body, ropy elastomer some kind. ─── 其內(nèi)填充某種壓縮空氣或液體、泡沫體、粘稠體、粘稠彈性體。

60、Keywords Petroleum Industry;Technology Innovation;Corrected Ent ropy Evaluation;Coefficient of Variation; ─── 石油行業(yè);工藝創(chuàng)新;修正熵值法;變異系數(shù);

61、Moreover, technology leapfrogs in some areas may mask ropy infrastructure or cultural gaps in others. ─── 更重要的是,在某些領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的科技進步可能會導致其他研究領(lǐng)域的設(shè)備落后或者文化鴻溝(怎么理解?)

62、By using electron microscope, thebacillus was determined as film forming stram and the streptococcus a ropy strain. ─── 電鏡觀察顯示,桿菌為產(chǎn)莢膜菌,球菌為產(chǎn)粘液菌,兩株對比桿菌和球菌則沒有明顯的莢膜或粘液。

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