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10-02 投稿


Talmudic 發(fā)音

英:[[?t?l'mju:d?k]]  美:[[?t?l'mju:d?k]]

英:  美:

Talmudic 中文意思翻譯



Talmudic 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、Talmudic literature ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 晚期他爾摩文獻(xiàn);塔木德文獻(xiàn)

2、talmudic jews ─── 猶太教徒

3、talmudic law ─── 塔木德定律

4、talmudic education ─── 猶太教育

5、talmudic on one foot ─── 單腳滑石

6、talmudic intricacy ─── 滑石復(fù)雜性

7、talmudic adage ─── 猶太諺語(yǔ)

Talmudic 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、paludic ─── 沼澤

2、Talmudic ─── adj.猶太教法典的,《塔木德經(jīng)》的

3、psalmodic ─── adj.唱圣歌的;吟唱詩(shī)篇的

4、Talmudism ─── 塔木德主義

5、Balmunc ─── 巴爾蒙克

6、Talmud ─── n.猶太法典

7、Talmudist ─── n.猶太法典編著者;信奉猶太教法典者

8、almud ─── 施舍

9、Talmudical ─── 滑石的

Talmudic 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、The Jewish people are taught by talmud ─── 猶太人受猶太教法典的教導(dǎo)。

2、"To what extent are you influenced by Christianity?""As a child, I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud ─── “你受基督教有多大影響? “在我小時(shí)候,我接受過(guò)圣經(jīng)和猶太法典的熏陶。

3、Once a matron asked Rabbi Jose (Talmud), "Why did God steal a rib from Adam? ─── 曾經(jīng)有位主婦問(wèn)拉比瓊斯(塔木德):“神為什么要從亞當(dāng)那里偷取一根肋骨?”

4、Jewish people were rather successful because of their tradition and cultural heritage, and the Old Testament and the Talmud that were the guide of wisdom in life of Jewish people. ─── 猶太人較易成功是因民族的傳統(tǒng)與文化傳承,這也是舊約圣經(jīng)與猶太法典一直是猶太人生活上的智慧指引的原因。

5、I have found real models of masculinity -- and heroism -- in the pages of the Torah and Talmud, and in every Jewish community in which I've lived. ─── 我在圣經(jīng)中,在生活的猶太社區(qū)里找到了男性的真榜樣,英雄主義。

6、I had rather believe all the fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind. ─── 我寧愿相信使徒行傳,猶太經(jīng)典和古蘭經(jīng)中的寓言和神話,也不能相信這宇宙只是軀殼,卻沒(méi)有一個(gè)作為主宰的精神和靈魂。

7、Books have a centuries-old tradition of annotation and commentary, ranging from the Talmud and scholarly criticism to book clubs and marginalia. ─── 從猶太法典與學(xué)術(shù)考證到書(shū)籍俱樂(lè)部和頁(yè)邊旁注,幾個(gè)世紀(jì)以來(lái),人們一直有給書(shū)做評(píng)論和注解的習(xí)慣。

8、Then she sings a talmud song. ─── 然后她唱了一支猶太法典之歌。

9、A strict observer of the Talmud and of rabbinical traditions. ─── 猶太法學(xué)博士的信徒猶太教及猶太法學(xué)博士的傳統(tǒng)的嚴(yán)格遵循者

10、I could spice my talk with Talmudic lore , too. ─── 我還能夠把一些猶太法典的知識(shí)融會(huì)于我的談?wù)撝小?/p>

11、Talmud Nedarim 32b; Genesis Rabbah 46:7; Genesis Rabbah 56:10; Leviticus Rabbah 25:6; Numbers Rabbah 4:8.) Rabbi Isaac the Babylonian said that Melchizedek was born circumcised. ─── 巴比倫的拉比爾撒說(shuō)麥基冼德天生就已經(jīng)受割禮的。

12、After reading Talmud, I am truly amazed by the Jews way of life and their unbelievable capabilities. ─── 在閱讀完《猶太法典》后,我的確被猶太人的生活方式以及他們難以置信的能力所震驚。

13、Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands. ─── 以此履行塔姆德的承諾,其中說(shuō)當(dāng)救世主到來(lái)之時(shí),猶太人已經(jīng)掌握了全世界所有的財(cái)產(chǎn)。

14、From this period the Talmudic government operated with a masse de manoeuvre of a different Asiatic order. ─── 從這個(gè)時(shí)期talmudic政府經(jīng)營(yíng)與集體德操縱一個(gè)不同的亞洲秩序。

15、The parts of the Talmud that make reference to Yeshu, however, were largely removed from the published Talmud, and today are available in a small addendum to the Talmud. ─── 然而,《塔木德》上提到伊蘇的地方也被大量地從大眾塔木德中刪除,今天也無(wú)可避免地成為了《塔木德》上的一個(gè)小附錄。

16、Palestinian Talmud ─── 巴勒斯坦塔木德

17、The egalitarian view of Talmud plays an important role in cultivating and consolidating the consciousness of being a people, the religious piety and commercial spirit of Jews in history. ─── 平等觀對(duì)于培養(yǎng)和鞏固猶太人的族群意識(shí)、宗教虔誠(chéng)、商業(yè)精神等起到了重要的歷史作用。

18、It challenges the Talmudic tradition, with its hyper-rational scrutiny of texts. ─── 它挑戰(zhàn)了《塔木德經(jīng)》的傳統(tǒng)連同其對(duì)文本的超級(jí)理性探索。

19、D. and later Mishnaic and Talmudic Judaism." He helpfully provided a syllabus. ─── 他還提出了很有力的論證提綱。

20、The monotheistic religion of the Jews,tracing its origins to Abraham and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Bible and the Talmud. ─── 猶太教猶太人的一神教,起源可追溯到亞伯拉罕,其精神原則和道德準(zhǔn)則主要包含在《圣經(jīng)》和《塔木德經(jīng)》中。

21、We are envious of everyone except our own children, the Talmud says. ─── 《塔木德經(jīng)》上說(shuō),我們妒忌每一個(gè)人,只有自己的孩子除外。

22、" This is the Talmud!" ─── " 這 是 猶太法典!"

23、Spanish-born Jewish philosopher and physician. The greatest Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages, he codified the Talmud and in Guide for the Perplexed(1190) reconciled Aristotelian philosophy with Jewish theology. ─── 邁蒙尼德,摩西1135-1204西班牙裔的猶太哲學(xué)家和醫(yī)生。中世紀(jì)最偉大的猶太學(xué)者,他編纂了猶太法典并且在迷途指津中融合了亞里士多德的哲學(xué)和猶太宗教學(xué)

24、I could spice my talk with Talmudic lore, too. ─── 我還能夠把一些猶太法典的知識(shí)融會(huì)于我的談?wù)撝小?/p>

25、Based upon earlier Jewish oral tradition, the Talmud was first put to paper in the second century, AD. ─── 根據(jù)記載,塔木德經(jīng)的最初文本完成于公元二世紀(jì)。

26、Spanish-born Jewish philosopher and physician. The greatest Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages,he codified the Talmud and in Guide for the Perplexed(1190) reconciled Aristotelian philosophy with Jewish theology. ─── 邁蒙尼德,摩西1135-1204西班牙裔的猶太哲學(xué)家和醫(yī)生。中世紀(jì)最偉大的猶太學(xué)者,他編纂了猶太法典并且在迷途指津中融合了亞里士多德的哲學(xué)和猶太宗教學(xué)。

27、The Talmud became, in the course of centuries, “the fence around the Law”; ─── 猶太法典成了,在這個(gè)過(guò)程中百年來(lái),“圍欄周圍法”;

28、Because their king took the Talmudic faith, they had no choice in the matter. ─── 因?yàn)樗麄兊膰?guó)王采納了塔爾木德教信仰,他們?cè)谶@個(gè)問(wèn)題上別無(wú)選擇。

29、Shanghai Talmud Embroidery Machinery Co., Ltd. ─── 上海塔木德刺繡機(jī)械有限公司。

30、Rob did not "understand the difference between Judaism prior to the two Jewish wars in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. and later Mishnaic and Talmudic Judaism." ─── Rob 根本“不懂公元1和2世紀(jì)兩次猶太人戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之前的猶太教和后來(lái)Mishnaic(有關(guān)塔木德經(jīng)的第一部分) and Talmudic(塔木德經(jīng)) 猶太教的區(qū)別?!?/p>

31、the monotheistic religion of the Jews; based on the Old Testament and the Talmud. ─── 基于舊約圣經(jīng)和猶太法典的一神教。

32、Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud. ─── 信仰立基于基督教的舊約全書(shū)和猶太法典的猶太教派。

33、the most liberal Jews; Jews who do not follow the Talmud strictly but try to adapt all of the historical forms of Judaism to the modern world. ─── 最自由的猶太教派;不嚴(yán)格遵守猶太法典但為適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代世界設(shè)法去改變所有的猶太教的歷史形式的猶太教派。

34、Works covered in this course range from the Talmud, classics of non-linear novels, experimental literature, early sound and film experiments to recent multi-linear and interactive films and games. ─── 本課程所涵蓋的作品包括猶太法典、經(jīng)典非線性小說(shuō)、實(shí)驗(yàn)文學(xué)、早期的影音實(shí)驗(yàn)、到近年來(lái)的多軸線與互動(dòng)電影、互動(dòng)游戲。

35、Babylonian Talmud ─── 巴比倫塔木德

36、Aside from the Bible, the Talmud is the sole authority on many aspects of Jewish life and religious practice. ─── 除了圣經(jīng),塔木德經(jīng)是猶太人生活和信仰各方面最重要的行為規(guī)范。

37、His landmark commentary on the Talmud is a classic introduction to biblical and postbiblical Judaism. ─── 他對(duì)猶太法典劃時(shí)代的注釋成為圣經(jīng)式和后圣經(jīng)式猶太教義的經(jīng)典介紹。

38、In literal realization of an ancient Talmudic pun, our students have become our builders. ─── 這就在文字上實(shí)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)古猶太教法法典的雙關(guān)語(yǔ),我們的學(xué)生已經(jīng)變成了我們的創(chuàng)造者。

39、Traditional Jewish literature, especially the nonlegal part of the Talmud. ─── 猶太傳統(tǒng)文學(xué),特別是塔木德經(jīng)中的非法律部分

40、Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud. ─── 嚴(yán)格遵守猶太法典解釋中的摩西律法的猶太教派。

41、Then She Sings A Talmud Song Confusions Contradict The Self ─── 在唱猶太圣歌的惶惑中迷失自我

42、Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud ─── 嚴(yán)格遵守猶太法典解釋中的摩西律法的猶太教派

43、The Talmud forbids saving one's life at the expense of another by asking how one knows that his life is more valuable than his neighbor's. ─── 塔姆德禁止以一個(gè)生命為代價(jià)挽救另一個(gè),你怎么知道他的生命就比他鄰居的生命更寶貴呢。

44、“It's the only thing I read on the train except for the Talmud,” he said, his thick, leather-bound Babylonian text tucked inside his messenger bag for later consumption. ─── “這是我除猶太法典外,唯一閱讀的東西,”他說(shuō),那厚重,包皮的巴比倫語(yǔ)課本放在信包里,放著以后用。

45、Jews who do not follow the Talmud strictly but try to adapt all of the historical forms of Judaism to the modern world. ─── 不嚴(yán)格遵守猶太法典但為適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代世界設(shè)法去改變所有的猶太教的歷史形式的猶太教派。

46、Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud ─── 信仰立基于基督教的舊約全書(shū)和猶太法典的猶太教派

47、Also the idea of world government has its background in The Old Testament and the Talmud. ─── 還主張世界政府有其背景在舊約圣經(jīng)和猶太法典。

48、Danny and Reuven begin spending most afternoons together in the library and Saturdays studying Talmud with Reb Saunders. ─── 丹尼和魯文開(kāi)始開(kāi)支最下午一起在圖書(shū)館和周六學(xué)習(xí)塔爾穆德的強(qiáng)流電子束桑德斯。魯文得知強(qiáng)流電子束桑德斯認(rèn)為,在提高自己的兒子在沉默中。

49、Genesis and the Talmud both suggest that the Giants, who resented God for destroying their ancestors, meddled in the affairs of mankind. ─── 起源記和猶太法典兩者都提到巨人族,他們憤恨上帝消滅了他們的祖先、干預(yù)人類事務(wù)。

50、This article focuses the development of Jewish charity in Biblical period, especially in Talmudic period. ─── 本文著重探討了圣經(jīng)時(shí)代,尤其是塔木德時(shí)期猶太教的慈善理論的發(fā)展和豐富。

51、For six hundred years the Talmudic government, at Jamnia, Usha, and Sura, remained in or near to its native, oriental climate, where its nature was comprehended by other peoples; ─── 為六百年該talmudic政府,在雅麥尼亞, usha ,和蘇拉,仍然留在或接近其本土,東方氣候,其性質(zhì)是理解其他民族;

52、I'm aware that I disappoint people when I send them away with some Talmudic reasoning. ─── 我知道當(dāng)我用一些很教條的解釋把人打發(fā)走的時(shí)候,他們其實(shí)很失望。

53、However, this viewpoint is not shared by many Talmudic authorities. ─── 然而,這個(gè)觀點(diǎn)并不是被很多猶太法典權(quán)威所認(rèn)同。

54、He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call "Jews". ─── 他將其下傳至普姆貝迪塔市和蘇拉市的塔爾木德經(jīng)學(xué)校,培養(yǎng)出了數(shù)以千計(jì)的猶太教教士,并建立起了猶太教會(huì)堂和學(xué)校,他的人民成為了我們所稱的“猶太人”。

55、From the Old Testaments and Talmud,finished in BC1000 and 4-6AD,we can learn the Jewish advanced opinions on procreation,food and education. ─── 《圣經(jīng)·舊約》和《塔木德》同為猶太經(jīng)典,分別成書(shū)于公元前1000年和公元4-6世紀(jì),它們是人們了解和研究猶太人的一個(gè)窗口。

56、A Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic ─── 以色列文化辭典

57、The monotheistic religion of the Jews, tracing its origins to Abraham and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Bible and the Talmud. ─── 猶太教猶太人的一神教,起源可追溯到亞伯拉罕,其精神原則和道德準(zhǔn)則主要包含在《圣經(jīng)》和《塔木德經(jīng)》中

58、However, this viewpoint is not shared by many Talmudic authorities. ─── 然而,這個(gè)觀點(diǎn)并不是被很多猶太法典權(quán)威所認(rèn)同。

59、Her father was himself a remarkable man, coming from an orthodox Jewish milieu and trained to be a student of Talmud. ─── 她父親是一個(gè)優(yōu)秀的男人,出身于正統(tǒng)的猶太人家庭,經(jīng)過(guò)學(xué)習(xí)成為一名猶太法典的學(xué)者。

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