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10-03 投稿


Mahdi 發(fā)音

英:  美:

Mahdi 中文意思翻譯



Mahdi 詞性/詞形變化,Mahdi變形


Mahdi 短語詞組

1、Mahdi Army ─── 馬赫迪軍

Mahdi 相似詞語短語

1、Zaidi ─── n.(Zaidi)人名;(巴基)扎伊迪

2、Mahdis ─── 馬赫迪斯

3、Sadi ─── n.薩迪(13世紀(jì)阿拉伯著名穆斯林詩人,蘇菲主義學(xué)者,等于Saadi)

4、Zaydi ─── 扎伊迪

5、mandi ─── n.(印度的)大市場(chǎng);大集市;大菜市;n.(Mandi)人名;(剛(金)、羅、意、印、英)曼迪

6、Saudi ─── adj.沙特阿拉伯的;沙特人的;沙特語的;沙特文化的;沙特王朝的;n.沙特人;n.(Saudi)(沙)沙特(人名)

7、Mahdi ─── n.救世主

8、Fahd ─── n.(Fahd)人名;(阿拉伯)法赫德

9、Saadi ─── n.薩迪(波斯詩人)

Mahdi 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)

1、" Maliki also denounced the Mahdi Army's use of "human shields" and deplored the militia's use of mosques as weapons storage facilities. ─── 馬利基還譴責(zé)邁褐迪軍使用“人體盾牌”并使用清真寺藏匿武器。

2、He may also have to promise to lay off the Mahdi Army. ─── 他可能還得要保證遣散馬赫迪軍。

3、The Shiite Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called the militiamen from the Mahdi Army off the streets of Basra and all other provinces. ─── 薩德爾已經(jīng)召回了部署在巴士拉街道上和其他省市的馬赫迪軍。

4、Muqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi army have been branded by the US as one of the biggest threats in Iraq. ─── 該組織受到安全武裝部隊(duì)控告。它的成員私用警察制服并設(shè)立假檢查站搜尋遜尼派穆斯林。

5、Mahdi Obeidi ─── 邁赫迪奧貝迪

6、Palestinian analyst Mahdi Abdel Hadi is less optimistic. He says settlement activity is eroding support for the peace process. ─── 巴勒斯坦分析人士哈迪則沒有這么樂觀。他說,建立定居點(diǎn)的活動(dòng)正在逐漸減少人們對(duì)和平進(jìn)程的支持。

7、The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has welcomed the decision by the Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to order his Mahdi Army Militia to stop fighting government troops. ─── 激進(jìn)什葉派穆斯林領(lǐng)袖薩德爾下令馬赫迪軍停止與政府軍的對(duì)抗,就此伊拉克總理馬利基表示贊成。

8、Abderaman Mahdi, a spokesman for the rebels, said the deaths followed a battle between their fighters and Ethiopian soldiers protecting the exploration site. ─── 該組織的發(fā)言人阿卜杜拉曼•邁赫迪(AbderamanMahdi)表示,其武裝人員與保護(hù)該勘探點(diǎn)的埃塞俄比亞士兵發(fā)生了交火,導(dǎo)致了這些傷亡。

9、Once again, they complained, the West was seeing the Sudanese people as uncivilised savages. The Mahdi took on Gordon. President Bashir is taking on the ICC. ─── 當(dāng)?shù)厝嗽俅伪г刮鞣桨烟K丹人看作是不文明的野蠻民族。過去是馬赫迪率領(lǐng)起義軍與戈登斗爭(zhēng),現(xiàn)在是巴希爾總統(tǒng)與國際刑事法庭對(duì)著干。

10、The relatives said members of the Shi"ite Mahdi Army militia came to the wife"s home on October 23 and dragged Taei into their car. ─── 這名女子的家人說,10月23日,一伙什葉派武裝分子闖入伊薩拉家,硬把泰伊拖進(jìn)了車?yán)铩?/p>

11、Part of the problem has been that the cease-fire was never fully embraced by the Shia militias, the Mahdi Army in the south. ─── 這個(gè)問題的一部分是?;鸱桨笍膩頉]有被什葉派激進(jìn)份子、南部的馬赫迪軍全面執(zhí)行。

12、Abdullah is a Sunni student from Baghdad.He says that what scares him most is the Mahdi army. ─── 每天,都會(huì)在垃圾堆里和首都的四周發(fā)現(xiàn)一些尸體,多數(shù)都有受過酷刑的跡象。

13、There are reports that Mahdi army militias are harassing young men simply for wearing "western fashions". ─── 有報(bào)告稱,救世主軍民兵會(huì)僅僅因?yàn)槟贻p男子穿戴“西方時(shí)裝”而騷擾襲擊他們。

14、Al-Sadr faces a government ultimatum to either disband his Mahdi Army or give up politics. ─── 薩德爾現(xiàn)在面臨政府的最后通牒:要么解散他的馬赫迪軍,要么退出政治舞臺(tái)。

15、The hope was that these videos would get Muslims thinking the Mahdi -- the Islamic Messiah -- was coming. ─── 他們希望這些視頻會(huì)讓穆斯林教徒想到救世主馬赫迪----伊斯蘭教的彌賽亞---來了。

16、CNN Anchor: Well after nearly a week of vicious fighting between Iraqi forces and Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi army, a welcome cease-fire. ─── 美國有線新聞網(wǎng)絡(luò)主播:伊拉克部隊(duì)和穆克塔達(dá)?薩德爾的邁赫迪軍在經(jīng)歷了近一個(gè)星期的惡斗后,終于?;鹆?。

17、This was impossible in the dark and the blizzard and so Bonatti and Mahdi were forced to bivouac out in the open, without bivouac gear or sleeping bags. ─── 很不可思議,博納提沒受任何傷幸存下來了,而馬赫迪手腳卻受了凍傷。翌日清晨,馬赫迪開始返回8號(hào)營(yíng),博納提留下氧氣瓶后不久也跟著返回了。

18、The prime minister's statement in a CNN interview marked the first time he publicly called for the disarmament of the Mahdi Army. ─── 馬利基是在接受美國有線電視新聞網(wǎng)的采訪時(shí)發(fā)表上述聲明的。

19、The UN estimates that more than 700 people were killed in the recent US and British-backed attacks on the Mahdi army in Iraq - a central motive for which was to stop them taking part in elections. ─── 聯(lián)合國估計(jì)在美英聯(lián)軍在對(duì)伊拉克馬哈迪武裝的襲擊中已造成超過700人死亡-襲擊的理由是阻止其參加選舉。

20、A city of northeast-central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum. Anglo-Egyptian troops defeated Mahdi forces near here on September2, 1898. Population, 526, 287. ─── 奧姆杜爾曼蘇丹中東北部的一個(gè)城市,位于白尼羅河邊,與喀土穆隔岸相望。1898年9月2日英裔埃及軍隊(duì)在此附近打敗馬赫迪的部隊(duì)。人口526,289

21、A spokesman for the ONLF in London, Abdirahman Mahdi, said Ethiopian troops had been forcing nomadic tribes to leave their traditional grazing areas. ─── 歐加登民族陣線)發(fā)言人阿卜杜拉合曼馬赫迪在倫敦宣布:埃塞俄比亞軍隊(duì)曾強(qiáng)迫當(dāng)?shù)氐挠蚊窬用癯冯x牧場(chǎng).

22、Fighting also erupted in the capital, Baghdad, between suspected Mahdi fighters and members of a rival Shiite faction. ─── 在首都巴格達(dá),受懷疑的馬赫迪武裝分子和什葉派集團(tuán)之間爆發(fā)了戰(zhàn)斗。

23、a city of northeast-central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum. Anglo-Egyptian troops defeated Mahdi forces near here on September2,1898. Population,526,287 ─── 奧姆杜爾曼,蘇丹中東北部的一個(gè)城市,位于白尼羅河邊,與喀土穆隔岸相望。1898年9月2日英裔埃及軍隊(duì)在此附近打敗馬赫迪的部隊(duì)。人口526,289

24、Mr Maliki, however, needs Mr Sadr, who is one of the few leaders to have any influence over the Shia sectarian gangs, most of which claim association with his Mahdi Army but in practice operate autonomously. ─── 然而馬利基卻需要薩德爾,此人是少數(shù)能夠?qū)κ踩~派武裝力量施加影響力的領(lǐng)袖之一,不過,多數(shù)號(hào)稱與其控制的邁赫迪軍聯(lián)合的武裝實(shí)際上都是自行其道。

25、A machine gun obtained by Mahdi forces,now exhibiting in Al Khalifa Museum. ─── 陳列于喀土穆哈里發(fā)博物館的機(jī)槍.原屬英軍所有,被馬赫迪的起義軍繳獲.

26、Iraqi Army vehicles cross the concrete barrier dividing Sadr City, en route to the portion of the city controlled by the Mahdi Army. ─── 伊拉克軍隊(duì)的車隊(duì)穿越薩德爾城內(nèi)的混凝土隔板,奔赴由馬赫迪軍控制的另一部分城區(qū)。

27、His threat comes as security forces engaged in heavy fighting with militia from Sadr's Mahdi Army. ─── 他是在伊安全部隊(duì)與其領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的馬赫迪軍發(fā)生大規(guī)模武裝沖突后做出這一表示的。

28、2) the freeze on all paramilitary activity by the Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr; ─── 2)對(duì)薩德爾的馬赫迪軍所有準(zhǔn)軍事行動(dòng)的凍結(jié);

29、There are reports that Mahdi army militias are harassing young men simply for wearing "western fashions". ─── 有報(bào)道稱邁赫迪軍甚至襲擊那些穿著西化的年輕男人。

30、And He will send, at the end of the days, the Mahdi, on a white horse with a sword of fire, to put the rich in their place and correct all that is wrong with the world. ─── 最后,他會(huì)派出救世主,騎著白馬,帶上火劍,把那些富裕的人放在他們應(yīng)該呆在的地方,然后校正這個(gè)世界上所有的罪惡。

31、And in his diaries Gordon, a very devout Christian, had no doubt that the Mahdi and his men were overexcited natives hell-bent on destroying the civilised world. ─── 戈登是一個(gè)非常虔誠的基督徒。他無疑會(huì)在日記中寫道,馬赫迪之流是過分激動(dòng)的當(dāng)?shù)厝耍恍南氪輾拿魇澜纭?/p>

32、Nikkah and Mahdi Kamrany led Iran with 14 points each, while Hamed Ehadadi and Aidin Bahrami Nikkah added 12 each. ─── 他和謀某各得14分,另外某某和某某得了12分。

33、He says he was threatened by the Mahdi Army, a militant Shiite group, and told to leave. ─── 他說他被一個(gè)叫邁赫迪軍的好戰(zhàn)團(tuán)體威脅,命令他離開伊拉克。

34、Iraqi Army vehicles cross the concrete barrier dividing Sadr City, en route to the portion of the city controlled by the Mahdi Army. ─── 伊拉克軍隊(duì)的車隊(duì)穿越薩德爾城內(nèi)的混凝土隔板,奔赴由馬赫迪軍控制的另一部分城區(qū)。

35、The prime minister's statement in a CNN interview marked the first time he publicly called for the disarmament of the Mahdi Army.Mr.Maliki, a Shia, took office in 2006 with al-Sadr's support. ─── 伊拉克總理馬利基向具有影響力的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人薩德爾發(fā)出了措辭嚴(yán)厲的警告,如果薩德爾的黨派要參加即將到來的選舉的話就必須解散邁赫迪軍。

36、This was the first time the prime minister singled out al-Sadr's Mahdi Army. ─── 這是伊拉克總理第一次點(diǎn)名要求薩德爾領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的邁赫迪軍隊(duì)解除武裝。

37、His Mahdi Army used to flaunt nationalist credentials in an effort not to be viewed as being in Iran's pocket. ─── 馬赫迪軍隊(duì)過去為了不被人認(rèn)為是受伊朗的支配,曾宣稱自己為民族主義者。

38、"If anyone from them [the Mahdi army] recognised that I am Sunni, then I will be targeted," he said. ─── 阿卜杜拉是一名巴格達(dá)遜尼派穆斯林學(xué)生,他說最使他感到害怕的就是馬赫迪軍隊(duì)。

39、While the Mahdi Scouts fall under the umbrella of the Lebanese Scouts' Union, they have no direct affiliation with the international scouting body based in Switzerland. ─── (盡管瑪?shù)贤姙槔璋湍弁娐?lián)盟的一支,他們和總部在瑞士的國際童軍組織并無直接關(guān)聯(lián)。)

40、Fighting also erupted in the capital Baghdad between suspected Mahdi fighters and members of rival Shiite faction. ─── 在首都巴格達(dá)同樣爆發(fā)了馬赫迪軍成員與其他什葉派別的沖突。

41、The Mahdi Scouts were founded in 1985, shortly after Hezbollah itself. ─── 真主黨創(chuàng)立后不久,瑪?shù)贤娨苍?985年創(chuàng)立。

42、Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi said Iraqis must open their hearts to understand and forgive each other and take national reconciliation to a new level. ─── 代表談及到了他們已故的同事,并且很多人表示了要解決國家的政治和宗教問題的決心。

43、Heavy fighting broke out between Iraqi security forces and the Mahdi Army Shiite militia earlier on Tuesday. ─── 周二早些時(shí)候,伊拉克安全部隊(duì)與馬赫迪軍隊(duì)的什葉派民兵爆發(fā)了激烈的斗爭(zhēng)。

44、Before reaching the last camp where the two summiteers were waiting in their tent, darkness overtook Bonatti and Mahdi. ─── 在抵達(dá)那兩個(gè)登頂者正等著他們的9號(hào)營(yíng)之前,夜色的黑暗已經(jīng)籠罩在博納提他們頭上了。

45、that Jesus was not killed, is alive in heaven and will return to the earth in the company of the Mahdi once it has become full of sin and injustice. ─── 穆斯林對(duì)基督教的這個(gè)術(shù)語附上了不同的解釋,因?yàn)樗麄冊(cè)谝d的神圣上并沒有與基督徒有共同的信仰。

46、He said all militias, including the Mahdi Army, must disband. ─── 他說:“包括邁赫迪軍在內(nèi)的所有民兵都必須解散。

47、Although his Mahdi Army is a prime instigator of the violence, General Keane says a direct confrontation would be too risky. ─── 雖然他的邁赫迪軍(MahdiArmy)是暴力最主要的策動(dòng)勢(shì)力,吉恩將軍說,直接對(duì)抗恐怕風(fēng)險(xiǎn)太大。

48、In the capital members of the Mahdi Army clashed with other Shiite militia, the group also took control of several areas in the city of / between Baghdad and Basra. ─── 在巴格達(dá)馬赫迪軍成員與其他什葉派民兵發(fā)生交火,后者控制這位于巴格達(dá)和巴士拉之間的城市。

49、Palestinian analyst Mahdi Abdel Hadi is less optimistic. ─── 巴勒斯坦分析人士哈迪則沒有這么樂觀。

50、His threat comes as security forces engage in heavy fighting with a militia from Sadr's Mahdi Army. ─── 他的威脅來自于與薩德爾的馬赫迪軍的民兵進(jìn)行激戰(zhàn)的安全部隊(duì)。

51、Mahdi Kalhor . Thank you very much for your pleasing visit and commentary. Antonio. ─── 注冊(cè)后發(fā)表評(píng)論。如果您已經(jīng)注冊(cè),請(qǐng)登錄。

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