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10-02 投稿


lithology 發(fā)音

英:[l??θɑ?l?d?i]  美:[l??θ?l?d?i]

英:  美:

lithology 中文意思翻譯



lithology 短語詞組

1、lithology unit ─── 巖性單位

2、lithology napa valley ─── 納帕河谷巖性

3、lithology sc ─── 巖性sc

4、lithology independent ─── 與巖性無關

lithology 詞性/詞形變化,lithology變形

形容詞: lithologic |名詞: lithologist |副詞: lithologically |

lithology 相似詞語短語

1、dittology ─── n.詞或音樂的重復

2、lithologic ─── adj.巖性的

3、pathology ─── n.病理學;病狀;精神異常;社會異常;語言異常

4、sitiology ─── n.飲食學;營養(yǎng)學

5、ethology ─── n.動物行為學;人類行為學

6、lithotomy ─── n.截石術

7、anthology ─── n.(詩、文、曲、畫等的)選集

8、limnology ─── n.湖沼生物學,湖沼學

9、mythology ─── n.神話;神話學;神話集

lithology 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The research on logging lithology identification suggests that SVM can overcome the fundamental disadvantages of neural network, and it is a new method to identify lithology. ─── 在測井巖性識別方面研究發(fā)現(xiàn),支持向量機方法克服了神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的固有缺陷,提供了一種識別巖性的新方法。

2、Exploration indicates that the hydrocarbon reservoir types in the area are mainly controlled by the dual factors of structure and lithology, the oil reservoir type is mainly controlled by structural-lithological reservoirs. ─── 勘探實踐證實,研究區(qū)油氣藏類型主要受構(gòu)造-巖性雙重因素控制,油藏類型主要為巖性油藏及構(gòu)造-巖性油藏。

3、A high production reservoir mainly controlled by lithology has been recently discovered in the Member 1 of the Qingshuihe Formation(K_1q_1)at the Shinan 31 Well in the central Junggar Basin. ─── 準噶爾盆地腹部的石南31井區(qū),下白堊統(tǒng)清水河組一段為一個近期新發(fā)現(xiàn)的以巖性控制為主的高產(chǎn)油藏。

4、From boundary to centre of the basin,the reservoir beds for exploring for gas are Oligocene,Miocene,Pliocene and Quaternary and the lithology changes from coarseness to fineness. ─── 從盆地邊緣到中心,有勘探意義的儲層依次有漸新統(tǒng)、中新統(tǒng)、上新統(tǒng)和第四系,巖性由粗變細。

5、The main controlling factors of reservoir delevoping are lithology, lithofacies and ancient weathering crust karstification. ─── 儲層發(fā)育的主要控制因素為巖性和巖相、古風化殼巖溶作用。

6、The lithology seismic inversion technique utilizes logging data with high vertical resolution,and accomplishes the constrained inversion of seismic data nearby wells. ─── 巖性地震反演技術是根據(jù)鉆孔測井數(shù)據(jù)縱向分辨率很高的有利條件,對井旁地震資料進行約束;

7、Thus, based on the reasonable automatic layering, it realizes identification of continuous lithology section. ─── 在合理的自動分層取值基礎上,實現(xiàn)了連續(xù)巖性剖面的判別。

8、Gamma Ray curve is mainly used for the location of lithology and calculate the clay content. ─── 自然伽馬曲線主要用于地層巖性劃分及泥質(zhì)含量求取。

9、The potential of elastic impedance in predicting lithology and fluid properties was analyzed. In the SLG area. ─── 對彈性阻抗和波阻抗與水飽和度的關系進行了對比分析,結(jié)果表明,彈性阻抗可以更好地反映流體飽和度的變化,在巖性和流體的識別和預測中具有很大的潛力。

10、Lithology of Tertiary oil bearing reservoir in Taibei Sag is mainly fine sandstone and petrological types are mainly lithic arkose and hybrid sandstone. ─── 臺北凹陷第三系含油儲層巖性以細砂巖為主,巖石學類型以巖屑長石砂巖和混合砂巖為主,含氣儲層巖性以砂礫巖為主,巖石學類型為巖屑砂礫巖。

11、Lithology identification is the base of reservoir study. ─── 巖性識別是儲層研究的基礎。

12、Based on the lithology, thickness of aquifuge and their changes, the watertightness of aquifuge are evaluated. ─── 對研究區(qū)徐、奧灰含水層與下組煤之間隔水層的巖性、厚度及變化進行了分析,并對隔水層的隔水性能做出了綜合評價;

13、The accuracy, stability and effect of different lithology on measurement results is analyzed and e-valuated. ─── 并對儀器的精度、穩(wěn)定性及不同巖性對測試結(jié)果的影響進行了分析和評價。

14、The lithology of Archaeozoic metamorphic buried hill mainly includes migmalite, biotite pla-giogneiss, with structural fracture as major reservoir space. ─── 其結(jié)果:該區(qū)太古界變質(zhì)巖古潛山的巖性主要為淺粒巖、淺粒質(zhì)混合巖、黑云母斜長片麻巖等;

15、Consequently, if only MWD and LWD data are used, the lithology characters at the bottom of well and its oil and gas features cannot be accurately known. ─── 因此,僅僅依靠隨鉆測井資料還不能準確了解井底的巖性特征及其含油氣性。

16、The lithology of karst is pure carbonatite at geological age of intermediate Cambrian and intermediate Ordovician. ─── 北方巖溶和巖溶水的開發(fā)利用,見于碑刻者亦可追溯至1000年前。

17、Relative to the conventional C/O method, CATO has such advantages as follows: less statistic variation, less influences on the variation of lithology types and more sensitive to the differences on oil and water. ─── 但相對常規(guī)碳氧比值,它具有統(tǒng)計漲落小、受巖性變化影響小、對油水的響應增加等優(yōu)點。

18、The strata lithology of Three Gorges Reservoir Area is of great variety. ─── 三峽庫區(qū)地層巖性較為齊全多樣。

19、It was considered that karstification is the base of reservior formation, and lithology and faulting control the formation and development of internal reservior. ─── 其發(fā)育規(guī)律為:巖溶作用是下古生界儲集層發(fā)育的基礎;巖性和斷裂作用決定內(nèi)幕儲層的形成與發(fā)育。

20、Only seismic velocity can revetal the formation lithology, stratigraphic horizon in the wild cat wells. ─── 在初探井中,能夠反映地層分布、巖性、物性變化的資料只有地震層速度。

21、AVO technique analyzes the characteristic and regular of the amplitude of the pre-stack seismicwaves varied with the offset, from which the properties and lithology of the oil and gas reservoirs can bepredicted and judged. ─── AVO技術是通過對疊前地震波的振幅隨偏移距的變化特征和規(guī)律進行分析,進而對油氣儲層流體的性質(zhì)、儲層巖性等做出預測和判斷的一項地震油氣勘探技術。

22、In Tazhong Area, the main factor of impacting average velocity is the depth of stratum and lithology of igneous. ─── 在塔中地區(qū),影響平均速度的主要因素是地層埋深和火成巖的巖性。

23、Seismic impedance inversion throve from the 70s of 20 century, and change conventional seismic data into lithology data, which provide important information for oil-gas prospecting. ─── 地震波阻抗反演技術把常規(guī)的反射地震剖面轉(zhuǎn)換成巖層型剖面,能較真實的反應地下的巖性和物性的展布和變化特征,為勘探開發(fā)提供重要依據(jù)。

24、The lithology is mainly composed of lava basalt, pyroclastic rock and volcanic sedimentary rock. ─── 其巖性主要為熔巖類玄武巖,火山碎屑巖和火山沉積巖;

25、With the data of core observation, thin section analysis and SEM (scanning electron microscope), crossplot and main component analysis are used to distinguish the lithology of a volcanic reservoir. ─── 應用巖心觀察、薄片分析、掃描電鏡等資料,采用交會圖法、主成份分析等方法,對火山巖儲層進行了巖性識別;

26、The karst environment with multi-media involves climate, soil, vegetation, lithology, water-rock interaction and so on. ─── 巖溶多重介質(zhì)環(huán)境涉及到氣候、土壤、植被、巖性及水-巖相互作用多項內(nèi)容。

27、Permian system in Tazhong area may be divided into three lithology groups: lower clastic group, volcanics group and upper clastic group based on the data of core, drilling, logging and so on. ─── 依據(jù)巖心、鉆井、測井等資料,將塔中地區(qū)二疊系分為三個巖性組:下碎屑巖組、火山巖組、上碎屑巖組。

28、For hydrocarbon migration and accumulation,the faults in rift can be divided into fault-plane sealing and lithology sealing. ─── 對油氣運移和聚集而言,裂谷盆地的斷層可分為斷面封閉型和巖性封閉型兩大類;

29、The lithology of reservoir is chiefly mid-fine grained sandstone with good sorting and low texture maturity. ─── 儲層巖性主要為中細砂巖,砂巖分選性好-中等,結(jié)構(gòu)成熟度較低。

30、Multiwave AVA and lithology prediction ─── 多波AVA及巖性預測

31、The practiceshows that the FMI imaging log has many advantages in the recognition of lithoface , lithology, the evaluation offractural types and occurrence,the identification of main geologi... ─── 實踐表明,FMI成象測井在識別巖相、巖性,評價裂縫類型及產(chǎn)狀,確定地應力方向,提供儲量計算參數(shù)等方面具有明顯的應用優(yōu)勢。

32、The lithology interference could be minimized during the process of gas zone identification parameter extraction, and multiparameters are adopted to identify the gas zone synthetically. ─── 在提取氣層識別參數(shù)過程中盡可能地減少巖性干擾,采用多參數(shù)綜合識別氣層。

33、Seismic wave AVO and formation lithology analysis. ─── 地震波AVO與地層巖性分析

34、On the basis of the lithology, fossil assemblages and seismic wave groups, the Lower Jurassic in the northern Hami depression may be in ascending order into the Badaowan Formation and Sangonghe Formation. ─── 哈密拗陷北部下侏羅統(tǒng)按其巖性、化石組合和地震波組等特征自下而上分為八道灣組和三工河組。

35、In this paper, a simple and effective method is used to invert lithological parameters and bed thickness on the basis of seismic lithology modelling (SLIM). ─── 即從測井數(shù)據(jù)出發(fā),在地震資料的控制下,通過逐次迭代,精確地反演巖性及厚層參數(shù),有效地解決了反演的多解性問題。

36、Becaude of the multiple function of lithology,Condtructure, climate, hydrology and time, there are various types of landforms, typical red landforms and excellemt tourist resources in Langsha. ─── 在巖性、構(gòu)造、氣候、水文、時間等因素的綜合影響下,山形成了復雜的地貌類型,為典型的丹霞地貌及優(yōu)良的旅游資源。

37、The Permian formation in Santanghu basin with complex lithology and mineral compsition consists of tuffite, tuffaceous shale,dolomicrite,micrite and mudstone. ─── 三塘湖盆地二疊系巖性復雜,礦物成分多變,有沉凝灰?guī)r、凝灰質(zhì)泥巖、泥晶白云巖、泥晶灰?guī)r、泥巖等。

38、The lithology of deep wells in eastern Daqing oil field and complex,so calculating reservoir parameters and recognizing fluid are very difficult. ─── 大慶油田東部深層某井區(qū)火山巖氣藏巖性復雜、儲層參數(shù)計算以及流體性質(zhì)識別困難。

39、The volcano lava, pyroclastic rock and volcanic sedimentary rock are the main lithology of the Carboniferous volcanic reservoir in the middle section of the northwestern margin of Junggar Basin. ─── 準噶爾盆地西北緣中段石炭系火山巖油藏的儲層巖性為火山熔巖、火山碎屑巖及火山沉積巖。

40、In lithology, the calcareous sandstone is of coarse grain and fairly well sorted. ─── 巖性主要為粒度相對較粗、分選較好的碎屑巖。

41、But, if gas exists in rock with low po rosity and low permeability, relation be tween P-wave velocity and water saturat ion should be considered differently in view of lithology. ─── 但低孔低滲巖石含氣時,縱波速度與含水飽和度的關系應考慮巖性,區(qū)別對待。

42、The lithology is recorded together with the analytical results for each of three elements. ─── 巖石情況要與三種元素中每一種的分析結(jié)果一并記錄下來。

43、The lithology and the weathering degree of the bed rocks are the main factors to determine their physical mechanical properties. ─── 基巖的巖性和風化程度是決定其物理力學性質(zhì)的王要因素。

44、The main affecting factors to reservoir physical property are lithology, lithofacies, eruptive environment and late-stage erosion, eluviation and fault reconstruction. ─── 儲集層物性影響因素主要有火山巖的巖性巖相、噴發(fā)環(huán)境及后期風化淋濾和斷裂改造。

45、Some changes in reservoir lithology and physical properties usually reflect in seismic wave form characteristics. ─── 儲層巖性、物性的變化往往表現(xiàn)為地震波形特征的差異,地震波形特征分析是巖性預測、油氣預測的重要手段。

46、Nor could any finds be evaluated effectively without geophysical wireline well logs to measure the lithology, porosity,petroleum content of a reservoir. ─── 同樣,沒有地球物理電纜測井測量巖性、孔隙度和儲層中石油的含量,對任何發(fā)現(xiàn)的圈閉也不可能做到有效評價。

47、According to the analysis it concluded that the influence of lithology and crustal stress was the greatest, the medium rockburst was engendered in the great depth at the middle of tunnel. ─── 分析認為,隧道內(nèi)巖性與應力條件對巖爆發(fā)生的影響作用最大,隧道中部區(qū)段埋深較大處均產(chǎn)生了中等巖爆;

48、Lithology, structure and hydrology are the essential conditions for the forming and developing of the cave. ─── 巖性、構(gòu)造、水文地質(zhì)特征等是控制洞穴發(fā)育的基本條件。

49、Nor could any finds be evaluated effectively without geophysical wireline well logs to measure the lithology, porosity, and petroleum content of a reservoir. ─── 同樣,如果沒有地球物理電纜測井量巖性、孔隙度和儲層中石油的含量,對任何發(fā)現(xiàn)的圈閉也不可能做到有效評價。

50、The lithology of B petrofabric is schist interlated with marble, quartzite. ─── B巖組的巖性主要是各種片巖夾有大理巖、英巖。

51、The main factors that influence the transfer relationship between surface water and groundwater mainly include lithology, precipitation, upper stream inflow and groundwater exploitation. ─── 地表水向地下水轉(zhuǎn)化關系的影響因素主要有地層巖性、降水量、上游來水量、地下水開采量。

52、An integrated study on lithology,sedimentology,structural feature and petroleum geology in South Tajikistan basin is carried out. ─── 對南塔吉克盆地的地層、沉積、構(gòu)造和石油地質(zhì)特征等進行了綜合研究。

53、To discriminate between the influence of lithology and that of fluids, laterolog and induction log are run in the same interval of interest. ─── 為了區(qū)別這些影響因素,對同一目的層進行側(cè)向、感應測井;對其測井響應作對比分析是識別水層的一種有效方法。

54、Based on the study of organic geochemistry and organic lithology, this paper mainly discussed the question of the hydrocarbon generating potential and contribution of hydrogen-rich maceral in Liupanshui area, Guizhou province. ─── 從有機巖石學與有機地球化學角度研究烴源巖有機質(zhì)成烴演化和生烴作用是油氣資源評價的一個重要方面。

55、Nanpu A condensate-gas reservoir has features of being buried depth, high temperature, long drilled section, low permeability and complex lithology. ─── 南堡A凝析氣井具有埋藏深、溫度高、井段長,滲透率低、巖性復雜等特點。

56、The reservoir type is delta plain facies distributary channel sandbody,and the lithology is mainly composed of fine arcose with a compact cementation. ─── 儲層為三角洲平原分流河道砂體,巖性主要為細粒長石砂巖,膠結(jié)致密。

57、Based on the data obtained in the engineering geologic investigation,this paper makes analysis and evaluation on the landforms and formation lithology of Xiashijiazhuang Reservoir. ─── 在工程地質(zhì)勘測所獲得資料的基礎上,對下石家莊水庫地貌與地層巖性進行了分析與評價。

58、In karst region, rock desertification is related to stratum and lithology, incising of river, soil erosion, gradient and mankind action etc. ─── 喀斯特地區(qū)土地的石漠化與地層巖性、河流切割、土壤侵蝕、坡度及人類活動等有關。

59、The cap rock and soil layer bearing different lithology and different mechanics properties exerts different responsiveness to the underground coal bed mining. ─── 不同巖性、不同力學性質(zhì)的上覆巖土層對地下煤層開采的響應性是不同的。

60、It is the research on lithology and facies of volcanic reservoirs in Qingshen gas field of north Songliao basion. ─── 這是松遼北部北部深深氣田火山巖的巖性和相研究。

61、Identifying formation lithology using formation microscanner images. ─── 利用地層微電阻率掃描圖像識別巖性。

62、Limit equilibrium cove method is used in this paper to illustrate the relationship among lithology, excavation span and inbreak height.And advisable suggestions are put forward for ... ─── 并用極限平衡拱法闡明了不同地層、不同開挖跨度與冒落高度的關系,據(jù)此提出了地面塌陷的防治措施。

63、Thin sand body and drastic lateral variation of lithology characterize lithologic gas reservoir in Xiaohaotu area. ─── 小壕兔工區(qū)的氣藏屬于典型的巖性氣藏,砂體薄,巖性橫向變化大。

64、Then, primary lithology and its log response are summarized.Lithologies in the reservoirs have been classified into 5 kinds with crossplot method. ─── 在此基礎上,總結(jié)了巴彥塔拉油田各儲層主要巖性和各種巖性的測井響應特征,以傳統(tǒng)的交會圖技術把該區(qū)巖性分為5類。

65、Information of lithology ,sediment structure and crack are gotten from imaging log measure information. ─── 利用這些測量特性可以得到巖性、沉積構(gòu)造特征和裂縫等信息。

66、Multiple minerals analysis program in FORWARD logging interpretation software can process logging data of shaly sand formation and complex lithology formation. ─── 在FORWARD測井解釋軟件中,多礦物模型分析程序應用組份分析原理,可以處理砂泥巖地層和復雜巖性地層的測井資料。

67、Experiential Formulas for Neutron Porosity and Lithology Corrections and Their Application. ─── 中子測井孔隙度受多方面環(huán)境因素的影響。

68、The forming factors which have influenced low resistivity may be summarized lithology, pore texture, fluid property and mud intrusion etc. ─── 其形成因素可歸納為受巖性、孔隙結(jié)構(gòu)、流體性質(zhì)及泥漿侵入影響等。

69、Based on the lithology, thickness of aquifuge and changes of the rock between Ordovician limestone aquiferous to lower-group coal seam, the watertightness of aquifuge are evaluated. ─── 對礦區(qū)內(nèi)奧灰含水層與下組煤之間隔水層的巖性、厚度及變化進行了分析,并對隔水層的隔水性能做出了綜合評價;

70、Therefore, petrophysics is used to analyze the relationship among seismic attributes and lithology, physical property, hydrocarbon property. ─── 為此,首先利用巖石物理學方法,對研究區(qū)儲層的巖性、物性、含油氣性與地震屬性之間的關系進行了分析研究;

71、Lithology is a stable factor, while the upper stream inflow and groundwater exploitation are unstable factors that directly influence the transform regularity. ─── 地層巖性對轉(zhuǎn)化關系的影響屬于穩(wěn)定因素,而上游來水量和地下水開采量屬于非穩(wěn)定因素,直接影響了轉(zhuǎn)化關系的變化規(guī)律。

72、The Lower Jurassic lithology at the Dameigou section of Qaidam Basin is characterized by fine-siltstone interbedded with carbargilite and shale. ─── 不同時期和地區(qū)的化石與巖相分布特征反映侏羅紀沉積中心由西向東遷移。

73、Prestack depth migration (PSDM) based on wave equation is not only applied in the complex structure imaging, but also used for the lithology imaging in the complex geological condition. ─── 基于波動方程的疊前深度偏移成像技術可以將疊前深度偏移技術的應用領域從復雜構(gòu)造成像擴大到復雜地質(zhì)條件下的巖性地層成像。

74、AVO verifies lithology and fluid through analyzing the change rule of amplitude versus offset.In this method, cross plot analysis is the main approach. ─── AVO技術通過分析振幅隨偏移距的變化進行巖性和流體識別,交會圖分析是AVO異常分析的主要技術手段。

75、The factors of DLCT model are: (1) depth to confined aquifer, (2) lithology of the aquiclude, (3) continuity of the aquiclude and (4) thickness of the aquiclude. ─── DLCT模型包含有承壓含水層埋深、隔水層巖性、隔水層的連續(xù)性和隔水層厚度4個因子。

76、lithology configuration patterns ─── 巖性配置模式

77、When there are scanty core data and more log data,feedforward neural network is a very effective method to recognize the logging lithology. ─── 巖芯資料少,測井資料較多及測井參數(shù)分布的模糊性,是巖性識別中的困難所在。

78、An integrated study on lithology , sedimentology,structural evolution and petroleum geology in Llanos basin of Col ombia is made. ─── 對哥倫比亞亞諾斯盆地的地層與沉積、構(gòu)造與演化以及石油地質(zhì)等特征進行了綜合研究。

79、earth electric field lithology detection ─── 大地電場巖性探測

80、This discipline, together with seismic lithology, composes the main parts of seismic sedimentology. ─── 該學科與地震巖性學一起共同構(gòu)成了地震沉積學的主體部分。

81、The sonic log measurement is affected both by the irregular variation of caliper and lithology. ─── 聲波時差測量結(jié)果受井徑擴徑和巖性變化的雙重影響。

82、The stress appearance of each measurement point is relevant with the tectonics, rock mass structure and lithology. ─── 每個測點的應力狀態(tài)與其所處的構(gòu)造部位、巖體結(jié)構(gòu)、巖性分布等有關。

83、This investigation also finds that different lithology have different physical properties and the slaggy basalt, the amygdaline basalt and the volcanic breccia have the best physical properties. ─── 不同巖性火山巖的物性也有較大的差別,并以熔渣狀玄武巖、杏仁狀安山巖、火山角礫巖為好;

84、Distinguishing Lithology Synthetically with Logging Parameter ─── 應用錄井參數(shù)綜合判別巖性

85、The unconformity, river rejuvenation surface and lithology and lithofacies transition surface are the main types of sequence boundaries. ─── 層序界面類型主要有不整合面、河流沖刷侵蝕作用面和巖性巖相轉(zhuǎn)換面等。

86、contour lines and lithology. ─── 等值線的外形和巖性吻合的很好。

87、Lithology , structure and hydrology are the essential conditions for the forming and developing of the cave. ─── 巖性、構(gòu)造、水文地質(zhì)特征等是控制洞穴發(fā)育的基本條件。

88、The main controlling factors of reservoir developing are lithology, lithofacies and ancient weathering crust karstification. ─── 儲層發(fā)育的主要控制因素為巖性和巖相、古風化殼巖溶作用。

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