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10-02 投稿


moustache 發(fā)音

英:[?m?st??; m??st??]  美:[?m?st??; m??stɑ??]

英:  美:

moustache 中文意思翻譯




moustache 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 小胡子;髭;觸須n. (Moustache)人名;(法)穆斯塔什

moustache 短語詞組

1、grow a beard and moustache ─── 留胡子

2、Moustache Warbler ─── 穆斯塔奇·沃布勒

3、dubs moustache wax ─── 杜伯斯胡子蠟

4、moustache or whiskers ─── 胡子或 ─── 胡須

5、walrus moustache n. ─── 海象胡子, 兩端下垂的胡子

6、moustache cup ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 胡子茶杯

7、handlebar moustache n. ─── 翹八字胡

8、toothbrush moustache ( ─── 理成方形的)牙刷形胡子

moustache 詞性/詞形變化,moustache變形


moustache 相似詞語短語

1、moustachio ─── 嘴邊的長而濃密的胡須

2、moustached ─── 留胡子的

3、moustachioed ─── 小胡子

4、moustaches ─── n.小胡子;髭;觸須;n.(Moustache)(法、英)穆斯塔什(人名)

5、mustached ─── 留胡子的

6、mustache ─── n.胡子,髭

7、soutache ─── n.飾帶

8、moustachial ─── 小胡子

9、mustaches ─── n.胡子,髭

moustache 習(xí)慣用語

1、old moustache ─── 老兵, 有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的士兵

moustache 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、He was in his thirties and had a fashionable toothbrush moustache, and his face seemed familiar to Liu Yuying. ─── 劉玉英看這男子不過三十多歲,有一口時(shí)髦的牙刷須,也是常見的熟面孔。

2、He copied Stalin's pipe and moustache, and lent his voice to the dictator's post-war anti-Semitic purges. ─── 他仿制了斯大林的煙斗,模仿他的八字須,也充當(dāng)了這位獨(dú)裁者一戰(zhàn)后反閃米特主義(即反猶主義)的擴(kuò)音器。

3、He turned his angry white moustache. ─── 他把怒氣沖沖的白色口髭轉(zhuǎn)過去。

4、Feng Yun-ching stood up and started towards the door, but changed his mind and turned round again, his straggly moustache twitching agitatedly. ─── 馮云卿挪開腳步轉(zhuǎn)一個(gè)身,幾莖月牙須簌簌地抖動(dòng)。

5、Laughter came gradually into his face on one side under his grey moustache, and it grew stronger as the song went on, as the time quickened, and breaks came after a flourish. ─── 他臉上微微發(fā)笑,尤其是在彈得起勁,拍子逐漸加快,在彈奏一串連續(xù)的滑音的地方突然中斷的時(shí)候,從他那斑白胡子的一邊流露出更加得意的笑容。

6、Feng Yun-thing's eyes rolled in amazement, while his straggly moustache twitched, and he broke out into a cold sweat all over. ─── 馮云卿眼珠往上一翻,出了一身冷汗,那幾莖月牙須又簌簌地抖了。

7、With this wealth they were trying to encroach on the country fiefs of oldtime Mafia leaders whom they contemptuously labeled Moustache Petes. ─── 他們憑著手中的這筆錢,拼命想侵入老黑幫領(lǐng)袖的鄉(xiāng)間封地。 他們把老黑幫領(lǐng)袖輕蔑地貶之為老朽。

8、He seemed to be fairly old for his moustache was ashen-grey. ─── 他看上去相當(dāng)蒼老,兩撇八字胡須已經(jīng)灰白了。

9、He kept twirling his moustache. ─── 他不停地用手指卷胡須。

10、He combs his moustache but not his hair, Slow down!(Where does that come from? ─── 他經(jīng)常打理他的胡子,但不打理頭發(fā),能不能講慢點(diǎn)!(這從哪里說起啊?

11、His father shaved off his moustache. ─── 他的父親剃了小胡子。

12、Is your moustache your source of knowledge? If it is, then please donot set so difficult questions because most of us, donot have moustache! ─── 你的胡子是你知識的源泉么?如果是的,請你不要出這么難的題目,因?yàn)槲覀兇蟛糠侄紱]有胡子。

13、The boy does not have longe hair.He has short hair.You has a white moustache. ─── 例如:那個(gè)年輕女孩的頭發(fā)不是短發(fā)。

14、All the time she was conscious of certain features out of the side of her eye. Flush, colourful cheeks, a light moustache, a grey fedora hat. ─── 他們這么交談著時(shí),她從眼角隱隱瞧見了一些那人的相貌:紅潤生動(dòng)的臉,淡淡的一抹小胡子,一頂灰色的軟呢帽。

15、The man in leather clothes glares at the woman in man's suit and is about to say something. However, he is halted by a bareheaded man with moustache. ─── 一個(gè)男裝打扮,聲音卻像女子的人:(寒笑一聲)童博有那麼好對付的麼?別忘了他可是龍神之后!

16、He had his moustache curled up. ─── 他把他的胡子扭翹起來。

17、Has he got a moustache? ─── 他留了小胡子嗎?

18、The star such as Liu Jialing, Liang Yongqi, Yang Caini, Weng Hong, moustache army all has attend. ─── 劉嘉玲、梁詠琪、楊采妮、翁虹、胡軍等明星均有出席。

19、He is quite thin and has a moustache, and a dark complexion. ─── 他很瘦,留著小胡子,皮膚黝黑。

20、He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. ─── 他已經(jīng)決定留起絡(luò)腮胡子和髭。

21、Facial hair proved surprisingly popular: 28 per cent of those surveyed admitted they liked a goatee and 21 per cent said they would like to meet a man with a moustache. ─── 從思考中確立自我;從學(xué)習(xí)中尋求真理;從獨(dú)立中體驗(yàn)自主;從計(jì)劃中把握時(shí)間;從表達(dá)中鍛煉口才;從交友中品味成熟;

22、Indeed, because the moustache is still considered by most young people as old-fashioned and outdated, growing one can be a symbol of independence and originality. ─── 但是后來,或許因?yàn)樵絹碓蕉嗟娜肆袅撕?,因此越來越多的人接受它也是遲早的事情。

23、He combs his moustache but not his hair, Slow down!!!(Where does that come from? ─── 他經(jīng)常打理他的胡子,但不打理頭發(fā),能不能講慢點(diǎn)!!?。。ㄟ@從哪里說起啊?)

24、His moustache is very long. ─── 他的胡子很長。

25、A handsome man with a clipped moustache. ─── 修剪著整齊的胡子的英俊男人。

26、He combs his moustache but not his hair, Slow down!!!( Where does that come from? ─── 他經(jīng)常打理他的胡子,但不打理頭發(fā),能不能講慢點(diǎn)!!?。。◤哪睦镎f起啊?

27、Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. ─── 他花了四十年的功夫才知道那黑色的大胡子后面的笑容是什么樣的笑容。

28、Then Lu Xun took another drink, and before long, the veins on his forehead began to bulge, he stared angrily as if about to explode, and the hairs of his moustache stood on end. ─── 于是魯迅復(fù)飲,俄而額筋浮脹,睚眥欲裂,須發(fā)盡豎;

29、He sucked up the tea through his great black moustache. ─── 他張開長滿胡子的嘴把茶一飲而

30、' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' ─── 黝黑的卡爾的母親也笑了,她摸著胡須簡單地解釋說:“一出煎鍋,就掉進(jìn)了火里!”

31、But the Don wasn't treating him right. The "Great Don," he thought with scorn. An old Moustache Pete who'd been caught out on the street by gunmen like any dumb small-time hood. ─── 但是,老頭子并沒有那么器重他,什么“偉大的老頭子”,他在內(nèi)心輕蔑他說,一個(gè)老朽像個(gè)默默無聞的小流氓給刺客在大街上擊中了。

32、His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose.A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. ─── 他是意大利本土人,因?yàn)樗猩钌念^發(fā),橄欖色的皮膚和高挺的鼻子。

33、His moustache was very stiff and military. ─── 他的小胡子很硬,是軍人式的。

34、He was short and tubby and amiable with an odd little toothbrush moustache . ─── 他矮矮胖胖,和藹可親,留了一嘴怪模怪樣的牙刷式的小胡子。

35、He is an avuncular man in his fifties with a hairless pate and a perfect trapezoidal moustache that fans out to the corners of his mouth. ─── 他五十多歲看著像個(gè)伯父,頭頂光光,修的完美的梯形胡須一直散到嘴角。

36、He shaved off his moustache. ─── 他剃掉了胡須。

37、He had a bristly moustache. ─── 他嘴唇上長著一撇粗硬的胡子。

38、He wore a droopy moustache, and was kind of dark-skinned, with dark hair and dark eyes. ─── 他留著下垂的小胡子,皮膚有點(diǎn)黑,黑頭發(fā)、眼睛。

39、Before the accident, moustache and two companions drive severally high-grade racing bike, in belong to area of urban viatic west lake the hurricane on Wen Erxi road. ─── 事發(fā)前,胡與兩名同伴各自駕駛高檔跑車,在屬于市區(qū)道路的西湖區(qū)文二西路上狂飆。

40、His translator was an odd little man with a moustache and a dapper suit, whose cell phone kept ringing. ─── 他的翻譯是一個(gè)留著小胡子的小個(gè)子男人,穿著一套小巧的西服,他的手機(jī)一直不停地在響。

41、He wore rimless glasses and sported a neat grey moustache, very impressive. ─── 他戴著眼鏡,留著整齊的灰色胡子,非常引人注目。

42、He had moustache. ─── 他留著小胡子。

43、From the old photograph I could easily imagine him as my mother described him-an lid peacock, twirling his moustache and giving the glad eye to pretty housemaids. ─── 從那張舊照片里,我很容易想像我母親所描述的他-一位很愛炫耀,捻弄著小胡子,向漂亮的女仆投以多情眼光的情場老手。

44、He fiddled abstractedly with his knife and fork as he turned over in his mind the remarks the man with the moustache had just made. ─── 他機(jī)械地運(yùn)動(dòng)著他的刀叉,心里翻上落下的,卻只是那位月牙須狹長臉的幾句話。

45、"You know, we might go up through the roof," warned Rutherford, but the boyish smile under the big greying moustache belied his words. ─── ‘你們知道我們可能會(huì)被沖到房頂上去?!?盧瑟福嚇唬我們,但他那長滿灰白胡須的臉上帶著的孩子般的微笑背叛了他。

46、Jordan's wife is called moustache Anita, gives birth to three children. ─── 喬丹的妻子叫胡安尼塔,生有三個(gè)孩子。

47、And instinct told him that he would keep on growing, for though more robust than before and already sprouting a small moustache he wanted to grow still taller. ─── 他自己覺出來,仿佛還得往高里長呢。 不錯(cuò),他的皮膚與模樣都更硬棒與固定了一些,而且上唇上已有了小小的胡子; 可是他以為還應(yīng)當(dāng)再長高一些。

48、Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was beneath the dark moustache. ─── 他花了四十年的光陰才弄清楚那藏在黑胡子后面的微笑是一種怎樣的微笑。

49、He used to have a moustache and beard, but now he's clean-shaven. ─── 他以前上唇蓄胡,下巴蓄胡子,但現(xiàn)在臉上刮得乾乾凈凈的了。

50、He fixed his eyes on Wang Ho-fu's moustache in a vacant stare. ─── 他直瞪著眼睛,看定了王和甫嘴唇上的兩撇胡子。

51、He was fat with a little black moustache. ─── 他是個(gè)留著一小撮黑胡須的胖子。

52、His face was red, he twisted his black moustache over a thick finger, his eyes were shallow and restless. ─── 他肥厚的手指擰著他那黑漆漆的髭須,淡藍(lán)色的眼睛顯得焦躁不安。

53、"Bad, " said Wu looking worried and toying with his moustache. ─── “不行,”姓吳的憂愁地說; 但隨即咽住了,捻著唇邊僅有的幾根二三分長的髭須。

54、Why wouldn't you grow a moustache? I think you're gonna look cool with them. ─── 你為什么不留個(gè)胡子呢?我想那樣你會(huì)看起來比較酷的。

55、He waxes his moustache. ─── 他常以化妝用的蠟涂在胡子上。

56、"This is a real bitch," said Roland soberly, his lean old face twisted and his mouth and moustache puckered. ─── “這真是混蛋透頂了!”羅蘭一本正經(jīng)地說。他的又老又瘦的臉搐動(dòng)著,胡子把嘴全給遮住了。

57、He's a man of medium height. He wears glasses and has a moustache. ─── 他中等身材,戴著眼鏡,留著胡子。

58、A philosopher myself, I have to keep reminding myself: Occam's Razer could shave away your skin not just your whiskers and moustache, if you are not careful. ─── 不過,上帝同時(shí)又畫出新界,一切以基督定義,形成一個(gè)特殊的猶太群體,直到這群體和原群體決裂為止,新界畫定完成。

59、His moustache prickled when he kissed me. ─── 他吻我的時(shí)候胡子扎人。

60、He was young, good-looking, and when he got a moustache and had his best clothes on, he could be taken for a nobleman’s son. ─── 他希望離開這個(gè)野人國,但是他得把跳蚤帶走,因?yàn)樗撬囊患鎸毢蜕€。他怎樣才能達(dá)到目的呢?這倒不太容易。

61、That's Oscar. He's been here so long, he's plain lost his mind. Legend has it he gave his wife a moustache wax during the holidays. ─── 那是奧斯卡。他在這里很長時(shí)間了,他只是發(fā)瘋了。傳說他在節(jié)日里給他妻子一盒胡須蠟。

62、He was a fat man with a dyed black moustache. ─── 他是一個(gè)染著黑胡子的胖男人。

63、His moustache seemed to stand out more than usual. ─── 他的胡子好像比常見的更顯眼。

64、His moustache was as stiff as a toothbrush. ─── 他的胡子硬得你牙刷一樣。

65、He had grown a moustache since I last saw him - probably an attempt to make himself appear a little older. ─── 他在自從我們分開之后就一直留著把小胡子--可能他是嘗試著想把自己的外表改變得更成熟一點(diǎn)吧。

66、He was a small ratty-looking man with a thin moustache. ─── 他是一個(gè)長得矮小像老鼠的男人有著稀疏的胡子.

67、The corners of his moustache twitched. "It was definitely in the 'ridiculous' category, " he said. ─── 他的胡須一角抽動(dòng)了一下,“我看你肯定是在莫名其妙類了,”他說道。

68、The thick beard had gone, replaced by a bushy moustache. ─── 濃密的絡(luò)腮胡子不見了,換成了一撇密匝匝的小胡子。

69、Shall I trim your moustache? ─── 再修一下胡子,好嗎?

70、"Moustache" is a variant spelling of "mustache." ─── moustache是mustache不同的拼法。

71、To shave one's beard or moustache with a shaver; used as a metaphor to refer to scolding or criticizing. ─── 上司又在刮人刮胡子了,辦公室里氣氛比較緊張。

72、His moustache prickled when he kissed me. ─── 他吻我的時(shí)候胡子扎人。

73、As tall as Xiangzi, he shaved his head till it shone and had no beard or moustache. ─── 個(gè)子幾乎與祥子一邊兒高,頭剃得很亮,沒留胡子。

74、Like all infantry officers he wore no moustache, so that his mouth, the most striking feature in his face, was not concealed. ─── 像所有的陸軍軍官那樣,不蓄胡子,因而他的一張嘴全露出來,這正是他那令人驚嘆的臉部線條。

75、He was sporting a moustache. ─── 他在炫耀他那一簇胡子。

76、He looked around and chose a seat by the side of a man with a small moustache. ─── 他四面瞧瞧形勢,就揀在一個(gè)小胡子的旁邊坐下來。

77、He could see his own reflection in the window: a tall man with a neat moustache, wearing a black coat and a bowler hat. ─── 從窗玻璃上他可看到自己的影像:留著整齊的小胡子,高個(gè)子,身穿黑色上衣,頭戴圓頂硬禮帽。

78、He has a moustache, but no beard. ─── 他嘴上有胡須,不過沒有絡(luò)腮胡。

79、His lips are roofed by a moustache. ─── 他的嘴唇被小胡子遮蓋住了。

80、He had a small black moustache which was neatly trimmed. ─── 他留著一小撮修剪整齊的黑色小胡子。

81、He twirls his moustache and asks the visitor, 'Well, sir! ─── 他會(huì)捻弄他的小胡子,問來訪者:‘好,先生!

82、His hair was thin, his moustache grey, his skin loose and wrinkled over a face that might once have been strong. ─── 他頭發(fā)稀疏,胡子灰白,皮肉松弛,那曾經(jīng)很豐滿的臉膛上布滿了皺紋。

83、The "Man of the Shroud" has a beard, moustache, and shoulder-length hair parted in the middle. ─── “裹尸布的男人”擁有胡子,小胡子和齊肩頭發(fā),中間分開。

84、Feng Yun-thing's eyes rolled in amazement, while his straggly moustache twitched, and he broke out into a cold sweat all over. ─── 馮云卿眼珠往上一翻,出了一身冷汗,那幾莖月牙須又簌簌地抖了。

85、All the time she was conscious of certain features out of the side of her eye. Flush,colourful cheeks,a light moustache,a grey fedora hat. ─── 他們這么交談著時(shí),她從眼角隱隱瞧見了一些那人的相貌: 紅潤生動(dòng)的臉,淡淡的一抹小胡子,一頂灰色的軟呢帽。

86、He could never be called an old Moustache Pete and he had the confidence of the newer, younger, brasher leaders on their way up. ─── 他絕不應(yīng)稱之為老朽:他深受新冒出來的比較年輕、比較活躍、正蒸蒸日上的領(lǐng)袖人物的信任。

87、His grey hair and moustache were neatly trimmed. ─── 他灰白的頭發(fā)和八字須修剪得很整潔。

88、On his upper lip there were already signs of a black moustache coming, and his whole face expressed impulsiveness and enthusiasm. ─── 他的上嘴唇邊逐漸長出黑色的短髭,他的靈敏和激情在整個(gè)面部流露出來。


傅滿洲(Fu Manchu)是英國作家Sax Rohmer**中的人物。他是美國從19世紀(jì)末開始的黃禍恐慌(Yellow Peril)中最著名的中國人角色??梢哉f傅滿洲就是美國人黃禍恐慌的人物化形象。

傅滿洲是一個(gè)又高又瘦,高聳肩膀,長著豎挑眉,留著兩撮下垂胡子,面容如同撒旦,穿著清朝官服的邪惡博士。他的胡子形象如此深入人心,甚至“ Fu Manchu moustache”是一種理發(fā)店胡子的剪法名稱。

他也應(yīng)該是文藝作品中第一個(gè)”邪惡科學(xué)家”。這個(gè)壞博士無惡不作,和他對抗的是像福爾摩斯一樣的白人干探史密斯(Denis Smith) 。傅滿洲的系列在1920年代的美國取得很大成功,導(dǎo)致后來有許多的文學(xué)影視作品都以傅滿洲為原本進(jìn)行人物創(chuàng)作。








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