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10-02 投稿


illumines 發(fā)音

英:[??lu?m?nz]  美:[??lu?m?nz]

英:  美:

illumines 中文意思翻譯



illumines 詞性/詞形變化,illumines變形

動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞: illumined |動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: illumining |動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): illumines |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去式: illumined |形容詞: illuminable |

illumines 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、reillumines ─── 再發(fā)光

2、illumined ─── v.照明,點(diǎn)亮;啟發(fā)(illumine的過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞)

3、illuminates ─── v.照明;闡釋(illuminate的第三人稱單數(shù)形式)

4、illumine ─── vt.照明,點(diǎn)亮;啟發(fā)

5、enlumines ─── 被單

6、illuminist ─── n.光照派教徒;天啟論者

7、illuminer ─── 照明器

8、illuminers ─── 打火機(jī)

9、illuminism ─── n.光照派教義

illumines 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、The light illumines the specks, but does not depend on them. Nor can it be said to create them. It cannot be even said to know them. ─── 光線照著但并不依存于塵埃。它也不可以說(shuō)成制造它們。它甚至不認(rèn)識(shí)它們。

2、"The sun only illumines the eye of mankind, but it shines into the child's eye and soul."). ─── "太陽(yáng)只會(huì)使人類的眼睛發(fā)亮,但它卻會(huì)射入小孩的眼睛與心靈."

3、I ever listen in silent amazement. The light of thy music illumines the world. ─── 我總在驚奇地靜聽。你的音樂(lè)的光輝照亮了世界。

4、6) The sun illumines not that place, nor the moon, nor fire; that is My all-illuminating, supreme transcendental abode, having reached from which there is no return. ─── 那是無(wú)論太陽(yáng),月亮還是火光都無(wú)法照亮的地方。那是“我”的全然照亮的,至高無(wú)上的,超然的寓所。一旦到達(dá)了那里,便永不回轉(zhuǎn)。

5、We agree that the Holy Spirit moves and illumines the sinner's heart and mind with his power, working with the gospel of truth to convict sinners of truth. ─── 我們同意圣靈以祂的大能感動(dòng)、光照人的心思意念,與真理的福音同工,叫罪人扎心知罪,認(rèn)識(shí)真理。

6、"For You are my lamp, O LORD; And the LORD illumines my darkness. ─── 耶和華阿,你是我的燈。耶和華必照明我的黑暗。

7、The light of music illumines the world. ─── 你樂(lè)音的光芒普照世界。

8、However , the term pradipika actually means 'self-illumines 'or 'that which illumines'. ─── 但是,“燈”這個(gè)詞匯實(shí)際意指“自我啟發(fā)”或“照亮”。

9、His lightning illumines the world; The earth sees and trembles. ─── 4祂的閃電光照世界;地看見(jiàn)便震動(dòng)。

10、The light of thy music illumines the world. ─── 你的音樂(lè)的光輝照亮世界。

11、The topic today is What Illumines your Way of Life.It's about value. ─── 今天的話題是“是什么為你照亮人生之路”,是一個(gè)關(guān)于價(jià)值觀的題目。

12、Who is like the wise man and who knows the interpretation of a matter? A man's wisdom illumines him and causes his stern face to beam. ─── 誰(shuí)如智慧人呢。誰(shuí)知道事情的解釋呢。人的智慧使他的臉發(fā)光,并使他的臉上的暴氣改變。

13、Something that illumines the mind or soul. ─── 靈光照亮心智或靈魂的東西

14、4 Lightning illumines the world; the earth sees and trembles. ─── 他的閃電照亮塵寰,大地一見(jiàn),戰(zhàn)栗搖撼。

15、" "It illumines the devotee's heart. ─── “它照亮了奉獻(xiàn)者的內(nèi)心?!?/p>

16、Whoever was heedless before and afterwards is not; such a one illumines this world like the moon freed from clouds. ─── 人若不放逸,則自凈其意,并照耀世間,一如明月無(wú)云翳。

17、God is the One who illumines (lampo). Illumination = older theological term for testimony. ─── 上帝是光照人心的那位。光照=“圣靈的見(jiàn)證”的比較古舊的說(shuō)法。

18、You can then see in this light the one absolute Reality that pervades and illumines all life. ─── 你隨之能在此光中看到一個(gè)絕對(duì)實(shí)相,遍及和照亮所有生命。

19、it is bright, it teaches itself, it discloses itself, it illumines the soul with all salvation and grace, comforts it in God, humbles it, so that it loses and even forfeits itself, and embraces God. ─── 它是光明的,它自己教導(dǎo),自己發(fā)明,用一切救恩光照人心,使人在上帝里面得到安慰,使人謙卑,以致放棄自己而歸依上帝?!?/p>

20、The English ambassador began: "George the Third, who, like the sun at noonday, spreads his light and illumines the world. ─── 英國(guó)大使首先說(shuō),"我提議為喬治三世干杯,他像正午當(dāng)空的太陽(yáng),以他的光芒照耀著全世界。"

21、For You light my lamp; The LORD my God illumines my darkness. ─── 你必點(diǎn)著我的燈。耶和華我的神必照明我的黑暗。

22、The light illumines the specks, but does not depend on them . Nor can it be said to create them . It cannot be even said to know them. ─── 光線照著但并不依存于塵埃。它也不可以說(shuō)成制造它們。它甚至不認(rèn)識(shí)它們。

23、A smile often illumines a homely face. ─── 笑容常使其貌不揚(yáng)的人顯得神采奕奕。

24、The light of thy music illumines the world. ─── 你那音樂(lè)的光環(huán)照亮全球。

25、as, for instance, that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours. ─── 舉例以明之,這是同一個(gè)太陽(yáng),它使我種的豆子成熟,同時(shí)竟然照耀了像我們的地球之類的整個(gè)太陽(yáng)系。

26、His smile illumines all the world. ─── 他的微笑照亮了整個(gè)世界。

27、The light of thy music illumines the world. ─── 你的音樂(lè)的光輝照亮世界。

28、Pass them by, stopping at some chance joy, which like a sudden wonder of sunset illumines, yet elude. ─── 可你卻因?yàn)椴恢滥母聡}來(lái)地興頭呆下了,還不走了。告訴你那興頭就好比夕照日頭,突然來(lái)了吧,一會(huì)就得走,知道不?

29、of thy music illumines the world. ─── 你的音樂(lè)的光輝照亮了世界。

30、To most men, experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumin the track it has passed. ----Samuel Coleridge ─── 對(duì)多數(shù)人而言,經(jīng)驗(yàn)宛如船的尾燈,只照亮駛過(guò)的航班。---塞繆爾。爾雷基

31、1 Who is like the wise man, and who knows the explanation of things? A man's wisdom illumines his face, but an impudent look is resented. ─── 有誰(shuí)相似智者,有誰(shuí)會(huì)解釋事理?智慧使人的面容煥發(fā),使嚴(yán)肅的容貌變?yōu)闇睾汀?/p>

32、The English ambassador began: "George the Third, who, like the sun at noonday, spreads his light and illumines the world. " ─── 英國(guó)大使首先說(shuō),“我提議為喬治三世干杯,他像正午當(dāng)空的太陽(yáng),以他的光芒照耀著全世界?!?/p>

33、As the radiant lamps of the temple lighted up all about them, so Christ, the source of spiritual light, illumines the darkness of the world. ─── 圣殿中那燦爛的燈光怎樣照耀四方,那屬靈之光的光源基督,也必怎樣照亮世界的黑暗??墒沁@個(gè)表號(hào)還不十分完全。

34、The light of thy music illumines the world.The life breath of thy music runs from sky to sky.The holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rushes on. ─── 您音樂(lè)的光輝照亮世界.您音樂(lè)的氣息透徹諸天.您音樂(lè)的圣泉,沖破一切石障,奔涌向前.

35、It is a text which illumines a multitude of physical , mental and spiritual problems for aspirants. ─── 這是一部在生理、心理和精神等多方面啟迪修行者的著作。

36、As born-again Christians, the Holy Spirit dwells in us, illumines us, and corrects our wrong understanding of the truth. ─── 我們是重生得救的基督徒,圣靈住在我們里面,以真理光照我們,圣靈也會(huì)糾正我們對(duì)真理的錯(cuò)誤理解。

37、Let knowledge shines forth its glory. Let the truth illumines life! ─── 真理,遵循規(guī)律,珍惜個(gè)性,彼此相愛(ài)!讓知識(shí)綻放光芒!讓真理照亮人生!

38、That monk who while young devotes himself to the Teaching of the Buddha illumines this world like the moon freed from clouds. ─── 比丘雖然年輕,若勤修正法,亦會(huì)照耀這世間,如無(wú)云之月。

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