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monasticism 發(fā)音

英:[m??n?st?s?z?m]  美:[m??n?st?s?z?m]

英:  美:

monasticism 中文意思翻譯



monasticism 網(wǎng)絡釋義

n. 修道院生活;禁欲主義;出家;隱修制度

monasticism 詞性/詞形變化,monasticism變形

副詞: monastically |

monasticism 相似詞語短語

1、Gnosticism ─── n.諾斯替教(初期基督教的一派)

2、monastical ─── adj.出家的,僧院的

3、monastic ─── adj.修道院的;僧尼的;廟宇的;n.僧侶;修道士

4、monostichs ─── 單干

5、dynasticism ─── n.王朝的統(tǒng)治

6、fantasticism ─── n.怪誕;奇想

7、fanaticism ─── n.狂熱,著迷;盲信

8、agnosticism ─── n.不可知論

9、monastics ─── adj.修道院的;僧尼的;廟宇的;n.僧侶;修道士

monasticism 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、“Sometimes monastic officials wanted a child from a powerful local noble family to give the cloister more political clout. ─── “有時候宗教勢力希望能從當?shù)刭F族的家庭里尋找一個孩子,以此來增加寺院的政治權力。

2、Therefore, I made an arrangement with him to show him photos of all the monastic Masters I had encountered. ─── 于是和他約好時間再去找他,凡是我接觸過的出家?guī)煾赣姓掌?我全帶給他辨識。

3、a long wide piece of woolen cloth worn over the shoulders with an opening for the head; part of a monastic habit ─── 一塊穿在肩上又長又寬的毛線布,上面有一個能放開頭的開口;僧衣的一部分

4、Monasticism and Asceticism develop as important movements in the early Christian church. ─── 修道院制度和禁欲主義的發(fā)展是早期基督教會的重要運動。

5、Monastic wineries were responsible for establishing vineyards in Burgundy, Champagne and the Rhine Valley. ─── 修道院為開設酒廠在 勃艮第 、香檳還有萊茵山谷地區(qū)開辟了葡萄園。

6、From the point of view of history, of reason, and of truth, monasticism is condemned. ─── 從歷史、理性和真理的角度出發(fā),僧侶制度是該受譴責的。

7、While ensuring that Monastic education was imparted, he also realized that monastic education alone was not enough to put the country on the path of economic development. ─── 在確保寺院教育水準的同時,國王也認識到在處理該國的經濟發(fā)展問題上光靠寺院教育本身是不夠的。

8、A member of a monastic order, especially a nun or monk. ─── (1)修道士, 僧侶;

9、the monastic orders ─── 修士會

10、a long wide piece of woolen cloth worn over the shoulders with an opening for the head; part of a monastic habit. ─── 一塊穿在肩上又長又寬的毛線布,上面有一個能放開頭的開口;僧衣的一部分。

11、Of, relating to, or characteristic of monks or monasticism. ─── 修道士或僧侶的、與之有關的或有此特點的

12、Monasticism .Church members were encouraged to turn their backs to daily life, families, friends and marriage to live secluded and “holy” lives in monasteries as monks and nuns. ─── 修道生活/禁欲主義:鼓勵教會信徒拋棄日常生活、家庭、朋友和婚姻,到修道院做修士和修女,過隱退的、“圣潔”的生活。

13、The young Lama learned to read and write in the monastic school there and continued his studies under the great Rime teacher Khenpo Khedrup Rinpoche for another five years. ─── 于是,小賁措來到那兒的僧伽學校學習讀、寫。之后,又在偉大的利美上師堪布堪祝仁波切的教導下學習了五年。

14、a lodging for travelers (especially one kept by a monastic order) ─── 為旅游者準備的住處(多指由修道院人士辦的)

15、Monastic rapacity and domination were common themes in missionary writing. ─── 僧侶的貪婪和操控是傳教士作品中的一個共同主題。

16、The act of shaving the head or part of the head, especially as a preliminary to becoming a priest or a member of a monastic order. ─── 削發(fā)儀式剃光頭發(fā)或一部分頭發(fā),特別是指成為神甫或和尚的入門儀式

17、In 1986, he joined the Namo Buddha Monastic College and completed the five-year program and the Ngondro practice. ─── 1986年,他進入南無布達高級佛學院接受佛學教育并圓滿了四共加行。

18、We monastic practitioners ought not to have fear of adversecircumstances, for it is exactly those “baffled, confounded,unfitting, and uncomfortable” conditions that we practice totackle. ─── 出家修行不要怕逆惡的環(huán)境,修行就是要修這些“壞的、惡的、不能適應、不得自在”的境。

19、"Such an area, intended as an environment for contemplation, study, or relaxation, was a feature of monastic establishments and the colleges that evolved from them." ─── 原為修道院中供默禱、學習或休息的地方,后為學院所沿用。

20、Female Monasticism and the Social Status of Medieval English Noblewomen ─── 從修道生活試析中世紀英國貴族婦女的社會地位

21、The character, condition, or profession of a monk; monasticism. ─── 修道修道士的身份、狀況或職業(yè);

22、The Roman Empire high-pressure rules and its treats Christianity the policy is the social politics reason that the monasticism emerges. ─── 羅馬帝國的高壓統(tǒng)治及其對待基督教的政策是修道制度興起的社會政治原因。

23、The Temple Mount was the seat of the Templars, an order of monastic knights whose names derived from their location. ─── 圣殿山是圣堂武士的所在地。圣堂武士是一種僧侶武士,其名字源自于他們的位置。

24、With the dissolution of the monasteries in the 1530s, monastic fishponds disappeared along with the monks, and fish became politically suspect. ─── 16世紀30年代,隨著修道院逐漸瓦解,里面的魚塘也隨修道士消失了。

25、Monasticism in the Eastern Orthodox Church ─── 東正教隱修制度

26、The monastic life or system, especially as practiced in a monastery. ─── 僧院生活或制度,尤指在僧院中實施的

27、In the history of monasticism the word has two distinct technical meanings. ─── 在過去的歷史修道一詞有兩種截然不同的技術含義。

28、Why feeling can resemble a craving for tobacco same, is Buddhist monastic discipline dropped? ─── 為什么感情會象煙癮一樣,戒不掉?

29、He leads a monastic life. ─── 他過著隱居的生活。

30、Monastic life or practices. ─── 僧侶生活或修道生活

31、Map of Wushanshisha and Monastic Architecture in the South Areas of Changjiang River ─── 五山十剎圖與江南禪寺建筑

32、The Tibetan concept of the liberated mind, through compassion and monastic discipline, has created a multitude of forms - forms that resonate with the desolate grandeur of the Karakoram Himalayas and extremes of austerity and sacrifice. ─── 在世界上海拔最高的地方,藏民如何在眾多形式的修行中領悟大乘佛法的教理,在高度精神文明侍奉藏傳佛教。

33、But if you want to lead a monastic life, then I shall eat up your attachment to the world. ─── 但如果你想過僧侶生活,那么我就把你對世俗的依戀斬除?!?/p>

34、What unifying element there is in Buddhism, Mahayana and non-Mahayana, is provided by the monks and their adherence to the monastic rule. ─── 佛教中起到統(tǒng)合作用的元素,不論是大乘佛教還是部派佛教,都是由僧團及其對戒律的遵守所提供的。

35、Italian monk who as founder of the Benedictine order (c. 529) is considered the patriarch of Western monasticism. ─── 努爾西亞的本篤:創(chuàng)立本篤會(于公元529年)的意大利修士,是西方修道院制度的元祖

36、The second, about actual part of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty. ─── 其次,關于隋唐時期的僧尼的實際角色。

37、Tsongkhapa, the great reformer and the founder of the Glugpa monastic order is an earthly incarnation of Manjushri. ─── 可口演八方妙語,了知一切真實,消除愚癡、暗啞與語言障礙等。

38、Anthony of Egypt, who established an early form of Christian monasticism in the 4th century, and the pillar hermit Simeon Stylites. ─── 其他著名的隱士包括埃及的圣安東尼,他在4世紀時建立了基督教修行的早期形式,以及柱頭修士圣西門。

39、Fortunately, he discovered a monastic order in India whose members not only served the poor but became poor themselves.Ever since he joined the order, his work of serving had gone much more smoothly. ─── 虧得在印度,發(fā)現(xiàn)了這個修會,他們不僅要服務窮人,也要使自己變成窮人,自從他參加了這個修會以后,他的服務工作順利多了。

40、St Sergius founded in this area a secluded monastic abode. ─── 圣塞吉阿斯在該地區(qū)修建了一所隱僻的僧侶院。

41、The morphology of this notion is an interesting theme in monasticism and pedagogy henceforth. ─── 這個觀念的形態(tài)對于以后修道院靈修教導,是個有趣的主題。

42、The monastic orders gladly accept this heavy peasant earthenware, which is easily fashioned into a capuchin or an Ursuline ─── 各種教會的修道院都樂于收容那種粗笨的鄉(xiāng)間土貨,一舉手而變成嘉布遣會修士或圣于爾絮勒會修女。

43、Again, about part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty. ─── 再次,關于隋唐時期的僧尼角色沖突。

44、We monastic practitioners ought not to have fear of adverse circumstances, for it is exactly those “baffled, confounded, unfitting, and uncomfortable” conditions that we practice to tackle. ─── 70出家修行不要怕逆惡的環(huán)境,修行就是要修這些“壞的、惡的、不能適應、不得自在”的境。

45、He lives a life of monastic simplicity. ─── 他過著修道士般的簡樸生活。

46、This is a story from India. Once an enlightened master asked his disciple to renounce the world and join his monastic order. ─── 印度有一個故事:有一位明師叫他的徒弟放下世界,來跟他出家。

47、Founder of the Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino, Italy, and father of Western monasticism. ─── 義大利蒙特卡西諾本篤會修道院的創(chuàng)辦人,也是西方基督教修行制度的創(chuàng)始人。

48、To abdicate with the object of reigning seems to be the device of monasticism. ─── 以退為進,這好象是僧侶制度的座右銘。

49、The historical facts indicated Sui and Tang dynasties expected and desired mostly monastic to disobey Buddhism commandment and exceed the secular world and break away family. ─── 史實表明,隋唐社會對僧尼的期望與要求主要是持守戒律、超脫塵俗、脫離家庭。

50、When practitioners live in a small group without the restraint of monastic rules, they may easily indulge themselves hence forfeit the opportunities to discipline and train their minds. ─── 否則一、兩個人住在一起,沒有叢林規(guī)矩的約束,很容易變成我行我素,隨心所欲,而失去了磨練的機會。

51、“It was a huge ego-crushing machine as any valid monastic tradition is” said a man who lived at Morehouse for 20 years and did not want to be identified. ─── 住在Morehouse20年但不愿透露姓名的一名男子說:“那是一臺巨大的自我粉碎機器,跟所有有效的廟宇傳統(tǒng)一樣。”

52、The Buddha is a valiant and powerful champion. The Bodhisattva is compassionate and rescues sentient beings. The Arhat is selfless and self-sacri-ficing. The monastic vows to practice kindness and righteousness. ─── 佛陀大雄大力大無畏菩薩大慈大悲大救濟羅漢大舍大離大犧牲僧侶大愿大行大情義。

53、He was not a large man or a strong one: lung trouble had disrupted his studies as a boy, and he had been advised at26 to give up the monastic life for his health's sake. ─── 他長得并不高大,也不強壯:還是個孩子的時候,肺病就中斷了他的學業(yè);26歲時,有人還建議他為了健康著想而放棄僧侶生活。

54、Others destined to be monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna came to Dakshineswar. ─── 其他注定要成為僧侶的門徒來到了達克希什瓦。

55、Monastic communities are to the great social community what the mistletoe is to the oak, what the wart is to the human body. ─── 修道團體,對廣大的人類社會來說,正如檞樹上的寄生物,人體上的瘤。

56、Monasticism, such as it existed in Spain, and such as it still exists in Thibet, is a sort of phthisis for civilization. ─── 象存在于西班牙和西藏那樣的僧侶制度,對文化來說,那是一種癆病。

57、Several Questions On Buddhist Monastic Officers During The Period of Tibetan Occupation at Dunhuang ─── 吐蕃統(tǒng)治時期敦煌僧官的幾個問題

58、(5) should Buddhist monastic disciplineSmoke, before sleeping especially or suck when insomniaSmoke, nicotine is irritant, the meeting is disturbed and regularMorpheus. ─── (5)應戒煙,尤其不要在睡前或失眠時吸煙,尼古丁是刺激劑,會擾亂正常睡眠。

59、Probing into Monastic Economic Formation of Buddhism in Ancient Times of India ─── 古印度佛教寺院經濟形態(tài)探析

60、The monastic community generally lives a life of simplicity. ─── 僧侶界通常過著簡樸生活。

61、Their belief in mysticism eventually led to the monastic movement. ─── 他們相信一種神秘主義,最終會引向僧侶運動。

62、So they were practicing a certain kind of early asceticism and monasticism but with this very strong prophetic stream of it also. ─── 所以他們遵行的,是早期的禁欲主義和修道主義,但同時又有很濃重的先知性質。

63、They passed by Bubbling Spring Temple again, then walked on past one monastic establishment after another, until finally they arrived at the Monastery of the Holy Precinct. ─── 一入五臺山,行不數(shù)里便是一座寺廟,過涌泉寺后,經臺麓寺、石佛廟、普濟寺、古佛寺、金剛庫、白云寺、金燈寺而至靈境寺。

64、real rise of monasticism. ─── 修道主義真正崛起了。

65、His disciplined devotion to tennis late in his career was almost monastic. ─── 在職業(yè)生涯的后期,他付出了幾乎清教徒般嚴格艱苦的努力。

66、Neil Rushton, Monastic charitable provision in the later middle ages: a closer look at Westminster Abbey ─── 中世紀晚期的修道院慈善布施:威斯敏斯特修道院近觀

67、The act of shaving the head or part of the head,especially as a preliminary to becoming a priest or a member of a monastic order. ─── 削發(fā)儀式剃光頭發(fā)或一部分頭發(fā),特別是指成為神甫或和尚的入門儀式。

68、The monastic regime, good at the beginning of civilization, useful in the reduction of the brutal by the spiritual, is bad when peoples have reached their manhood. ─── 僧侶制度對早期的文化是有好處的,在精神方面它可以減少強暴的習氣,但到了人民精力飽滿時它卻是有害的。

69、On Athos and elsewhere, monasticism plays an important symbolic role in Greek culture. ─── 在阿索斯山和其他地區(qū),修士制度在希臘的文化中有著重要的象征意義。

70、Some of his criticisms concentrated on the well-known monastic enclosure, seen every year by tens of thousands of visitors who are ferried out by local boatmen and must then climb more than 600 steps. ─── 他批評了著名的僧侶圍院,這座圍院每年接待成千上萬的游客,他們先乘渡輪或本地船只上島,然后還得爬上600多級臺階到達這里。

71、The character,condition,or profession of a monk; monasticism. ─── 修道修道士的身份、狀況或職業(yè);僧院制度

72、The nunneries of the Western Europe in the middle age was the monastic community which was tied by the religion . ─── 中世紀西歐的修女院是女性以信仰為紐帶聯(lián)結在一起的修道團體,也是植根于中世紀歐洲文化土壤中的一道獨特景觀。

73、a lodging for travelers (especially one kept by a monastic order). ─── 為旅游者準備的住處(多指由修道院人士辦的)。

74、The Development of Monastic Communities and Religious Orders ─── 修道社群和宗教秩序的發(fā)展

75、The character,condition,or profession of a monk;monasticism. ─── 修道修道士的身份、狀況或職業(yè);僧院制度

76、Some years later Gopal gave the Master the ochre cloths with which the latter initiated several of his disciples into monastic life. ─── 幾年之后,哥帕爾向師父提供了赭色的僧袍,后來用來分發(fā)給過僧侶生活的門徒。

77、Other religions also have their monastic people. Though they wear different clothes and live in different ways, they are regarded as monastic people. ─── 別的宗教也有出家人,大家穿不一樣的衣服,生活方式也不大一樣,不過他們都算出家人。

78、object of monasticism is to love God in the highest degree possible in this life. ─── 對象的修道生活,是上帝的愛在最高程度可能在這方面的生活。

79、For example will we be destined to be a leader, healer, builder, teacher, student, warrior, monastic, parent, etc? ─── 例如我們往生成為一個領導、醫(yī)生、建筑工人、教師、學生、戰(zhàn)士、僧侶、父母親等等?

80、The monastic scribes who spent their lives copying religious texts in the Middle Ages threw themselves into their work as a measure of devotion -- but also to generate income for their monasteries. ─── 中世紀那些將畢生精力用于抄錄宗教典籍的修道士將這種工作視為衡量其虔誠的標準,同時也是為了給他們的修道院創(chuàng)收。

81、From the point of view of history, of reason, and of truth, monasticism is condemned. ─── 從歷史、理性和真理的角度出發(fā),僧侶制度是該受譴責的。

82、Has been distorted at times: monasticism, asceticism. ─── 可是曾被歪曲:修道院運動,禁欲主義等。

83、He traveled without seeing countries, rarely leaving his hotel expect to practice, and he ate the same monastic training diet for years, sauceless pasta and chicken. ─── 因此他被人定義為無趣,但這樣的稱呼對一個把職業(yè)精神演繹得出神入化的運動員來說是一種傷害,反之亦然。

84、" One day he asked the boys, in preparation for a monastic life, to beg their food from door to door without thought of caste. ─── 一天,他要求這些準備過僧侶生活的男孩不分種姓地挨家挨戶地行乞。

85、As monastic property, Durham College surrendered to Henry VIII, who planned to re-found it with provost, 4 readers, 9 scholars, 10 divinity students at Oxford and 10 at Cambridge, schoolmaster and usher. ─── 后來,作為寺院的財產,達勒姆學院又被亨利八世沒收;他打算對學校進行重建,配備1名院長,4名講師,9名學者,牛津和劍橋的神學院學生各lo名,還有1名教師和1名助教。

86、" Still, the Karmapa observes the probities of monastic life, fasting and sitting for long hours of meditation. ─── 噶瑪巴禁食、沉思數(shù)個小時,堅守著僧侶生活的正直。

87、On the Contributions of FENG Guo-rui to the Study of the Monastic Grottoes of Gansu Province ─── 馮國瑞對甘肅石窟寺的研究及其貢獻

88、Instead of chattering on worldly matters, we monastic practitioners ought to discuss only about the Dharma. ─── 54修道人不談佛法,而談俗事,這非出家人的本分。

89、1. Monasticism; A desire to bring about the union of one's soul with God. ─── 修道院制度:一種使靈魂與神合一的渴望。

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