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10-03 投稿


mastoidal 發(fā)音


英:  美:

mastoidal 中文意思翻譯



mastoidal 詞性/詞形變化,mastoidal變形

形容詞: mastodonic |

mastoidal 相似詞語短語

1、mastoids ─── n.乳突;乳般突起;adj.乳頭狀的

2、discoidal ─── adj.盤狀的;平圓形的;n.圓盤

3、amianthoidal ─── 轉(zhuǎn)氨酶

4、cissoidal ─── adj.蔓葉線的,凹邊的

5、asteroidal ─── adj.星狀的

6、mastoid ─── n.乳突;乳般突起;adj.乳頭狀的

7、autocidal ─── adj.把害蟲個體消毒或基因改造再把其放回群體以控制繁殖的

8、mastodon ─── n.[古生]乳齒象;龐然大物;adj.巨大的;龐大的

9、factoidal ─── 因子

mastoidal 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The attic retraction pocket reflected the negative pressure of middle ear and its pathogenesis was related with the function of Eustachian tube, inflammation and pneumatization of mastoid. ─── 上鼓室內(nèi)陷袋反映中耳負(fù)壓狀態(tài),其發(fā)病機制與咽鼓管功能、炎癥、乳突氣化程度相關(guān);

2、closure of fistula of mastoid ─── 乳突瘺閉合術(shù)

3、mastoid bone gouging forceps ─── 乳突咬骨鉗

4、Excision of lesion of mastoid bone ─── 乳突骨病損切除術(shù)

5、The mastoid bone membrane in tympanoplasty:with a report of 314 ears ─── 乳突骨膜在鼓室成形術(shù)中的應(yīng)用(附314例報告)

6、The application in reconstructive operation of external ear with the fascial flap in mastoid area ─── 乳突筋膜皮瓣在臨床外耳再造術(shù)中的應(yīng)用

7、mastoid canaliculus for Arnold's nerve ─── 乳突(部)小管

8、Mastoid process fascia ─── 乳突筋膜

9、Reconstruction of mastoid cavity ─── 乳突腔重建術(shù)

10、appendages of mastoid proces ─── 乳突壁(解)Paries mastoideus{拉}, Adnexa mastoidea{拉}

11、Excision of mastoid ─── 乳突切除術(shù)

12、Calamida's ear and mastoid gouge ─── 卡拉密達(dá)(氏)耳及乳突圓骨鑿

13、Repair of mastoid antrum or cavity ─── 乳突或腔修復(fù)術(shù)

14、A mastoid operation is necessary to eliminate the possibility of intracranial complications. ─── 為了消除引起顱內(nèi)并發(fā)癥的可能性,必須要作乳突手術(shù)。

15、Keywords Tympanitis;Cholesteatoma;Mastoid;Surgical operation; ─── 關(guān)鍵詞中耳炎;膽脂瘤;乳突;

16、The application of mastoid obliteration with homograft tooth in open method tympanoplasty ─── 乳突腔同種異體牙充填在開放式鼓室成形術(shù)中的應(yīng)用

17、Observation of Chinese Mastoid Process ─── 國人乳突觀測

18、Alexander's ear and mastoid gouge ─── 亞歷山大(氏)耳及乳突圓骨鑿

19、Lateral wall of mastoid antrum ─── 乳突竇外側(cè)壁

20、surgical removal of mastoid cells or part or all of the mastoid process ─── 乳突小房切除術(shù),乳突切除術(shù)

21、Cholesteatoma of middle ear and mastoid ─── 中耳和乳突膽質(zhì)瘤

22、Empyema of mastoid ─── 乳突積膿

23、Of or relating to the mastoid process. ─── 乳突的乳突的或與此相關(guān)的

24、sulcus of mastoid canaliculus ─── 乳突小管溝

25、appendages of mastoid process ─── 乳突壁, 乳突附件


27、mastoiditis [mastoid infection] ─── 乳突炎

28、Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid ─── 乳突骨膜下膿腫

29、Microsurgical anatomy of cerebellopontine angle via keyhole approach of posterior mastoid plate ─── 乳突后平臺鎖孔入路至腦橋小腦角的顯微外科解剖

30、cholesteatoma of mastoid ─── 乳突膽脂瘤

31、sclerotic mastoid ─── [醫(yī)] 硬化型乳突

32、Including the head of lip sudden, the mastoid. ─── 頭部包括唇突、乳突。

33、Excision of scar of mastoid ─── 乳突瘢痕切除術(shù)

35、Lombard-Beyer mastoid rongeur ─── 倫-拜二氏乳突咬骨鉗

36、Keywords Otitis media with effusion;Middle ear and mastoid;Surgical procedure;operative; ─── 中耳炎;伴滲出液;中耳乳突;外科手術(shù);

37、pneumatic mastoid ─── [醫(yī)] 氣化性乳突

38、The mastoid process. ─── 乳狀突起

39、Inflammation of the mastoid process and mastoid cells. ─── 乳突炎,乳突小房炎。

40、Primary sclerotic mastoid cell ─── 初級硬化乳突小房

41、Sensitivity of CT diagnosis is the highest for attic cholesteatoma(81.25%) and the lowest for mastoid cholesteatoma (50%); ─── CT診斷膽脂瘤的敏感性最高在上鼓室(81.25%),最低在乳突(50%)。


43、Fifty-three ears (96.36%) were constrictive or diploetic type mastoid in the ailing side while 32 ears in the opposite sides. ─── 中耳炎患者患側(cè)乳突呈硬化型或板障型者53耳,占96.36%,而對側(cè)乳突呈硬化型或板障型者32耳,占58.18%。

44、Keywords Langerhan cell granuloma;Mastoid region; ─── 關(guān)鍵詞郎格罕細(xì)胞肉芽腫;乳突區(qū);

45、fistula of mastoid ─── 乳突瘺

46、entrance to mastoid antrum ─── 乳突竇入口

47、Mastoid processus ─── 乳突

48、Anterior wall of mastoid antrum ─── 乳突竇前壁

49、tuberculosis of middle ear and mastoid ─── 中耳乳突結(jié)核

50、foreign body of mastoid ─── 乳突異物

51、Fig.2 The pathologic changes only involved mastoid process area, but not the ossicular chain area; only simple mastoidectomy is given for treatment. ─── 圖2病變僅累及鼓竇乳突區(qū),聽骨鏈未受累,僅作乳突鑿開術(shù)(略)

52、Hartmann's ear and mastoid gouge ─── 哈特曼(氏)耳及乳突圓骨鑿

53、The application of mastoid cavity plombage in open method tympanoplasty ─── 乳突腔充填術(shù)在開放式鼓室成形術(shù)中的應(yīng)用

54、Closure of postauricular fistula of mastoid ─── 乳突耳后瘺閉合術(shù)

55、primary cholesteatoma of mastoid ─── 原發(fā)性乳突膽脂瘤

56、Pain on these maneuvers suggests inflammation of the ear canal. Also, press firmly on the mastoid bone behind the ear. ─── 出現(xiàn)在這些操作中的疼痛表明了在耳道里的炎癥。并且有力的擠壓在耳朵后的乳突骨.

57、Medial wall of mastoid antrum ─── 乳突竇內(nèi)壁

58、Effects of low frequency electric stimulation at bilateral mastoid processes on motor function and cerebral blood flow of children with cerebral palsy ─── 頭部低頻電刺激對腦性癱瘓兒童運動功能及腦血流的影響

59、Diagnosis and treatment of the external auditory canal cholesteatoma invading the tympanic cavity and mastoid ─── 侵及鼓室、乳突的外耳道膽脂瘤診斷和治療

60、Tuberculosis of mastoid process ─── 乳突結(jié)核

61、carbuncle on the left mastoid region ─── 夭疽

62、Doctor:Do you feel a pain when I press on the mastoid bone behind your right ear. ─── 醫(yī)生:當(dāng)我壓你右耳后的乳突骨時,你有感到痛嗎?

63、Measurement of Mastoid Antrum in HRCT Axial Scanning and Its Clinical Value ─── 乳突竇區(qū)HRCT軸位斷面測量及其臨床價值

64、Impacts of Mastoid Plombage and Cavity of Concha on the Efficacy of Formation of Radical Mastoidectomy ─── 乳突腔充填術(shù)及耳甲腔成形術(shù)對乳突根治術(shù)效果的影響

65、Langenbeck's mastoid retractor ─── 蘭根貝克(氏)乳突拉鉤

66、Hartmann's ear and mastoid chisel ─── 哈特曼(氏)耳及乳突骨鑿

67、Alexander's ear and mastoid chisel ─── 亞歷山大(氏)耳及乳突骨鑿

68、Hartmann's mastoid rongeur ─── 哈特曼(氏)乳突咬骨鉗

69、The size of the mastoid air cell system in Chinese young people with normal audition ─── 具有正常聽力的年青人乳突氣化面積的研究

70、emissary vein, mastoid ─── 乳突導(dǎo)靜脈

71、mastoid obliteration operations ─── 乳突充填術(shù)

72、If client complains of pain, gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone. ─── 如受檢者叫痛,輕拉耳廓、按耳屏及耳后顳骨乳突部。

73、Abscess of mastoid ─── 乳突膿腫

74、Open excision of mastoid lesion ─── 乳突病變切除術(shù)

75、photographic stand for mastoid ─── 乳突攝片架

76、Keywords Facial paralysis;Ear;middle;Mastoid;Surgical procedures;operative; ─── 關(guān)鍵詞面神經(jīng)麻痹;中耳;乳突;外科手術(shù);

77、The development of the two side mastoid can be imcompatible. ─── 雙側(cè)乳突發(fā)育可不一致。

78、self-retaining mastoid retractor ─── 乳突自持牽開器

79、Exploration of mastoid ─── 乳突探查術(shù)

80、posterior mastoid fontanelle ─── 乳突囟

81、 雙語使用場景

82、Langerhan cell granuloma of mastoid region: case report ─── 乳突區(qū)郎格罕細(xì)胞肉芽腫1例

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