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10-03 投稿


notabilities 發(fā)音

英:[?n??t??b?l?tiz]  美:[?no?t??b?l?tiz]

英:  美:

notabilities 中文意思翻譯



notabilities 詞性/詞形變化,notabilities變形

名詞復數: notabilities |

notabilities 相似詞語短語

1、cutabilities ─── n.可切性;精肉率

2、instabilities ─── n.不穩(wěn)定(性);基礎薄弱;不安定

3、nobilities ─── n.貴族;高貴;高尚

4、-abilities ─── n.能力,才能(ability的復數形式)

5、sorbabilities ─── 山梨炎

6、sociabilities ─── n.善于交際;社交性;好交際

7、abilities ─── n.能力,才能(ability的復數形式)

8、stabilities ─── n.穩(wěn)定性;堅定,恒心

9、probabilities ─── 可能性;[統(tǒng)計]概率(probability的復數)

notabilities 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Comparison of trademarks should meet the requirement of overall similarity. Meanwhile, comparing trademark notabilities is also of important significance. ─── 商標比對應當符合整體相似的要求,同時商標的顯著性比對也具有非常重要的意義。

2、By stepwise regression analysis of test results, the notabilities of effect on stress corrosion cracking susceptive indexes of medium parameters are revealed. ─── 通過試驗數據的逐步回歸分析,進一步揭示試驗介質參數對應力腐蝕敏感性指數影響的顯著性。

3、He again declined,but the prefect resisted his refusal, all the notabilities of the place came to implore him, the people in the street besought him,the urging was so vigorous that he ended by accepting. ─── 他仍舊推辭,但是省長不許他推辭,所有的重要人物也都來勸駕,人民群集街頭向他請愿,敦促的情況太熱烈了,他只好接受。

4、To-night, disturbed as was his state, he was rather relieved to find company, and now that notabilities were gathered, he laid aside his troubles for the nonce, and joined in right heartily. ─── 今晚,雖然他心緒不佳,但有人作伴他還是很覺寬慰。 現(xiàn)在既然名流聚到了一起,他也就將自己的麻煩事暫時擱在一邊,盡情地加入他們之中。

5、If Hurstwood had one leaning, it was toward notabilities. ─── 倘若赫斯渥有什么可傾心的,那就是傾心名流。

6、The resolution and some notabl problems in the testing of the large diameter cast-in peace pile by the crosshole sonic logging ─── 聲波透射法在檢測大直徑灌注基樁的分辨率及應注意的幾個問題

7、Many notabilities give money to schools and charities, and do a lot of work to help people. ─── 一些名人可以給錢給學校和慈善機構,還能夠讓許多工作者幫助人們。

8、Miss Ley would gladly have escaped an afternoon of small talk with the notabilities of Leanham ─── 利小姐慶幸逃脫了同利恩哈姆那些名貴們一個下午的瑣事閑談。

9、My neighbors tell me of their adventures with famous gentlemen and ladies, what notabilities they met at the dinner-table; ─── 我的鄰居告訴我他們和有名先生和小姐的冒險,他們在餐桌上見面是多么高貴;

10、A Further study of the Personality of Chinese Cultural Notabilities in Modern times ─── 近現(xiàn)代中國文化名人人格的擴展研究

11、In the former, the author does research into four aspects, including the discovery of Oracle Bone Inscription, the calligraphy history, the calligraphy literature and the notabilities. ─── 上篇從甲骨文發(fā)現(xiàn)、書法史、書法著作、代表人物四個方面。

12、The Cafe of the simple inn where they stayed was the meeting place of the notabilities of the little city; ─── 他們下榻的這家小店中的餐館是城中名流會聚之地,這些名流從市長、律師到醫(yī)生,以及一些其他人物;

13、The Reading Room of the Museum is famous for the number of scholars and notabilities who have studied in it. ─── 由于在大英博物館做研究的學者和名人不勝枚舉,所以博物館的閱覽室名聲斐然。

14、My neighbors tell me of their adventures with famous gentlemen and ladies, what notabilities they met at the dinner-table; ─── 我的鄰居告訴我他們和有名先生和小姐的冒險,他們在餐桌上見面是多么高貴;

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