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10-03 投稿


misdoing 發(fā)音


英:  美:

misdoing 中文意思翻譯



misdoing 詞性/詞形變化,misdoing變形

動詞第三人稱單數(shù): misdoes |動詞過去式: misdid |動詞過去分詞: misdone |名詞: misdoer |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: misdoing |

misdoing 相似詞語短語

1、mismoving ─── 錯誤移動

2、misdone ─── 做錯了

3、misyoking ─── 錯配

4、discoing ─── n.迪斯科舞廳;的士高;n.(Disco)人名;(意)迪斯科

5、misgoing ─── 誤入歧途

6、miscoding ─── n.密碼錯編;v.錯編密碼;(醫(yī))錯誤的遺傳密碼(miscode的現(xiàn)在分詞)

7、misdating ─── vt.填錯日期;n.填錯的日期

8、miscuing ─── n.撞歪;失誤;vi.撞歪;錯過提示

9、misadding ─── 誤加

misdoing 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、It is the misunderstanding and misdoing of the philosophy to make the medical philosophy become unnecessary with the medicine. ─── 使哲學成為醫(yī)學多余是那種對哲學的錯誤理解和做法。

2、Jump on sb. for his misdoing ─── 由于某人做了壞事而對他嚴加責備

3、Allegations of corruption and official misdoing have been central to the popular protests in India and China. ─── 對于腐敗現(xiàn)象與官員犯罪的指控,是印度和中國公眾抗議活動的主因。

4、But the fault shall be equal to the punishment, don't give a big punishment for a small misdoing, or a small reward for a big good behave. ─── 但處罰的程度應(yīng)與錯誤大小程度一致,不要在一個小錯誤上施加一個很大的懲罰,或者只給非常好的行為一個很小的獎勵。

5、It is the misunderstanding and misdoing of the philosophy to make the medical philosophy become unnecessary with the medicine. ─── 使哲學成為醫(yī)學多余是那種對哲學的錯誤理解和做法。

6、But the fault shall be equal to the punishment, don't give a big punishment for a small misdoing , or a small reward for a big good behave. ─── 但處罰的程度應(yīng)與錯誤大小程度一致,不要在一個小錯誤上施加一個很大的懲罰,或者只給非常好的行為一個很小的獎勵。

7、There is a bizarrerie in our life: Whether you are doing something or not , whatever your are doing good or misdoing, there are always some person criticizing you. ─── 生活中有一種奇怪現(xiàn)象:無論你做事還是不做事,無論做好事還是做壞事,都會有人議論。

8、The knowledge, power and illumination of the soul which accompany this opening will then be concentrated on the good of others and not to one's own misdoing. ─── 隨之而來的靈魂的知識、力量和啟迪就會集中于他人的利益、而不是一個人自己的壞事上。

9、The retailer giant was finded 2. 69 million yuan for its misdoing, according to the local authorities. ─── 重慶有關(guān)部門稱,這一零售商巨頭以前已先后被罰款達269萬元。

10、is the misunderstanding and misdoing of the philosophy to make the medical philosophy become unnecessary with the medicine. ─── 使哲學成為醫(yī)學多余是那種對哲學的錯誤理解和做法。

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