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10-03 投稿


memorializing 發(fā)音

英:[m??m??ri?la?z??]  美:[m??m??ri?la?z??]

英:  美:

memorializing 中文意思翻譯



memorializing 詞性/詞形變化,memorializing變形

動詞過去分詞: memorialized |名詞: memorialization |動詞過去式: memorialized |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): memorializes |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: memorializing |

memorializing 相似詞語短語

1、memorialize ─── vt.紀念;請愿;提出請愿書

2、materializing ─── vt.使具體化,使有形;使突然出現(xiàn);使重物質而輕精神;vi.實現(xiàn),成形;突然出現(xiàn)

3、demobilizing ─── vt.遣散;使復員;使退伍(demobilise)

4、memorialising ─── 紀念;請愿;遞交請愿書

5、deformalizing ─── vt.使不拘禮節(jié);使非正式;簡化

6、demoralizing ─── adj.令人泄氣的;v.使無斗志;使墮落(demoralize的ing形式)

7、mercurializing ─── v.使輕松;v.用水銀處理

8、remoralizing ─── vt.使重有德性;重新賦予道德

9、immortalizing ─── vt.使不滅;使名垂千古,使不朽

memorializing 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、4 Memorializing and Organizing Information in an Accessible Form; ─── 以一種可以了解的形式記憶和組織信息;

2、Guiding Ideals of Chinese Resisting Japanese Aggression University of Military and Politics and Its Significance for Contemporary Military Academy Education--Memorializing the 70th Anniversary of Chinese Resisting Japanese ─── 抗大辦學理念對當代軍校教育的啟示--紀念中國人民抗日軍政大學成立70周年

3、The Obama administration deserves major credit not only for ceasing this practice, but for memorializing it formally in writing. ─── 奧巴馬當局值得表揚不僅僅因為他停止了以上條例,而且因為他以書面的形式正式記錄了。

4、Memorializing and Organizing Information in an Accessible Form; ─── 以一種可以了解的形式記憶和組織信息;

5、Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away. ─── 那些花崗巖石板和石碑上紀念他征服埃及的圖象早就被鑿下并偷走。

6、he says, should include showing patience, resilience and self-sacrifice in the face of tragedy, and memorializing the dead. ─── 他還說到,在面對災難時,這種態(tài)度應表示為耐心、韌性以及自我犧牲精神。 除此之外,還包括對死者的悼念。

7、Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away. ─── 花崗巖石板和石碑上紀念他征服埃及的圖象早就被鑿下并偷走。

8、It's a day of memorializing mothers. ─── 這天是紀念母親的日子。

9、A concert memorializing the late Hong Kong mega star Leslie Cheung will be held at Shanghai Stadium on April 19. ─── 為紀念香港已故巨星張國榮,上海劇院將于4月19日舉辦一場演唱會。

10、That response, he says, should include showing patience, resilience and self-sacrifice in the face of tragedy, and memorializing the dead. ─── 他還說到,在面對災難時,這種態(tài)度應表示為耐心、韌性以及自我犧牲精神。除此之外,還包括對死者的悼念。

11、Monks, nomads and merchants have turned the joyous Losar holiday into a dirge, memorializing TBans who died in last year's conflict and pining for the return of the exiled Dalai Lama. ─── 僧侶、牧民和商人們紛紛追悼在去年沖突中的死難者和希冀流亡國外的DLLM的歸來。他們早已將喜慶的洛薩節(jié)日變成喪事一樁,哀歌一曲。

12、Copi:untuk membuat salinan data cadangan dari memori telepon ke kartu SIM memori atau membuat salinan data cadangan dari kartu SIM memori ke memori telepon. ─── 拷貝: 可將手機中的記錄復制到SIM上或將SIM卡上的記錄復制到手機中。

13、The Spanish-American memoria--newspaper verses memorializing the dead--have been considered to be folk poetry, leading folklorist T. M. Pearce, an investigator of this and other local verse, to propose this definition of a folk poet: ─── 西班牙裔美國人所寫的紀念詞,即在報紙上發(fā)表的悼念死者的韻文,也被看作是民間詩歌。 民俗學的先導T - M - 珀西,曾調查了這一領域和其他的詩歌,對民間詩人作了如下的定義:

14、Many who opposed the library had moral objections to memorializing a President whose behavior in office was reproachable, and they feared a negative effect on the university's reputation. ─── 最后再回到尼克松圖書館的話題。1974年底,美國政府做出決定將尼克松在任期間所有的文件資料暫時收入國家檔案館,以利于水門事件及相關事件的進一步調查。

15、The Academic Mien of the Great Master of Linguistics Memorializing Professor Yin Huan-xian ─── 殷煥先先生的學術風范

16、Still, he didn't bother memorializing himself with a photograph on his book cover or even mention his illness inside. ─── 不過,他沒有在該書封面上用照片來紀念自己,或甚至在書中提及他身患絕癥一事。

17、Our products “Jinglong” having high value in memorializing and collecting ,because of its excellent raw material ,fine workmanship ,unique shape and glittery appearance . ─── 該公司生產的“晶龍”牌系列水晶工藝禮品用料優(yōu)質、精細磨雕、造型獨特、耀眼奪目。

18、Instead, we ask questions about whose imagination and memory we are expressing and memorializing. ─── 相反地,我們質疑,我們表達和紀念的是誰的想象和記憶。

19、This museum is established for memorializing the great writer Lu Xun. ─── 這個博物館是為了紀念偉大作家魯迅而建造的。

20、Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away. ─── 那些花崗巖石板和石碑上紀念他征服埃及的圖象早就被鑿下并偷走。

21、A park memorializing the 1923quake was constructed on the site where 30, 000 people died in afirestorm. ─── 一個紀念1923年地震的公園建在有三萬人死于一次風暴性大火的地點。

22、The System of Memorializing to the Throne in the Reign of Emperor Qianlong ─── 乾隆朝奏折制度探析

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