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10-03 投稿


homesickness 發(fā)音

英:['hom,s?kn?s]  美:[?ho?ms?kn?s]

英:  美:

homesickness 中文意思翻譯



homesickness 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、deliberating homesickness ─── 思鄉(xiāng)

2、homesickness is very common ─── 思鄉(xiāng)病很常見

3、debilitating homesickness ─── 使人衰弱的鄉(xiāng)愁

4、beat homesickness ─── 戰(zhàn)勝思鄉(xiāng)病

5、what is homesickness ─── 什么是鄉(xiāng)愁

homesickness 詞性/詞形變化,homesickness變形

名詞: homesickness |

homesickness 同義詞

address | place | homewards | home plate | nursing home | sanitarium | habitat | internal | roof | interior | institution | base | family circle | domicile | hospital | plate | family | habitation | quarter | house | homegrown | abode | home base | provincial | in | homeward |residence | national | hearth | asylum | dwelling house | rest home | dwelling | birthplace | menage | domestic | household

homesickness 反義詞

abroad | foreign |away

homesickness 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、homelikeness ─── 家庭示例

2、lovesickness ─── n.相思病

3、ozone sickness ─── 臭氧病

4、carsickness ─── n.暈車

5、greensickness ─── n.黃萎?。痪G色貧血

6、iron sickness ─── 鐵病

7、heartsickness ─── 心臟病

8、homeliness ─── n.樸素;尋常;粗野

9、airsickness ─── n.暈機(jī)

homesickness 常見例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Her renditions of Okinawan songs of celebration and sad songs for homesick travelers always move the audience. ─── 她演唱的沖繩祭典歌謠和洋溢濃濃鄉(xiāng)愁的抒情曲總是能感動(dòng)聽眾。

2、Homesickness has not set in, despite past reports in the British press that had linked him to a return at the helm of British Airways. ─── 盡管以往英國(guó)媒體的報(bào)道將他與重掌英國(guó)航空(BritishAirways)聯(lián)系在一起,但思家情緒并未萌生。

3、He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful. ─── 他很想家,但卻竭力表現(xiàn)得很高興。

4、Do you sometimes get homesick? ─── 你有時(shí)候是不是也很想家?

5、My heart is homesick to day for the one sweet hour accross the sea of time. ─── 今天,我的心想家了,在想著那橫渡時(shí)間之海的甜蜜一刻。

6、The girl became homesick after a week's stay at her aunt's. ─── 女孩在姑媽家住了一個(gè)星期就想家了。

7、Later, homesickness was a low tomb, I stood outside ,and my mother lied inside. ─── 后來??!鄉(xiāng)愁是一方矮矮的墳?zāi)?,我在外頭,母親在里頭。

8、Advising ocw when feeling homesick. ─── 安撫外勞思鄉(xiāng)情緒。

9、My heart is homesick today for the one sweet hour acro the sea of time. ─── 今天我的心是在想家了,在想著那跨過時(shí)間之海的那一個(gè)甜蜜的時(shí)候。

10、Host: When you first arrived to Japan.Being alone for that long period, did you feel homesick ? ─── 主持人趙寧:剛剛到日本,一去那么長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,有不適應(yīng)的地方,或者很想家的地方?

11、The London pea-souper made him homesick for his house in Hollywood. ─── 倫敦的黃色濃霧使他想念好萊塢他的家。

12、Le Havre looked gay, sunny; the air was bracing, with that strong salty tang which almost made me homesick for New York. ─── 勒阿弗爾是一個(gè)歡快、滿陽(yáng)光的城市,空氣十分清新,那種強(qiáng)烈的咸味差點(diǎn)兒使我思念起紐約的家鄉(xiāng)。

13、It seems that I am always slow in responding to sentimental emotions, I didn't feel homesickness even after I were inside the aircraft. ─── 不知是否是我的情感反映總來得較為遲緩,直到進(jìn)入機(jī)艙的那一刻,還依然未感到多少的離愁別緒。

14、Well,I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. ─── 噢,我還是感到有點(diǎn)想家。我好像對(duì)這里的很多事情都感到不習(xí)慣。

15、To prevent the howler monkeys from getting homesick. ─── 為了不讓吼猴太過于想家。

16、An American tourist is equally excited when she spots the sign - this could be just the thing to help her get over the occasional twinge of homesickness. ─── 一位美國(guó)游客發(fā)現(xiàn)星巴克的標(biāo)識(shí)后也非常激動(dòng),這正好可以幫助她克服一陣陣想家的感覺。

17、Tranquil Night Abed, I see a silver light,  ;I wonder if it's frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned. ─── “床前明月光,疑是地上霜。舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉(xiāng)?!边@首詩(shī)是李白的千古絕唱,我們挑選了兩個(gè)具有代表性的翻譯版本供小記者欣賞。

18、Homesickness is the main subject for composing in Chinese modern literature and childhood, homeland and land are its three main parts. ─── 鄉(xiāng)愁是中國(guó)現(xiàn)代文學(xué)中的創(chuàng)作母題。童年、故鄉(xiāng)與大地是鄉(xiāng)愁文化的三個(gè)主要組成部分。

19、His longing for the holidays was caused by his homesickness. ─── 他渴望假日是由于他的思鄉(xiāng)病引起的。

20、From the poem, we can feel a heart burning with homesickness. ─── 其鄉(xiāng)思之苦,溢于言表。

21、Believe it or not, I am feeling very homesick. ─── 三、信不信由你,反正我現(xiàn)在非常想家。

22、He expresses both his love for his hometown, and his homesickness in his writings. ─── 他把對(duì)家鄉(xiāng)的熱愛和思念訴諸筆端。

23、She seems a little homesick . ─── 她似乎有點(diǎn)想家。

24、Only that I'm a little homesick. ─── 只是我有點(diǎn)兒想家。

25、He was overcome with an irresistible feeling of homesickness. ─── 他為一種不可抑制的思鄉(xiāng)情緒所侵襲。

26、The yearning of man's heart is homesickness for God. ─── 人們心靈的思念是對(duì)上帝的思鄉(xiāng)之情。

27、Her hospitality diluted my homesickness during my stay in the country. I am very grateful to her for that. ─── 在我呆在這個(gè)國(guó)家的期間,她的熱情沖淡了我的鄉(xiāng)思。我對(duì)此非常感謝她。

28、He had no sooner started out than he felt homesick. ─── 他剛出發(fā)就想起家來。

29、She tried to thrust back the little stabs of homesickness. ─── 她努力排遺涌上心頭的思鄉(xiāng)之情。

30、She live in environments, and to bear the huns homesickness, so she just painful premature death, leaving only a heap of front in the country. ─── 她生活在環(huán)境惡劣的匈奴,又要忍受思鄉(xiāng)的痛苦,所以她才英年早逝,只留下一堆青冢在他鄉(xiāng)。

31、I'm sorry you're so homesick and that it's affecting your studies. ─── 你太想家并因此影響了學(xué)習(xí),對(duì)此我很難過。

32、She had seemed so contented at Tara it came to Scarlett as a shock that she was homesick. ─── 媚蘭在塔拉顯得心滿意足的樣子,她說她想家,的確使思嘉感到吃驚。

33、A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home. ─── 一個(gè)能說出鄉(xiāng)愁的男人,他一定是個(gè)愛家、顧家、有家庭責(zé)任感的人。

34、After having been here one month, The students began to be homesick . ─── 到了這里一個(gè)月以后,學(xué)生們開始想家了。

35、Again dissolute drift on water unruly, always there is time of homesick. ─── 再放蕩不羈的漂泊者,總有想家的時(shí)候。

36、Another survey gave climate conditions, homesickness, and "the stark appearance of the Australian countryside" as the main reasons for leaving. ─── 另一項(xiàng)調(diào)查將氣候條件、鄉(xiāng)愁和“澳大利亞鄉(xiāng)村荒涼的面貌”作為離開的主要原因。

37、He's even more homesick than I am. ─── 他比我還想家。

38、There were inevitable bouts of homesickness. ─── 難免會(huì)生出一陣陣思鄉(xiāng)之情。

39、Miss Lin mustn't mope or be homesick here but feel at home with the old lady and her aunts. ─── "勸姑娘不要傷心想家,跟著老太太和舅母,即同家里一樣."

40、Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. ─── 噢,我還是感到有點(diǎn)想家,我好像對(duì)這里的很多事情都感到不習(xí)慣。

41、Then homesickness took the shape of a grave,? ─── 后來啊!鄉(xiāng)愁是一方矮矮的墳?zāi)梗?/p>

42、Getting together in leisure hours to chat and sip tea is a way of relieving homesickness. ─── 閒暇時(shí),大夥兒串串門子,品茶談心,可以稍慰鄉(xiāng)愁。

43、He fell ill because of homesickness. ─── 他因思鄉(xiāng)而病倒了。

44、A letter from his wife set off in his mind an attack of homesickness. ─── 他妻子的來信勾起了他的思鄉(xiāng)之情。

45、When I was in boarding school I felt homesick whole-heartly. ─── 在外地求學(xué)的日子真的好想家。

46、He was so homesick that he could hardly endure the misery of it. ─── 他非常想家,簡(jiǎn)直有些受不了這種苦惱。

47、How are your parents? They are still feeling a bit homesick. ─── 你的父母親好嗎?他們?nèi)杂兴监l(xiāng)病。

48、She patted my back and said, "China is so far from here. You must be homesick. ─── 她拍著我的背說:“中國(guó)離這兒很遠(yuǎn),你一定很想家吧。

49、At this very special occasion, there was no reason to hide their homesickness and frustrations any more," he recalled. ─── 在這個(gè)非常特別的場(chǎng)合,再也沒有理由掩蓋他們對(duì)家的思念和挫折感。

50、Shanghai will make every tourist stay a longer time and become too delighted to be homesick. ─── 上海會(huì)使每一位旅游者流連忘返,樂不思蜀。

51、And the moon like frost beyond the city-wall, And someone somewhere, playing a flute, Has made the soldiers homesick all night long. ─── 回樂峰前沙似雪受降城外月如霜不知何處吹蘆管。

52、The first few months when I was really homesick your letters kept me going. ─── 在最初幾個(gè)月我非常想家時(shí),是你的信鼓勵(lì)了我。

53、He's accustomed to eating eel every day, and now, because he hasn't had any, he's very homesick. ─── 他習(xí)慣了每天要吃鰻魚,可是現(xiàn)在,他因?yàn)闆]有吃到,都開始有點(diǎn)想家了?!?/p>

54、Acting general manager at the Cilegon steel mill David Wu and wife find snapshots of family and friends to be the most effective cure for homesickness. ─── 親朋的照片,常是海外工作人員紓解鄉(xiāng)愁的最大憑藉。圖為吉利鋼冷軋廠代總經(jīng)理吳質(zhì)義夫婦。

55、George did not get over his homesickness for some time. ─── 喬治有一段時(shí)間老是想家。

56、Your letter makes me homesick. ─── 你的來信使我想家。

57、Zoo officials let the King Penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity. ─── 園方每周會(huì)讓國(guó)王企鵝在園內(nèi)搖搖晃晃地散步一次,希望能紓解企鵝被圈養(yǎng)后的思鄉(xiāng)之苦及壓力。

58、This took dim shape, presently—it was budding homesickness. ─── 這很快就模糊了——那是萌發(fā)中的鄉(xiāng)愁。

59、Zoo officials let the King Penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity. ─── 園方每周會(huì)讓國(guó)王企鵝在園內(nèi)搖搖晃晃地散步一次,希望能紓解企鵝被圈養(yǎng)后的思鄉(xiāng)之苦及壓力。

60、After the meal they felt rusty, and stiff-jointed, and a little homesick once more. ─── 吃完之后他們都覺得不痛快,骨節(jié)也發(fā)僵,而且又有點(diǎn)想家了。

61、Everything seems difficult. He gets homesick and is often overwhelmed by small problems. ─── 一切都好像困難重重。這人想家了,常常會(huì)被一些小小出的問題給壓倒。

62、Homesickness is always with me, particularly during the time of some Chinese traditional festivals. ─── 思鄉(xiāng)病時(shí)刻伴隨著我,特別是過中國(guó)的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日的時(shí)候。

63、But I soon became homesick, so I'm back now, this time for good. ─── 但沒多久就想家了,所以現(xiàn)在回來了,這一次永遠(yuǎn)都不走了。

64、For goats which once lived among jagged mountain crags, a block of wood can help to alleviate homesickness. ─── 圖上、下:一塊木頭,對(duì)原本生活在崎嶇山上的羊兒,也能稍解鄉(xiāng)愁。

65、He left his job largely because he was homesick. ─── 他辭職不干主要是因?yàn)樗爰摇?/p>

66、He worte that he liked camp life very much, but I could read between the lines that he was homesick. ─── 他寫信說他很喜歡軍營(yíng)生活,但從字里行間可以感覺出來他很想家。

67、He was so homesick that he could hardly endure the misery of it. The tears lay very near the surface. ─── 他非常想家,簡(jiǎn)直忍無可忍,淚水在眼眶里打著轉(zhuǎn)兒。

68、In fact, some people have returned to where they came from as they have not been successful, have become homesick or because of other reasons. ─── 事實(shí)上,或是由于失敗,或是由于思鄉(xiāng),或是由于其他種種原因走不下去而卷起鋪蓋打道回府的外來人才也大有人在。

69、In this one little was said of the hardships endured, the dangers faced, or the homesickness conquered. ─── 在四姊妹的父親寫回的這封信里,他根本沒提到自己遭遇的苦難,面臨的危險(xiǎn)和難以忍受的鄉(xiāng)思。

70、People always have homesick when stepping in a new place. ─── 因?yàn)槿藙偟叫碌沫h(huán)境總是會(huì)有思鄉(xiāng)病

71、They could read between the lines that she was a little homesick. ─── 從字里行間,他們可以看出她有點(diǎn)兒想家。

72、She is always homesick on weekends. ─── 周末她經(jīng)常想家。

73、He says he was at homesick yesterday but I have proof positive that he went to watch the cricket. ─── 他說他昨天生病在家,但我有確證可以說明他去看板球賽了。

74、My trip to London proved to me that the first case of homesickness is usually the worst. ─── 我去倫敦證實(shí)我第一個(gè)案例,鄉(xiāng)愁是通常最壞的打算。

75、Later, homesickness was a low tomb, I stood outside, and my mother lied inside. ─── 后來啊!鄉(xiāng)愁是一方矮矮的墳?zāi)?我在外頭,母親在里頭。

76、She was getting bored and homesick. ─── 她越來越煩,越來越想家。

77、As a man who spent time during World War II on a minuscule South Pacific island, I recognized the symptoms of acute homesickness. ─── 作為一個(gè)二戰(zhàn)期間曾在南太平洋小島上服過役的老兵,我聽得出他非常想家。

78、In the busy daily life, we have no time expressed our homesickness and to long for the beautifulness of raising China. ─── 在忙忙碌碌的日常生活中,我們無暇表述自己的鄉(xiāng)愁與思念。

79、But Mr Ecevit wrote that in London, homesick, in1947. ─── 埃杰維特,寫于倫敦,一九四七年,思鄉(xiāng)。

80、If there could build a high hathpace to overlook hometown for healing their homesick that would be very nice. ─── 如果能筑起高臺(tái),登高遠(yuǎn)眺,一嘗思鄉(xiāng)之愿,那不知該有多好。

81、Maybe I was homesick somewhile ,afer all, I should learn to be independent. ─── 在寧波的這些日子老是頭暈眼花,體力不支,特犯困。

82、Britain's largest Chinatown, as in the whole nexus of your comfort hint of homesickness. ─── 全英最大的唐人街為身在異國(guó)他鄉(xiāng)的您慰籍淡淡的鄉(xiāng)愁。

83、"It makes me homesick, Jimmy, this flower, this smell," she said softly. ─── “這種花兒,這種香味,吉米,使我想念老家,”她溫柔地說。

84、I could tell there was no trouble on the other end of the line, and Mother could tell I was getting over my homesickness. ─── 我聽得出來,電話那一頭沒有什么麻煩,母親也能聽出我開始不再那么念家了。

85、After living in the U. S. for three years, Michiko is very homesick for Japan. ─── 在美國(guó)居住了3年以后,道子非常想念家鄉(xiāng)日本。

86、She did not speak English, had no close friends and was homesick. ─── 她不會(huì)講英語(yǔ),沒有好友,思念家鄉(xiāng)。

87、Wang Wan The "Chang Shu-where up to? go goose Luoyang side" of the homesickness of it makes one pity. ─── 王灣的“張書何處達(dá)?歸雁洛陽(yáng)邊”的思鄉(xiāng)之情又讓人憐憫。

88、He returned to his native land of homesickness. ─── 他因懷念故土而返回(鄉(xiāng)里)。

89、Homesickness is motivation and destination of his writing. ─── 鄉(xiāng)愁是作家寫作的動(dòng)力,亦是寫作的歸宿。





這是一首極為抒情也優(yōu)美的曲子。每當(dāng)這首鋼琴曲緩緩的流入我的心田,它是那樣的通透輕盈,細(xì)膩感人, 情真意切地流瀉而出,讓我不禁思戀起我的故鄉(xiāng)......



















When I was young,

my homesickness was a small stamp,

I was here,

my mother was there.

After growing up,

my homesickness was a narrow ticket,

I was here,

my bride was there.


my homesickness was a little tomb,

I was outside,

my mother was inside.

And now,

my homesickness is a shallow strait,

I am here,

the mainland is there.

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