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10-03 投稿


mentionable 發(fā)音

英:[['men??n?bl]]  美:[['men??n?b?l]]

英:  美:

mentionable 中文意思翻譯



mentionable 短語詞組

1、mentionable is manageable ─── 可提及的是 ─── 可管理的

mentionable 相似詞語短語

1、unmentionably ─── 不可言喻的

2、sanctionable ─── 應(yīng)受制裁的

3、unmentionables ─── adj.不宜說出口的;n.內(nèi)衣;說不出口的事

4、unmentionable ─── adj.不宜說出口的;n.內(nèi)衣;說不出口的事

5、questionable ─── adj.可疑的;有問題的

6、pensionable ─── adj.有資格領(lǐng)退休金的;可領(lǐng)退休金的

7、detonable ─── adj.可爆炸的,易爆的

8、jettisonable ─── 可分離的;可投棄的

9、actionable ─── adj.可控告的;可提起訴訟的

mentionable 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、He felt it his duty to mention the fact to Miss Vera . ─── 他感到想維拉女士講述事實(shí)是他的責(zé)任。

2、He knew better than to mention the subject to her. ─── 他很明智而沒有向她提起這件事。

3、The problems you mention are inherent in the system. ─── 你提及的那些問題是這一制度本身存在的。

4、He did not like anyone to mention the deformity. ─── 他不喜歡人家提到他的缺陷。

5、Now that you mention it, I guess I am. ─── 你們一提起來, 我想我也餓了。

6、Have not you better not mention this. ─── 你最好別提這事

7、Don't mention it. You should drink some water and go to lie down. ─── 不客氣,你應(yīng)該多喝些水,去躺一下。

8、He made mention of the tiger he had shot. ─── 他談到他曾經(jīng)射殺的老虎。

9、People turn pale at the mere mention of cancer. ─── 一提起癌,人們便談虎色變。

10、At the mention of money, he became attentive. ─── 一提到錢他就全神貫注起來。

11、You must promise not to mention that. ─── 你必須答應(yīng)不提此事。

12、However, mention should also be made of trademarks. ─── 不過,也應(yīng)該提及商標(biāo)。

13、Can you mention any one that we know who is as clever as he? ─── 你能提出任何一個(gè)我們認(rèn)識的又象他那樣聰明的人嗎?

14、At the mention of it, she got very excited. ─── 一提到這事她就非常激動。

15、You were about to mention the gifts you had to buy. ─── 你剛剛正要談你要買的那些禮物。

16、A couple of other books are worthy of mention. ─── 其他幾本書也值得一提。

17、She swung round at the mention of her name. ─── 一聽到有人提及她的名字,她猛然轉(zhuǎn)過身來。

18、"You'll mention that I called, perhaps?" said Dick. ─── “或者你會提起我來過這里?”狄克說。

19、To mention one by one;enumerate. ─── 列舉一個(gè)一個(gè)地?cái)?shù);列舉

20、It's far too late for you to go out and play football, not to mention the fact that it's raining. ─── 你現(xiàn)在出去踢足球太晚了,何況又正在下雨。

21、He is handsome and smart, not to mention being a good athlete. ─── 他長得帥,人又機(jī)靈,并且是一位運(yùn)動健將。

22、They have three dogs to look after, not to mention the cat and the bird. ─── 他們有三只狗要照顧,更別提貓和鳥了。

23、He made mention of a tiger he had shot. ─── 他提到他曾經(jīng)打中過一只老虎。

24、Don't mention it,it's my pleasure to help you. ─── 不用客氣,能幫助你我很榮幸。

25、Can you mention one of the mistakes off hand? ─── 你能馬上指出其中一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤嗎?

26、Just casually mention that Sherry's mother is going to have a baby. ─── 你可以隨意地告訴他們謝利的媽媽就要有小孩了。

27、People always mention the sparkle of her eyes. ─── 人們總是說她的眼睛炯炯有神。

28、"I beg you won't mention it, sir", said Mr. Winkle. ─── “我請你不要介意了,先生”,文克爾先生說。

29、It is insensitive of you to mention that. ─── 你提那件事是愚鈍的。

30、His face clouded at the mention of Grandpa's name. ─── 一提起祖父的名字,他臉色就陰沉起來。

31、Mention not a halter in the house of him that was hanged. ─── [諺]在有人被吊死的人家,千萬別談起繩子; 別提起人家忌諱的東西。

32、You do not mention the meeting this time to anyone. ─── 你不要對任何人提到這次會議。

33、It was rather insensitive of you to mention his dead wife. ─── 你也太粗心了, 竟然提起他已故的妻子來.

34、Everybody shut up like a clam as soon as you mention it. ─── 你一提及此事,大家便都閉口不言

35、He felt it his duty to mention this to her. ─── 他感到有責(zé)任向她提及此事。

36、For a mobile device this would mean that a mentionable part of the energy is used for heating! ─── 對于移動設(shè)備而言,這意味著有部分電能將消耗于發(fā)熱。

37、At the mere mention of his name she pulled a face, which I took for a sign of disapproval. ─── 一提到他的名字,她就做了個(gè)怪相; 我想這是表示她反對他。

38、He whipped round at the mention of his name. ─── 一聽到有提自己的名字,他猛地轉(zhuǎn)過身來。

39、Now that you mention it, I do remember. ─── 你這樣一說,我想起來了。

40、Don't mention your concrete action. ─── 你就別提你這實(shí)際行動了。

41、Did you mention this to the squad leader? ─── 你跟班長提到這事沒有?

42、At the mention of the name he pulled a long face. ─── 一提到名字,他的面孔就立刻板了起來。

43、Don't mention what he said, he always hyperbolizes. ─── 別聽他的,他總是夸大其詞。

44、Come off it! This is the third time you mention it. ─── 作者:江南一支笛發(fā)表時(shí)間

45、He did not feel at liberty to mention it. ─── 他覺得不宜提及此事。

46、Did he mention me in his letter? ─── 他信中提到我了嗎?

47、You didn't mention to me when you are leaving. ─── 你沒有告訴我何時(shí)動身。

48、He doesn't even mention a single word to me. ─── 他對我只字不提。

49、His voice began to falter at the mention of his sufferings in the old days. ─── 一提到他在過去所受的痛苦他的聲音就開始發(fā)顫。

50、He teaches me to obey all command and not to mention any problem. ─── 他教我聽從一切命令而不提任何問題。

51、He has a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in France. ─── 他有一所大房子和一輛昂貴汽車,且不說在法國還有一座別墅了。

52、Don't mention it. I've really enjoyed your company. ─── 不必客氣,有你的陪伴,我也很開心。

53、He did not mention the quarrel with his wife. ─── 他沒有提起和妻子的爭吵。

54、He felt it his duty to mention this fact to them . ─── 他感到有責(zé)任向他們提及這一情況。

55、Did you mention this to my sister? ─── 你對我姐姐說到這件事了嗎?

56、He knows French and German, not to mention English. ─── 他熟悉法語和德語,更不用說英語啦。

57、He made no mention of your request. ─── 他沒有提到你的要求。

58、He brightened up at the mention of tea. ─── 一提起茶他就來了精神。

59、You made no mention of your plan in your letter. ─── 你在信中未提及你的計(jì)劃。

60、At the mention of his name, he instantly stood up. ─── 一提到他的名字,他立即站了起來。

61、He made no mention of having met her. ─── 他不提他曾經(jīng)和她見面。

62、It was advisable for you not to mention that. ─── 你不提及那件事是明智的。

63、If you mention this, you'll touch him on a tender spot. ─── 你要是提及這事,會觸及他的痛處。

64、Don't mention it. Let bygones be bygones. ─── 別再提它了。過去的事就讓它過去吧。

65、Don't mention it. I'm at your service anytime. ─── 不必客氣。我隨時(shí)為您服務(wù)。

66、He is a friend of mine, so if you mention my name, he'll give you a good deal on a watch. They have a great selection. ─── 他是我的一個(gè)朋友,所以如果你提到我的名字,他將讓你買只表買得合算,它們的選擇很多。

67、Don't mention it. What would you like to drink? ─── 別客氣,想喝點(diǎn)什么?

68、Easton agreed and said he would mention it to Ruth. ─── 伊斯頓同意回去跟露絲商量一下。

69、Don't mention the subject this evening. ─── 今天晚上別提這個(gè)問題。

70、He did not mention it even in the bosom of his family. ─── 他甚至在自家人中也未提及此事。

71、His face clouded at the mention of Grandpa's name . ─── 一提起祖父的名字,他臉色就陰沉起來。

72、Don't mention these unpleasant things again. ─── 不要再提這些不愉快的事了。

73、My father brightened up at the mention of tea. ─── 一提到茶,我父親就高興起來。

74、Did you mention this to the boss? ─── 你跟老板提到這事沒有?

75、Which place of interest is the most mentionable one? ─── 哪個(gè)旅游景點(diǎn)是你最值得一提的呢?

76、He alluded to the problem but did not mention it. ─── 他暗指但沒有明確指出這個(gè)問題。

77、Don't ever mention about my double chin anymore. ─── 別再提醒我我有雙下巴了!

78、He forbears to mention the matter again. ─── 他克制自己,不再提及此事。

79、No mention was made of your request by him. ─── 你的請求沒有被他提到。

80、Don't mention it. Say, here we are. This is the student center. What are you going to do here? ─── 不要客氣。嘿,我們到了,這就是學(xué)生活動中心,你要在這里做什麼?

81、another mentionable thing is the bike lanes along Lanzhou BRT corridor will become Lanzhou city's first colored bike lane. ─── 另據(jù)悉,安寧路自行車道將成為蘭州市區(qū)首條擁有彩色自行車道的市政道路。

82、The girl pales at the mention of rats. ─── 一提到老鼠,這女孩就嚇得臉都白了。

83、There was no mention of the matter in your letter. ─── 你的信沒有提到過這件事。

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