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10-03 投稿


meteorologic 發(fā)音

英:[?mi?ti?r??lɑ?d??k]  美:[?mi?t??r??l?d??k]

英:  美:

meteorologic 中文意思翻譯



meteorologic 短語詞組

1、Geostationary European Meteorologic ─── 地球靜止歐洲氣象學(xué)

meteorologic 相似詞語短語

1、meteorological ─── adj.氣象的;氣象學(xué)的

2、methodological ─── adj.方法的,方法論的

3、meteorologist ─── n.氣象學(xué)者

4、petrologic ─── adj.巖石學(xué)的

5、meteorologists ─── n.氣象學(xué)家(meteorologist的復(fù)數(shù))

6、enterologic ─── 腸胃科

7、biometeorological ─── 生物氣象

8、meteorologically ─── adv.從氣象學(xué)角度看

9、meteorology ─── n.氣象狀態(tài),氣象學(xué)

meteorologic 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、On the basis of Nanjing’s meteorologic parameter for building energy consumption analyses, the thesis establishes the air conditoning energy consumption model for a representative building in Nanjing. ─── 在統(tǒng)計出南京市建筑能耗分析用氣象數(shù)據(jù)的基礎(chǔ)上,本文采用溫頻法建立了南京市一樣板房空調(diào)能耗模型。

2、meteorologic optics ─── 氣象光學(xué)

3、meteorologic earthquake prediction ─── 氣象方法預(yù)報地震

4、meteorologic effect ─── 氣象效應(yīng)

5、Influence on Accuracy of Firing by Change of Meteorologic Condition with Time and Space ─── 氣象條件的時空變化對射擊精度的影響

6、outdoor meteorologic parameters ─── 室外氣象參數(shù)


8、The correlation of meteorologic factors and air quality was analyzed in this paper. ─── 對采暖期間氣象因子與空氣質(zhì)量的相關(guān)關(guān)系進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)分析。

9、Design and implementation of mobile service system for prevention and relief of meteorologic disaster ─── 手機(jī)移動氣象防災(zāi)減災(zāi)服務(wù)系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計與實(shí)現(xiàn)

10、The meteorologic information resource is our country' s basic natural resource, strategic economic resource and public social resource. ─── 氣象信息資源是國家的基礎(chǔ)性自然資源、戰(zhàn)略性經(jīng)濟(jì)資源和公共性社會資源。

11、meteorologic bureau ─── 氣象局

12、meteorologic dynamics ─── 氣象動力學(xué)

13、Influence of Meteorologic Condition on Selection and Design for Air Cooling Circulation of Fossil Plant ─── 氣象條件對火力發(fā)電廠空冷裝置設(shè)計與選型的影響

14、In view of the hydrologic and meteorologic characters of the inland alpine region in the North-West China, watershed is dispersed by grids. ─── 摘要針對西北內(nèi)陸高寒山區(qū)的水文、氣象特點(diǎn),以網(wǎng)格為最小單元將流域離散。

15、meteorologic survey ─── 氣象測量

16、Therefore, it becomes a hotspot that how to extract the implied meteorologic pattern and discover the meteorologic knowledge automatically, speedily and effectively from the masses of nephograms. ─── 因此,如何從大量的云圖中自動、快速、有效地提取隱含的氣象模式、發(fā)現(xiàn)氣象知識成為目前研究的熱點(diǎn)。

17、According to the forecast of the meteorologic bureau, it is variable during May Day. ─── 據(jù)氣象部門預(yù)報,五一節(jié)期間天氣多變。

18、Meteorologic factors and subjective sleep continuity: a preliminary evaluation ─── 氣象因素和主觀睡眠連續(xù)性:初步估計

19、A Scheduling Strategy for Coarse-Grained Parallel Computing in the Quality Control of Global Meteorologic Data ─── 全球氣象資料質(zhì)量控制的一種粗粒度并行計算調(diào)度策略

20、Effect of soil and meteorologic condition on the content of medlar ashes ─── 土壤和氣象條件對寧夏枸杞灰分含量的影響

21、meteorologic service ─── 氣象服務(wù)

22、An Analysis of Variations of Hydrologic and Meteorologic Elements after Kangsan Polder Was Reclaimed ─── 康山圍墾后水文、氣象要素變化的分析

23、meteorologic instrument ─── 氣象儀器

24、Keywords meteorologic factor;mortality;temperature;heat wave;warning and forecasting;chronic bronchitis;health risk index; ─── 氣象因素;死亡率;氣溫;熱浪;預(yù)警預(yù)報;慢性支氣管炎;健康危險指數(shù);

25、The Design and Implementation of a Meteorologic Visualization Prototype System ─── 氣象可視化原型系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計與實(shí)現(xiàn)

26、meteorologic factor ─── 氣象因素

27、Keywords Total suspended particle(TSP);Meteorologic condition;Factor; ─── 總懸浮微粒;氣象條件;關(guān)系;

28、meteorologic log book ─── 氣象日記簿

29、The development of atmosphere science, especially the numerical meteorologic forecasting model, and the parallel computing are closed linked. ─── 大氣科學(xué)尤其數(shù)值模式的發(fā)展進(jìn)步與并行計算息息相關(guān),這一點(diǎn)已經(jīng)成為氣象預(yù)報和并行計算兩個領(lǐng)域的共識。

30、meteorologic noise ─── 氣象噪聲

31、meteorologic balloon ─── 氣象氣球

32、meteorologic chart ─── 氣象圖

33、Response Model of Reference Evaportranspiration to Meteorologic Factors ─── 參考作物蒸發(fā)蒸騰量的氣象因子響應(yīng)模型

34、meteorologic solenoid ─── 氣象力管

35、Meteorologic factors ─── 氣象因子

36、meteorologic datum plane ─── 氣象基準(zhǔn)平面

37、Keywords Chronic Bronchitis;Pathogenic Cold;Meteorologic Factors;Correlative Analysis; ─── 慢性支氣管炎;寒邪;氣象因子;相關(guān)性分析;

38、The correlation of meteorologic factors and air quality was analyzed in this paper. ─── 對采暖期間氣象因子與空氣質(zhì)量的相關(guān)關(guān)系進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)分析。

39、meteorologic yearbook ─── 氣象年鑒

40、meteorologic transmission ─── 氣象傳送

41、meteorologic reconnaissance flight ─── 氣象偵察飛行

42、Most studies in China were based on historical fire data and meteorologic data statistics.And the mid-and-long term forest fire danger forecasting was qualitative and discontinuous. ─── 國內(nèi)研究大多建立在對歷史火災(zāi)資料與氣象資料進(jìn)行統(tǒng)計分析研究的基礎(chǔ)上,預(yù)測結(jié)果多是定性的、間斷性的。

43、YE Du-zheng.Prcstudy on the Global Changes in China[ M].Beijing: Meteorologic Press, 1992. ─── [1]葉篤正.中國的全球變化預(yù)研究[M].北京:氣象出版社,1992.

44、meteorologic signal ─── 氣象信號

45、It marks a significant leap in meteorologic field. ─── 它標(biāo)志著氣象領(lǐng)域的一個重要突破。

46、Statistics from the municipal meteorologic observatory ─── 地方氣象臺

47、meteorologic information ─── 氣象情報

48、Meteorologic Condition Influence on Firing of Ship-Borne Rocket Gun System and its Correction ─── 氣象條件對艦載火箭炮系統(tǒng)射擊的影響與修正

49、the storm rainfall during the jianghuai meiyu period is one of china ' s representative meteorologic disasters ─── 江淮梅雨暴雨是我國典型的氣象災(zāi)害之一。

50、METHODS: The monthly changes of meteorologic factors and the trend of temperature change from 1951 to 2003 in Nanjing area were analyzed. ─── 方法:分析各氣象因素逐月變化情況,采用年距平分析1951-2003年南京市氣溫變化趨勢。

51、Key meteorologic factors ─── 關(guān)鍵氣象因子

52、meteorologic society ─── 氣象學(xué)會

53、a meteorologic(al) report ─── 天氣預(yù)報

54、meteorologic bulletin ─── 氣象公報

55、Dengue transmission is influenced by meteorologic conditions, including rainfall and humidity, and often exhibits strong seasonality. ─── 登革熱的傳播也受氣候條件影響,包括降雨量和濕度,而且經(jīng)常展現(xiàn)強(qiáng)烈的季候性。

56、meteorologic network ─── 氣象臺站網(wǎng)

57、Campus Meteorologic Web ─── 校園氣象網(wǎng)

58、meteorologic condition ─── 氣象條件

59、An ocean-based meteorologic instrument. 2. ─── 圖1:位于小琉球觀測站的自動測波儀。

60、Keywords air pollution;meteorologic condition;air purification; ─── 大氣污染;氣象條件;空氣凈化;

61、meteorologic model ─── 氣象模型

62、meteorologic acoustics ─── 氣象聲學(xué)

63、meteorologic district ─── 氣象區(qū)

64、Under the typical meteorologic condition of north china, the heat insulation in the summer,air exchange and ventilation、dewing prevention and heat preservation in the winter were discussed. ─── 在華北地區(qū)典型氣象條件下,對呼吸式玻璃幕墻的夏季隔熱和冬季的保溫防結(jié)露及通風(fēng)換氣特性給予了分析。

65、The relationship between the temperature-lowering load and meteorologic factors are worked out, and the general principles of using temperature-lowering equipment are given. ─── 并分析出降溫負(fù)荷同氣象因素之間的關(guān)聯(lián)關(guān)系,從而得到人們使用降溫設(shè)備的一般規(guī)律。

66、meteorologic correction ─── 氣象修正

67、Study on Relationship Between Strong Earthquake and Stochastic Resonance Phenomenon in GMS Meteorologic Satellite Imagery ─── GMS氣象衛(wèi)星圖像中的隨機(jī)共振現(xiàn)象與強(qiáng)震活動關(guān)系探討

68、meteorologic parameter ─── 氣象參數(shù)

69、a meteorologic(al) observatory ─── 氣象臺

70、Based on the analysis of fruit regularity and the meteorologic data in the past years, it is found that the fruiting characteristic in Larix gmelinii had obvious periodicity. ─── 摘要對大興安嶺地區(qū)興安落葉松結(jié)實(shí)規(guī)律和歷年氣象資料的分析發(fā)現(xiàn),興安落葉松的結(jié)實(shí)具有明顯的周期性。

71、meteorologic working chart ─── 氣象作業(yè)圖

72、meteorologic analysis ─── 氣象分析

73、Comparison between these two methods shows that the hydrologic method is better than the meteorologic. ─── 檢驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,水文方法比氣象方法好。

74、Methods Shore feature, human landscape and meteorologic data in Wuhan were investigated and analysed. ─── 方法對武漢濱湖特色、人文景觀、氣象資料等進(jìn)行調(diào)查分析。


76、Meteorologic change ─── 氣候變化

77、Automatic meteorologic station used for environmental monitoring ─── 環(huán)境監(jiān)測適用的自動氣象站

78、meteorologic broadcast ─── 氣象廣播

79、meteorologic minima ─── 氣象極小值

80、meteorologic preparation ─── 氣象準(zhǔn)備

81、The Meteorologic Bureau forecasts a eclipse will be seen this night. ─── 氣象局表明今天晚上將會出現(xiàn)日食。

82、meteorologic post ─── 氣象哨

83、Keywords meteorologic Factors;acute respiratory infection;children;prediction model;jinxing region; ─── 氣象因子;急性呼吸道感染;兒童;預(yù)測模型;金鄉(xiāng);

84、meteorologic report ─── 氣象報告

85、Keywords atmospheric environment;atmospheric contamination;TSP;meteorologic elements; ─── 關(guān)鍵詞大氣環(huán)境;大氣污染物;總懸浮顆粒物;氣象因素;

86、Abstract: The disaster weather meteorologic forecast is a creative application of meteorologic forecaster's experiment, knowledge and deduce thinking. ─── 摘 要: 災(zāi)害天氣氣象預(yù)報是氣象預(yù)報人員經(jīng)驗(yàn)、知識和推理思維的創(chuàng)造性應(yīng)用。

87、The main contents of this study are as follows: 1、Making atmospheric correction with 6S radiative transfer model, combined with synchronous meteorologic records; ─── 本文主要研究內(nèi)容包括: 1、結(jié)合同步氣象輔助數(shù)據(jù),利用6S輻射傳輸模型法,對太湖水體影像進(jìn)行大氣校正;

88、Analysis of the Correlation Between Pathogenic Cold and Meteorologic Factors in Chronic Bronchitis ─── 慢性支氣管炎中寒邪與氣象因子相關(guān)性分析

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