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10-03 投稿


mispronouncing 發(fā)音

英:[?m?spr??na?ns??]  美:[?m?spr??na?ns??]

英:  美:

mispronouncing 中文意思翻譯



mispronouncing 詞性/詞形變化,mispronouncing變形


mispronouncing 相似詞語短語

1、pronouncings ─── adj.發(fā)音的;表示發(fā)音的;v.發(fā)音;(莊嚴(yán)地)宣布(pronounce的現(xiàn)在分詞)

2、pronouncing ─── adj.發(fā)音的;表示發(fā)音的;v.發(fā)音;(莊嚴(yán)地)宣布(pronounce的現(xiàn)在分詞)

3、mispronouncer ─── 發(fā)音錯誤者

4、mispronounce ─── vi.發(fā)錯音;vt.發(fā)錯音

5、mispenning ─── 誤發(fā)

6、mispronounced ─── v.發(fā)錯音,讀錯字音(mispronounce的過去式和過去分詞)

7、mispronounces ─── vi.發(fā)錯音;vt.發(fā)錯音

8、misplanning ─── 計劃失誤

9、self-pronouncing ─── 自動發(fā)音

mispronouncing 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The best way to improve your pronunciation is with correct word stress, as making mistakes with stress causes more misunderstandings than mispronouncing the word. ─── 學(xué)會利用重音標(biāo)記大多數(shù)英語詞典都用“5”表示單詞的重音。這個標(biāo)記表示這個音節(jié)是重讀的:如

2、B: That mispronouncing led to great confusion. ─── 那個發(fā)音錯誤造成很大的混淆。

3、They called for any number of reasons to request a song or an artist and to tease me for mispronouncing the name of their county. ─── 他們打電話來是出自各種原因,要點播一曲歌,或是哪位歌星的歌,或僅僅是關(guān)系到我把他們縣的名字念錯了。

4、While some customers end up mispronouncing the name or asking quizzically about what kind of animal it is, it's an opportunity that Andy Dunn, chief executive and co-founder, relishes. ─── 雖然一些客戶還是讀錯名字或者好奇地詢問這到底是哪種動物,但這正是首席執(zhí)行長和聯(lián)席創(chuàng)始人安迪?鄧恩(AndyDunn)所期望的。

5、Except that I was mispronouncing one town's name. ─── 除了我讀錯了一個城鎮(zhèn)的名字以外。

6、People are always mispronouncing my name. ─── 人們總是把我的名字讀錯。

7、Dearrrrrr Eve:First of alllll, please forgive me for mispronouncing your name as Eva all the time. ─── 不知道小時候是在什么因素的影響下,形成了快走的習(xí)慣。

8、The title here was taken from an anecdote with an old man visiting the garden.By mispronouncing the word calligraphy - shufa - he made the artists think of a sofa. ─── 該作品的名稱源自一位參觀花園的上海老人,從他嘴里說出的“書法”二字,其讀音讓這些廣東藝術(shù)家們以為他說的是“沙發(fā)”。

9、Don't pull him up from time to time for mispronouncing a syllable. ─── 不要老是因為他念錯一個音節(jié)就打斷他。

10、They're too afraid of bungling the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would embarrass them. ─── 他們太害怕因為發(fā)錯音或犯語法錯誤而遭遇尷尬了。

11、While some customers end up mispronouncing the name or asking quizzically about what kind of animal it is, it's an opportunity that Andy Dunn, chief executive and co-founder, relishes. ─── 雖然一些客戶還是讀錯名字或者好奇地詢問這到底是哪種動物,但這正是首席執(zhí)行長和聯(lián)席創(chuàng)始人安迪·鄧恩(Andy Dunn)所期望的。

12、If everyone in your class ?including the teacher ?knows the spelling and meaning of a word but is mispronouncing something as simple as a vowel sound it could make you all indecipherable. ─── 如果在你課堂的每一個人-包括你的老師-知道拼音及字匯的意思但是錯誤的發(fā)音就像是母音那會讓你完全難以理解。


不是!事實上,美國人在讀 Louis Vuitton 的時候,都盡量模仿法語讀音,雖然幾乎都學(xué)得很失敗。

學(xué)正確發(fā)音特別容易,上 Google Translate,輸入原文拼音,就可以聽到正確讀音,照樣學(xué)著念就是了,語言天賦高的人可以學(xué)得惟妙惟肖。

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