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10-03 投稿


marimba 發(fā)音

英:[m?'r?mb?]  美:[m?'r?mb?]

英:  美:

marimba 中文意思翻譯



marimba 網(wǎng)絡釋義

n. 木琴;馬林巴琴

marimba 詞性/詞形變化,marimba變形

異體字: marihuana |

marimba 短語詞組

1、marimba one ─── 木琴一號

2、marimba remix ─── 木琴混音

3、go beyond marimba ─── 超越木琴

4、marimba damore ─── 鉆石女王

5、marimba spiritual ─── 木琴精神

6、marimba music ─── 木琴音樂

7、marimba play ─── 木琴演奏

marimba 相似詞語短語

1、caramba ─── int.(表示驚訝、惱怒等)唉呀,天哪

2、mamba ─── n.樹眼鏡蛇(非洲有毒樹蛇);n.(Mamba)人名;(剛(金)、斯威、塞內)曼巴

3、maremma ─── n.近海岸沼澤地

4、kalimba ─── n.克林巴琴(非洲班圖人的樂器);n.(Kalimba)人名;(剛(金))卡林巴

5、marina ─── n.碼頭,[船]小艇船塢;散步道;n.(Marina)人名;(羅、塞、葡、西、意、英)馬里納,瑪麗娜(女名)

6、maria ─── n.母馬;母驢;月球(或火星)表面的陰暗部;(非正式)女人(mare的復數(shù));n.(Maria)(美、西、阿根廷、巴)瑪利亞(人名)

7、marimbas ─── n.木琴;馬林巴琴

8、macumba ─── 馬庫姆巴(巴西黑人的一種宗教儀式)

9、marimbist ─── 大理石

marimba 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、An instrument similar to a marimba but having metal bars and rotating disks in the resonators to produce a vibrato. ─── 電顫琴一種類似馬林巴琴的樂器,只不過它金屬桿并靠共振器中旋轉的盤產生顫音

2、He worked hard to perfect his craft,and before his 20th birthday,he added the tympani,marimba and xylophone to his repertoire. ─── 他刻苦努力以提高自己的技藝,不到20歲,就把定音鼓、馬林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器樂曲目中。

3、The fact that marimba songs were well liked by Americans shows the increased exposure the public had to foreign styles of music. ─── (StarsandStripesForeverMarch)的錄音;馬林巴琴歌曲受美國人喜愛的事實顯示,民眾接觸外來音樂的機會越來越頻繁。

4、On the Development of Xylophone and Marimba in Western Music ─── 關于木琴在西方音樂中早期發(fā)展的探討

5、It is suggested using thin tung oil coating for marimba bars in respect of variations of natural frequency and internal friction, operational processes and cost of different coatings. ─── 從共振頻率減低率,內部摩擦增加,涂裝操作難易性,涂料成本等評估涂裝對木琴琴鍵音響性質影響時,建議采用桐油且避免厚涂。

6、CADENDIA is a group aiming that the form of “marimba ensemble” with unknown potential will be established as the ensemble capable of arousing musical inspirations. ─── CADENDIA樂團旨在建立一種能使得具有未知潛能的團員發(fā)揮所長,從而將音樂的靈魂演繹得淋漓盡致的形式。

7、He worked hard to perfect his craft, and before his 20th birthday, he added the tympani, marimba and xylophone to his repertoire. ─── 他刻苦努力以提高自己的技藝,不到20歲,就把定音鼓、馬林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器樂曲目中。

8、In 2003 he recorded his first CD of marimba solo including his own arrangements of opera air and also French songs . ─── 2003年,愛瑞克錄制了他的首張個人馬林巴獨奏CD,其中包括他自己的露天歌劇和法國歌曲。

9、Until then, he and Marimba One will keep on keeping on. ─── 那之前,他和“木琴一號”將會一直繼續(xù)努力。

10、Nonikwe's father began to tell many false stories about Mutengu to the queen, Marimba. ─── 諾尼威的父親就開始在女王瑪莉巴面前說穆騰古的壞話。

11、The 2006 International Marimba Competition in Linz has announced! ─── 這是一個新的比賽,歡迎有比賽經驗的人來討論一下吧!

12、Ron's first marimba took over a year to build. ─── 羅恩做第一架木琴花了一年多的時間。

13、In the meantime, it is planning energetic of exploring original marimba ensemble works and its musical possibilities. ─── 同時,樂團正欣然計劃嘗試早期的馬林巴音樂作品。

14、Over the course of the week we did bass guitar pedal steel organ electric piano vibraphone and even real marimba overdubs with some incredible musicians as well. ─── 過去那一整個禮拜,我們跟許多優(yōu)秀樂手合作錄制了低音吉他、吉他、踏板電吉他、電風琴、電鋼琴、電顫琴、甚至是真的馬林巴木琴。

15、Master of marimba. Inventor of six-mallet technique. Keiko Abe &Marimba Ensemble Japan will take you into the intricate world of marimba. ─── 木琴界教主,六根琴槌掌門人,領你進入馬林巴精致優(yōu)雅的細膩感動。

16、One day, he will make a marimba that will fully reveal the secret of that sound to the rest of us. ─── 有一天,他會制作出一架木琴,能把那個聲音的奧妙完全地呈現(xiàn)給我們其他人。

17、Built like a marimba, The varying sized top surfaces create different tones when struck. ─── 造成木琴樣式的桌子,當敲擊不同大小的頂部按鍵時發(fā)出不同的聲響。

18、The guards showed them to an empty hut, and gave them food and drink;no one guessed that this was Queen Marimba. ─── 守衛(wèi)把他們帶到一間空的茅草屋,還給他們拿來了食物和飲料,但沒有一人想到在她們面前的就是女王。

19、An instrument similar to a marimba but having metal bars and rotating disks in the resonators to produce a vibrato. ─── 電顫琴一種類似馬林巴琴的樂器,只不過它金屬桿并靠共振器中旋轉的盤產生顫音

20、marimba gong ─── 馬林巴鑼

21、When marimba rhythms start to play ─── 當馬鈴巴的音樂開始奏響

22、The guards showed them to an empty hut, and gave them food and drink; no one guessed that this was Queen Marimba. ─── 守衛(wèi)把他們帶到一間空的茅草屋,還給他們拿來了食物和飲料,但沒有一人想到在她們面前的就是女王。

23、Marimba Ensemble Japan is led by Keiko Abe and consists of seven excellent Japanese players. ─── 日本馬林巴打擊樂團由安倍圭子領軍,集結七名日籍擊樂好手組成。

24、Push products can be split into two main groups: scheduled polled push -- included in this, Castanet from Marimba Inc. -- and unscheduled push. ─── 推送產品可以分為兩大類:時間預定的輪詢推送(Marimba公司的Castanet就屬于這一類)和無時間預定的推送。

25、The dimensional stability and moisture-sorption behavior would be improved using coating process , so the acoustical qualities of marimba bars will less affected by relative humidity. ─── 相對地涂裝后之木琴琴鍵的振動特性較不易受到環(huán)境相對濕度影響造成聲音品質的變化。

26、an instrument similar to a marimba but having metal bars and rotating disks in the resonators to produce a vibrato ─── 一種類似馬林巴琴的樂器,只不過它金屬桿并靠共振器中旋轉的盤產生顫音

27、The Sprocket is a funky musical vehicle of Noridan that features a 2nd story junk drum kit, trash marimba and thongaphone, and various tuned percussive discoveries. ─── 環(huán)保.活力音樂會所演奏的前衛(wèi)自制鏈輪樂器 - 是一組高兩層樓的鼓,這套鼓包括利用廢物改裝成的馬林巴琴和澳洲土笛以及不同音調的敲擊器。

28、That’s a proton collision played on marimba. ─── 這是木琴演奏的一段粒子碰撞的聲音。

29、Leigh Howard Stevens Summer Marimba Seminar ─── 以及利·霍華德·史蒂文斯夏季馬林巴琴研討會

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