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10-03 投稿


virginal 發(fā)音

英:['v??d??n(?)l]  美:['v?d??nl]

英:  美:

virginal 中文意思翻譯



virginal 詞性/詞形變化,virginal變形

副詞: virginally |

virginal 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、virginal generation ─── [醫(yī)] 單性生殖

2、a virginal ─── 處女

3、virginal membrane n. ─── 處女膜

4、virginal membranes ─── [醫(yī)] 處女膜

virginal 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、virgins ─── [婦產(chǎn)]處女

2、vaginal ─── adj.[解剖]陰道的;葉鞘的

3、vicinal ─── adj.附近的;本地的;鄰近的

4、virginally ─── 處女地;無(wú)瑕地

5、virginals ─── adj.處女的;無(wú)瑕的;n.十六、七世紀(jì)的小型有鍵樂(lè)器

6、viminal ─── adj.小枝的

7、virginly ─── 處女座

8、marginal ─── adj.微不足道的,不重要的;邊緣的;臨界的;末端的;n.邊緣席位

9、virgin ─── n.處女,童男;新手;孤雌生殖的雌蟲;n.(Virgin)圣母馬利亞;室女宮;adj.處女的;原始狀態(tài)的,未經(jīng)利用的;(黏土)未燒制的;(羊毛)未紡過(guò)的;(橄欖油)初榨的;(金屬)原生的

virginal 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Age structure dynamics of virgin Larix gmelini forest. ─── 興安落葉松原始林年齡結(jié)構(gòu)動(dòng)態(tài)的研究

2、She is a virgin, a most unspotted lily. ─── 她是個(gè)純潔的少女,一朵潔白無(wú)瑕的百合花。

3、He was begotten of the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary. ─── 祂乃是由圣靈感孕、藉童女馬里亞所生。

4、That is, in April 2002, he passed in the British Virgin Islands Limited CCW. ─── 即2002年4月,他通過(guò)其在英屬維爾京群島的CCW.

5、Objective To research the effects of rhein on contractile activity of uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats. ─── 摘要目的觀察大黃酸對(duì)人工動(dòng)情期大鼠離體子宮平滑肌條的作用及探討其作用機(jī)制。

6、Cruzan:a native or inhabitant of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. ─── 圣克羅伊人:美屬維爾京群島圣克羅伊的本地人或居民.

7、The band signed with Virgin Records. ─── 樂(lè)隊(duì)同維京唱片公司簽了約。

8、Objective To discuss the name of break out virginal breast hypertrophy, diagnosis and treatment of macromastia . ─── 目的探討突發(fā)性青春期巨乳癥的命名,診斷和巨大乳房縮小手術(shù)的治療方法。

9、Virgin drifts in the driveway are a dead giveaway. ─── 在車道上一點(diǎn)痕跡都沒(méi)有,嘿嘿,就把你外出的事情泄漏了。

10、Sergio: You can also have a virgin margarita. ─── 塞吉奧:你還能來(lái)一杯“純潔的瑪格麗塔”。

11、I shall always remember that shining, virgin dive. ─── 對(duì)那一出色的首次跳水,我總是記憶猶新。

12、I have never been married and am still a virgin waiting until marriage. ─── 我并未結(jié)過(guò)婚,依然保持著純潔之身期盼婚姻的到來(lái)。

13、Of the three American virgin islands st. Thomas is the most touristed. ─── 在三個(gè)美國(guó)原始島嶼中,圣·托馬斯島最受游客歡迎。

14、Kei goes to the usurer as a guarantor for Wah, she gives her virgin to him too. ─── 詠琪替志華擔(dān)保借下高利貸,并將初夜獻(xiàn)給志華。

15、It was followed by the Virgin Islands and Japan. ─── 它被維京群島和日本跟隨了。

16、They carved out great areas of land from the virgin forest. ─── 他們?cè)谠忌种虚_拓出大片大片的土地。

17、Dymphna is depicted as a beautiful, virginal, young girl. She is often holding a holy bible and white flowers. ─── 鄧娜被描繪成一位年輕美貌的處女,通常手握圣經(jīng)和白花。

18、In a ceramic bowl put the sea urchin and extra virgin olive oil, gently toss and taste seasoning, reserve. ─── 取一陶瓷碗,將海膽,橄欖油,鹽和胡椒放入碗中,拌勻.

19、Was sleeping by a virgin hand disarmed. ─── 便繳械給那貞女的纖纖素手。

20、"Virgin most faithful," her mother intoned. ─── "最最忠貞的圣母,"母親吟誦著。

21、"Virgin?" he asked the girl next to him. ─── “童貞女?”他問(wèn)旁邊的姑娘。

22、Juvenile (virginal) gigantomastia is not the result of abnormal levels of a single hormone and often begins during the peripubertal period. ─── 摘要青少女巨乳癥往往發(fā)生于青春期左右,它不是單一不正常賀爾蒙分泌的結(jié)果。

23、She was visibly still in the virgin stage of vice. ─── 可以看出她雖然過(guò)著放蕩的生活,但內(nèi)心還是純潔的。

24、Her virginal passion matched his nuptial lust and often it was dawn when they fell into an exhausted slumber. ─── 夜間,這對(duì)新婚夫婦就過(guò)幾小時(shí)狂熱的性生活。

25、Nor is there anything more virginal than the shimmer of young foliage. ─── 沒(méi)有什么比初葉的微光更純潔無(wú)瑕了。

26、The visit of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. ─── 圣母瑪麗亞對(duì)她堂親伊麗莎白的看望。

27、She was dressed in virginal white. ─── 她穿了一身潔白無(wú)瑕的衣服。

28、A Vestal Virgin was accorded a lictor when her presence was required at a public ceremony. ─── 刀斧手也具有合法的與刑事的責(zé)任:他們能夠聽從他們主人的命令,逮捕羅馬公民,然后處罰他們。

29、She remained a virgin all her life. ─── 她終生未婚。

30、I was very young, and perhaps she likes the idea of guiding my virgin steps on the hard road of letters. ─── 我當(dāng)時(shí)年紀(jì)很輕,或許她喜歡的是指引我幼稚的腳步走上艱辛的文學(xué)之路。

31、You are the virgin angel in my dream. ─── 你是我夢(mèng)中純潔的天使!

32、Her virgin modesty prevented her from making her feelings known to him. ─── 她的嬌羞使她不敢向他表露真情。

33、The virginal bride carried a sheaf of wheat in her hand throughout the ceremony, or wore a garland of wheat in her hair. ─── 貞潔的新娘在整個(gè)典禮期間,手里都拿著一束小麥,或者在頭發(fā)上戴一個(gè)小麥的花冠。

34、One depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Christ child, and the other shows the meeting of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. ─── 一幅描繪懷抱耶穌的圣母瑪利亞,而另一幅表現(xiàn)圣彼得和圣保羅的會(huì)面。

35、Her face he had idealized: it looked sweet and virginal, pure as a cough drop. ─── 她的面部卻被斯威夫特理想化了,顯得甜美而又純潔,純得像咳嗽藥水。

36、Method The improved vertical bipedicle technique is adopted for 4 cases of break out virginal breast hypertrophy. ─── 方法對(duì)4例突發(fā)性青春期巨乳癥,用改良垂直雙蒂進(jìn)行縮小手術(shù)。

37、Have you ever been to a virgin forest? ─── 你去過(guò)原始森林嗎?

38、Someone placed in a double bind, they are supposed to be sexy and virginal, experienced and na?ve, seductive and pure. ─── 即要求他們老道練達(dá),又要求他們少不更事;即要求他們風(fēng)騷冶艷,又要求他們質(zhì)樸無(wú)華。

39、Excessive veneration or worship of the Virgin Mary. ─── 對(duì)圣母瑪利亞的崇拜對(duì)圣母瑪利亞的過(guò)度尊敬或崇拜

40、NASB Wail like a virgin girded with sackcloth For the bridegroom of her youth. ─── 當(dāng)代圣經(jīng)我的子民啊,你們要像一個(gè)死了未婚夫的少女,穿上喪服痛哭哀號(hào)。

41、Round you virgin, mother and child. ─── 圍繞你的純潔,圣母和圣嬰。

42、Of or relating to the Virgin Mary, her cult, or her theology. ─── 圣母瑪麗亞的圣母瑪麗亞的、圣母瑪麗亞的祭禮的、圣母瑪麗亞神學(xué)的、或與此有關(guān)的

43、The new mayor delivered his virgin speech this afternoon. ─── 今天下午新市長(zhǎng)作了第一次演講。

44、The angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation. ─── 加百列天使向圣母瑪麗亞通告基督的化身。

45、They are pure and virginal, but eager to know the fresh world. ─── 單純而童貞,朦朧而積極地向往著這個(gè)新鮮的世界。

46、KJV] Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth. ─── [新譯]你們要哀號(hào),像少女腰束麻布,為她幼年時(shí)許配的丈夫哀號(hào)一樣。

47、This angelic laser begins slowly the gradual process of transforming the virginal human body to the essence of the soul itself. ─── 這種天使般的激光慢慢地開始了一個(gè)漸進(jìn)的過(guò)程,將貞潔的人體轉(zhuǎn)化為靈魂的精髓。

48、Newly wed girl told mom her husband is still a virgin. ─── 初婚的女孩告訴媽說(shuō)她的丈夫還是處男。

49、The Virgin Mary. Often used with Our. ─── 圣母瑪麗亞。常與our連用

50、The cult of the Virgin Mary was extremely popular. ─── 對(duì)圣母馬利亞的膜拜當(dāng)時(shí)非常流行。

51、But, as we eventually accept, sort of, the fairy-tale prince doesn't exist, and nor does the peachy, virginal princess. ─── 但是,無(wú)論如何,最終我們還是要接受這個(gè)事實(shí),童話故事中的王子并不存在,美麗清純的公主也不存在。

52、Jokes like me|bein' a virgin. ─── |我是處男的玩笑.

53、To experience rosemary's soothing powers, mix a few drops of oil of rosemary with virgin olive oil. ─── 想體驗(yàn)迷迭香的舒緩效能,不妨將幾滴迷迭香精油與純橄欖油混合,

54、In dense virgin forest, the habitat of many rare animals. ─── 在濃密的原始森林中,棲息著許多珍貴動(dòng)物。

55、The Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed both refer to Mary as "the Virgin Mary". ─── 使徒信經(jīng)和尼西亞信經(jīng)提及到瑪麗亞是“童貞女瑪麗亞”。

56、Christians refer to the mother of Jesus as the virgin Mary. ─── 基督徒把耶穌的母親稱為圣母瑪利亞。

57、And they even protected massive virgin forests with the reason of “geomantic omen”. ─── 他們并以“風(fēng)水”為理由 ,保護(hù)了大片原始森林。

58、Then he discovers she's not a virgin and crucifies her right beside the dragon. ─── 最后他發(fā)現(xiàn)她居然不是(果然不是)貞女,于是把她的尸體釘上了巨龍旁邊的十字架。

59、Somehow she'd always been a child in his mind, pure and virginal. ─── 不知何故,她在他心里一直是個(gè)天真無(wú)邪的孩子。

60、But, as we eventually accept, sort of, the fairy-tale prince doesn't exist, and nor does the peachy, virginal princess. ─── 但是,無(wú)論如何,最終我們還是要接受這個(gè)事實(shí),童話故事中的王子并不存在,美麗清純的公主也不存在。

61、An island of the West Indies east of Puerto Rico. It is the largest of the British Virgin Islands. ─── 托托拉島西印度群島中一島嶼,位于波多黎各以東,它是英屬維爾金群島中最大的一個(gè)島嶼

62、Within the circle is the lily;the symbol of purity and also of the Virgin Mary. ─── 圓環(huán)內(nèi)有荷花,標(biāo)記著純潔,亦是童貞圣母瑪利亞的表號(hào)。

63、Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. ─── 九寨溝風(fēng)景區(qū)內(nèi)有許多清澈的湖泊,它們或隱匿于峽谷,或鑲嵌于原始森林。

64、A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in 1858. Population,17,425. ─── 盧爾德法國(guó)西南部比利牛斯山腳下的一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn),以羅馬天主教的圣地而聞名。這個(gè)圣地傳統(tǒng)是1858年圣母瑪利亞出現(xiàn)在圣伯納前的地方。人口17,425。

65、Virgin spokesman said the sign is a light-hearted way of getting people to move on quickly. ─── 公司發(fā)言人說(shuō),該標(biāo)志只是以一種輕松方式提醒人們走快點(diǎn),以免耽誤行程。

66、A quarter of the area is covered with virgin forest. ─── 四分之一的地區(qū)都是原始森林。

67、A virgin material can be "started" from 0 into either the first or the third quadrant. ─── 一個(gè)沒(méi)有用過(guò)的材料可以從0點(diǎn)“開始”進(jìn)入第一或第三象限。

68、She lived and died a virgin. ─── 她終身沒(méi)有結(jié)婚。

69、The virgin occasionally Is your Mikado```````````Yz_Zick. ─── 宥長(zhǎng)見(jiàn)識(shí)楽`.

70、This is no time for virginal simplicity to forget prudence. ─── 你答覆一言,你就接納那圣言;

71、Previous clients have included L'Oreal, Virgin and Coca-Cola. ─── 以前的客戶包括歐萊雅,美屬維爾京和可口可樂(lè)。

72、Green trees reach to the sky in the virgin forest. ─── 原始森林里碧樹參天。

73、In Nagasaki, Manjiro had to trample on an imageof the Virgin and child. ─── 不過(guò),在長(zhǎng)崎,萬(wàn)次郎被迫用腳踩踏一幅圣母和耶穌的畫像。

74、The virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. ─── 原始的名字是瑪麗的未婚夫約瑟夫。

75、She was dressed in virginal white. ─── 她穿了一身潔白無(wú)瑕的衣服。

76、East small Tianchi set in lush virgin forest, scrub pool hygiene, boulder list. ─── 東小天池掩映在茂密的原始森林中,池邊灌木叢生,巨石羅列。

77、The crescent on the crest is a special symbol for the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. ─── 傘柄紋章上的彎月是圣母瑪麗亞神圣感孕的專有標(biāo)志。

78、Our pesto is made from imported extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts, fresh basil, garlic, and Parmesan. ─── 意大利面,配以我們精心調(diào)配的香蒜醬(由進(jìn)口的初榨橄欖油、松子、新鮮羅勒、荷蘭芹,大蒜和巴馬干酪調(diào)配而成),美味可口。

79、As always since childhood, this was, for Scarlett, a moment for adoration of Ellen, rather than the Virgin. ─── 對(duì)思嘉而言,從小以來(lái),這個(gè)時(shí)刻與其說(shuō)是崇敬圣母還不如說(shuō)是崇敬愛(ài)倫。

80、In his winepress the Lord has trampled the Virgin Daughter of Judah. ─── 主將猶大居民踹下,像在酒榨中一樣。

81、A native of the continental United States living or working in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. ─── 僑居在外的美國(guó)人出生在美國(guó)本土,而在波多黎各島或美屬維爾京群島生活或工作的人

82、His response was to start praying to the Scribe Virgin in the Old Language. ─── 他的回答是用古語(yǔ)開始向銘圣母獻(xiàn)上祈禱。

83、When the roses fell from his tilma (a kind of apron) an icon of the Virgin remained imprinted on the cloth. ─── 當(dāng)玫瑰落在他的泰爾瑪(一種類型的圍裙)的時(shí)候,一個(gè)圣母的圖案在布上留下了烙印。

84、The bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into heaven after her death. ─── 圣母升天圣母瑪麗亞死后升天

85、The stable , first of all, was empty of other humans and she could cry in her virginal , youthful pain and nobody would hear her cry . ─── 首先,那馬槽沒(méi)有別人在場(chǎng),她可以把生育的痛楚哭出來(lái),而且沒(méi)人會(huì)聽見(jiàn)她哭。

86、There was also no difference in ALDO levels of multiparous and virgin females. ─── 出生2天后的幼鼠已具有產(chǎn)生ALDO的能力。

87、Now let us learn how a virgin goddess punished an invader of her privacy. ─── 下面的故事講的是童貞女神如何懲罰侵犯她個(gè)人自由的人。

88、I usually end up fingering her still-virginal butt while "forcing" her to suck my dick. ─── 通常接下來(lái)就是我強(qiáng)迫她給我吹簫,與此同時(shí)我把手指插到她陰道深處。

89、Not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal. ─── 沒(méi)有經(jīng)歷過(guò)性交的;童貞的.

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