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10-03 投稿


poorness 發(fā)音


英:  美:

poorness 中文意思翻譯



poorness 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 貧窮;拙劣;缺乏

poorness 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、gooiness ─── 粘性

2、coolness ─── n.冷;涼爽;冷靜

3、goodness ─── n.善良,美德;仁慈,慷慨;精華,養(yǎng)分;int.(表示吃驚或憤怒)天哪;上帝的替代語(yǔ)

4、sourness ─── n.酸味;性情乖僻;壞心眼

5、woodness ─── 森林

6、poriness ─── n.孔隙率;多孔性

7、dourness ─── 冷酷的;面無表情的

8、poorest ─── adj.可憐的;adj.低劣的;adj.貧困的(poor的最高級(jí))

9、mootness ─── 訴由消失之事項(xiàng)(因爭(zhēng)議已經(jīng)解決或不存在,法院不可能提供給一方當(dāng)事人任何救濟(jì)的案件)

poorness 常見例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、They are poor but proud; they never borrow money or ask for help. ─── 他們雖窮但很自重,他們從不向人借錢或求助。

2、Don't make fun of the poor boy. ─── 不要取笑那個(gè)可憐的孩子。

3、His generosity to the poor is well known. ─── 他對(duì)窮人的慷慨為人所熟知。

4、I love her all the better for her poverty (=because she is poor). ─── 因?yàn)樗F,我反而更喜歡她。

5、Poor bugger! His wife left him last week. ─── 可憐的家伙! 他妻子上星期離開了他。

6、Irresolute persons make poor victors. ─── 優(yōu)柔寡斷的人不會(huì)成為勝利者。

7、He looks down on us by reason that we are poor. ─── 因?yàn)槲覀兏F,他瞧不起我們。

8、He gives generously to the poor. ─── 他慷慨地施舍給窮人。

9、Influence Analysis of Enlarging Citizen's Richness and Poorness during Changing Process ─── 轉(zhuǎn)軌進(jìn)程中居民貧富差距擴(kuò)大的影響分析

10、They are the poor men living in a garret. ─── 他們就是住在閣樓上的窮人。

11、He is too poor to maintain his family. ─── 他太窮了,無法養(yǎng)活家人。

12、His latest effort is a poor excuse for a novel. ─── 他最近的作品只是一部劣質(zhì)的小說。

13、He did well by his poor relatives. ─── 他對(duì)他的窮親戚很慷慨。

14、Poor Bill's hitting the bottle again! ─── 可憐的比爾又酗酒了!

15、His poor little son fainted from hunger. ─── 他那可憐的小兒子餓得昏厥過去了。

16、In double glow plasma surface alloying(DGPSA), the alloy poorness in surface layer of the workpiece is mainly caused by two mechanisms. ─── 離子滲金屬中,工件表層合金貧化主要通過兩種機(jī)構(gòu)發(fā)生。

17、Poor John was exposed to the wind and rain. ─── 可憐的約翰處于風(fēng)雨交加之中。

18、Jim failed in the exam, but he charged it to his poor health. ─── 吉姆沒通過這次考試,但他歸咎于身體不好。

19、Stop taking the mickey (out of poor Susan)! ─── 別取笑(可憐的蘇珊)了!

20、He told us a romance about a prince who married a poor girl. ─── 他給我們講了一位王子娶了一個(gè)窮人家女孩的傳奇故事。

21、We had a poor crop of raspberries this year. ─── 今年我們的懸鉤子歉收。

22、He was too poor to buy an astronomical telescope. ─── 他太窮了,買不起天文望遠(yuǎn)鏡。

23、As a work of art it is very poor. ─── 作為藝術(shù)品這是十分拙劣的。

24、It hurts the eyes to read in such poor light. ─── 在這樣暗的光線下看書對(duì)眼睛有害。

25、You must not despise a man because he is poor. ─── 你不可因一個(gè)人貧窮而輕視他。

26、He bobbed the poor old woman out of her savings. ─── 他騙走了那位可憐老婦人的積蓄。

27、Get third prize is poor consolation for all their hard work. ─── 他們那麼努力才獲得三等獎(jiǎng),真有點(diǎn)說不過去。

28、She suffered from the poorness of her house, from its mean walls, worn chairs and ugly curtains. ─── 她因?yàn)樗茢〉奈葑樱?jiǎn)陋的墻壁,破舊的椅子和丑陋的窗簾而痛苦。

29、I love him none the less because he is poor. ─── 即使他窮,我還是愛他。

30、He will do almost anything for the poor, except get off their back. ─── 他幾乎任何事情都愿意為窮人做,除了從他們的背上下來以外。

31、The poorness of the land makes farming impossible. ─── 土地貧瘠而無法耕作。

32、David give a poor account of himself in the boxing match. ─── 大衛(wèi)在這次拳擊比賽中表現(xiàn)不佳。

33、He dishonorably exploited the poor by making them work for less pay. ─── 他卑鄙地剝削窮人,要他們?yōu)樗ぷ?,卻短付工資。

34、Poor health may be a bar to success in life. ─── 健康不佳可能成為人一生中取得成功的障礙。

35、His aristocratic manners seemed ridiculous in this poor area. ─── 在這個(gè)貧窮的地區(qū),他的貴族氣派顯得很可笑。

36、Poor girl, I feel for you, toothache is painful. ─── 可憐的姑娘,我都替你難受,牙痛真夠嗆。

37、His poor handwriting can not be read by himself. ─── 他糟糕的筆跡無法被他本人所辨認(rèn)。

38、He could feel their sarcastic tone about his poor work. ─── 他能感覺到他們對(duì)他拙劣作品的諷刺語(yǔ)調(diào)。

39、His concern for the poor is only a pose. ─── 他對(duì)窮人的關(guān)心只不過是做做樣子罷了。

40、The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences. ─── 因觀眾太少而取消演出。

41、Stop digging at the poor child! ─── 別再挖苦這個(gè)可憐的孩子了吧!

42、Poor Lionel went to pieces after his wife died. ─── 可憐的萊昂內(nèi)爾在妻子死后垮了下來。

43、In days of yore, we lived in poor. ─── 從前,我們的生活很窮困。

44、He is very downhearted about the poor grade he got in school. ─── 他對(duì)糟糕的學(xué)業(yè)成績(jī)感到十分沮喪。

45、He remained poor all his life. ─── 他終生貧窮。

46、He has lost his job, poor devil! ─── 他失業(yè)了,可憐的人!

47、The company ought to do something about the poor service. ─── 公司應(yīng)該對(duì)服務(wù)質(zhì)量不佳一事采取些措施。

48、Poor Mr White dropped dead in the street yesterday. ─── 可憐的懷特先生昨天突然死在大街上。

49、Poor Mary had a time trying to get the children to go to bed. ─── 可憐的瑪麗為了讓孩子們上床睡覺傷透了腦筋。

50、They were very proud in spite of poorness, just like those wealthy farmers. ─── 可是他們身處貧困仍非常驕傲,就像那些擁有財(cái)富的農(nóng)場(chǎng)主一樣。

51、He have great sympathy for the poor and the unfortunate. ─── 他對(duì)窮人和不幸的人懷著深深的同情。

52、It is desirable that we (should) provide for the poor at Christmas. ─── 在圣誕節(jié)施舍窮人是可喜的事。

53、His odds are very poor after he sprained his wrist. ─── 他扭傷了手腕,獲勝的可能性極小。

54、He gave the poor donkey a terrible lashing. ─── 他狠命地抽打那頭可憐的驢。

55、Poor John was the butt of all their jokes. ─── 可憐的約翰是他們嘲笑的對(duì)象。

56、He's as plain as a pikestaff, poor boy, and keenly aware of it. ─── 可憐的孩子,他相貌平平,而且有自知之明。

57、Though, Christmas market showed the dark side of this time as well: the poorness . ─── 可是,圣誕市場(chǎng)也展示了此時(shí)黑暗的一面:貧窮。

58、Poor Tom was snatching at straws when he took his dying son to another doctor. ─── 可憐的湯姆把瀕于死亡的兒子帶去看另一位醫(yī)生只不過是想爭(zhēng)取最后一線希望。

59、He is a penny pinch because he grew up in a poor family. ─── 他在窮人家長(zhǎng)大,所以非常節(jié)省。

60、Poor health may be a barrier to success. ─── 健康欠佳可能成為取得成功的障礙。

61、It's a poor sort of memory that only work backwards. ─── 只會(huì)向后作用的記憶力可就差勁了。

62、He is praised for his being all for helping the poor. ─── 他因盡力幫助窮人受到了贊美。

63、Poor chap, his wife has just died. ─── 不幸的小伙子啊,他剛剛死了妻子。

64、His illness was brought on by poor feeding. ─── 他的病是飲食不佳引起的。

65、She is by no means poor: in fact, she's quite rich. ─── 她可不窮,其實(shí)她很闊。

66、He's a good batsman but a poor bowler. ─── 他擊球不錯(cuò),但投球不太好。

67、Her own particular chip on the shoulder was her poor background. ─── 她感到怨恨的特有原因是她的背景不好。

68、He worked hard to produce good crops from poor soil. ─── 他辛勤耕作,為使瘠薄的土地上長(zhǎng)出好莊稼。

69、Poor Bill, all his things are at gage. ─── 可憐的比爾,他所有的東西都當(dāng)?shù)袅恕?/p>

70、Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache. ─── 在昏暗的燈光下看書會(huì)引起頭疼。

71、You will strain your eyes by reading in such poor light. ─── 你在這樣弱的光線下看書會(huì)損傷視力的。

72、He was too poor to buy shoes for his family. ─── 他太窮,無錢給家人買鞋穿。

73、Mps representing marginal seat are worried about the government's poor show in the opinion poll. ─── 代表邊際席位的下院議員對(duì)政府在民意測(cè)驗(yàn)中的壞的表現(xiàn)表示憂慮。

74、Poor thing! He must be feeling awful now. ─── 可憐的人兒!他現(xiàn)在一定不好受。

75、He comes spring in the poor family. ─── 他出身于貧苦的家庭。

76、He was too poor to buy a new coat. ─── 他窮得無法買新衣。

77、Poor posture will give you backache. ─── 坐姿不好會(huì)使人腰背酸痛。

78、His spelling's poor but he's very quick at figures. ─── 他拼寫差,但算術(shù)好。

79、All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke. ─── 你拿可憐的邁克爾打趣可要出圈兒了。

80、They would stop the rich from robbing the poor. ─── 他們要制止富人掠奪窮人。

81、The poor election results confounded the government. ─── 失敗的選舉結(jié)果使政府驚慌失措。

82、The poor suspension gives a rather bumpy ride. ─── 因懸掛裝置性能差,行駛時(shí)很顛簸。

83、She sent money year after year to help the poor. ─── 她年年送錢幫助窮人。

84、His poor sight is a hangover from a bad illness he had. ─── 他視力不好是他生了一場(chǎng)大病留下的后遺癥。

85、The prospects for this year's wine harvest are poor. ─── 今年的葡萄酒產(chǎn)量前景不佳。

86、There is the seam relation between some peculiar objects appear or disappear and the mode that the family poorness when its treasure lost. ─── 其三,某一異物的出現(xiàn)與消失,也與物因?qū)毷Ъ邑殹?/p>

87、Poor Fred: he's gone to meet his Maker. ─── 可憐的弗雷德,他已經(jīng)去見上帝了。

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