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10-03 投稿


mows 發(fā)音

英:[m??z]  美:[mo?z]

英:  美:

mows 中文意思翻譯



mows 詞性/詞形變化,mows變形

名詞: mower |動詞過去分詞: mowed/mown |動詞過去式: mowed |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): mows |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mowing |

mows 反義詞


mows 同義詞


mows 相似詞語短語

1、lows ─── n.最低點(diǎn)(low的復(fù)數(shù));v.(牛)哞哞叫(low的第三人稱單數(shù));n.(Lows)(美)洛斯(人名);(美)洛絲(人名)

2、maws ─── abbr.導(dǎo)彈逼近告警體系

3、hows ─── n.豪視安科公司

4、jows ─── v.打鈴;敲鐘(等于toll);n.鐘聲;敲鐘;n.(Jow)(美)喬(人名)

5、dows ─── n.道斯(美國一城市)

6、cows ─── n.牛;乳牛(cow的復(fù)數(shù))

7、meows ─── v.貓叫;n.貓叫聲;n.(Meow)(俄、美、馬、印、新)米奧(人名)

8、bows ─── n.飾片;弓形物(bow的復(fù)數(shù)形式);v.鞠躬(bow的第三人稱單數(shù));把…彎成弓形

9、mews ─── n.馬廄;馬廄改建成的住房;n.(Mews)人名;(德)梅夫斯

mows 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every mow and them wiped away his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief. ─── 他走在送葬隊(duì)伍的前頭,還不時地用一條的手絹抹去他那假惺惺的淚水。

2、Michael bringing the wrath of God upon a German Lucifer , or burm to avenge him if his dastardly adversary mows him down with a machine-gun before he can get to grips with him . ─── 假如你把兩個格斗的士兵看成是一個英勇的英國“天使”在對一個德國“惡魔”施以天罰,那么,如果“天使”殺死了“惡魔”,你可能會為他的勝利而感到欣喜若狂;

3、Better still, reduce the number oftimes you mow per season and let some of your lawn grow wild, which hasadded benefits for bugs, butterflies, and birds. ─── 但更好的辦法是減少每個季節(jié)割草的次數(shù),讓草十長高些,這樣對昆蟲、蝴蝶和鳥類也更有益。

4、Maybe it's for the best that your team lost; mow you know how the other boys felt. ─── 也許,你們隊(duì)這次輸了是件好事,現(xiàn)在你們知道別人失敗的感覺了。

5、Early sow, early mow. ─── [諺]早種早收。

6、English is so important in China mow. ─── 如今英語在中國十分重要。你說的對極了。

7、With the mows (molds) an unlimited number of machines can be built with locally purchased metal pounds (parts). ─── 利用模子在當(dāng)?shù)夭少徑饘俨考梢灾圃旄嗟臋C(jī)器。

8、The appropriate amount to apply each mow was 75kg of CCC solution at a concentration of 0.25%. ─── 在拔節(jié)前第一節(jié)間開始伸長時,每畝噴0.25%矮壯素溶液150斤為適宜。

9、Mow Sun Wong is a puzzling decision that has had little if any influence. ─── “Mow sun Wong”案的判決令人迷惑,它幾乎沒有產(chǎn)生什么影響。

10、Mow the lawn. ─── 刈草坪

11、The kit contains fiver glass mows (fiberglass molds) and enough metal peace (pieces) to build three machines. ─── 這個工具箱里有玻璃纖維的模子和足夠多的金屬片可用來制造三臺機(jī)器。

12、To mow and cure grass and herbage for hay. ─── 割草及牧草并翻曬成干草

13、You will be late for school if you don't get up mow. ─── 你現(xiàn)在如果不起床,你就要遲到了。

14、OperationalState -- The MOWS Operational State capability provides the current operational state of the service. ─── OperationalState--MOWSOperationalState性能提供了該服務(wù)的當(dāng)前運(yùn)行狀態(tài)。

15、Bye mow! ─── 再見啦!

16、MoW: You are Haier Brothers. He's your younger brother and you are the elder. ─── 克魯?shù)拢菏侵悄芾先藙?chuàng)造了你們,他把自己的靈魂都傳給你們了!

17、Michael if he kills Lucifer, or burn to avenge him if his dastardly adversary mows him down with a machine-gun before he can get to grips with him. ─── 但若在他還沒來得及與他的卑怯的對手交鋒之前就被其用機(jī)關(guān)槍掃倒,你又會怒不可遏地為他復(fù)仇。

18、Don't look as if you were carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders,Carol,just because you have to mow the lawn. ─── 卡羅爾,不要因?yàn)橐愠?,就看來像?fù)擔(dān)著很多重責(zé)任似的。

19、It's a bit much when you want me to mow the lawn in the pouring rain. ─── 你別想要我在這么大的雨中去刈草坪。

20、"Well, when are you going to mow it? ─── “我說,你打算什么時候干?

21、You of the sword mows on my throat under go to! ─── 你的劍在我的咽喉上割下去吧!

22、A: Did you mow the lawn? ─── 你修過草坪了嗎?

23、Removal of contaminants from toner inks and stickies has been the major problem in the deinking of MOW for use as substitutes for bleached market pulp. ─── 去除色料和膠黏物,一直是辦公廢紙脫墨漿作為漂白商品漿替代品的主要問題。

24、In summer we mow our lawn once a week. ─── 夏天我們一周給草坪刈草一次。

25、I mow the lawn every week in summer. ─── 夏天我每周都要修剪草坪。

26、Vertical mow, aerify, or slit seed to open the stand and allow the seed to reach the soil. Then broadcast seed, topdress, and drag or rake. ─── 垂直剪草,打孔或切口讓種子能播到土壤里。然后撒播種子,覆沙并且耙地。

27、Have you done with my lawn mower yet? I'd like to have it back to mow my own lawn. ─── 你用完了我的割草機(jī)沒有?我想要取回來刈我自己的草坪。

28、Don't look as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders,Henry,just because you have to mow the lawn. ─── 亨利,不要因?yàn)樽屇憬o草坪割草,就滿臉憂愁好像肩負(fù)著重?fù)?dān)的樣子。

29、They set him to mow the lawn. ─── 他們叫他割草。

30、The sort that offers to mow your lawn, but doesn't mention your husband seems cold. ─── 主動要求幫忙修剪草坪的人,卻只字不提你那冷酷的丈夫。

31、Up to now ( Till mow) nobody has claimed the suitcase. ─── 到現(xiàn)在還沒人認(rèn)領(lǐng)這個行李箱。

32、A55- year-old U. S. Army veteran who has trouble walking is offering to mow lawns for$10 each to raise money so his dog can have a hip replacement operation. ─── ?渙加諦械

33、He has fagged away at French for some years and has mow mastered it. ─── 他苦學(xué)了幾法語,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)掌握得很好了。

34、Your dad mows the grass, and I clean. ─── 你爸爸負(fù)責(zé)割草,而我就負(fù)責(zé)清理。

35、I reserved a double room last Monday and I'd like to check in mow. ─── 上周一我在這預(yù)訂了一個雙人房間,我現(xiàn)在想辦住宿手續(xù)。

36、To mow the grass and pull out the roots ─── 剪草除根

37、Your dad mows the grass, and I clean.I could go on and on. ─── 于是,我開始向她大談特談什么如今已是20世紀(jì)90年代了,什么兩性平等啦等等。"

38、The age that reached to should go to school, but he puts an ox in mow however, take branny pharynx course, live impoverished life. ─── 到了該上學(xué)的年齡,可他卻在割草放牛,吃糠咽菜,過著貧困的生活。

39、Concerning herpesvirus infections, several reports have mow described the use of plasmid DNAs encoding herpesvirus proteins to induce a protective immunity in mice. ─── gB蛋白誘導(dǎo)免疫保護(hù)作用具有長時效特點(diǎn),明顯保護(hù)三叉神經(jīng)節(jié)免于感染; 也有實(shí)驗(yàn)表明鼠接種分泌形式的gB蛋白對由HSV-1感染引起的角膜炎,腦膜炎和死亡具有明顯保護(hù)作用;

40、Don't look as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders, Henry, just because you have to mow the lawn. ─── 亨利,不要因?yàn)樽屇憬o草坪刈刈草,就滿臉憂愁好像肩負(fù)著重?fù)?dān)的樣子。

41、If I am mowing the lawn, Miles mows the lawn. ─── 如果我在除草,邁爾斯也會來除草。

42、Keith was waiting for us at hone, frail mow and in constant pain, but also very happy. ─── 凱斯正在家里等著我們,由于持續(xù)的疼痛,他的身體現(xiàn)在更加虛弱,但是非常高興。

43、The gardener mows the grass regularly. ─── 園丁定期刈草。

44、Ahem, I wonder if I can raise this problem with you mow. ─── 呃哼,我現(xiàn)在能否向您提及這問題。

45、She's been nagging at him to mow the lawn. ─── 她一直在催他去割草坪的雜草。

46、The enthusiasm of the people mow burst forth ─── 人民群眾的熱情現(xiàn)在迸發(fā)了出來。

47、He slept in a barley mow. ─── 他睡在麥堆上。

48、One day a youth espied her as he was hunting. She saw him and recognized him as her own son, mow grown a young man. ─── 一日,她被一個正在行獵的小伙子看見了,她認(rèn)出來這個獵手原來是自己的兒子,現(xiàn)在已長成為一個翩翩的少年。

49、The soldier is mow down by fire from the enemy's gun. ─── 士兵們被敵軍炮火掃殺殆盡。

50、When it was growing and grown, I have observ'd already, how many things I wanted, to fence it, secure it, mow or reap it, cure and carry it home, thrash, part it from the chaff, and save it. ─── 在莊稼成長和成熟的時候,我前面也已談到,還有許多事要做。我要給莊稼地打上籬笆,又要保護(hù)莊稼不受鳥害。然后是收割、曬干、運(yùn)回家、打谷、簸去秕糠,而后把谷物收藏起來。

51、The stanza mows wrist to commit suicide, with so-called Zhen strong touched royal government, to Lin Shi others from light handle. ─── 節(jié)割腕自盡,以所謂的貞烈感動朝廷,對林氏其他人從輕處理。

52、Jonathan MOWS his lawn every week and keeps his front yard tidy, yet his backyard is packed with junk. ─── 莊那森每星期都修剪草地并保持前院整潔,但他的后院卻堆滿了雜物。

53、Just the right weather to garden, mow the lawn, or hike the nearest trail. ─── 只要正確的天氣,花園,草坪割草,或最近的加息線索。

54、The demand and control of temperature in some American MOW deinki ng systems were introduced in this paper. ─── 介紹了美國一些混合辦公廢紙脫墨系統(tǒng)各主要工序?qū)囟鹊囊蠛驼J(rèn)識。

55、In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week. ─── 夏天我們每周得修剪草坪兩次。

56、Happy with the London bus, am surprised it didn't mow down the cyclists, or at least poison them in a cloud of carbon dioxide from its exhaust. ─── 倫敦巴士很不錯,我只是感覺很奇怪,它怎么沒有把那些騎單車的撞倒,或者用黑煙尾氣薰倒他們?

57、Are you ready mow? ─── 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?

58、In summer we mow our lawn once a week ─── 夏天我們一周給草坪刈草一次

59、He mow perceived his error . ─── 他現(xiàn)在察覺到了自己的錯誤。

60、He hired a man to mow the lawn. ─── 他雇了人割草。

61、He said nothing ,that's refuse.His "no" as in "not mow",or as in "never"? ─── 他什么都沒說,那就是“不”。我在想:他的“不”是現(xiàn)在不,還是永遠(yuǎn)?

62、Only few reports on this weapon exist, as few survived the encounter with it, it is said it can mow down entire rows of soldiers within seconds. ─── 只有少數(shù)的相關(guān)報(bào)告。因?yàn)橛龅剿娜撕茈y幸存下來。它可以像收割稻草一樣在幾秒之內(nèi)消滅整排的步兵。

63、They paint, clean up, or repair houses, do their shopping and mow their lawns. ─── 他們涂刷墻面、理衛(wèi)生或修理房屋、助購物或修整草坪。

64、The soldier be mow down by fire from the enemy 's gun ─── 士兵們被敵軍炮火掃殺殆盡

65、Lam Kau Mow Secondary School 10 Tak Po Street, City One, Shatin, N.T. ─── 圣公會林裘謀中學(xué)新界沙田第一城得寶街10號。

66、The MOWS specification allows integration of management with Web services-based business applications and processes. ─── MOWS規(guī)范允許使用基于服務(wù)的業(yè)務(wù)應(yīng)用程序和進(jìn)程管理的集成。

67、The ground beetle found in the disordered mow also had the same fate.Every jar or pot had its use.Inside or outside the wall, grass roots and barks were suspended from the eave. ─── 發(fā)現(xiàn)了亂草堆中的土鱉蟲也是照收不誤,熱水燙死曬干貯藏好,壇壇罐罐都有用場。

68、If I am mowing the lawn, Miles MOWS the lawn. ─── 如果我在除草,邁爾斯也會來除草。

69、Concerns about delegation also played a role in the unorthodox decision in Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, 426 U.S. 88 (1976). ─── 在“漢普頓訴MOW Sun Wong”案[載于《美國最高法院判例匯編》第426卷,第88頁(1976)]的非正統(tǒng)的判決里,對授權(quán)的關(guān)注同樣也起了作用。

70、You should try to be more cheerful and not mop and mow so much. ─── 你要盡量高興點(diǎn);不要如此愁眉苦臉。

71、He mows lawns and gardens for half a dozen clients in Grafton, some of them family friends. And he is an active volunteer firefighter. ─── 他為格拉夫頓六戶人家修剪草坪和花園,他們中一些是父母的朋友,此外他還是個積極的義務(wù)消防員。

72、Ten men went to mow a meadow. ─── 十個人去割一片草地。

73、You should get after them to mow the lawn. ─── 你應(yīng)催促他們割草坪

74、The mower firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it. ─── 修完后割草機(jī)還是紋絲不動。于是,我決定把它拆開。

75、He has faggedaway at French for some years and has mow mastered it. ─── 他苦學(xué)了幾法語,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)掌握得很好了。

76、Call the person send into a deer to come, mow to descend the tongue of the deer, dig out the deer's eye in the night time, she, and keep they. ─── 在夜里,她叫人送進(jìn)一只鹿來,割下鹿的舌頭,挖出鹿的眼睛,把它們保存著。

77、The crows mow the yellow meadow. ─── 烏鴉們修剪黃色的草地。

78、If you do not come back at once if, they can go up in our mow piddle. ─── 你要是不趕緊回來的話,他們會在我們的草堆上撒尿?!?/p>

79、My mother mows the grass on the street once a week. ─── 我媽媽每星期都在街上修一次草坪。

80、A: It took two hours to mow the lawn. ─── 割草坪花了兩個小時。

81、Me: Son, go mow the yard. I'm going to read for a while. ─── 兒子,取把院子里面的草割了。我看會兒書。

82、The MOWS specification allows integration of management with Web services-based business applications and processes. ─── MOWS規(guī)范允許使用基于服務(wù)的業(yè)務(wù)應(yīng)用程序和進(jìn)程管理的集成。

83、Physicochemistry Behavior in MOW Deinking ─── MOW脫墨過程中物理化學(xué)行為的研究

84、WSDM MOWS defines the following MUWS capabilities for Web services ─── WSDM MOWS定義了以下用于Web服務(wù)的MUWS性能

85、For years now, FIFA has been pressuring referees to protect "flair" players like Rivaldo by handing out harsh punishment to defenders who try to mow them down. ─── 多年來為保護(hù)像里瓦爾多 這樣的“天才“球員,F(xiàn)IFA出臺了嚴(yán)厲的懲罰措施以防止這些‘”天才”球員被拌倒。

86、Your dad MOWS the grass, and I clean. ─── 你爸爸負(fù)責(zé)割草,而我就負(fù)責(zé)清理。

87、The everyone write, the everyone say, you mow drop my tongue but uniform my soul? ─── 人人寫得,人人說得,你割得掉我的舌頭但制服得了我的靈魂嗎?

88、Why don't you clean the kitchen and bathroom and I will mow the yard. ─── 何不這樣,你清廚房和浴室。我來割后院的草。

89、Designing the content for the layout is not the only way to design mow and many designs are seeing a trend towards stylizing the content not the layout so much. ─── 為了布局而對內(nèi)容進(jìn)行排版設(shè)計(jì),在很多設(shè)計(jì)中都能看到使內(nèi)容的風(fēng)格布局不瑣碎的趨勢。

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