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10-04 投稿


melodrama 發(fā)音

英:['mel?(?)drɑ?m?]  美:['m?l?drɑm?]

英:  美:

melodrama 中文意思翻譯



melodrama 詞性/詞形變化,melodrama變形

動詞過去式: melodized |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): melodizes |名詞: melodizer |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: melodizing |動詞過去分詞: melodized |

melodrama 相似詞語短語

1、melodramatics ─── 情節(jié)劇

2、melodramatist ─── n.如戲劇般地行動的人;通俗鬧劇作者

3、melodramatise ─── 情節(jié)劇

4、melodramatize ─── v.使具有通俗劇特點;使改寫成情節(jié)劇

5、melodramatic ─── adj.夸張的;情節(jié)劇的;戲劇似的

6、monodrama ─── n.獨角戲;單人??;單人劇劇本

7、teledrama ─── n.電視劇

8、melodramas ─── n.情節(jié)劇;音樂??;聳人聽聞的事件,鬧劇

9、monodramas ─── n.獨角戲;單人?。粏稳藙”?/p>

melodrama 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、all the melodrama of a major murder trial ─── 一重大謀殺案審判中的情節(jié)劇式的場面

2、This melodrama is about love and human relations, and involves a strong feeling about Chinese Culture.Nowadays it is not easy to find this type of film among Hong Kong production. ─── 這 部愛情、親情片最令人感動的,是對中國文化有深情,在今日港片中亦最難得。

3、Man chester United are once more engulfed in the delirious joy of Champions League melodrama. ─── 曼聯(lián)隊再次沉浸在了歐洲冠軍聯(lián)賽所帶來的瘋狂喜悅之中。

4、I think a lot of young actors get frightened of putting themselves out there or feeling it's gonna tip over into melodrama. ─── 我想很多的年輕演員,害怕將自己呈現(xiàn)出來,或感覺將太突出于傳奇劇.

5、A tragic melodrama about a rickshaw man, Matsu Mifune, loves a married woman named Toshio. ─── 手車夫松五郎是個賭棍酒徒,然而專好抱打不平。

6、That change in emphasis leaches the melodrama from Mr.Nolan’s original conception, but it gives the story tension and interest beyond one man’s personal struggle. ─── 這種改變將諾蘭先生的原創(chuàng)觀念從個人的掙扎中超脫出來,賦予故事以張力和趣味。

7、Life is not to be conceived on the analogy of a melodrama in which the hero and heroine go through incredible misfortunes for which they are compensated by a happy ending. ─── 在情節(jié)劇中,男女主人公在遭受難以置信的種種不幸之后,以美好的結(jié)局作為補償,但生活不能與情節(jié)劇相比。

8、Eternal Summer, directed by Leste Chan (The Heirloom) will be released theatrically in Taiwan this Fall.The film is a teenage gay melodrama. ─── 盛夏光年是導(dǎo)演陳正道(宅變、狂放)今年秋天將在臺灣發(fā)行的新片,故事是描述兩男一女 (張孝全、張睿家、楊淇)的青春情事,有碰觸到同志情節(jié)。

9、The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy. ─── 劇情由喜劇慢慢發(fā)展成鬧劇,最后又演變?yōu)楸瘎 ?/p>

10、To sum up, the conclusion has shown that Cat is a melodrama that has an especial manifest form and histrionic melodrama very strongly. ─── 綜上所述,從而得出結(jié)論:《貓》是一部具有獨特表現(xiàn)形式,并且“戲劇性”極強的音樂劇。

11、With the rich flavors of detective story, comedy, and melodrama, this movie interweaves themes of family, sex, and money to create a moving story. ─── 在推理、喜劇和通俗劇的豐富味道里,本片交織出關(guān)于家庭、性和金錢的動人故事。

12、Instead of tragedy, we got melodrama. ─── 我們看的是情節(jié)劇,不是悲劇。

13、The Narration Arts of American TV Melodrama Series ─── 美國電視情節(jié)系列劇的敘事藝術(shù)

14、Miyazaki has no patience for simple-minded melodrama, anyway, and prefers an antagonist who is more complex and follows a certain code. ─── 宮崎駿從來不會去制作簡單情感的音樂劇的人物,他喜歡按照一定的方法來創(chuàng)造一個很復(fù)雜的矛盾人物。

15、As delineated by Mr. Daly, it was true to the most sacred traditions of melodrama as he found it when he began his career. ─── 正像劇作家戴利先生描述的那樣,這個戲符合通俗劇的最神圣的傳統(tǒng),這些傳統(tǒng)從他當(dāng)劇作家起就沒有變過。

16、You create melodrama at an emotional level and would prefer to stay at home where it's safe and secure. ─── 巨蟹座的你寧愿待在家里,享受安靜舒服的小日子。

17、I love it even the cheap melodrama. ─── 我喜歡,就算它是出低級的戲劇。

18、It was like the revival of an old melodrama that I had seen long ago with childish awe. ─── 那是老式情節(jié)劇的重現(xiàn),很久以前,我曾懷著孩童的那種敬畏觀看過。

19、It made me realize that despite the words of distrust I spoke, I yearned for such an earnest and pure world though it may be a cheap melodrama. ─── 我明白了,盡管說了許多不信任這個世界的話,我渴望著一個執(zhí)著和純潔的世界,盡管那只是一部廉價電影。

20、A drama, typically performed as a serial on daytime television or radio, characterized by stock characters and situations, sentimentality, and melodrama. ─── 肥皂?。阂环N戲劇,在白天的電視或廣播中以連續(xù)系列形式播出,其特征是熟悉的人物和場景,富于感情的通俗鬧劇

21、Yang's club does not do classic plays or poems, which is the territory of A-list voice actors, and does not produce comedies or melodrama, either. ─── 楊丹的社團(tuán)從不制作甲級配音演員程度的經(jīng)典劇和詩歌朗誦,也不會做喜劇和情景劇。

22、The Undignified Melodrama of the Bone of Contention ─── 爭吵的理由

23、It is the melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term "melodious drama" being shortened eventually to "melodrama" because operas frequently are melodramatic, not to say unrealistic. ─── 它是富有優(yōu)美聲調(diào)的一段戲劇,源自古希臘劇院?!奥曊{(diào)優(yōu)美的戲劇”這個表達(dá)最終被簡化成了“情節(jié)劇”,因為歌劇往往是音樂性的,而且有戲劇情節(jié)的,甚至是超現(xiàn)實的。

24、Maggie: Melodrama? Jason, our innocent little girl takes one tentative step into the tumultuous world of dating only to have it chopped off! ─── 麥琪:夸大的事實,杰森你知道我們天真的女兒,她才剛剛涉足愛河,可受到的打擊竟會這么沉重。

25、After the jarring melodrama dust settled, can those involved figure out a win-win solution for future arguments? ─── 在晃動情節(jié)塵埃落定,可以參與找出雙贏的解決方案為未來的論點?

26、When I was 16, I saw a 1978 made-for-TV melodrama called Women at West Point. ─── 我16歲那年看了一部1978年拍攝的有關(guān)西點軍校女性的情節(jié)劇。

27、Along with his movies, and perhaps at their expense, Mr.Kazan is remembered for his role in the ideological melodrama of the McCarthy era. ─── 跟隨著他的電影,也許正是他的付出,喀山先生將被作為麥卡錫時代代表人物而被我們銘記。

28、I love Victorian melodrama. ─── 我喜愛維多利亞時代的情節(jié)劇.

29、We really don't need all this ridiculous melodrama! ─── 別跟我們來這套荒唐的情節(jié)劇表演!

30、It looks like a standoff, until a Darwinian melodrama plays itself out in a nest above. ─── 這看起來是一個僵局,直到達(dá)爾文式的情節(jié)劇在上面的巢中出演。

31、They needed her to feed the public appetite for celebrity gossip, and she needed them for her public performance, but what she hadn't bargained for was that her melodrama ran on without breaks. ─── 他們需要黛妃來滿足大眾對于名人流言蜚語的胃口,而黛妃需要媒體來做為自己公開表演的舞臺,但她無法與媒體協(xié)議她的故事能夠沒有瑕疵地上演。

32、The scene in Kauai's harbour on August 26th has been followed by more melodrama. ─── 隨著8月26日在考艾島港發(fā)生的那場風(fēng)波之后,一波未平一波又起。

33、Her love of melodrama meant that any small problem became a crisis. ─── 她喜歡夸大其詞,會把任何小問題說成危機。

34、Verdi's characters, on the other hand, have genuine consistency and integrity, even if, in many cases, the consistency is that of pasteboard melodrama. ─── 從另一方面來說,威爾地筆下的人物性格卻具有一種真正的連貫性和完整性,即使在諸多情形中,這種連貫性僅僅是低劣的傳奇劇的那種連貫性。

35、This ritualized novel is much like a melodrama, poem or song, managing with ease to sketch out the nature of life in the constant metempsychosis in which the divinity usually hides. ─── 儀式化的小說像戲,像詩,也像歌,舉重若輕地勾畫出無休止的生死鎖鏈中生命的本然情態(tài)。此種情態(tài)往往潛隱著神性。

36、Instead of tragedy, we got melodrama. ─── 我們看到的是情節(jié)劇,而不是悲劇。

37、Eternal Summer, directed by Leste Chan (The Heirloom) will be released theatrically in Taiwan this Fall. The film is a teenage gay melodrama. ─── 盛夏光年是導(dǎo)演陳正道(宅變、狂放)今年秋天將在臺灣發(fā)行的新片,故事是描述兩男一女(張孝全、張睿家、楊淇)的青春情事,有碰觸到同志情節(jié)。

38、Melodrama is perhaps one fault of the film; an oddly sanitised picture of daily life is another. ─── 拍成情節(jié)劇或許是影片的一個缺點,日常生活中出人意料的整潔是另一個缺點。

39、A short 19th-century melodrama is often part of the show. ─── 短小的19世紀(jì)式的情景劇常是表演的一部分。

40、Hong Kong director Jingle Ma says the new 115-minute Mulan is a sweeping melodrama that depicts the central character as an action hero, dutiful daughter and wistful romantic. ─── 香港導(dǎo)演馬楚成說,新的115分鐘的花木蘭是一個劇情片,將主人公描述成一個動作英雄、孝順的女兒,充滿惆悵的浪漫。

41、Sometimes Dickens seems so anxious to wring an extra tear from the audience that he indulges himself in excessive sentimental melodrama and spoils the story. ─── 有時狄更斯會將作品寫的令讀者潸然淚下,但由于他過于注重悲情的渲染,有時會破壞故事的連貫性。

42、The film's Hong Kong director, Jingle Ma, says the new 115-minute Mulan is a sweeping melodrama that depicts the central character as an action hero, dutiful daughter and wistful romantic. ─── 導(dǎo)演馬楚成稱這部115分鐘長的電影情節(jié)跌宕起伏,主角設(shè)定為集動作高手、孝順女兒和情竇初開的少女于一身的形象。

43、I love Victorian melodrama(s). ─── 我喜愛維多利亞時代的情節(jié)劇。

44、Griffith then filmed the first movie ever shot in Hollywood, In Old California, a Biograph melodrama about California in the 1800s, while it belonged to Mexico. ─── 之后,格里菲斯完成了在好萊塢拍攝的第一部電影。

45、"Where is H. R. Jacob's? " interrupted Carrie, mentioning one of the theatres devoted to melodrama which went by that name at the time. ─── “約各戲院在哪里?”嘉莉插嘴問道。她問的是一家專演通俗鬧劇的戲院,那家戲院當(dāng)時叫“約各”。

46、After 1980s, Chinese and America melodrama film acting arts inherit and develop their performing arts, now it will develop tend to both of live and opposite lve performance. ─── 20世紀(jì)80年代以來,中美情節(jié)劇電影表演藝術(shù)繼承與發(fā)展了她們的表演藝術(shù),正朝著紀(jì)實性表演和風(fēng)格化表演并存的趨勢發(fā)展。

47、As delineated by Mr. Daly, it was true to the most sacred traditions of melodrama as he found it when he began his career. ─── 正像劇作家戴利先生描述的那樣,這個戲符合通俗劇的最神圣的傳統(tǒng),這些傳統(tǒng)從他當(dāng)劇作家起就沒有變過。

48、Magnetic union, but not long lasting. The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on. This relationship is usually short, hot and sweet. ─── 雙子-天秤:這是很有吸引力的組合,可惜不能持久。天秤座的人很難忍受你善變的性格。你們的關(guān)系通常短暫,但熱烈而甜蜜。

49、Ozu's central themes of family, sadness and transience are revisited again in this buried treasure of minimalist melodrama. ─── 本片是小津戰(zhàn)后僅有以嚴(yán)寒冬季為背景的電影,開首幾個簡單的暮色鏡頭,確立了本片灰暗的主題及調(diào)子。

50、It had all the elements of melodrama you could want. ─── 這其中你可以找到你想要看的情節(jié)緊張劇中的一切要素。

51、It was a fittingly tawdry end to what had become an increasingly tawdry melodrama. ─── 對漸漸拔剌的劇情來說,這樣拔剌的結(jié)局是在適合不過的了。

52、Melodrama's hope will have a PPMM to come over here, can nearby walk through of exert is the lady of aunt class. ─── 原指望會有個PPMM走過來,可身邊走過的盡是阿姨級的女士。

53、A traditional Chinese melodrama of the fifties, the story is about a performer in a small-town folk opera troupe. ─── 李翰祥獨立執(zhí)導(dǎo)的第一部作品,胡金銓亦有參與演出。戲班當(dāng)家花旦雪里紅與賣藝的金虎原是青梅竹馬,但雪里紅被馬老闆強佔,兩人分手。

54、Never sinking into melodrama, the story is buoyed by ironic twists, Swinton's considerable acting ability, and evocative cinematography. ─── 本片從未淪為情節(jié)劇,故事以諷刺性的曲解、史溫頓出色的演技,令人回憶的攝影得到維系。

55、Set against the political repression and violence of the 1970s and 1980s, the story has something of a Turkish film melodrama about it. ─── 在20世紀(jì)70、80年代政治壓迫和暴力背景的映襯下,小說的故事情節(jié)有幾分土耳其電影鬧劇的味道。

56、As an indispensable part of diversified genres of Hong Kong film products, melodrama cinemas have a good representation of the typical Chinese cinemas style in narration and expression. ─── 香港文藝片是香港眾多類型電影中不可或缺的一種,代表著華語電影較高成就。

57、I can regard any types of melodrama and music from movies as blueprints, which I can study some practical methods and thinking of melodizing. ─── 可以以音樂劇和電影音樂等體裁為藍(lán)本,學(xué)習(xí)實用的作曲思路和方法。

58、Philly:One, that is an empty threat.You are less than a gnat to me.And two,all you got to do is give me the address and we avoid all this melodrama all together.The address, you gnat. ─── 第一這是一個無力的威脅,你對我來說連個蟲子都不如,第二把地址給我,我們將各自避免一場鬧劇,給我地址你這只蟲子.

59、It could have turned out to be a "Disneyesque" melodrama sickeningly condescending in its portrayal of the villagers. ─── 它有可能成為一部表現(xiàn)村民的愚昧無知的令人作嘔的迪斯尼風(fēng)格的情節(jié)劇;

60、Rather than achieving the grand synthesis of tragedy and humble domestic drama that O’Neill envisioned, the play sometimes comes across as melodrama overblown to mythic proportions. ─── 在奧尼爾可以預(yù)想到的那些光輝的悲劇和粗制濫造的戲劇里,有些戲的虛構(gòu)部分看來更像是情節(jié)劇。

61、Then they began to discuss a melodrama that they had seen on the preceding evening at the Gaite Theatre. ─── 接下去他們談起前一晚在逸樂戲院看的一出音樂戲劇。

62、Melodrama:(MW) a work (as a moive or play) characterized by extravagant theatrically and by the predominance of plot and physical action over characterization. ─── 情節(jié)劇是注重情節(jié)和表演動作的,和缺乏細(xì)致的心理刻畫和人物性格特點的描繪.

63、And sadly, there is hypocrisy all around in this melodrama. ─── 令人悲哀的是,這場鬧劇中充滿了只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈的雙重標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

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