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10-03 投稿


municipally 發(fā)音

英:[mju??n?s?p?li]  美:[mju??n?s?p?li]

英:  美:

municipally 中文意思翻譯



municipally 詞性/詞形變化,municipally變形

動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: municipalizing |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): municipalizes |動詞過去式: municipalized |名詞: municipalization |動詞過去分詞: municipalized |

municipally 短語詞組

1、municipally-owned housing ─── 市政擁有的住房

2、municipally owned port ─── 市屬港口

3、municipally owned housing ─── 市政擁有的住房

municipally 相似詞語短語

1、municipal ─── adj.市政的,市的;地方自治的

2、fungicidally ─── 殺菌的

3、municipalise ─── 市政化

4、municipalism ─── n.自治制;地方自治主義

5、manically ─── adv.急躁地;狂躁地

6、municipalize ─── vt.實施自治制;歸市有;把…市轄

7、municipality ─── n.市政當局;自治市或區(qū)

8、judicially ─── adv.依法判決地;公正地

9、municipalist ─── n.地方自治主義者

municipally 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Officials in cities and provinces have created hundreds of municipally backed funds to invest in promising ventures. ─── 中國市級和省級政府官員已經(jīng)成立了數(shù)以百計由市政支持的投資基金,旨在投資有發(fā)展前景的風險項目。

2、municipally run companies were in danger of bankrupting not only themselves but the cities too. ─── 市屬企業(yè)處在破產邊緣,而它們的破產繼而會導致整個城市破產。

3、Yet business and industry looking at Gallatin will find affordable land in municipally owned industrial sites, together with a willingness to work and build for the future. ─── 加勒廷市將為那些欲在該市大展宏圖的企業(yè)家和商人提供良好的工業(yè)用地,并將攜手共創(chuàng)加勒廷市美好的明天。

4、Their municipally run companies were in danger of bankrupting not only themselves but the cities too. ─── 市屬企業(yè)處在破產邊緣,而它們的破產繼而會導致整個城市破產。

5、The Taibei municipally established zoo is a place which I weekend most likes. ─── 臺北市立動物園是我周末最喜歡去的地方。

6、a municipally sponsored organization ─── 一個由市政當局主辦的機構

7、This paper briefs the issue of secondary pollution from municip al refus e incineration and focus on the prevention and control of heavy metal,HCI and or ganic chloride emission. ─── 該文介紹了城市垃圾焚燒處理中的二次污染問題,著重分析了重金屬、HCI及有機氯化物的二次污染的防治技術。

8、Precisely how the municipally sponsored financing entities work is only dimly understood, despite Mr Shih's efforts (see chart). ─── 準確地說,地方政府如何贊助金融公司只能模糊地去理解,盡管施先生努力去解釋了它。

9、The perfect and reliable quality assurance system established in the company guarantees its products to pass through the quality inspections both stately and municipally every year. ─── 產品年年通過國家級、市級的質量檢查。在鋼結構行業(yè)內具有較高的知名度和信譽度。

10、municipally owned housing ─── 房管部門住房

11、Dongguan has 700 municipally designated science and technology private enterprises and 160 provincially designated ones. ─── 全年旅游業(yè)收入79.92億元,被評為“中國優(yōu)秀旅游城市”。全年共舉辦各類商品展銷會59個。

12、From March 1983,Wujin was affiliated to Changzhou City when the municipally affiliated county system was implemented. ─── 1983年3月實行市管縣體制,武進屬常州市管轄;

13、Pediatrics Department nurse gives a young boy an intelligence test. 2,3,4: Three municipally run hospitals in Taipei (clockwise): 2. Chung Hsing Hospital; 3. Ho Ping Hospital; 4. Jen Ai Hospital. ─── 圖1:兒童心智科護理人員為病童做心智測驗。圖2、3、4:臺北市三家市立綜合醫(yī)院。圖2:為市立中興醫(yī)院,圖3:為市立和平醫(yī)院,圖4:為市立仁愛醫(yī)院。

14、Its products are honored as Quality Trustworthy Products municipally and provincially, and the company has been certified as High-tech Enterprise of Jiangsu Province. ─── 產品獲省市質量信得過產品,江蘇省高新技術企業(yè)認定。

15、municipally affiliated county ─── 市管縣

16、Having a municipally-owned utility, for example, helps local politicians plan an energy portfolio that meshes with their other concerns; ─── 例如,擁有一家政府所有的公共事業(yè)部門,幫助當?shù)氐恼渭覀冇媱澮豁椚诤狭似渌P注點的能源股份單;

17、New York City's municipally-owned broadcast service, NYCTV, creates original programming that AIRS in several markets. Few cities have major municipally-owned stations. ─── 紐約市營廣播服務機構,NYCTV,創(chuàng)造最開始的節(jié)目向幾家市場播出,但很少有城市有自己市屬的電視臺。

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