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metrology 發(fā)音

英:[m??trɑ?l?d?i]  美:[m??tr?l?d?i]

英:  美:

metrology 中文意思翻譯



metrology 常用詞組

optical metrology ─── 光學測量;光學計量

metrology 短語詞組

1、carbon metrology ─── 碳計量學

2、china metrology ─── 中國計量學

3、metrology accreditation ─── 計量認證

4、Metrology Requirements List ─── 計量要求清單

5、metrology engineer ─── 計量工程師

6、metrology in the digital era ─── 數(shù)字時代的計量學

7、metrology certification ─── 計量認證

8、metrology tools ─── 計量工具

9、engineering metrology ─── [計] 工程計量學

10、radionuclide metrology ─── [化] 放射性核素計量學

11、metrology in the digital ─── 數(shù)字時代的計量學

12、metrology design ─── 計量學設(shè) ─── 計

13、metronics metrology ─── 計量學

14、metrology practice ─── 計量學實踐

15、metrology day ─── 計量日

16、metrology vehicle ─── 計量車輛

17、metrology frame ─── 計量框架

18、applied metrology ─── 應(yīng)用計量學

metrology 詞性/詞形變化,metrology變形

副詞: metrologically |形容詞: metrological |名詞: metrologist |名詞復數(shù): metrologies |

metrology 相似詞語短語

1、ethology ─── n.動物行為學;人類行為學

2、heterology ─── n.異體構(gòu)造

3、astrology ─── n.占星術(shù);占星學;星座

4、petrology ─── n.[巖]巖石學

5、aetiology ─── n.病因?qū)W;[基醫(yī)]病原學;原因論

6、meteorology ─── n.氣象狀態(tài),氣象學

7、cetology ─── n.鯨類學

8、aerology ─── n.高空氣象學

9、etiology ─── n.[病理]病因?qū)W;[基醫(yī)]病原學;致病源

metrology 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、In order to enhance working automatization,some metrology software was developed,but they only focused on the metrology management. ─── 為了增強工作的自動化水平,軍內(nèi)、外編制了一些計量軟件,但它們只針對計量的管理,并沒有涉及計量操作的本身。

2、It regards metrology of the document as method go on preliminary experience examine and estimate as to the performance that influence . ─── 以文獻計量學為方法,對于這種影響的績效進行了初步的經(jīng)驗檢驗和估計。

3、Journal of Astronautic Metrology and Measurement ─── 宇航計測技術(shù)

4、Development of Chemical Metrology for Electroless Deposition Baths ─── 化學鍍槽中化學測量技術(shù)的開發(fā)

5、Since the hospital metrology station is the principal part of military metrology system,its handwrought operation greatly affects the working efficiency and implementation effects. ─── 作為軍隊計量體系的主體,醫(yī)院計量站的純手工操作影響了計量的工作效率和實施效果。

6、As a result, a practicable method was obtained to study kinetics and metrology of SCP (production) by SSF, which will perfect correlative researches of this field. ─── 在此基礎(chǔ)上總結(jié)出一種可行方法,完善固態(tài)發(fā)酵生產(chǎn)SCP的研究。

7、Can easily use basic metrology equipment, such as caliper, micrometer, indicator, feeler gage etc. ─── 會使用卡尺、千分尺、千分表、塞尺等常用計量工具;

8、Tevet (Pleasanton, Calif.) will use the financial investment to stimulate its recent growth in integrated metrology and for expansion into new related product development initiatives. ─── 公司準備將這些投資投入到集成測量技術(shù)進一步的開發(fā)以及新的相關(guān)產(chǎn)品開發(fā)計劃中。

9、Surface Scattering and Diffraction for Advanced Metrology II ─── 先進的度量衡表面散射與衍射

10、In sport, perhaps, the levels of acceptable precision may be such that the highest levels of metrology may not be needed, but we must aspire to it, nevertheless. ─── 在體育,或許,可接受的精確度的水平也許是這樣,最高的水平計量學不也許是需要的,但是我們必須向往對它,然而。

11、optical grating technique in dimensional metrology ─── 光柵測長技術(shù)

12、5 Years in similar metrology or cable production experience. ─── 5年在同領(lǐng)域或線纜生產(chǎn)方面的經(jīng)驗。

13、Kinetics and metrology of single cell protein (SCP) production from apple pomace by solid state (fermentation) (SSF) was studied, suited equations and mathematic model were founded by element analysis, fitting curve and mathematic deduce. ─── 以蘋果渣固態(tài)發(fā)酵(SSF)生產(chǎn)單細胞蛋白(SCP)為例,利用元素分析、曲線擬合和數(shù)學推導研究了固態(tài)發(fā)酵生產(chǎn)SCP的計量學和動力學,獲得了適合的發(fā)酵計量學方程、數(shù)學模型和動力學方程。

14、Base of this then a standard expresstion was formed according to the metrology criteron . ─── 在此基礎(chǔ)上進行了不確定度評定,并按照計量技術(shù)規(guī)范,給出了標準的表示法。

15、Development and prospect of optical metrology for national defense ─── 國防光學計量的發(fā)展及展望

16、By 1996 Carl Zeiss indicated an organization of five groups: Microscopy, Medical Systems, Consumer Optics, Industrial Metrology, and Opto-electronic Systems. ─── 1996年時,卡爾蔡司下屬五個集團,分別是:顯微檢查鏡部分,醫(yī)療系統(tǒng)部分,消費光學產(chǎn)品部分,工業(yè)計量部分和光電系統(tǒng)部分。

17、Therefore, the research on high pressure elliptical gear flowmeter will be conducive to widen the application of elliptical gear flowmeter and promote the development of flow metrology in China. ─── 因此,耐高壓橢圓齒輪流量計的研究,有助于拓展國內(nèi)橢圓齒輪流量計的應(yīng)用場合,促進國內(nèi)流量計量的發(fā)展。

18、Convention of International organization of Legal Metrology ─── 國際法制計量組織公約

19、Groups at the Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology in Braunschweig and elsewhere are experimenting with uncharged calcium atoms. ─── 在德國布藍茲維的聯(lián)邦物理暨度量衡研究所及其他各地的研究小組,則正在以不帶電的鈣原子進行實驗。

20、instrumentation measurement and metrology ─── 儀器測量與計量

21、The uncertainty in measurement was evaluted at the base of this.Then, a standard expression was formed according to the metrology criteron. ─── 在此基礎(chǔ)上對測量的不確定度進行了評定,并按照計量技術(shù)規(guī)范,給出了標準的表示法。

22、International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology ─── 國際放射性核素計量學委員會

23、The article discussed on metrology inspection for instrument of unfirmed water head permeability test and demonstrated the accuracy standard for inspection. ─── 對計量校準精度控制標準進行了計算論證并提出了變水頭玻璃管的兩種校準方法。

24、Quality evaluation and control of engineering piles, the study of buiding materials sampling test and samplign program, metrology accreditation of constructon quality testing unit and approval of laboratories. ─── 工程樁質(zhì)量控制與質(zhì)量評估,建筑材料抽樣檢驗程序與抽樣方案研究,建筑工程質(zhì)檢機構(gòu)計量認證與實驗室認可。

25、They are available as modular end-to-end solutions with metrology and upgradeability in throughput and process technology. ─── 全套生產(chǎn)方案結(jié)合量測,生產(chǎn)可擴充性和制程技術(shù)。

26、Summarized a series of metrology management experiences on sphygmomanometer with high efficiency,which makes the measurement and repairing more easily and more practically. ─── 同時還有對血壓計維修間的要求;

27、Welcome to the Show focus on Comprehensive Metrology Solution for Automotive Industry! ─── 一場汽車制造業(yè)計量解決方案的盛宴期待與您分享!

28、Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum ─── 亞太法定計量論壇

29、The center has passed China National Metrology Accreditation and China National Accreditation Laboratory (CNAL). ─── 中心的各類標準項目通過了國家實驗室認可和國家級計量認證;

30、national metrology verification regulation ─── 國家計量檢定規(guī)程

31、Sound knowledge of metrology, precision machining and material science (related to metal working, heat treatment). ─── 具備度量衡學,精密機械和材料科學(與金屬,熱處理)方面的相關(guān)知識。

32、Research on the heavy forgings dimensional metrology based on CCD ─── 基于CCD的大型鍛件尺寸測量研究

33、The integration of chemical vapor deposited organo-silicate glass (OSG) interlayer dielectrics (ILD) has challenged the IC industry to formulate new methods of metrology and characterization. ─── 在化學氣相沉積有機矽酸鹽玻璃交界層介電質(zhì)對積體電路工業(yè)而言形成度量和特性的新方法是具有挑戰(zhàn)性。

34、Medical metrology--present-day metrology's hotspot and light spot ─── 醫(yī)學計量--現(xiàn)代計量的熱點與亮點


36、Therefore, it's imminent for us to solve the problem of affiliation and metrology for microwave field strength. ─── 因此,解決微波場強的量值溯源和計量問題已迫在眉睫。

37、Metrology Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor Manufacture ─── 半導體生產(chǎn)測試技術(shù)發(fā)展路線圖

38、The metrology was entirely developed and advanced all over the world in 20th century,and medical metrology was rapidly developed and made important effect in 20th century. ─── 20世紀是計量在世界范圍內(nèi)取得全面發(fā)展和進步的世紀,更是醫(yī)學計量飛速發(fā)展和發(fā)揮重要作用的世紀。

39、International Organization of Legal Metrology ─── 國際法定度量衡組織

40、Ferranti (now International Metrology Systems or IMS ) probably introduced the first DCC CMM (Direct Computer Assist) while DEA claim to have introduced the first CNC CMM. ─── Ferranti(現(xiàn)在的IMS公司)可能發(fā)明了第一臺DCC測量機,而DEA發(fā)明了第一臺CNC測量機。

41、Variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) is important for metrology in several industries, and is a powerful technique for research on new materials and processes. ─── 在很多種工業(yè)上,可變角度橢偏儀對于形態(tài)學是很重要的,而且對于研究新材料和新制程更是一個強而有力的技術(shù)。

42、Some significant applications of speckle metrology in science and engineering are also presented in this paper. ─── 介紹了散斑計量在科學和工程研究中的一些重要應(yīng)用。

43、Metrology Guarantee Confirmed Qualified Unit of Shandong Province ─── 山東省計量保證確認合格單位

44、Volkswagen Autoeuropa WORK PERFORMED: Outsourcing contract for metrology services (callibration of measurement and testing equipment and instruments). ─── 大眾所做工作:計量服務(wù)外包合同(測量、測試設(shè)備及儀器的標定)。

45、The mechanical metrology investigation situation about going to NIST of the USA and Canada and so on presented.Some experiences are superficially discussed. ─── 介紹了赴美國國家標準與技術(shù)研究院、加拿大國家研究院等單位對化學計量進行考察的情況,淺談了幾點體會。

46、Qu Lingbo, Professor, devoted to the research on drug analysis and chemical metrology. ─── 屈凌波,教授,主要從事藥物分析和化學計量學研究。

47、The Metrology area of expertise includes several accredited laboratories for calibration of measurement equipment. ─── 在計量方面,包括幾個經(jīng)認證的實驗室,進行對測量設(shè)備的標定。

48、"Ai-Jiu," the entrepreneur who is the technical supervision system for quality, metrology, standards of the civil service and business activities of the organization TQC promoter. ─── “愛玖”的創(chuàng)業(yè)者們是原技術(shù)監(jiān)督系統(tǒng)從事質(zhì)量、計量、標準工作的公務(wù)員和企業(yè)TQC活動的組織推行者。

49、Metrology as a main real-time detection method for equipment performance,plays an important role in improving the medical treatment and realizing the modernization of medical science. ─── 以計量作為實時反映設(shè)備性能準確與否的重要檢測手段,闡述了計量對提高醫(yī)療質(zhì)量和實現(xiàn)醫(yī)學科學現(xiàn)代化的重要保證作用。

50、On the other hand, the technicians who calibrate weighing scales in shops and markets are directly concerned with legal metrology, and are of course also metrologists. ─── 另一方面,校準稱的標度在商店并且市場與法律計量學直接地有關(guān)的技術(shù)員,和并且是當然度量衡學者。

51、Frequency combs have dramatically simplified and improved the accuracy of frequency metrology. ─── 頻率梳顯著簡化了頻率測量并大大提高了測量的準確度。

52、International Bureau of Legal Metrology ─── 國際法制計量局

53、national service of legal metrology ─── 國家法制計量部門

54、International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology ─── 國際通用計量學基本術(shù)語

55、NIM is the signatory to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement( MRA) for national measurement standards and for calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes. ─── 中國計量科學研究院于1999年代表中國簽署了“國家計量基標準及國家計量研究院出具的校準和測量證書相互承認協(xié)議”。

56、Junior college graduated, with a metrology or measuring techniques background. ─── 中專以上學歷,具有計量測量專業(yè)或/計量測量技術(shù)背景;

57、Responsibilities of the regional metrology organizations ─── 區(qū)域計量組織的責任

58、As for it"s non-contact metrology method, it is widely used for testing many physical parameters So phase shifting interferometry plays very important role in high precise optical testing filed. ─── 它采用非接觸式的測量手段,廣泛的應(yīng)用于多種物理量的測試,在高精度光學檢驗測量中占有重要的地位。

59、Two different ways for the assessment of online moisture meter accuracy were analyzed from the views of mathematical statistics,error theory and metrology. ─── 從數(shù)理統(tǒng)計、誤差理論和計量學的角度,對在線水分儀探測精度的兩種不同評定方法進行了解析。

60、Kinetics and metrology of SCP production by SSF ─── 固態(tài)發(fā)酵生產(chǎn)單細胞蛋白的計量學和動力學

61、Meanwhile, study and utilization of radon and its daughters is one of the standard for gaseous substance of radioactive measurement in ionizing radiation metrology. ─── 同時,研究和利用氡及其子體,也是電離輻射計量學中氣態(tài)放射性物質(zhì)測量具有標志性的重要標準之一。

62、After many years development and improvement, microscopy has been getting to be one of the most important precision metrology techniques. ─── 顯微技術(shù)經(jīng)過多年之發(fā)展與改進,早已成為一個重要的精密量測方法與架構(gòu)。

63、It is applicable to the selection of subjects and the determination of number of copies, making library science develop into metrology and precision. ─── 它可應(yīng)用于圖書館文獻補充時學科種類的選擇和復本量的確定,使圖書館學向計量化、精確化方向發(fā)展。

64、National bureau of Legal Metrology ─── 國家法制計量局

65、The characteristic test was done by Changcheng institute of metrology and measurement (CIMM) which have the first grade temperature measurement qualification in China. ─── 4、研制出了工程實用的八路溫度傳感器樣機,實現(xiàn)了預(yù)期的所有功能。

66、National Institute of Legal Metrology ─── 國家法制計量研究所

67、Light sources, narrow and broadband, as well as the metrology and medical outcomes they produce, are discussed. ─── 光源,狹窄和寬帶,以及測量和醫(yī)療成果,他們生產(chǎn)的,這里討論。

68、Four aspects such as reinforcement of organization, rules, basic construction and exertion of function are discussed.It is impsrtant and esstntial to strengthen medical metrology. ─── 分別從加強組織領(lǐng)導、健全規(guī)章制度、完善基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和發(fā)揮職能效應(yīng)等方面進行論述,加強醫(yī)學計量工作的重要性和必要性。

69、It is an introduction about the advance of modern metrological testing technology based on research results of the metrological testing technology in the National Institute of Metrology of China. ─── 基于中國計量研究院在計量學領(lǐng)域里的前沿研究成果,介紹了國際上現(xiàn)代計量技術(shù)的發(fā)展趨勢.

70、Laboratory Accreditation Pours Fresh Energy into the Metrology Work ─── 實驗室認可為計量工作注入新的活力

71、This paper mainly introduces several aspects of management of medical equipments in our hospital such as purchase, check in,use,maintenance,metrology and scrapping. ─── 主要闡述了我院醫(yī)療設(shè)備管理過程中的采購、驗收、使用、保養(yǎng)、維護、計量直至最后報廢各環(huán)節(jié)的做法。

72、International Organization for Legal Metrology, OIML ─── 國際法定度量衡組織。國際法定度量衡組織

73、Handbook of Critical Dimension Metrology and Process Control ─── 臨界尺寸度量衡與過程控制手冊

74、A more in-depth discussion of commercially available time and frequency measurement equipment and standards, and how such instrumentation can be used in the metrology laboratory. ─── 市場上可用的時間頻率測量設(shè)備和標準的更深入的討論,以及此類儀器如何應(yīng)用在計量實驗室。


76、Application of chemical metrology in the analytical chemistry were summarized in aspects of QSAR, chemical pattern recognition, ANN, spectrum chemistry and multi-proofread. ─── 從化學定量構(gòu)效關(guān)系、模式識別法、人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)、波譜化學、多元校正分析法等方面對化學計量學在分析化學中的應(yīng)用進行了綜述。

77、With CBM and CMCC database,the conditions of published or cited scientific articles of our hospital were studied in the view of literature metrology. ─── 對1995年以來本院科技人員發(fā)表的科技論文被CBM和CMCC數(shù)據(jù)庫收錄情況進行統(tǒng)計和分析,從文獻計量學的角度了解科研現(xiàn)狀。

78、third-class medical metrology station ─── 醫(yī)學計量三級站

79、Present situation and development tendency of medical metrology ─── 醫(yī)學計量的現(xiàn)狀與發(fā)展趨勢

80、This book offers a clear and unambiguous approach to Engineering Metrology from a practitioner's point of view. ─── 這本書提供了從醫(yī)生的角度對工程計量明確和毫不含糊的態(tài)度。

81、Application of Excel in Vacuum Metrology ─── Excel在真空計量中的應(yīng)用

82、To establish a metrological benchmark, the corresponding technical institution of metrology may file an application to the GAQSIQ. ─── 建立計量基準,可以由相應(yīng)的計量技術(shù)機構(gòu)向國家質(zhì)檢總局申報。

83、The main contents include theory econometrics and applied economic metrology. ─── 主要內(nèi)容包括理論計量經(jīng)濟學和應(yīng)用經(jīng)濟計量學。

84、To develop the proper procedures, work Instructions and calibration Instructions for the metrology management system. ─── 負責編制和修訂計量程序文件、作業(yè)指導書和測量設(shè)備校準規(guī)范等,滿足計量管理體系要求。

85、China Metrology Publishing House ─── n. 中國計量出版社

86、High-precision micro displacement sensor is one of the key technologies of the surface metrology. ─── 高精度微位移傳感器是表面計量技術(shù)的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)之一。

87、Excel is widely applied in the vacuum metrology. ─── 在真空計量領(lǐng)域中,Excel電子表格軟件得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用。

88、third class medical metrology station ─── 三級醫(yī)學計量站

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