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10-03 投稿


trill 發(fā)音

英:[tr?l]  美:[tr?l]

英:  美:

trill 中文意思翻譯





trill 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 顫音;囀聲;顫聲vt. 用顫音唱;用顫聲說vi. 發(fā)出顫音n. (Trill)人名;(西)特里利

trill 短語詞組

1、been trill ─── 一直顫音

2、as trill ─── 作為樹

3、chucky trill chucky ─── 顫音

4、brush trill ─── 畫筆顫音

trill 詞性/詞形變化,trill變形

動(dòng)詞過去式: trilled |動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: trilling |動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): trills |動(dòng)詞過去分詞: trilled |

trill 相似詞語短語

1、krill ─── n.[無脊椎]磷蝦;n.(Krill)人名;(英、德)克里爾

2、grill ─── n.烤爐;烤架;燒烤的菜肴(尤指烤肉);燒烤店;(門或窗的)護(hù)欄;金屬格柵;v.(在烤架上)炙烤;(非正式)嚴(yán)厲盤問

3、trilli ─── 顫音

4、trillo ─── n.(Trillo)人名;(英、意)特里洛;(西)特里略

5、trills ─── n.[聲]顫音(trill的復(fù)數(shù));v.用顫聲說(trill的第三人稱單數(shù))

6、frill ─── n.裝飾;褶邊;vt.折成皺邊;vi.起邊皺

7、thrill ─── n.激動(dòng);震顫;緊張;vt.使…顫動(dòng);使…緊張;使…感到興奮或激動(dòng);vi.顫抖;感到興奮;感到緊張

8、brill ─── n.一種可食用的歐洲比目魚;鰈類魚;n.(Brill)人名;(英、法、德、西、瑞典、俄、羅、匈)布里爾

9、drill ─── n.訓(xùn)練;鉆孔機(jī);鉆子;播種機(jī);演習(xí);vi.鉆孔;訓(xùn)練;vt.鉆孔;訓(xùn)練;條播;n.(Drill)人名;(德、英)德里爾

trill 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Just trill back, "Oh, you're a keen gardener!" ─── 只要用卷舌音回答,“哦,你是一個(gè)敏銳的園丁!”

2、Some birds trill their songs. ─── 有些鳥顫聲鳴唱。

3、It gives a more even trill. ─── 它會(huì)產(chǎn)生更明顯的抖音。

4、It was my first time in Europe, and that alone was quite a trill. ─── 那是我第一次去歐洲,格外興奮。

5、To sound, sing, or play with a trill. ─── 用顫音發(fā)(聲),用顫音唱或奏

6、Players often play this trill as a mordent and in most cases even this is not done properly. ─── 演奏者們常常把顫音演奏成波音,在絕大多數(shù)情況下波音也不能完整的演奏好。

7、Their song consists mainly of a rapidly repeated note, like a trill. ─── 它們唱的“歌”主要是在快速重復(fù)一個(gè)音符,類似一種顫音。

8、The feeling of health, the full-noon trill, the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun. ─── 健康之感,正午時(shí)的顫音,我從床上起來迎接太陽時(shí)唱的歌。

9、However, there is an evident accent in Singaporian English, which they call "Singlish"; and Indian English is more difficult for us to understand because they always pronounce with a trill. ─── 可新加坡人的英語也帶有明顯的口音??他們自稱為“Singlish”;印度人的英語在咱們聽來更難聽,舌頭直打嘟嚕。

10、To see which songs are most attractive to females, he changes the frequency and rate of this trill. ─── 為了觀察那首“歌”最能取悅雌性,派斯克不斷調(diào)節(jié)顫音的頻率和速度。

11、To articulate(a sound) with a trill. ─── 帶顫音發(fā)出(聲音)

12、But I find that one would commit a grave mistake by searching for useless details regarding the way in which Mozart might have played a certain trill or grupetto. ─── 但我發(fā)現(xiàn),若是人們一味追求那些無意義的細(xì)枝末節(jié),比如:莫扎特曾經(jīng)用過的某個(gè)顫音或是裝飾音,那么就可能犯大錯(cuò)。

13、an embellishment such as an appoggiatura or a trill ─── 裝飾音,如倚音或顫音

14、The steady melodious trill of birds, the voice reading English, and my footsteps on the path are the only sound. ─── 傍晚的曦園顯得色彩斑斕:橘紅色的天空、淺黃色的報(bào)春花、嫩綠色的柳條、還有各種不知名的野花;

15、a euphonious trill of silver laughter. ─── 銀鈴般婉轉(zhuǎn)悅耳的笑聲。

16、The Cicada Drunk with fresh dew, your trill will flow From 'mid the sparse parasol trees. Rising high, far your voice will go, Not on the wings of autumn breeze. ─── 流響出疏桐居高聲自遠(yuǎn)非是藉秋風(fēng)。

17、among them the "Devil's Trill" in reference to "the master's dream, in which he saw the devil seated at the foot of his bed, playing the trill from the final movement of this sonata. ─── 其中,"魔鬼的顫音"這首曲子是因?yàn)?大師的夢,在夢中,他看見魔鬼坐在他的床尾,演奏著如鳥語般悠悠啼轉(zhuǎn)的這首奏鳴曲的最后樂章.

18、to produce a trill on an instrument or with the voice ─── 在樂器上奏出顫音或以顫音演唱

19、Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money,it lies in the joy of achievement,in the trill of creative effort. ─── 幸福不在于擁有金錢,而在于獲得成就時(shí)的喜悅以及產(chǎn)生創(chuàng)造力的激情。

20、I have not felt to warble and trill, however sweetly, ─── 我沒有感覺到顫抖,婉轉(zhuǎn),或者是甜蜜,

21、The Original Four Seasons And The Devil's Trill Sonata ─── 四季迷情

22、pronounce with a trill; trill ─── 打嘟嚕兒

23、They are basically quiet cats in voice, however they do trill, chirp and click when delighted. ─── 在聲音上它們基本算得上安靜,然而高興時(shí)它們會(huì)發(fā)顫音、唧唧聲和短而輕的聲音。

24、7.Piccolo players that have a middle G - A natural trill, can "cheat" and cross trill, using the right hand index finger instead of the 3rd finger on the left hand. ─── 短笛演奏者有一個(gè)中音G到A的本位抖音和交叉抖音,使用右手食指代替左手第3指。

25、2.This is a letter with a trill. ─── 這是個(gè)發(fā)顫音的字母。

26、Bach wants you to trill one hand independently of the other. ─── 巴赫要求你能夠一只手彈奏顫音,而不依靠另一只手。

27、7. a large number of techniques are used when playing these wind instruments, such as tapping, appogiatura, tremolo , legato, "flower tongue,"augment, glide, trill, overtone and prong. ─── 演奏時(shí)運(yùn)用了大量的技巧,如震音、連奏、花舌音、垛音、滑音、顫音、泛音、叉口等。

28、a prepared trill ─── 預(yù)顫音

29、vibratory trill ─── 振動(dòng)顫音

30、The Forming Reason and Effect Analysis of Trill Foreign Exchange Reserves in Our Country ─── 我國萬億外匯儲(chǔ)備的形成原因與效應(yīng)分析

31、As soon as the volume steadies itself, the trill begins to descend chromatically, never resting. ─── 當(dāng)音量穩(wěn)定下來后,富有色彩的顫音時(shí)不時(shí)出現(xiàn),從未停止。

32、Use your index and ring fingers for the trill keys instead of the middle finger. ─── 使用你的食指和無名指在抖音鍵,代替中指的使用。

33、When the sun in the morning peeps over the hill, and kisses the roses round my window sill, then my heart fills with gladness when I hear the trill of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird Hill. ─── 啁啾的叫聲叫醒了我使我感到心神振奮。啁啾的叫聲充滿著和平及友好的感覺。你就像反舌鳥山上的花兒一樣受歡迎。

34、I know golden orioles trill in the trees, their melody reaching the clouds. ─── 我也知道樹上有高鳴的黃鸝,唱著入云的高調(diào)。

35、Then a flush, and the trill of water climbing up to refill the toilet tank. ─── 接著就是一陣沖水的聲音,然后就是廁所蓄水的聲音。

36、A trill is a rapid alternation between the two notes. ─── 顫音是兩個(gè)音符之間的一種快速轉(zhuǎn)換。

37、The Devil's Trill Sonata: III. - Grave - Allegro assai - Cadenza - Andante - Largo ─── 魔鬼的顫音奏鳴-裝嚴(yán)的快板,很莊嚴(yán)

38、The Devil's Trill Add a comment ─── 惡魔的顫音

39、“Oh, I’m just changing for supper,” I trill brightly, rootling through my underwear drawer. ─── 我一邊從內(nèi)衣抽屜里找衣服,一邊響亮而又激動(dòng)地回答。

40、Based on this new perspective, this article makes new analysis and conclusions with regard to trill training methods. ─── 基于此種新視角,筆者對指顫音訓(xùn)練方法進(jìn)行了新的分析歸納。

41、As the sparrow had its trill, sitting on the hickory before my door, so had I my chuckle or suppressed warble which he might hear out of my nest. ─── 正像那麻雀,蹲在我門前的山核桃樹上,啁啾地叫著,我也竊竊笑著,或抑制了我的啁啾之聲,怕它也許從我的巢中聽到了。

42、Ex.: Can you trill the sound as in Spanish? ─── 你能以顫音發(fā)出西班牙語中的音嗎?

43、Aim: To investigate the trill and stability of diclofenac acid-choline eyedrops. ─── 目的:觀察雙氯芬酸膽堿滴眼劑的刺激性及穩(wěn)定性。

44、Softly my eyes rest, the swallow's chirping cleaves the air, and orioles trill so clear. ─── 閑凝眄,生生燕語明如翦,嚦嚦鶯歌溜的圓。

45、The lark,his lay who trill'd all day, ─── 整日吟唱的云雀已無聲,

46、This generally works best on a sustained trill. ─── 這個(gè)技巧一般較好的表現(xiàn)在持續(xù)抖音。

47、because I cannot pronounce the eccentri -c trill sound no matter how hard I try. ─── 因?yàn)槲以趺匆舶l(fā)不出那古 怪的顫音

48、Suddenly I heard a sweet, soft sound, a little, clear, musical note, like the tender trill of a robin beneath my window. ─── 這是什麼聲音?絕不會(huì)是知更鳥在那里唱歌,因?yàn)檫@是寒冷的晚上。又是一聲。

49、roulade | trill ─── 急奏

50、was a real trill to meet her. ─── 見到她的確是令人興奮的事。

51、An embellishment such as an appoggiatura or a trill. ─── 裝飾音裝飾音,如倚音或顫音

52、And deep boughs trill with mango-birds, On the spring flood of last night's rain The ferry-boat moves as though someone were poling. ─── 獨(dú)憐幽草澗邊生上有黃鸝深樹鳴春潮帶雨晚來急。

53、pronounce(a letter)with a trill ─── 用顫音發(fā)(某字母)的音

54、One has to decide whether to practise this trill very hard or to refrain from playing the piece. ─── 一個(gè)人不得不決定是要非常努力的去練習(xí)演奏顫音,或是避免演奏這段曲子。

55、sound or sing(a musical note)with a trill ─── 用顫音發(fā)聲;用顫音唱(某樂音)

56、Finally, the Devil Trill Sonata is aptly dramatic. ─── 最后,魔鬼鳴囀奏鳴曲倒是非常貼切戲劇性。

57、Can you trill the sound as in Spanish ─── 你能以顫音發(fā)出西班牙語中的音嗎?

58、Her chirping does not have a canary's fancy trill, but she sings joyfully, and I can feel what she wants to communicate. ─── 原來,窗臺(tái)上飛來的一只可愛的小麻雀,一面輕輕跳躍,一面唱個(gè)不停。

59、pronounce with a trill, of the phoneme . ─── 發(fā)音素r時(shí)用抖動(dòng)發(fā)出。

60、He woke up and immediately composed a sonata--which he called the "Devil's Trill" --in the hope of recapturing what he had just heard. ─── 他醒來后,立刻著手寫下一首奏鳴曲--也就是后來稱之為“魔鬼的顫音”這首曲子--希望能重現(xiàn)他在夢中所聽到美妙曲調(diào)。

61、glottal trill ─── 喉顫音

62、To produce a trill on an instrument or with the voice. ─── 發(fā)顫聲在樂器上奏出顫音或以顫音演唱

63、And a' be mysel' on Craigie Hill I spak in the Lord's ear;"O!whan the haly bugles trill Lat me wauken up richt here.! ─── 由于原詩是蘇格蘭語寫的,這里有段不大精確的翻譯: 當(dāng)我登上克雷吉山, 我東西環(huán)望;

64、A fortissimo trill leaps at the listener announcing the energy that prevails throughout the movement, then slowly calms itself a little, finding its way down to a mezzoforte. ─── 一段最強(qiáng)音的顫音向聽眾宣布了貫穿整個(gè)樂章的能量,接著,慢慢地音樂平靜了一些,之后轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橹袕?qiáng)音。

65、To Research of the Relationship between the Trill and Formant of Voice in the Singing 于善英, ─── 歌聲中“顫音”和“嗓音共振峰”相互關(guān)系的聲學(xué)研究

66、whan the haly bugles trill Lat me wauken up richt here.! ─── 當(dāng)神圣的號(hào)角響起, 就讓我在片土地上醒來!”

67、To press My cheek to A trill ─── 我的臉頰發(fā)出顫音

68、Meanwhile, they called to one another in their distinctive, creaky trill. ─── 與此同時(shí),它們用嘰嘰嘎嘎與眾不同的顫音彼此呼喚。

69、a euphonious trill of silver laughter ─── 銀鈴般婉轉(zhuǎn)悅耳的笑聲

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