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10-03 投稿


northwardly 發(fā)音


英:  美:

northwardly 中文意思翻譯



northwardly 相似詞語短語

1、cowardly ─── adj.怯懦的,懦弱的;膽小的;adv.膽怯地

2、northwestwardly ─── 西北方向

3、northerly ─── adj.北方的,向北的;來自北方的;adv.向北;來自北方;n.北風(fēng)

4、northward ─── adj.向北的;adv.向北地;n.北方,北部地區(qū)

5、forwardly ─── adv.在前方;熱心地;冒失地

6、outwardly ─── adv.表面上;向外;外觀上地

7、southwardly ─── adj.來自南方的;向南的;adv.往南地

8、northeastwardly ─── adj.向東北的;從東北的;adv.向東北;從東北

9、northwards ─── adv.向北;向北的

northwardly 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、In Canada, the agriculture cropline has shifted 50 to 100 miles northward. ─── 在加拿大,農(nóng)作物生長線已向北挺進(jìn)了50至100英里。

2、A river of northeast European U.S.S.R. flowing about ,802 km (,20 mi) northward into Pechora Bay, an arm of the Barents Sea. ─── 伯朝拉河:蘇聯(lián)歐洲部分東北方的一條河,流程約,802公里(,20英里),向北注入伯朝拉灣,巴倫支海一海灣

3、At last, on the sixth day, Alexandra turned Brigham's (the horse) head northward and left the river behind. ─── 在第六天時,亞歷山德拉向北調(diào)轉(zhuǎn)馬頭,漸漸遠(yuǎn)離了這條河谷。

4、At a second angle in the road was a large flat rock, jutting out northward, overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended. ─── 在道路的另一拐彎處,一塊扁平的巨石向北突兀伸出,俯視著道路穿越升起的峽谷。

5、In the Meiyu season of 2006,the blocking high located to the west of Baikal Lake,the west Pacific subtropical high was more northward than that in the normal year. ─── 2006年的梅雨期在典型梅雨常見的中高緯度烏拉爾山和鄂霍次克海阻塞高壓均未建立,中高緯度高壓位于貝加爾湖以西,低緯度副高位置比氣候平均稍偏北。

6、And the lot eastward fell to Shelemiah. Then for Zechariah his son, a wise counseller, they cast lots; and his lot came out northward. ─── 代上26:14掣簽守東門的是示利米雅。他的兒子撒迦利亞是精明的謀士、掣簽守北門。

7、Going northward up to the gate, there were two tables outside and two more tables at the entrance end of the gate. ─── 在登上東廊的入口處的北面,靠外的一面有兩張桌子,在東廊的另一面也有兩張桌子。

8、He pointed his boat northward. ─── 他將船駛向北方。

9、The forefront of the one was situate northward over against Michmash, and the other southward over against Gibeah. ─── 一峰向北,與密抹相對,一峰向南,與迦巴相對。

10、Stiff he stood up and followed her northward, still tongue-tied, his whole body numb, as if he had been frozen in his sleep. ─── 他僵不吃的立起來,隨著她往北走,還是找不到話說,混身都有些發(fā)木,像剛被凍醒了似的。

11、The 1st Battalion had already gone northward. ─── 1營在此前即已北上。

12、Concurrently, the 7th Division would continue its advance northward to the Yalu. ─── 與此同時,第7步兵師將繼續(xù)北上鴨綠江。

13、But during the years before Gerald married Ellen, the tiny settlement, twenty-five miles north of Tara, slowly grew into a village and the tracks slowly pushed northward. ─── 不過在杰拉爾德與家倫結(jié)婚之前的那些年里,在塔拉以北的25英里處的那個小小的居民點(diǎn)便慢慢發(fā)展成一個村子。

14、Then he measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate unto the forefront of the inner court without, an hundred cubits eastward and northward. ─── 他從下門量到內(nèi)院外,共寬一百肘,東面北面都是如此。

15、A weak ridge of high pressure is found north of 14W, and another anticyclone east of the system is giving northward component to 14W's track. ─── 一弱高壓脊正處于14W北部,而另一高壓則在它的東面。

16、The northward which would not obey the ruling of Emperor Yan assaulted with the leading of Xuan-Yuan. ─── 不服炎帝統(tǒng)治的北方部落,在一個叫做軒轅的人的統(tǒng)領(lǐng)下,向炎帝大舉進(jìn)攻。

17、At those times that the Chinese territory expanded northward, earlier walls became secondary defences when a more northernly wall was built. ─── 在那時中國的領(lǐng)土逐漸的向北擴(kuò)張,當(dāng)北部的建設(shè)了新的城墻時,早先的墻就變成了次要的防御位置。

18、Palaeocurrent measurements suggest a northward direction,indicating that the Kunlun area was at low elevation. ─── 中新世的沉積以細(xì)顆粒泥巖和砂巖為主,表明物源區(qū)較遠(yuǎn) ,古流域坡度較小,搬運(yùn)距離較長。

19、Further analyses indicate that the northward wind-driven current in the western boundary of the ocean is stable in summer. ─── 分析進(jìn)一步表明,夏季向北的風(fēng)生流在海洋的西邊界附近是穩(wěn)定的.

20、Soon, says local wildlife biologist Gesa Kluth, a third pack will likely form, possibly heading northward in the direction of Berlin. ─── 地方野生動物學(xué)家說,不久第三群狼將形成,可能率領(lǐng)往北柏林的方向。

21、And as the ice retreats northward, the water beneath it gets deeper, making it harder for walruses to reach the ocean bottom where they feed. ─── 且由于冰層向北退去,冰層下的水域變得更深,從而使海象更難到達(dá)它們進(jìn)食的洋底。

22、And the lot eastward fell to Shelemiah. Then for Zecha***ah his son, a wise counsellor, they cast lots; and his lot came out northward. ─── 14掣簽守東門的是示利米雅。他的兒子撒迦利亞是精明的謀士,掣簽守北門。

23、He climbed through the window and walked to the street, turned northward, joining the people passing. ─── 他爬出窗口,走到街上,往北一拐,混在過往的人群中。

24、In winter, sardines migrate northward en masse, creating an aquatic extravaganza that draws sharks, seals, seabirds, dolphins, and gamefish to a roiling all-you-can-eat buffet. ─── 冬季沙丁魚全體向北遷徙,造就了一幕水中盛事,吸引了鯊魚、海豹、海鳥、海豚和鮭魚紛紛來赴這場饕餮大餐。

25、Migrating Canada geese, flying northward, their steady wingbeats accompanied by that familiar wild honking, herald springtime to people who live in the North. ─── 定期移棲的加拿大雁,以人們熟悉的鳴叫聲伴隨著它們那穩(wěn)健而有節(jié)奏的振翅向北飛去,告訴住在北方的人們春天來了。

26、And right now as before the northward photograph that Tian Han ground freezes is compared, spring already came early to laterite highland. ─── 和此時依舊天寒地凍的北方相比,春天已早早地來到了紅土高原。

27、By 1898, the route had been lengthened to start at Bergen in the south, extending northward to Kirkenes, far above the Arctic Circle. ─── 到1898年,這一航線已擴(kuò)展到南邊的波根,北至北極圈腹地的科科恩斯。

28、And he put the table in the tent of the congregation, upon the side of the tabernacle northward, without the vail. ─── 在桌子上將餅陳設(shè)在耶和華面前,是照耶和華所吩咐他的。

29、LUPIT was drifting northward slowly in the past 12 hours. At 20 HKT, LUPIT was centred about 620 km (340 NM) NNE of Manila. ─── 盧碧于過去12小時向北緩慢移動。在20HKT,盧碧集結(jié)在馬尼拉東北偏北約620公里(340海里)。

30、Can the putian west road extend northward and then intersect with the Qilihe south road on the same plane? ─── 圃田西路是否改為向北延伸并與七里河南路發(fā)生平交?

31、The leader of the fathers' households of the families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail. They were to camp on the northward side of the tabernacle. ─── 亞比亥的兒子蘇列作米拉利二宗族的首領(lǐng)。他們要在帳幕的北邊安營。

32、Since then,they have spread northward and all the way to the west coast. ─── 從那是起他們向北蔓延,并向西海岸蔓延。

33、They are gone down to Newcastle, a place quite northward, it seems, and there they are to stay I do not know how long. ─── 他們到紐卡斯?fàn)柸チ耍诤苓h(yuǎn)的北方,他們?nèi)チ艘院笠膊恢蓝嗤聿拍芑貋怼?/p>

34、But Tianlongshan body is obviously northward "drift". ─── 但天龍山巖體明顯偏北,大有脫離東西向分布向北東“飄移”之勢。

35、On very old rate, global environment problem is the international economy order that northward country uses imparity the result of agelong plunder earth. ─── 在很大的程度上 ,全球環(huán)境問題是北方國家利用不平等的國際經(jīng)濟(jì)秩序長年掠奪地球的結(jié)果。

36、The day was cold, with a nipping wind down the northward running streets. ─── 天氣很冷,向北面的街上刮起了一陣刺骨的冷風(fēng)。

37、He expanded Poland southward into Galicia and northward as far as the Baltic Sea. ─── 他將波蘭領(lǐng)土向南擴(kuò)展到加利西亞,并向北推進(jìn)到波羅的海。

38、In the sky, “northward” always means “toward the sky's north pole,” or toward Polaris. ─── 在天際中,“北方”總是意味著“朝向天空的北極,”或朝向北極星。

39、The low-frequency system over SCS propagates northward while that in mid-high latitudes mainly propagates from northeast to southwest. ─── 南海低頻系統(tǒng)向北傳播,而中高緯低頻系統(tǒng)自東北向西南傳播為主。

40、The honoured parent steering Northward, had not gone far, when he was joined by another disciple of Izaak Walton, and the two trudged on together. ─── 他那可敬的父親往北走了不遠(yuǎn),便跟另一位艾薩克 - 華爾頓的門徒會合,一同蹣跚地往前走去。

41、It extended northward and went to En-shemesh and went to Geliloth, which is opposite the ascent of Adummim, and it went down to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben. ─── 又往北通到隱示麥,達(dá)到亞都冥坡對面的基利綠。又下到流便之子波罕的磐石。

42、Be in northward and vast rural area, irrigate backwardly the habit still is in by follow, farm flood flooding, a mu use water 339 stere. ─── 在北方廣大農(nóng)村,落后的澆灌習(xí)慣仍在被沿襲,農(nóng)田大水漫灌,一畝一次就用水三四百立方米。

43、His friend was very surprised so he asked: "Chu is situated in the south so why you northward instead of going southward? ─── 一個朋友覺得很奇怪,問他:“楚國是在南方,你應(yīng)該向南方前進(jìn)才對,你怎么沿著通向北方的大路前進(jìn)呢?”

44、Every mile of this road northward from Sianfu evokes memories of the rich and colorful pageant of his people. ─── 在這條從西安府北去的大道上,每走一里路都會勾起他對本民族豐富多彩的絢爛歷史的回憶。

45、Since then they have spread in Northward and all the way to the west coast. ─── 從那時起,它們就開始向北部和西部海岸延伸。

46、One was the consolidation of the great empire of China, its extension northward and the increase of its population during the prosperous period of the Han dynasty. ─── 一是由于中國這個龐大帝國的統(tǒng)一。 在繁榮的漢代時期,中國領(lǐng)土向北拓展,人口增加。

47、A river rising in southeast Venezuela near the Guyana border and flowing 885 km (550 mi) northward to join the Orinoco River. ─── 卡羅尼河:發(fā)源于委內(nèi)瑞拉東南部,蓋亞納邊境附近的一條河流,向北流出885公里(550英里)與奧里諾科河匯合

48、In the early morning of September 27, Lisbon Maru started its voyage to Japan, sailing northward toward the open sea. ─── 9月30日晚,“鱸魚”號潛伏在上海南部海域偵察。10月1日凌晨4時許,“鱸魚”號發(fā)現(xiàn)了“里斯本丸”及9艘小舢板。

49、From its quiet beginnings in North Carolina, it meanders northward, growing in volume and velocity, until it reaches West Virginia. ─── 它平靜地起源于北卡羅來那,蜿蜒北上,流量和流速都不斷增加,直到它進(jìn)入西弗吉尼亞。

50、The putian west road can extends northward and intersects the Qilihe south road on the same plane. ─── 圃田西路可以向北延伸并與七里河南路發(fā)生平交。

51、For most of the next three weeks traffic northward on the MSR would be unimpeded. ─── 在接下來的近三個星期里北上的主要補(bǔ)給線將會是暢通無阻。

52、A very considerable trade passed northward and southward through Jerusalem. ─── 大量貿(mào)易經(jīng)過耶路撒冷走向北方和南方。

53、At the same time, invasive plants will also grow faster and are likely to move northward. ─── 同時,有侵略性的植物會生長的很快,并且很有可能向北部地區(qū)移動。

54、Then the man led me northward into the outer court and brought me to the rooms opposite the temple courtyard and opposite the outer wall on the north side. ─── 他帶我出來向北,到外院。又帶我進(jìn)入圣1屋;這圣屋一排順著空地,一排與北邊鋪石地之屋相對。

55、Many could move northward and toward the Pacific coast in reaction to rising temperatures and changes in rainfall. ─── 一些植物可以往北方或者太平洋沿海岸遷移,尋找較高的溫度和降雨。

56、But what sends birds northward again in the spring? ─── 但是,是什么讓鳥在春天北飛呢?

57、In the case of Cepheus, the tip of the roof (a star known as Gamma Cephei, or Er Rai) points generally northward. ─── 就仙王座來說,房頂?shù)募舛舜篌w上指向南方。

58、Lies to the west of Dachan island, between Dachan island and Mazhou island, northward to the south end of fanshi fairway, and southward to the North channel. ─── 位于大鏟島西面,大鏟島與孖洲島之間的水域,水道北接礬石水道南端,南接北航道。

59、Structures and Mechanisms of the Northward Propagating Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation. ─── 北半球夏季季節(jié)內(nèi)振蕩向北傳輸?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)和機(jī)制。

60、Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea is his border; and they met together in Asher on the north, and in Issachar on the east. ─── 南歸以法蓮,北歸瑪拿西,以海為界。北邊到亞設(shè),東邊到以薩迦。

61、Upper Egypt surrounded the upper portion of the Nile; Lower Egypt stretched from just south of what is now Cairo northward to the Mediterranean. ─── 上埃及位于尼羅河上游,下埃及從現(xiàn)在的開羅以南向北延伸到地中海。

62、At the same time he began quietly moving northward, and in a few steps had put the hollow between us two and the other five. ─── 同時,他開始悄悄往北挪動,走了幾步后就到了土坑的另一邊,這樣土坑就將我們和另外那五個人分隔了開來。

63、Eastward were six Levites, northward four a day, southward four a day, and toward Asuppim two and two. ─── 17每日東門有六個利未人,北門有四個,南門有四個,庫房有兩個,又有兩個輪班替換。

64、The North magnetic pole seems to be moving northward at an average rate of 1 0 kilometers per year. ─── 北磁極似乎正在以平均每年10千米的速度向北移動。

65、Under the forcing of northward eddy heat transport, a positive transport circulation can result which rises at low latitudes and sinks at high latitudes. ─── 向北的渦動熱量輸送可以強(qiáng)迫出一個正的輸運(yùn)環(huán)流,其在低緯度上升并在高緯度下沉。

66、Walk northwardly,then walk southwardly, finally walk northwardly and you will reach the destination. ─── “向北走,再向西走,最后在向北走就到了”的英文怎么說?

67、Wu Yue is a peaceful, beautiful southern girl it seems that, having forthright northward boy nature however. ─── 吳越看起來是個舒適、漂亮的南方女孩,卻有著豪爽的北方男孩性格。

68、Efforts have been endeavored to the study of the eastward extension of the fault after crossing through Tachiahsi northwardly. ─── 其中學(xué)者們對集集地震斷層過大甲溪后往東發(fā)展之破裂,提出許多相關(guān)研究與探討。

69、The northward migration this spring was the biggest in many years, raising hopes of butterfly enthusiasts throughout North America. ─── 今年春天帝王蝶北程是多年來規(guī)模最大的一次,整個北美地區(qū)的蝶蝶迷引頸期盼。

70、The Himalaya were born when the Indian plate, drifting northward from the Mesozoic supercontinent of Gondwana, slammed into the Eurasian plate about 45 million years ago. ─── 喜馬拉雅山誕生在4500萬年前,當(dāng)時印度板塊由中生代的剛瓦那超大陸,向北隱沒入歐亞板塊。

71、Eastern North America and Europe enjoy temperate conditions (like today's) when salty Atlantic waters warmed by southern sunshine flow northward across the equator. ─── 在南半球受日照加溫的大西洋鹽水往北流過赤道時,北美洲東部與歐洲便享有如今日般的溫和氣候。

72、The feasibility and rightness of the strategy were authenticated by experts through its application to the planning design of northward extending project of Renmin Road, Suzhou. ─── 將該新思路應(yīng)用于蘇州市人民路北延線景觀規(guī)劃設(shè)計(jì)中,詳細(xì)論證了理論的實(shí)用性和正確性,得到了相關(guān)專家的認(rèn)可。

73、Meanwhile, as the cooled water sinks, warm currents from the south flow northward to take its place. ─── 冷水下沉?xí)r,從南方向北流的暖流則取而代之。

74、Southern Jiangsu prances, go in countrywide front row, and northward Heibei economy temperature is relatively inferior. ─── 南方的江蘇昂首闊步,走在全國前列,而北方的河北經(jīng)濟(jì)熱度相對較低。

75、Continuing the northward movement of his division from Wonsan, Smith ordered Murray to advance a battalion of the 5th Marines to Chigyong, eight miles southwest of Hamhung. ─── 在將陸戰(zhàn)1師從元山繼續(xù)向北推進(jìn)的同時,史密斯命令默雷把陸戰(zhàn)5團(tuán)的一個營調(diào)動到定坪,即咸興西南8英里的位置。

76、Go Northward after getting out of the subway, and turn westward at the first crossroad. ─── 出站后朝北走,至第一個十字路口后朝西。

77、At the salient of that second angle was a large flat rock, jutting out from the ridge to the northward, overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended. ─── 在這第二個拐角的突出部有一個大而平坦的巖山,從山脊向北伸出,俯瞰深谷,路就是從那幾盤旋而上的。

78、The Rampart by Buchan father and son actually lies about west of Qiao Huling, between Senior No. 1 Middle School (Xiling Road 2) northward and Sanjiang Bridge southward. ─── 從宜昌中心市區(qū)地質(zhì)演變資料分析和相關(guān)地段地層結(jié)構(gòu)實(shí)地考察,從歷史文獻(xiàn)和考古資料研究人手,步闡壘不在今葛洲壩而在古郭洲壩上;

79、They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment. ─── 他們向北行,心頭仿佛襲來一縷不可名狀的落寞之感。

80、It is difficult to predict the track of typhoon moving westward and turning northward in the South China Sea. ─── 南海臺風(fēng)西行北翹是小概率事件,預(yù)報(bào)具有一定的難度。

81、This smiling face, the northwardly is brutal strong could not look, but tin feel to get. ─── 這個笑顏,北野烈看不到,卻可以感覺得到。

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