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posthumous 發(fā)音

英:['p?stj?m?s]  美:['pɑst??m?s]

英:  美:

posthumous 中文意思翻譯



posthumous 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 死后的;遺腹的;作者死后出版的

posthumous 詞性/詞形變化,posthumous變形

名詞: posthumousness |副詞: posthumously |

posthumous 短語詞組

1、posthumous publication ─── 死后出版

2、Posthumous marriage ─── 死后的婚姻

3、Posthumous name ─── 謚號

4、Posthumous execution ─── 后腐殖質(zhì)執(zhí)行

5、posthumous adoqtion ─── [法] 遺腹子出生后的領(lǐng)養(yǎng)

6、posthumous birth ─── [醫(yī)] 死后生產(chǎn)

7、posthumous papers ─── 遺書

8、posthumous works ─── [法] 遺著

9、adoption posthumous ─── [法] 死后出生的收養(yǎng), 遺腹子的收養(yǎng)

10、posthumous child ─── [醫(yī)] 遺腹子

11、posthumous work ─── 遺著

posthumous 相似詞語短語

1、posthumously ─── adv.于死后,于身后;于著作者死后出版地

2、strumous ─── adj.甲狀腺腫的;腺病的;瘤狀突起的

3、imposthumes ─── 不

4、postliminous ─── 閾后

5、posthumousness ─── 死后

6、posthouse ─── n.驛站;驛館

7、posticous ─── adj.在后的;外附的

8、imposthumates ─── 假象

9、postholocaust ─── 大屠殺

posthumous 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、a posthumous award; a posthumous book; a posthumous child ─── 死后的獎勵;死后出版的書;遺腹子

2、posthumous movement ─── 復(fù)活運(yùn)動

3、A.D. 221 years eldest son Cao Pi sets up Wei, bestows an honorific posthumous title Cao Cao for Wei Wu Di. He is Wei's founder. ─── 公元221年長子曹丕立魏代漢,追尊曹操為魏武帝。他是魏的奠基人。著有《孫子略解》、《兵書接要》等軍事著作和《蒿里行》、《觀滄?!贰ⅰ洱旊m壽》等詩編。

4、I found that he left posthumous child to us, who is one of my five granddaughters. ─── 后來我才發(fā)現(xiàn)我去世的兒子為我們留下了一個遺腹子,也就是我5個孫子孫女中的一個。

5、William Topaz McGonagall, who died in 1902, has gained posthumous recognition in the Scottish city of Dundee, which plans to mark the centenary of his death by engraving part of his poems on a walkway by the river Tay. ─── 威廉-托珀士-邁貢納高于1902年去世后在蘇格蘭城市鄧迪贏得了名聲,該城市計劃把他的部分詩作刻在泰河邊的走道上,以此紀(jì)念他逝世100周年。

6、Keiun" comes from the posthumous name of the former owner. ─── 慶云”這個名字來源于前主人的謚號。

7、Wo years (AD 490 years) von Queen Mother's death, only 49 years old, posthumous title, "Empress Dowager too civilized. ─── 太和十四年(公元490年)馮太后去世,年僅49歲,謚“文明太皇太后”。

8、Brandon published two posthumous collections of his short stories in the 1990s. ─── 上世紀(jì)九十年代,他的短篇故事由布蘭登出版社集結(jié)出版。

9、" Yuankang four years (294 years) officer died, aged 56 years, posthumous title Fok said. ─── 元康四年(294年)卒于官,年56歲,謚曰貞。

10、posthumous fame ─── 死后的聲譽(yù)

11、The last time a significant number of his works were assembled was for a posthumous auction in Amsterdam in 1696, when 21 were gathered for sale. ─── 最近一次他的相當(dāng)數(shù)量的作品被搜集到一起是 1696年在阿姆斯特丹他去世之后的一次拍賣。那一次有21件作品被出售。

12、Jackie Joyner-kersee won a IAAF Lifetime Achievement Award and her sister-in-law,Florcence Griffiths-Joyner who died earlier this year won a special posthumous award. ─── 杰基·喬伊納·科西獲得國際業(yè)余田聯(lián)終生成就獎,她今年年初去世的嫂子弗洛倫絲·格里菲絲·喬依納獲得一項特殊貢獻(xiàn)獎。

13、posthumous fold ─── 復(fù)活褶皺


15、Possible discovery about Mozart's work Posthumous discoveries of Mozart works are rare but not unkownunknown. ─── 關(guān)于莫扎特死后遺留的作品的發(fā)現(xiàn)很少但并不是不為人所知的。

16、Smile Starting this Christmas, Jackson's family will release a series of posthumous albums, including perhaps songs written for Jackson's children and some left over from his last album, Invincible. ─── 微笑自圣誕節(jié)開始,杰克遜家族將發(fā)行邁克杰克遜身后專輯,將可能包括杰克遜孩提時代的歌曲以及他最后的專輯,不可戰(zhàn)勝。

17、But I feel confident with what I have learned about the material poised to appear on his first posthumous album, Michael. ─── 但我對我掌握的將收錄在他第一張遺作專輯“邁克爾”中的信息充滿信心。

18、posthumous publication ─── 死后出版物

19、On war time, death erection made an excellent war trophy, a method of humiliating the enemy by displaying their posthumous copulating organ. ─── 戰(zhàn)時,死亡勃起是一種很棒的戰(zhàn)利品。羞辱敵人的一個方法就是,陳列他們死后的交媾器官。

20、confer posthumous honors on a person ─── 死后追贈勛位給某人,謚封某人

21、If I were to say all the unpleasant things that occur to me about posthumous memoirs, I should have nothing left for my posthumous memoirs. ─── 如果我把發(fā)生在我身上所有不愉快的事都寫進(jìn)我死后的回憶錄里,我將沒有剩馀的地方可寫我的死后回憶錄了.

22、As well as England's unused squad members, manager Sir Alf Ramsey will receive a posthumous medal 10 years after his death. ─── 同樣的,那屆世界杯帶領(lǐng)英格蘭獲得世界冠軍的拉姆齊爵士,也將在其逝世10年之后獲得他應(yīng)得的這枚獎牌。

23、The srticle has analyzed the spirit of scholars in the Eastern Han Dynasty based on their posthumous writings and exhortations. ─── 從東漢士人的遺令和敕子書入手對東漢士風(fēng)進(jìn)行了一個角度的分析和透視。

24、" posthumous child can inherit, " and so on, these people took place in the side of the legal issues will be The issues discussed. ─── “遺腹子能否繼承遺產(chǎn)”等等,這些發(fā)生在百姓身邊的法律問題都將是討論的問題。

25、Feeling the Magnificence--On the Seminar of Mr. SHANG Lian -bi's Posthumous Works ─── 感受豪情--尚連璧先生遺作展研討會側(cè)記

26、Tang marked the early years of Qing (656 years) died, the posthumous title Jingzhou captaincy general, Zhao Ling buried with the dead King. ─── 唐顯慶初年(656年)病故,謚荊州都督、陪葬太宗昭陵。

27、So they called him a virtuous man and honored him with the posthumous reverent title Master of Easy-Going ─── 于是大家給他取個死后的法號,叫他做圓通大師。

28、So they called him a virtuous man and honored him with the posthumous reverent title Master of Easy-Going. ─── 于是大家給他取個死后的法號,叫他做圓通大師。

29、posthumous vindication ─── 死后證明正確

30、Palace reached the funeral obituary, the abdication of the Qing Dynasty, The Last Emperor Xuantong very condolences for the posthumous title, "Wen Xi", confer posthumously with the country. ─── 喪訃傳到故宮,退位的清朝末代皇帝宣統(tǒng)甚表哀悼,謚號"文僖",追贈相國。

31、posthumous fame, earnings ─── 死後獲得的名聲﹑ 收入

32、posthumous phenomeno ─── 復(fù)活現(xiàn)象

33、He received a posthumous award for bravery. ─── 他表現(xiàn)勇敢, 死后受到了嘉獎。

34、a posthumous award for bravery ─── 死后榮膺的英勇獎

35、A posthumous book. ─── 作者死后才出版的書

36、Nevertheless, in a posthumous compilation of his 1985 Gifford Lectures in Scotland on science and religion, he makes the point that standard religious wonder is in fact too myopic, too limited. ─── 1985年,他在蘇格蘭給過一系列有關(guān)科學(xué)與宗教的吉福演講,講稿在他過世后結(jié)集出版。

37、posthumous glory ─── 死后獲得的榮耀

38、adoption posthumous ─── [法] 死后出生的收養(yǎng), 遺腹子的收養(yǎng)

39、The 10th posthumous birthday anniversary for the country-protecting general is going to be held tomorrow. ─── 明天將舉行護(hù)國大將軍的陰壽紀(jì)念活動。

40、2.It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame. ─── 它可以有無數(shù)表現(xiàn)形式,從插科打揮到追求死后的名聲。

41、He suggests that Habibie bestow posthumous awards upon the Chinese pioneers for their contributions to the local economy. ─── 作者建議哈比比該補(bǔ)掛勛章來表彰華裔先賢對當(dāng)?shù)亟?jīng)濟(jì)的偉績。

42、a posthumous award; a posthumous book; a posthumous child. ─── 死后的獎勵;死后出版的書;遺腹子。

43、Three Pieces of Posthumous Work of Shi Ruoxu ─── 史若虛先生遺作三篇

44、He recalls the commandment of an old Rabbi for Jews contemplating suicide in the Nazi period: “Thou shalt not give Hitler a posthumous victory. ─── 在納粹時期他回想起老拉比對猶太人關(guān)于自殺的戒律:“你不可追授給希特勒勝利。”

45、But if there are any special achievements, the emperor’s death may also be able to pay tribute to their achievements追封name, not necessarily for the posthumous title No. reign title. ─── 不過如果有特別的功績,天皇死后也可能被追封能贊揚(yáng)其功績的名稱,不一定以年號為謚號。

46、The government and non-government paid more attention to collecting and preserving the posthumous of the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty. ─── 明代公私對宋元遺籍的搜集和保存,應(yīng)當(dāng)說是相當(dāng)重視的。

47、Gu Gang Posthumous Music Scored ─── 古岡遺譜

48、Dead men hear no tales; posthumous fame is an Irish bull ─── 死人無耳,死后的名聲等于風(fēng)馬牛。

49、All but one have been posthumous. ─── 除了一個以外的所有的都是死后追授的。

50、A posthumous award. ─── 死后頒獎

51、In fact, the posthumous honorific titles of almost all Chinese emperors, except some early ones and the founders of dynasties, include the word xiaoNote 1 . ─── 事實上,幾乎所有中國皇帝,除了中國歷史早期的皇帝和創(chuàng)始朝代的皇帝以外,謚號都有個孝字注1。

52、The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club; ─── 匹克威克外傳;

53、the posthumous title of an emperor ─── 廟號

54、Qianlong in the years to build temple on the west side of the tomb, the posthumous title and the "good guys are. ─── 乾隆年間于墓西側(cè)建祠,并謚“忠正”。

55、Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club ─── 匹克威克外傳

56、posthumous structure ─── 復(fù)活構(gòu)造

57、Aspiring to bask in the reflected glory of his posthumous triumph, his heirs put his embalmed body on display in a hideous granite mausoleum copied from Lenin's tomb in Moscow. ─── 整座城市沐浴在他遺留下偉大勝利的榮耀之中,他的子嗣將他的遺體放在花崗巖陵墓上供人瞻仰,整座陵墓是仿造莫斯科列寧的陵寢所設(shè)計的。

58、Preliminary Research on Posthumous Titles in Song Dynasty ─── 宋人謚號初探

59、birth, posthumous ─── 死后生產(chǎn)

60、The study of free and grass script in Dunhuang posthumous writing is of great importance to the history of Dunhuang calligraphy and the study of Dunhuang. ─── 敦煌遺書中行草書法的研究,對中國書法史和敦煌學(xué)的研究都具有重大的、積極的意義。

61、comic novel, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, appeared serially in 1836 and 1837, and was first published in book form in 1837. ─── 喜劇小說《匹克威克外傳》在1836年和1837年連載發(fā)布,在1837年首次以書的形式出版。

62、A person's post-departure reputation is just like posthumous honors: One can be concerned for it but do nothing about it, fearing that one's departure or death, like a wax candle, will leave nothing behind but a bad odor when it goes out. ─── 去后的毀譽(yù),正跟死后的哀榮一樣關(guān)心而無法知道,深怕一走或一死,像洋蠟燭一滅,留下的只是臭味。

63、42. The last time a significant number of his works were assembled was for a posthumous auction in Amsterdam in 1696, when 21 were gathered for sale. ─── 最近一次他的相當(dāng)數(shù)量的作品被搜集到一起是1696年在阿姆斯特丹他去世之后的一次拍賣。那一次有21件作品被出售。

64、In a presumably posthumous voiceover, Bwana Beast says he would do it all again, in a hummingbird's heartbeat. ─── 在大概是死后的畫外音里,比斯特說他愿意再來一次,不過這次是以蜂鳥的心跳。

65、Soon The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club appeared in monthly installments. It is once lifted him into a position of fame and fortune. ─── 很快《皮克威克外傳》也出版了,這使狄更斯一度名利雙收。

66、"posthumous child can inherit," and so on, these people took place in the side of the legal issues will be The issues discussed. ─── “遺腹子能否繼承遺產(chǎn)”等等,這些發(fā)生在百姓身邊的法律問題都將是討論的問題。

67、Dear men hear no tales, posthumous fame is an irish bull. ─── 死人無耳,死后的名勝等于風(fēng)馬牛。

68、and his eyes glistened at the thought of this posthumous revenge. ─── 想到死后能夠復(fù)仇,他的眼睛頓時煥發(fā)起來。

69、The Rarely Known Posthumous Papers of the Martyr Li Bai ─── 李白遺書中的烈士情懷

70、For Americans have indeed taken posthumous possession of Britain's " People's Princess." ─── 實際上美國人已經(jīng)在不列顛的“人民的王妃”死后,將她視為自己國家的一員了。

71、It was calculated to secure for his book a name, and for himself posthumous fame. ─── 他是打算靠了這一點使他的著作問世以后能哄動一時,使他自己能揚(yáng)名后世的。

72、Mr. San Yai-sen's inscription on the book of Manshu's Posthumous Paintings (Supplied by Zhuhai Archives) ─── 孫中山先生為蘇曼殊遺墨題字(珠海市檔案館供稿)

73、And there was a posthumous award to Harvey Milk, the slain gay rights activist and politician. ─── 同時還對被殺害的同性戀權(quán)益運(yùn)動家和政治家哈維米爾克追贈了該獎。

74、the posthumous award of a medal for bravery ─── 死后獲得的勇敢勛章.

75、After the death of the author, if the contribution fees paid for the posthumous works, individual income tax shall be levied on the contribution fees. ─── 作者去世后,對取得其遺作稿酬的個人,按稿酬所得征收個人所得稅。

76、"Today awarded posthumous Order of Conspicuous Merit, Second Class."I accuse myself of sabotage, ─── “最近犧牲于馬拉巴爾前線?!薄坝捎诠鬃恐?,今天授予二等功?!?/p>

77、Gould's posthumous "legacy" in the National Library of Canada includes seven boxes of compositions. ─── 加拿大國立圖書館收藏的古爾德遺作裝了整整七個箱子。

78、Brief Discussion about Zhang Yuzhao and His "Lian Ting's Posthumous Poems ─── 張裕釗及其《濂亭遺詩》簡論

79、I maintain that is wrong. The fact is, the said work, edited by Kautsky, is a posthumous manuscript by Marx, not as the fourth volume of Das Kapital, but as an independent work. ─── 我認(rèn)為這是錯誤的,事實上它是馬克思的遺稿,由考茨基編輯,不是作為《資本論》的第4卷,而是作為獨立的著作出版的.

80、But instead of sitting back and basking in the posthumous fame of his new ancestor as many people might have done, Mr.Robinson decided to get a second opinion before matters went any further. ─── 但是羅賓森并沒有象多數(shù)人那樣坐享先人的福澤,他決定聽聽不同意見,以免事情一發(fā)不可收拾。

81、4. Your Excellency should confer upon them posthumous honours for the great contributions they had made to the local economy. ─── 總統(tǒng)閣下,你們實在應(yīng)給他們補(bǔ)掛勛章,來表彰他們對當(dāng)?shù)亟?jīng)濟(jì)的偉大功績。

82、a posthumous award; ─── 死后的獎勵;

83、Imogen and Posthumous took a most affectionate leave of each other ─── 伊摩琴跟波塞摩斯非常纏綿地告別了。

84、"Look at me" is one of the most fundamental desires of the human heart.It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame. ─── “看我”是人類內(nèi)心最基本的欲望之一,它可以有無數(shù)的表現(xiàn)形式,從插科打諢到到追求死后的名聲。

85、Is it possible that a real Bigfoot lives despite the posthumous confession by the Wallace family that it was just a practical joke? ─── 雖然在華萊士死后,他的家族承認(rèn)這只是一個惡作劇,但大腳是否可能真的存在?

86、To know the free and grass script of Dunhuang posthumous writing is to study the politics economy culture scholarship and Buddhism. ─── 了解敦煌遺書中的行草書法,必須要從敦煌的政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化、學(xué)術(shù)、佛教等一起去探討。

87、Posthumous glory for a Finnish star ─── 一位芬蘭明星過世后永存的盛名

88、Beijing officials and the North Korea set to makewu pin yi shang have to pay, canonized as the Stuart, and the state captaincy general, posthumous title Chungmugong. ─── 令京官五品以上及朝集使都去吊唁,冊封為司徒、并州都督,謚忠武。

89、Few painters have ever had such a press as the one that, interrupted by a few decades of posthumous neglect, greeted Chardin from Diderot, the Goncourt brothers, Gide, Proust and dozens of others. ─── 很少有畫家在歷經(jīng)死后被忽略數(shù)十年這樣的干擾之后還受到這樣的評論,向夏丹致敬的有Diderot,theGoncourtbrothers龔古爾兄弟,Gide紀(jì)德,Proust普魯斯特和數(shù)以打計的其他人士。


Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short-story writer, and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, as well as the veterans of World War One later known as "the Lost Generation", as described in his posthumous memoir A Moveable Feast. ("'That's what you are. That's what you all are,' Miss Stein said. 'All of you young people who served in the war. You are a lost generation.'" Stein had overheard a garage owner use the phrase to criticize a mechanic.) He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. Hemingway's distinctive writing style is characterized by economy and understatement, in contrast to the style of his literary rival William Faulkner. It had a significant influence on the development of twentieth-century fiction writing. His protagonists are typically stoic men who exhibit an ideal described as "grace under pressure." Many of his works are now considered canonical in American literature.

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