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10-02 投稿


nolle 發(fā)音

英:[['n?l?]]  美:[['n?l?]]

英:  美:

nolle 中文意思翻譯




nolle 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、nolle pros ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] nolle職業(yè)

2、nolle prosequi ─── [拉] ─── [律]原告撤回起訴

3、nolle road Nolle ─── 路

4、enter a nolle prosequi ─── [法] 提出終止訴訟

nolle 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、Candolle ─── n.(Candolle)人名;(法)康多勒

2、Belle ─── n.(尤指某活動(dòng)或某場(chǎng)合的)美女;n.(Belle)(美、法)貝萊(人名)

3、noble ─── adj.高尚的;貴族的;惰性的;宏偉的;n.貴族;vt.抓??;逮捕;n.(Noble)人名;(英、法、意)諾布爾;(西)諾夫萊;(阿拉伯)努布萊

4、Zwolle ─── n.茲沃勒(荷蘭的城市)

5、nolls ─── 諾爾(人名)

6、-elle ─── n.世界時(shí)裝之苑(時(shí)尚類期刊);依尼(服裝品牌名)

7、noll ─── 諾爾(人名)

8、-ole ─── adj.老的,舊的;abbr.對(duì)象鏈接和嵌入(ObjectLinkingandEmbedding);int.(表示贊成或高興)好哇,哇;n.(Ole)(挪、丹、美)奧利(人名)

9、-nole ─── n.(Nole)人名;(塞)諾萊

nolle 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Noll continued, adding that about 100,000 Chinese citizens visited Trier last year, and about 40,000 of them spent at least one night. ─── 去年約有100,000中國(guó)公民游覽了Trier,其中約40,000人至少呆了一個(gè)晚上。

2、On the other hand, as Mark Noll and others have shown, revivalism was a disaster for American Christian theology and thought. ─── 另一方面,如同馬克.諾(MarkNoll)和其它人所指出的,宗教復(fù)興對(duì)美國(guó)基督教的神學(xué)與思想是一場(chǎng)災(zāi)難。

3、It tries to define the concept of nolle prosequi hearing. ─── 第一部分是不起訴聽證制度概述,闡述了不起訴和聽證的概念,不起訴聽證的背景、意義和價(jià)值;

4、"Some may be more open to it than others, depending on their perceptions of themselves and the world, and also the influence of their caretakers," Noll says. ─── “一些人在這方面可能比其它人更開放,這取決于他們對(duì)自己和這個(gè)世界的關(guān)系的理解,也取決于他們的父母的影響?!?/p>

5、nolle prosequi ─── [拉][律]原告撤回起訴

6、The first part of the article is a summary of nolle prosequi hearing. ─── 本文根據(jù)理論研究的需要共分為四個(gè)部分。

7、A Research upon Noll Pros System against Juvenile Crimes ─── 未成年人犯罪不起訴制度若干問(wèn)題探析

8、They nolle prossed the charge. ─── 他們撤銷了控告訴訟。

9、The second part is the background of researching mechanism of the minor relative nolle prosequi. ─── 第二部分,未成年人犯罪相對(duì)不起訴制度的研究背景。

10、All children are capable of having friends, although high self-esteem really helps them succeed, says Kathy Noll. ─── 凱西.諾爾說(shuō),雖然高度自尊確實(shí)有助于成功,但所有的孩子都能交朋友。

11、Coleman and Noll theory of fading memory ─── 科爾曼和諾爾衰退記憶理論

12、The doubt that whether can nolle prosequi to goodness, zou Shenglong allows authority ' wait and see what happens " . ─── 對(duì)于優(yōu)度是否會(huì)撤訴的疑問(wèn),鄒勝龍讓大家‘拭目以待”。

13、Noll W. Chemistry and Technology of Siloxanes, Academic Press.NewYork. 1968 ─── 李治雄,朱占民著.聚氨酯樹脂,江蘇:科技出版社,1992,3

14、"This is strikingly similar to the comet Shoemaker Levy 9 that impactedJupiter in July 1994," said team member Keith Noll of the SpaceTelescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md. ─── 團(tuán)隊(duì)成員、馬里蘭州巴爾的摩市太空望遠(yuǎn)鏡科研所的基恩.諾爾說(shuō):“本次撞擊的引入注目之處在于與1994.7蘇梅克.列維9彗星撞擊木星極為相似”。

15、Focus on the positive, Noll says. ─── 要看到積極的一面,諾爾說(shuō)。

16、Noll, William Rogerson, Linda R. ─── 作者: Wesley Cohen, Roger G.

17、nolle prosequi n. ─── 撤回訴訟;

18、simple material of Noll ─── 諾爾簡(jiǎn)單材料

19、name supermoon is fairly new. It was the idea of astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979. ─── 的這個(gè)名字很新穎。這是占星家理查德在1979年的想法。 ﹠。

20、My name is Melvern Noll, and I'm a part-time truck driver, and I own this miniature golf course and also the go-kart track out here. ─── 那個(gè)早晨,我碰巧向東北方的天空看,我看到那里有一道非常非常明亮的光,像一顆非常明亮的星星。

21、Several years ago, the mell mayor of Chicagoand noll , Illinois, visited Germanyhow lead , a leader in Greenroof green roof design. ─── 幾年前,伊利諾斯州的芝加哥市長(zhǎng)參觀了德國(guó)的一個(gè)綠色屋頂設(shè)計(jì)的業(yè)內(nèi)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)企業(yè)。

22、Noll W.Translated by Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Science.Chemistry and Technology of Silicones[M].Beijing:Science Press,1978. ─── [1]諾爾 W. 中國(guó)科學(xué)院蘭州化學(xué)物理研究所譯.硅珙化學(xué)與工藝學(xué)[M]. 北京:科學(xué)出版社,1978.

23、The thorough understanding of the nol pros types of Section 2, Item 142 of the current Criminal Law is the difficulty in and key to understanding the system of nolle prosequi. ─── 深刻理解現(xiàn)行刑訴法第142條第2款規(guī)定的不起訴類型,是正確認(rèn)識(shí)不起訴制度的難點(diǎn)和關(guān)鍵所在。

24、drop persecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records. ─── 在法庭檔案中通過(guò)輸入一條原告撤回訴訟而停止煩擾。

25、nolle prosequi in criminal procedure ─── 撤回公訴

26、One winter night, he finally nolle our love relationship. ─── 一個(gè)寒冬的晚上,他終于提出中止我們的戀愛(ài)關(guān)系。

27、enter a nolle prosequi ─── [法] 提出終止訴訟

28、5 Jayant N S,Noll P. Digital coding of waveforms. New Jersy: Prentice-Hall, 1984 ─── 6高文.多媒體數(shù)據(jù)壓縮技術(shù).北京:電子工業(yè)出版社,1994

29、Mark Noll, one of America's finest historians, is also a proud Evangelical. ─── 美國(guó)最杰出的史學(xué)家馬克.諾爾(亦稱樂(lè)馬克)也是位受人尊敬的福音派信徒。

30、At the same time, the current rate of nolle prosequi in administration ease is increasing every year. ─── 另一方面,我國(guó)行政案件撤訴率常年居高不下。

31、drop persecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records ─── 在法庭檔案中通過(guò)輸入一條原告撤回訴訟而停止煩擾

32、"European Union lighter turned over dumping case to nolle prosequi, this is a nearly ideal outcome. ─── 歐盟打火機(jī)反傾銷案撤訴了,這是一個(gè)幾近完美的結(jié)局。

33、An order of nolle prosequi, founded on his well authenticated state of intoxication on the evening of the ambush, had set him at liberty.He had taken to his heels. ─── 由于查明伏擊的那個(gè)夜晚,他處于酒醉狀態(tài),命令規(guī)定對(duì)他不予追究,釋放了他,他恢復(fù)了自由。

34、00:00 My name is Melvern Noll, and I'm a part-time truck driver, and I own this miniature golf course and also the go-kart track out here. ─── 我叫MelvernNoll,我是一名兼職卡車司機(jī),而且我擁有這個(gè)迷你高爾夫球場(chǎng)和這里的卡丁車賽道。

35、The leader of the People's Procuratorate of Xishui County indicated that the decision on nolle prosequi has already been made. ─── 檢察院負(fù)責(zé)人表示,目前已作出撤訴決定。

36、Surfer Greg Noll rides a 65-foot wave on the North Shore of Oahu, still the highest ever recorded. ─── 1969年,沖浪者戈瑞格·諾爾在瓦胡島的北岸沖上65英尺的浪尖,造就了保持至今的最高紀(jì)錄。

37、Noll is the author of Taking the Bully by the Horns, which offers help to both bullies and their victims. ─── 諾爾是“抓住欺凌弱小者的牛角”的作者,這本書對(duì)欺負(fù)人的人和被欺負(fù)的人都有所幫助。

38、The third part is mainly about reality and problems of nolle prosequi hearing in our country. ─── 在最后一部分,作者嘗試著提出了關(guān)于不起訴聽證制度的幾點(diǎn)設(shè)想。

39、order of nolle prosequi, founded on his well authenticated state of intoxication on the evening of the ambush, had set him at liberty. He had taken to his heels. ─── 伏擊的那個(gè)夜晚,他處于酒醉狀態(tài),命令規(guī)定對(duì)他不予追究,釋放了他,他恢復(fù)了自由。

40、Stigler, G@ J, "Comment on Joskow and Noll," in Studies in Public Regulation, G@fromm, ed., Cambridge.MA: MIT Press. ─── 美)諾頓朗.權(quán)力和行政管理[A].(美)RJ斯蒂爾曼.公共行政學(xué)[M].李方等譯.中國(guó)社會(huì)科學(xué)出版社,1989.

41、The second part is to make comparison among hearing systems of nolle prosequi in many countries. ─── 在第三部分文章討論了我國(guó)不起訴聽證制度的現(xiàn)狀及存在的問(wèn)題;

42、Then it expatiates the background、significance and value of nolle prosequi hearing. ─── 第二部分是不起訴聽證制度的各國(guó)比較;

43、Nolle prosequi hearing is a relief procedure, through which the procuratorial office is supervised before it decides not to bring an accusation against the criminal suspect. ─── 其積極意義在于有利于完善不起訴制度;

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