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10-04 投稿


meanders 發(fā)音

英:[mi??nd?z]  美:[mi??nd?rz]

英:  美:

meanders 中文意思翻譯




meanders 詞性/詞形變化,meanders變形

名詞: meanderer |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞: meandered |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去式: meandered |動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: meandering |形容詞: meandrous |動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): meanders |副詞: meanderingly |

meanders 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、desanders ─── n.[油氣]除砂器

2、-handers ─── n.支持器;夾頭

3、meander ─── v.(河流、道路等)蜿蜒,曲折前行;漫步,閑逛,徘徊;漫談,閑聊;(文章)行文散漫;n.河流(或道路)彎道,河曲;漫游

4、Flanders ─── n.佛蘭德斯(中世紀(jì)歐洲一伯爵領(lǐng)地,包括現(xiàn)比利時(shí)的以及法國(guó)各一地區(qū))

5、Fenders ─── n.[車輛]擋泥板(fender的復(fù)數(shù));防撞墊

6、meanderer ─── 漫游者;閑逛者

7、malanders ─── 馬蘭德人

8、oleanders ─── n.夾竹桃(產(chǎn)于歐洲)

9、meandered ─── (指溪流、河流等)蜿蜒而流(meandered是meander的過(guò)去式)

meanders 常見例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Nanjing ,the capital of Jiangsu province, is a treaure trove for sight-seers.the Zhongshan mountain meanders among trees and clear water while the Stone City offers a view too grand to be denied. ─── 中文簡(jiǎn)潔,精練。這段中文有多種譯法,我也來(lái)試試: 南京是江蘇省的省會(huì)城市,鐘山龍盤,石城虎距,山清水秀,風(fēng)景秀麗。

2、2 A brook meanders through the valley. ─── 一條小溪蜿蜒環(huán)繞著山谷。

3、Unless you have a plan, your ship will meander through the water, drifting along with no destination in mind. ─── 但是,你要去哪里呢?除非你有一個(gè)計(jì)劃,您的船舶將在水中漂泊,毫無(wú)目的地隨波逐流。

4、Waterfalls roaring like thunder cascade down precipitous cliffs and gurgling streams meander through serene nooks. Clouds and vapor float and wrap the scenery in a blanket of mist. ─── 廬山奇?zhèn)饔碾U(xiǎn),瀑飛泉鳴,云蒸霧涌,氣象萬(wàn)千。

5、Three-dimensional diagram illustrating a river meander with a point bar being formed on one bank and erosion occurring on the other bank. ─── 對(duì)某河曲進(jìn)行說(shuō)明的三維示意圖,河的一岸正在形成曲流沙壩,另一岸正在受到浸蝕。

6、The Devourers have joined the Meanders of Darkness and can ally with all the people of this alliance except Alchemists of Dirz. ─── 吞噬者狼人加入黑暗軌道,除德茲煉金術(shù)士外其馀都視為盟友。

7、Here is a brief record in "Green Lakes", a chapter in the Annals of Nanping County: "In Jiuzhaigou, lakes meander for miles, with wooded hills mirrored in the clear water. ─── 《南坪縣志 - 翠?!穼?duì)九寨溝風(fēng)光曾有過(guò)粗略的記載:“羊峒番內(nèi),海狹長(zhǎng)數(shù)里。 水光浮翠,倒映林嵐?!?/p>

8、This nine-bend river meanders through beautiful peaks. ─── 形成九曲清流繞青峰的美妙景觀。

9、In the 1920s, a local architect came up with development plans to capitalize on the river that meanders through the city. ─── 在上世紀(jì)30年代,一位建筑設(shè)計(jì)師帶來(lái)了一個(gè)發(fā)展規(guī)劃,利用河流彎曲的流向環(huán)城而建。

10、Perhaps the dear younger sisters, I forever also could not repay you to my care and the support But, I can diligently the dish please believe me, this only the small honey meanders. ─── (親愛的妹妹們,或許我永遠(yuǎn)也報(bào)答不了你們對(duì)我的關(guān)心和支持.但是,我會(huì)努力的,請(qǐng)相信我,這只小蜜蜂!

11、But we'll have a bit of lunch at the park pavilion first and then meander over to see No. 10 ─── 但是我們要先在公園的亭子里吃點(diǎn)東西,然后拐彎去參觀唐寧街10號(hào)

12、"Broad meander valley" -- suddenly this concept jumped out at him, and he smiled faintly. ─── “曲流寬谷”,突然一個(gè)概念跳了出來(lái),他不禁微微笑了。

13、it meanders a bit, but the dome is reliably encountered somewhere between 300 and 500 miles offshore. ─── 它的位置不固定,會(huì)稍做游移,不過(guò)通常是在離岸500至800公里處。

14、The broad Mississippi River system, famed in song and legend, meanders 6,400 kilometers from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico the world‘s third longest river after the Nile and Amazon. ─── 為很多民歌和傳說(shuō)所傳頌的寬廣的密西西比河水系,從加拿大蜿蜒曲折6400公里,流入墨西哥灣,是除尼羅河、亞馬孫河以外的世界第三大河。

15、Before that, though, it meanders along at a country-lane pace, documenting Mason''s rise as a lawyer and his subsequent return to rural life. ─── 與此同時(shí),據(jù)英國(guó)方面最新消息,藍(lán)軍新任主帥斯拉科里已經(jīng)打算給予舍瓦重新證明自己的機(jī)會(huì)。

16、As it approaches the sea, the river meanders over the coastal plain. ─── 快要入海時(shí),印度河在沿海平原里蜿蜒流淌。

17、Stress-impedance Effect in Sandwich FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/ FeCuNbCrSiB Films with a Meander line Structure ─── Cu層寬度對(duì)彎曲型三明治結(jié)構(gòu)FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/FeCuNbCrSiB多層膜應(yīng)力阻抗效應(yīng)的影響

18、Pull-in Phenomena of Multilevel Meander Magnetic Microactuator ─── 多層彎曲磁芯微執(zhí)行器的吸合現(xiàn)象

19、Threemajor roads led from the seaport: one road went east towardsBabylon via Laodicea, another to the north via Smyrna and a thirdsouth to the Meander Valley. ─── 從港口通出三條主要街道:一條經(jīng)由老底嘉,通往東邊的巴比倫。另一條經(jīng)由伊茲密爾通往北方,第三條通往南方的河曲谷。

20、it presently narrows to twenty as it meanders along for no given reason; ─── 你要懂得和珍惜感情。

21、They tumble down mountainsides; they meander through flat farmlands. ─── 它們滾滾沖下山脊,蜿蜒穿過(guò)平坦的農(nóng)田。

22、In the beginning, where the groove meanders is totally random, but once established, the course of the following canyons are fixed. ─── 初期,這些細(xì)小溝槽的走向是完全隨機(jī)的,但是一旦形成,隨后形成的峽谷的走向便固定了。

23、meander through the park ─── 從公園的一端漫步到另一端

24、A parametric model for the Brazil Current meanders and eddies off southeastern Brazil ─── 巴西流彎彎曲曲和巴西東南渦旋的一個(gè)參數(shù)模式

25、Discussion on curvature radius of mountain river meanders in Yalujiang regulation ─── 在鴨綠江整治中對(duì)山區(qū)河流彎道彎曲半徑的初步探討

26、He meanders from Morningside Park west to Sakura Park and then northward along the Hudson river to Harlem. ─── 他從晨邊公園向西漫步去櫻花公園,隨后再沿著哈德森河向北去到哈萊姆。

27、There are other inconsistencies. ‘Bug on My Windshield’ meanders, while the kooky and speedy track ‘Down Satan Down’ is a little brash and comic book-ish to work. ─── “垚,我有男朋友了?!蔽乙恢辈桓蚁嘈胚@句話是從她嘴里說(shuō)出來(lái)的,直到今天為止,我還會(huì)為那幾個(gè)字發(fā)指。

28、magnetic microactuator with a multilevel meander ─── 多級(jí)曲折磁芯微梁執(zhí)行器

29、Dacke and her colleagues discovered that beetles chart a straight course only on moonlit nights. Without the Moon, they meander randomly. ─── Dacke和她的同事發(fā)現(xiàn)甲蟲只在月光的夜里才能形成直線。沒(méi)有月亮,它們隨意彎彎曲曲移動(dòng)。

30、The bar closes early forcing Eve to meander her way through the crowded cheerful streets back to her apartment. ─── 作為一個(gè)事業(yè)成功的單身女人,伊芙老想成功到底帶給她什么呢。

31、Explanation and Naming of Meander Bank in China's Pre-Qin Days ─── 中國(guó)先秦時(shí)期河曲地貌的述稱

32、giving wandering animals the “right-of-way” on the lanes. Deer, cattle, and sheep often halt the buses' progress up or down the mountain as they meander ─── 今天游覽到這個(gè)莊園,起點(diǎn)就在舊飛機(jī)跑道所在位置附近。客人們乘巴士到山頂。路上,仍然可以看見讓放養(yǎng)的動(dòng)物們“優(yōu)先通行”的標(biāo)示牌。鹿、牛和羊悠閑地在鹽漬地舔食時(shí)

33、Looking at a wild river channel meanders like a regular artificial river so that it twists and turns, wide width narrow. ─── 一要找河彎處野河河道不像人工河那么有規(guī)律,它彎彎曲曲,寬寬窄窄。

34、When advertising executives talk about the most promising global growth markets, the conversation usually starts with China or India and only later meanders around to Russia. ─── 當(dāng)廣告業(yè)界的決策者們?cè)谟懻撟畋豢春玫娜蚴袌?chǎng)時(shí),他們把俄羅斯視為全球范圍內(nèi)增長(zhǎng)速度最快的廣告市場(chǎng)。

35、Numerical Investigation of Resonant Characteristics for the Dual Meander Line Antenna ─── 雙彎折線天線諧振特性的數(shù)值研究

36、Analysis on the mechanical preference of microresonators with meander suspensions ─── 弓型懸臂梁微靜電諧振器力學(xué)建模

37、Wear comfortable shoes and plan to meander through the massive back lot, which has more than 500 outdoor sets and facades depicting locations as diverse as the Old West, New York City, and Europe. ─── 你還可以穿著舒適的鞋子,打算漫步走過(guò)寬闊的外景場(chǎng)地,那兒擺著500多個(gè)露天布景和建筑物的正面布景,它們描繪出過(guò)去的西部、紐約市和歐洲等一些不同的場(chǎng)所。

38、The stream meanders slowly down to the sea. ─── 這條小河彎彎曲曲緩慢地流向大海。

39、From its quiet beginnings in North Carolina, it meanders northward, growing in volume and velocity, until it reaches West Virginia. ─── 它平靜地起源于北卡羅來(lái)那,蜿蜒北上,流量和流速都不斷增加,直到它進(jìn)入西弗吉尼亞。

40、Effects of Topography on Kuroshio Frontal Meanders in the East China Sea ─── 地形對(duì)東海黑潮鋒面彎曲影響研究

41、For something entirely different, head towards Dullstroom along the Highlands Meander. ─── 如果您想嘗試一些完全不同的東西,向前走可以到達(dá)高地曲流沿岸的杜爾史頓。

42、In the northern part of Daqing Oilfield,fluvial channel sandbodies such as sandy braided channel,meander channel,high sinuosity channel and low sinuosity channel are developed. ─── 大慶油田北部發(fā)育砂質(zhì)辮狀河道、曲流河道、高彎度分流河道和低彎度分流河道等砂體類型。

43、They meander the byways, cross the stone bridges, and linger in their halls and homes as they will. ─── 他們看管過(guò)路,穿越石頭橋梁,隨意的徘徊在他們房間內(nèi)部。

44、cut off meander ─── 弓形牛軛湖割斷曲流

45、A stream of clear water meanders through the meadow. ─── 一道清澈的小溪蜿蜒流過(guò)草地。

46、The wind variation, wavelike meander of Kuroshio and Taiwan Warm Current and instantaneous eddy, atmospheric pressure vibration are mainly factors for the low frequency current variation. ─── 初步得出:風(fēng)的變化、強(qiáng)流彎曲和瞬時(shí)渦旋是低頻流變化的機(jī)制,而在半封閉海區(qū)低頻流的變化同海面氣壓振蕩有關(guān)。

47、It meanders south then flows southeast to join the Zambezi River near Chirundu, Zimbabwe, after a course of 600 mi (960 km). ─── 它蜿蜒向南,然后流向東南在辛巴威的奇龍杜附近匯入尚比西河,全長(zhǎng)960公里。

48、Be together with you, how I wish love of we two, like the flowing water in the crook, meanders away deep into the horzon, limpid, quiet, joyful and frolicking. ─── 和你在一起,我是多么希望我們之間的愛,能象小溪中的流水一樣,清澈、平靜地、歡樂(lè)而無(wú)憂的向遠(yuǎn)方流去。

49、The results show that perturbations grow in amplitude and form large frontal meanders for the flat bottom condition. ─── 平底時(shí),小擾動(dòng)迅速發(fā)展導(dǎo)致鋒面出現(xiàn)大彎曲。

50、multilevel meander magnetic microactuator ─── 多層彎曲磁芯微執(zhí)行器

51、The aprons have larger shells of oval form, from which floral sprigs emerge and meander over the flat channelling. ─── 圍裙有較大的橢圓形形式的炮彈,其中花卉開的出現(xiàn)和蜿蜒的單位輸送。

52、lateral bar from inside shifting meanders of lower Mississippi River are called point bars ─── 密西西比河下游河曲帶內(nèi)側(cè)所形成的側(cè)向沙灘稱為凸岸邊攤。

53、Centered around city of Shanghai, the exhibition meanders through a series of experiences: from Nongtang culture, Shanghai style, materialism and petit bourgeois sentiment. ─── 展覽以“上海”這個(gè)平臺(tái)為起點(diǎn),從里弄文化、海派作風(fēng)、拜物主義、小資情懷的視覺風(fēng)景一路走來(lái)。

54、Keywords Multi-folded-beam suspensions;Meander suspensions;Laterally oscillation;Electrostatic comb silicon micro resonators;MEMS; ─── 關(guān)鍵詞多折疊支撐梁;弓型支撐梁;橫向振動(dòng);梳狀硅微靜電諧振器;MEMS;

55、Three major roads led from the seaport: one road went east towards Babylon via Laodicea, another to the north via Smyrna and a third south to the Meander Valley. ─── 從港口通出三條主要街道:一條經(jīng)由老底嘉,通往東邊的巴比倫。另一條經(jīng)由伊茲密爾通往北方,第三條通往南方的河曲谷。

56、FEM Model Analysis of Magnetic Microactuator with a Multilevel Meander Magnetic Core ─── 多層彎曲磁微執(zhí)行器的有限元分析

57、The broad Mississippi River system, famed in song and legend, meanders 6,400 kilometers from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico the world's third longest river after the Nile and Amazon. ─── 為很多民歌和傳說(shuō)所傳頌的寬闊的密西西比河水系,從加拿大蜿蜒曲折6400公里,流入墨西哥灣,是除尼羅河、亞馬孫河以外的世界第三大河。

58、The brook meanders through the valley. ─── 那條小溪蜿蜒流過(guò)山谷。

59、From its quiet beginnings in North Carolina, it meanders northward, growing in volume and velocity, until it reaches West Virginia. ─── 它平靜地起源于北卡羅來(lái)那,蜿蜒北上,流量和流速都不斷增加,直到它進(jìn)入西弗吉尼亞。

60、Influence of inflow angle on development of meander ─── 入流角對(duì)河道曲流形成的影響

61、a sluggish stream that meanders through lowlands,marshes,or plantation grounds ─── 一個(gè)蜿蜒流過(guò)低地、沼澤或莊園土地的流動(dòng)緩慢的溪流

62、The meander of fine arts of the computer ─── 主題:計(jì)算機(jī)的藝術(shù)河曲

63、Effects of Cu Layer Width on the Giant Magneto-impedance Effect in Sandwich FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/ FeCuNbCrSiB Films With a Meander Line Structure ─── Cu層寬度對(duì)彎曲型三明治結(jié)構(gòu)FeCuNbCrSiB/Cu/FeCuNbCrSiB多層膜巨磁阻抗效應(yīng)的影響

64、There is a 670 kilometer segment border between Slovenia and Croatia that meanders through rivers, forests and mountains. ─── 在斯洛文尼亞和克羅地亞交界處有一段670公里長(zhǎng)的邊界是蜿蜒的河流,森林和山區(qū)。

65、A resistance meander wire usually of constantan is welded onto a strip of foil. ─── 在金屬薄片上焊接了改良的電阻導(dǎo)線,通常使用的是康銅導(dǎo)線。

66、1.long and curving; 2.to meander ─── 宛延

67、Careful as the creek meanders down the right side of the fairway and everything runs in that direction. ─── 球道的右邊小溪潺潺而下,球道也朝著這個(gè)方向傾斜。

68、When a river “makes a great S”, that means it meanders in an S-shaped course. ─── 東晉年間,木屐盛極一時(shí),因?yàn)楫?dāng)時(shí)文化重心偏處江南,而該帶氣候較為潮濕。

69、They usually meander down to the pub after work. ─── 他們通常下班后漫步到那家小酒店去。

70、We headed north-west out of the fog above a canopy of deep green vegetation embossed with horseshoe-shaped meanders. ─── 我們朝西北方向飛出濃霧,蒼穹下面一片濃綠,飾以馬蹄形蜿蜒曲折的河流。

71、The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees ─── 一條小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳樹和榿樹的樹蔭間,淙淙作響。

72、when it finds itself in a pleasant low valley, it stops and meanders there a while; ─── 當(dāng)水流涌到一片低洼的溪谷時(shí),它便在那邊曲曲折折地流著一會(huì)兒;

73、abandoned meander ─── 廢棄河曲

74、3) There is an offshore branch of the Taiwan Warm Current in the west side of the Kuroshio, and it makes a cyclonic meander, then flows northeastward. ─── 3)黑潮西側(cè)有一臺(tái)灣暖流外側(cè)分支 ,先作氣旋式彎曲 ,爾后向東北方向流動(dòng) .

75、"Fine for Now" meanders through all sorts of paces and styles, from a cappella church music to jazz, before settling its focus on a mildly psychedelic cymbal that crashes like the gentlest of waves. ─── 從無(wú)伴奏合聲到爵士樂(lè),然后是柔和夢(mèng)幻的高音,就像最溫和的海浪拍打聲,“暫時(shí)不錯(cuò)”包含多種節(jié)奏與風(fēng)格。

76、A fun arts and crafts route known as the Midlands Meander is extremely popular for those who want to explore. ─── 內(nèi)陸漫步是在一條充滿樂(lè)趣的工藝品路徑上的旅程,深受熱衷探險(xiǎn)的人士歡迎。

77、The axes of the brook spread from south to north,and one part of brook deviates to east-western,which causes a small meander at the east-western. There is a sandbank in the center of the Huanhua Brook. ─── 其中軸線沿南北向伸展,部分又有近東西向偏移,造成局部河身的東西向小幅度彎曲,河心尚有沙洲,是一個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜的不規(guī)則河曲。

78、That is, where the factors of momentum J1/2Q are small and its temporal distributions are uniform and stable, river channels under given boundary conditions tend to develop toward stable meanders. ─── 當(dāng)動(dòng)量因子J1/2Q小,且沿時(shí)程分布均勻穩(wěn)定,則河道在既定的邊界條件下向穩(wěn)定的河曲發(fā)育.

79、But because "Oak" is not organized outright around it, the book meanders disconcertingly. ─── 但是《橡樹》一書并沒(méi)有圍繞這個(gè)主題并拓展開來(lái),而是漫無(wú)邊際地閑扯。

80、The meander antenna is sited on top of a standard SMA type connector considered as the antenna ground plane and is fed through the coaxial core of the connector. ─── 似乎是:螺旋天線被置于一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的SMA型連接器上,此連接器被視作該天線的接地面并通過(guò)同軸線為此連接器饋電。

81、assistentrenched meander ─── 嵌入曲流深切曲流

82、In spite of the great changes of the world, the Pearl River remains unexhausted, meanders through this rich land, continues her story of peace, affluence and glory. ─── 千年滄桑,在不竭珠水的流淌和沖刷中,續(xù)寫著清幽、豐沛與輝煌。

83、Guo Yongxian,Jia Jianynan,Liang Liping,et al.Design and Research of a Three-layer Multilevel Meander Magnetic Microactuator[J].Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators,2008,21(3):412-415. ─── [12]郭永獻(xiàn),賈建援,梁麗萍,等.三層多級(jí)彎曲磁微執(zhí)行器設(shè)計(jì)與研究[J].傳感技術(shù)學(xué)報(bào),2008,21(3):412-415.

84、The path meanders through the garden and leads to a cottage. ─── 這條小徑彎彎曲曲的穿過(guò)花園一直到小木屋。

85、At least he had remembered "broad meander valley," while looking at his map and the scenery. ─── 不過(guò)他總算記住了一個(gè)曲流寬谷,而且是對(duì)著地圖和大地記住了它。

86、A wandering brook meanders around the park. ─── 一條蜿蜒的小溪圍繞著公園緩緩流過(guò)。

87、It slowly meanders into her feelings about life, death and love, questions that have intrigued mankind for centuries. ─── 亦以狗為向?qū)?,打開心扉,去傾聽其他狗主的精彩故事。在這些人與狗的故事背后,我們探索的是人類永恒的命題:生命、死亡和愛。

88、A brook meanders through the meadow ─── 一條小溪從草地中蜿蜒流過(guò)。

89、Study on the form law and the causes of formation in natural alluvial river meanders ─── 天然沖積河灣成因及形態(tài)規(guī)律

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