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10-03 投稿


mutilating 發(fā)音

英:[?mju?t?le?t??]  美:[?mju?t?le?t??]

英:  美:

mutilating 中文意思翻譯



mutilating 短語詞組

1、mutilating punishment ─── [法] 斷肢刑

mutilating 詞性/詞形變化,mutilating變形

動詞過去分詞: mutilated |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): mutilates |動詞過去式: mutilated |形容詞: mutilative |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mutilating |名詞: mutilation |

mutilating 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、mutilating keratoderma syndrome ─── 殘毀性皮膚角化綜合征

2、As a result, many farmers across the hills from us were mutilating themselves, cutting off their fingers and getting their wives to put out one of their eyes. ─── 這樣,一方面,那些失去了一切的人們橫下一條心要報仇;另一方面,那些擔(dān)心失掉現(xiàn)在依然占有并視為珍寶的東西的人們看到,除了拿起武器沒有其他辦法以自保。

3、The X-ray findings were osteolysis of the phalanges and mutilating arthropathy of the lower limb. ─── 足部X線檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)趾骨骨質(zhì)吸收和致殘性關(guān)節(jié)病。

4、He quickly moves to the corpse of a young woman who died in a car crash, tearing her clothes off and mutilating her body. ─── 沒有太直接拍出主角對尸體比如切割的行為,有的,都只是一些內(nèi)臟的搬弄。有趣的是,可能因為用數(shù)碼拍攝,畫面上反而不嘔心之馀還有一點實感和美感。

5、The reality TV show contestant accused of killing his ex-wife and mutilating her body has been found dead. ─── 人們發(fā)現(xiàn)這個被指控謀殺前妻并肢解其尸體的電視真人秀參賽者死了。

6、A omnidirectionaland mutil administrative levels international cooperative situation has formed. ─── 一個全方位,多層次的國際科技合作格局已基本成形。

7、But a genetic mutation leads to defective microglia, which drive the mice to perform the odd, self-mutilating behavior. ─── 但是,基因變異導(dǎo)致小膠質(zhì)細(xì)胞有缺陷,這使得老鼠表現(xiàn)出奇怪、自殘的行為。

8、No longer content to feed on sea life, the creatures now stalk this sleepy bay village - attacking without warning, mutilating without mercy. ─── 不再滿足于海洋生物飼料,生物秸稈現(xiàn)在這個沉睡灣村-進攻沒有警告,毀損手軟。

9、where the acts of forging, mutilating, buying or selling the fishing license constitute an offence, criminal liabilities shall be investigated in accordance with the law. ─── 偽造、變造、買賣捕撈許可證,構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任?!?/p>

10、Others argue with equal force that gender dysphoria, as it is known, is a psychiatric affliction and that mutilating the body to fit the afflicted psyche is to inflict a double injury on the patient. ─── 其他人則認(rèn)為具有同等的力量,性別焦慮癥,因為它是已知的,是一種精神折磨和殘害的尸體,以適應(yīng)受災(zāi)心理是造成雙重?fù)p傷的病人。

11、I hate that false plan of disguising, mutilating the truth. ─── 我最恨那種掩飾真相、割裂真相的虛偽策略。

12、4) distorting or mutilating a work created by others; ─── (四)歪曲、篡改他人作品的;

13、After that the police arrived and unleashed the dogs that tore into the diggers, killing some and mutilating others. ─── 機槍掃射過后,幾十人象割麥一樣倒下了。接著是警察,他們放出的警犬撲向采鉆者。

14、It was a question of degrading himself, mutilating himself, ─── 這是一個自己糟蹋自己,自己作踐自己的問題。

15、But a genetic mutation leads to defective microglia, which drive the mice to perform the odd, self-mutilating behavior. ─── 而有基因突變導(dǎo)致小膠質(zhì)細(xì)胞產(chǎn)生缺陷,從而驅(qū)使實驗鼠反復(fù)進行著怪異的自我殘害的行為。

16、The Mutil Model Single Channel Angie Tracking System ─── 多模單信道角跟蹤系統(tǒng)

17、To those whose sympathies lay with wind, liability was the concern: mutilating golden eagles violated the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. ─── 對那些同情風(fēng)力發(fā)電廠的人來說,這一項目的可行性是被關(guān)注的焦點:殘害金鷹違反了美國《候鳥協(xié)定法案》。

18、” And yet the dynamics may well be so if the other is mutilating one's heart and field to such an extent that now one has the flu, and if it carries on over many years, one will develop heart disease. ─── 可是能量機制也許就是如此,如果其他人正在傷害你的心和能量場到這樣一個程度以致現(xiàn)在患上流感,而如果傷害存在了很多年,將會發(fā)展成心臟病。

19、MCM (Mutil Chip Module) ─── 多芯片組件

20、The only natural adornment he ever had was his mustache, andthat he is now ruthlessly mutilating. ─── 希特勒天生的裝飾就只有那曾有過的胡子,而且現(xiàn)在他正在無情地毀壞他的胡子。

21、If the hero wins by murdering and mutilating, your children need to apply your own values, which may or may not see the hero's actions as heroic or commendable. ─── 如果英雄通過謀殺和破壞來獲得勝利,你的孩子需要應(yīng)用你的價值觀,來判斷英雄的行為是不是英勇和光榮的。

22、The speedy analysis of flue gas by mutil - channel gas chromatography was set up. ─── 建立裂解氣的多通道色譜快速分析法。

23、It is also necessary to find appropriate methods of preventing mentally handicapped people from injuring or mutilating themselves or others. ─── 而為防止精神不健全人群傷損自己及他人,尋找因人而異的治療方法來同樣不可或缺。

24、With communist authority in China barely established, many of the POWs soon begin to revert to old nationalist loyalties, murdering or mutilating anyone who expresses loyalty to the mainland. ─── 有的條目是一些長段落,有的甚至長達(dá)幾頁,作者就此將有關(guān)鄉(xiāng)村及它居民的傳說、逸事編織在里面。有的條目是一些簡短語言學(xué)方面的思索。

25、Mutil time injection: the multi-time injection can be realized; the best common rail system can realize six times injection, which indicates better flexibility of the common rail system. ─── 多次噴射:可以實現(xiàn)多次噴射,目前最好的共軌系統(tǒng)可以進行6次噴射,這體現(xiàn)了共軌系統(tǒng)的靈活性好的優(yōu)勢。

26、In a departure from tradition, some brides are celebrating the end of their wedding (and the stress associated with it) by mutilating and trashing their dresses after the ceremony. ─── 有些現(xiàn)代新娘在婚禮之后甚至選用焚燒的方式來消滅婚紗。

27、In Europe, this took the form of mutilating the body by means of corsets or stays. ─── 在歐洲,這個過程的形式是:使用束衣和支撐物毀掉自己的身體。

28、It has been recognized in the past that the traditional Database Management Systems cannot handle efficiently spatial data in mutil dimensional space. ─── 空間檢索技術(shù)是有效地管理和操縱空間數(shù)據(jù)的一種必要手段。

29、Mutil agent system ─── 多智能體系統(tǒng)

30、I'm here mutilating the memory of illusion which have been vanished. ─── 我使那消失的幻覺記憶殘缺不全。

31、Distorting or mutilating a work created by others; ─── 歪曲、篡改他人作品的;

32、mutilating punishment ─── 斷肢刑

33、Students found mutilating or defacing Library materials such as books, newspapers and serials will be severly penalized. ─── 嚴(yán)禁涂污或撕毀任何館藏(例如書籍、報紙、雜志)。

34、mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma ─── 斷肢性掌跖角皮病

35、In Europe, this took the form of mutilating the body by means of corsets or stays. ─── 在歐洲,這個過程的形式是:使用束衣和支撐物毀掉自己的身體。

36、Mutilating wound ─── 切斷性傷口

37、mutilating basal cell epithelioma ─── 殘毀性基底細(xì)胞上皮瘤

38、Severe mutilating open injuries of hand with bone loss are challenging clinical problems for hand surgeons. ─── 摘要嚴(yán)重手部開放式壓碎傷合并骨缺損對于手外科醫(yī)師是個具挑戰(zhàn)性的臨床難題。

39、The various justifications given for the practice of mutilating female sex organs are often interrelated. ─── 為毀損女性性器官的習(xí)俗找出的各種各樣的藉口常常是相互有聯(lián)系的。

40、By using sputtering rate correction, linear calibration curve of mutil matrixes was established and the quantitative depth profile analysis of the coating of the colored steel strips was reached. ─── 通過濺射率校正,建立了多基體的線性校準(zhǔn)曲線,解決了彩涂鋼板涂鍍層的逐層定量分析。

41、I hate that false plan of mutilating the truth. ─── 我痛恨那個歪曲真相的虛偽計劃。

42、Nothing is more apparent in this age of specialties than the dwarfing, crippling, mutilating influence of occupations or professions. ─── 在如今的專業(yè)化分工的時代里,沒有什麼比職業(yè)造成的矮化、跛足、傷殘的影響更明顯的了。

43、Conclusion The development level of adapt behavior in childen is influened by mutil factors, more at... ─── 結(jié)論學(xué)齡前兒童適應(yīng)行為發(fā)展水平受多種因素影響。應(yīng)采取綜合措施進行相對性干預(yù)。

44、Would that those who confuse you might go as far as mutilating themselves! ─── 巴不得那些擾亂你們的人,將自己割凈了!

45、mutilating keratoderma ─── 殘毀性角皮病, 斷肢性角皮病

46、There were permanent, mutilating operations and deaths going on around us. ─── 在我們的周圍,永久性的切除術(shù)和死亡一直都在發(fā)生。

47、Old consensus humans are still caught in a particular unconscious dance that often includes taking records from others, or mutilating the field and dream of others. ─── 舊一致實相的人們?nèi)员幌萑朐谀撤N特定的無意識舞蹈之中,經(jīng)常包括從別人身上獲取記錄或毀壞別人的能量場和夢想。

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