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10-03 投稿


metamorphoses 發(fā)音

英:[?met??m??rfo?z?z]  美:[?met??m??f?si?z]

英:  美:

metamorphoses 中文意思翻譯



metamorphoses 同義詞


metamorphoses 反義詞


metamorphoses 短語詞組

1、metamorphoses of an american ─── 美國人的變形

2、metamorphoses ovid ─── 奧維德變形蟲

3、metamorphoses of ovid ─── 奧維德變形金剛

4、metamorphoses was written by 《 ─── 變形記》作者

metamorphoses 詞性/詞形變化,metamorphoses變形

動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: metamorphosing |動詞過去式: metamorphosed |動詞過去分詞: metamorphosed |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): metamorphoses |

metamorphoses 相似詞語短語

1、metamorphosed ─── v.(昆蟲、兩棲動物)變態(tài)(尤指變成熟);變形,變質;(使)完全改變;(使)巖石變質

2、metamorphose ─── v.(昆蟲、兩棲動物)變態(tài)(尤指變成熟);變形,變質;(使)完全改變;(使)巖石變質

3、metamorphisms ─── n.變質;變形;變態(tài)

4、metamorphism ─── n.變質;變形;變態(tài)

5、metamorphous ─── adj.變形的;變質的

6、anamorphoses ─── n.歪像;畸形;失真圖像(anamorphosis的變形)

7、metamorphosis ─── n.變形;變質

8、metamorphists ─── 變質作用

9、metamorphosing ─── v.徹底改變,脫胎換骨;變質;變形(metamorphose的現(xiàn)在分詞)

metamorphoses 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、History knows all sorts of metamorphoses. ─── 歷史上有過各種各樣的變質;

2、Written between 1992 and 1995, my Second Violin Concerto, which I have entitled “Metamorphoses”, is wholly inspired by Anne-Sophie mutter's sublime art of interpretation. ─── 我的第二小提琴協(xié)奏曲創(chuàng)作于1992年到1995年,我已經把它命名為“變形”,這部作品完全是由于受到穆特卓越的演奏的鼓舞而創(chuàng)作的。

3、Zhangbaoquan the new "space.Three "design for the Li Keran than the ink paintings, the black shadow of metamorphoses into any light changes. ─── 張寶全把全新的"空間.蒙太奇"設計比作李可染的水墨畫,濃重的墨色中幻化出光影變化。

4、A tadpole metamorphoses into a frog. ─── 蝌蚪會變成青蛙。

5、The metamorphoses, tactics, and strategies of the object exceed the subject's understanding. ─── 客體的蛻變、技倆、和策略是主體的理解力所望塵莫及。

6、What we have to do now is get to the point where a new technology metamorphoses into a new medium. ─── 我們現(xiàn)在要做的就是將世代推進到把新技術轉變?yōu)樾旅襟w的時代。

7、The brothers separate: Valentine grows up civilised;Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the “ wild man”. ─── 兄弟倆走上了不同的道路:瓦倫丁成長為一個彬彬有禮的青年,而奧森成為中世紀的妖怪--"野人"。

8、Although star Cai Yilin always changes greatly,will change, but we like her such, like her " seventy-two metamorphoses " ! ─── 雖然大明星蔡依林總是變來變去,可我們就喜歡她這樣,就喜歡她“七十二變”!


10、In kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug. ─── 在卡夫卡的故事中,一個人變成了一只小蟲。

11、The poet metamorphoses the everyday into the universal. ─── 詩人把日常的事變?yōu)槠毡樾缘氖隆?/p>

12、Three adjustments and three metamorphoses make c apitalism the modern characters. ─── 三次調整,三次蛻變,資本主義具有了現(xiàn)代色彩。

13、4.The brothers separate: Valentine grows up civilised; Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the "wild man". ─── 兄弟倆走上了不同的道路:瓦倫丁成長為一個彬彬有禮的青年,而奧森成為中世紀的妖怪--“野人”。

14、Then it metamorphoses into a miniature clownfish less than half an inch long that descends to the reef. ─── 然后蛻變?yōu)橐粭l不足半英寸的迷你小丑魚,潛入珊瑚礁。

15、“Metamorphoses” places extreme technical demands on me and at the same time gives me the greatest sense of fufilment as a musician. ─── “變形”對我提出了極高的技術要求,同時它又給予我充分的音樂實踐的感覺。

16、The metamorphoses of corporatism: from classical to lean patterns; F. Traxler ─── 合作主義的形變:從古典模式到傾斜模式

17、Fear is the most remarkable aesthetic characteristic applying to both The Metamorphoses and The Diary of a Madman. ─── “恐懼”是《變形記》和《狂人日記》共同具有的最為顯著的審美特征。

18、In the early morning dawn, the sunset in the evening, it will be with the curve in indoor light movement, and metamorphoses into any Customs million dream, people got it. ─── 在清早的晨曦里,在黃昏的夕陽中,它的曲線會隨著光影在室內的移動,而幻化出風情萬種的夢境,讓人迷戀其中。

19、Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the wild man ─── 而奧森成為中世紀的妖怪--"野人"。

20、Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes of Weber ─── 韋伯主題交響變奏曲

21、Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love(c.1 b.c.) and Metamorphoses(c. a.d.8). ─── 奧維德羅馬詩人,以其對愛的研究,尤其是愛的藝術(公元前1年)和變形記(公元8年)而聞名

22、History knows all sorts of metamorphoses. ─── 歷史上有過各種各樣的變質;

23、The poet metamorphoses the everyday into the universal. ─── 詩人把日常的事變?yōu)槠毡樾缘氖隆?/p>

24、Savatier, Metamorphoses economiques et socials du droit prive daujourdhui, III, n.335 ─── 康德.法的形而上學原理--權利的科學[M].沈叔平.北京:商務印書館,1991.

25、In the almost four billion years since life on earth oozed into existence, evolution has generated some marvelous metamorphoses. ─── 將近40億年前,生命在地球上慢慢成形;此后,演化的力量讓生命發(fā)生了許多不可思議的蛻變。

26、Written between 1992 and 1995, my Second Violin Concerto, which I have entitled “Metamorphoses”, is wholly inspired by Anne-Sophie mutter's sublime art of interpretation. It is dedicated to her. ─── 我的第二小提琴協(xié)奏曲創(chuàng)作于1992年到1995年,我已經把它命名為“變形”,這部作品完全是由于受到穆特卓越的演奏的鼓舞而創(chuàng)作的。這部作品也是獻給穆特女士的。

27、Sun Wu-kung can make seventy-two metamorphoses, and on one occasion he changes his tail into a flagstaff -- that long ─── 孫行者七十二變,最后把尾巴變成個旗桿,那么長。

28、A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly ─── 幼蟲變?yōu)橛?然後再變成蝴蝶

29、Below the situation that did not cover, keep a meeting " seventy-two metamorphoses " the woman is not so easy thing as expected. ─── 在沒有采訪的情況下,寫一個會“七十二變”的女人果然不是那么輕易的事情。

30、In Kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug. ─── 在卡夫卡的小說中,一個人變形成了一條小蟲。

31、A tadpole metamorphoses into a frog. ─── 蝌蚪會變成青蛙。

32、Actually, the project metamorphoses into a fog cloud with evanescent contour. ─── 事實上,該項目變成了一個漸逝的霧云的輪廓。

33、This article will make analysis basing on two cases: Action Now of Beijing TV station and Metamorphoses of Hunan TV station. ─── 本文將用發(fā)展的眼光來研究真人秀電視節(jié)目形態(tài)的起源及發(fā)展,通過與西方國家真人秀節(jié)目發(fā)展狀況的對比,來探析真人秀引入我國之后的發(fā)展態(tài)勢。

34、Below the situation that did not cover, keep a meeting " seventy-two metamorphoses " the woman is not so easy thing as expected. ─── 在沒有采訪的情況下,寫一個會“七十二變”的女人果然不是那么輕易的事情。

35、" Metamorphoses " places extreme technical demands on me and at the same time gives me the greatest sense of fufilment as a musician. ─── “變形”對我提出了極高的技術要求,同時它又給予我充分的音樂實踐的感覺。

36、A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. ─── 幼蟲變?yōu)橛?,然后再變成蝴蝶?/p>

37、Separately equipped oil level controller, efficiently proof compressors from oil metamorphoses pollution; ─── 獨立設置的油位控制器,有效防止了各壓縮機間的油變質污染;

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