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sexton 發(fā)音

英:[?sekst?n]  美:[?sekst?n]

英:  美:

sexton 中文意思翻譯




sexton 網(wǎng)絡釋義

n. 教堂司事n. (Sexton)人名;(英)塞克斯頓

sexton 短語詞組

1、Anne Sexton ─── [網(wǎng)絡] 安妮·塞克斯頓;薩克絲頓;克絲頓

2、buck sexton twitter ─── 巴克·塞克斯頓推特。

3、buck sexton ─── 巴克·塞克斯頓。

sexton 詞性/詞形變化,sexton變形


sexton 相似詞語短語

1、sextos ─── n.六開本;六開(sexto的變形)

2、sextant ─── n.六分儀(航海定向儀器);圓的六分之一

3、seston ─── n.浮游物;[海洋]懸浮物

4、sextain ─── n.六行詩節(jié);六節(jié)詩

5、sexto ─── n.六開本;六開

6、sextan ─── adj.(發(fā)熱)每六天發(fā)作一次的

7、sextons ─── n.教堂司事;n.(Sexton)人名;(英)塞克斯頓

8、sex toy ─── 性玩具

9、seton ─── n.[醫(yī)]泄液線,[醫(yī)]串線;n.(Seton)人名;(英)西頓

sexton 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Hemingway, Sexton, Plath, Woolf.You can't kill yourself before you're even published. ─── 一些與我同年的朋友已經(jīng)開始往人生的頂點爬,我還遲遲沒把碩士念完;

2、Sexton W J.Lance RE.Reyes AO Adult prostate sarcoma: the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Experience 2001(2 ─── 王振林.王笑芳.董震.楊曉坤.毛昕.侯四川.邵世修.劉勇.李延江.王曉.孫立江.董勝國.閆靖中前列腺肉瘤6例臨床分析[期刊論文]-中華男科學2003(1

3、And after him the parson ran, the sexton and the squire; ─── 隨后牧師、鄉(xiāng)紳一應雜役們呵護精心;

4、One-half of the house was occupied by the sexton. ─── 房子的一半被這位教堂司事占著。

5、"Farewell, " said Little Claus, as he went off with his money and the GREat chest, in which the sexton lay still concealed. ─── “再會吧!”小克勞斯說,于是他就推著錢和那只大箱子走了,牧師還坐在箱子里面。

6、The sexton came by and saw his master, the parson, running behind three girls. ─── 教堂執(zhí)事走過來,看見他的主人,也就是牧師,正跟在三個姑娘后面跑。

7、1. The sexton is an old man. ─── 教堂司事是位老人。

8、Sexton WJ.Lance RE.Reyes AO Adult prostate sarcoma:the M.D.Anderson CancerCenter Experience 2001 ─── 劉卓煒.周芳堅.秦自科.韓輝.余紹龍.王歡成人前列腺肉瘤6例治療報告(附文獻復習)[期刊論文]-中華泌尿外科雜志2005(2

9、The old sexton soon got better, and was about to work again ─── 年老的教堂管事病勢不久好轉,又要開始工作了。

10、By 1974 rifts between Sexton and two of his stars, Osgood and Hudson, were beyond repair. ─── 到了1974賽季,主教練塞克斯頓與隊中兩名主力球星奧斯古德和哈德森的關系破裂。

11、"What is it but a grave!" said the sexton ─── “那不過是一座墳墓罷了,”教堂管事說。

12、Dr Sexton and his colleagues have adapted the technique to steer each image in several directions at once. ─── Sexton博士和他的同事采用了同時在幾個方向同時投射的技術。

13、First, based on the W R Sexton method, the methods and mathematic models of supplementing the sub-idle rotating component characteristics were presented. ─── 首先參照風機和泵類機械低轉速部件特性相似理論,結合指數(shù)外插法,成功地發(fā)展了航空燃氣渦輪發(fā)動機低轉速部件特性擴展方法和計算程序;

14、Kelly), Brent Sexton (Det.McNally), Phil Abrams (Coroner), Lise Simms (Det. ─── 演員:Shawn Christian (Wade Brixton) , Hans Hernke (Student), Silas Weir Mitchell (Slick), Brian Tahash (Det.

15、Dave Sexton (2) FA Cup 1970, European Cup-Winners' Cup 1971. ─── 戴夫.塞克斯頓(2次):1970年足總杯,1971年歐洲優(yōu)勝者杯。

16、Our former manager Dave Sexton, our first FA Cup winner, gets the OBE. ─── 前藍軍主教練,俱樂部首座足總杯冠軍得主,戴夫-塞斯頓被授予不列顛帝國官佐勛章。

17、"There's a difference between California and Africa, " says Sexton. "You have to be a local company if you're working here. " ─── “加利福尼亞和非洲不同,”Sexton說,“如果你想在這里站穩(wěn)腳跟,你的公司就必須融入當?shù)??!?/p>

18、Sexton's elevator for removing foreign bodies ─── 塞克斯頓(氏)異物取出剝離器

19、"It was found," said the Sexton, "this morning on the scaffold where evil-doers are set up to public shame. ─── “這是,”那司役說,“今天一早在干了壞事的人示眾的刑臺那兒發(fā)現(xiàn)的。

20、Leo Sexton ─── 塞克斯頓

21、Manager Dave Sexton sat quietly downstairs while Peter Osgood, David Webb and the other heroes of Old Trafford were up the top, singing away. ─── 戴夫-塞斯頓安靜地坐在大巴一層,皮特-奧斯古、大衛(wèi)-韋伯及其他老特拉福德的奪冠英雄們都在頂層,歡歌笑語。

22、"She lived in another hamlet, my dear," returned the sexton ─── “她住過另外一個村子里,親愛的,”教堂管事說。

23、But as he came down the pulpit steps, the grey-bearded sexton met him, holding up a black glove, which the minister recognized as his own. ─── 但是,就在他走下講壇的階梯時,那灰胡須的教堂司役上來迎著他。 那人手中舉著一只黑手套,牧師認出了是自己的。

24、His father worked as sexton in the local church. ─── 他的父親在當?shù)亟虝鼋烫盟臼隆?/p>

25、They were all hares, and the crow was there as parson to marry the bride and bridegroom, and the fox served as sexton, and their altar was under the rainbow. ─── 狐貍是司儀,祭壇在彩虹下面。

26、"Smart guys get used to knowing more than anybody else," says Brendan Sexton, Vice president of New York's Rockefeller Group."It's all too short a step from there to thinking you know everything. ─── “聰明人習慣于比別人懂得都多,”紐約洛克菲勒集團副總裁布倫丹.塞克斯頓說,“這離認為你無所不知只不過一步之遙?!?/p>

27、"And, since Satan saw fit to steal it, your reverence must needs handle him without gloves henceforward," remarked the old sexton, grimly smiling. ─── “那么,既然撒旦瞅機會偷了它去,閣下您以后就應該不戴手套去對付他了,”那老司役獰笑著說。

28、What Dr Sexton and his colleagues have done is to adapt the technique to steer each image in several directions at once. ─── Sexton博士和他的同事們所完成的是改造這一技術使之能將每副畫面一次性地導向幾個不同的方向。

29、Matt Sexton has been playing guitar and piano for over six years.He combines catchy melodies with original lyrics to create a masterpieces.He also has a funny side, check out The Makeout Song! ─── 個人認為很好的一盤,是想多給半顆星的,考慮到旋律性的緣故,請大家試聽了再做決定也不遲。

30、She sank deeper than the spade of the sexton could penetrate, till the churchyard became a roof above her. ─── 在她彎身向他,拉著他自己無力舉起的手的時候,他的目光就像在傾訴一樣。

31、The old sexton, leaning on a crutch, was taking the air at his cottage door ─── 那個年老的教堂管事,拄著一根拐杖,正在他的家門口呼吸新鮮空氣。

32、The sexton, however, remained standing motionless that the boy might think he was a ghost. ─── 然而,教堂司事仍然一動不動地站著,生怕孩子會以為他是鬼。

33、The church bell was ringing again and this time the sexton was visible in the vestibule. ─── 教堂的鐘聲再次響起,這回看到了站在前廳的司事。

34、Sexton's myringotome ─── 塞克斯頓(氏)鼓膜刀

35、The sea is mother - death and she is a mighty female(Anne Sexton) ─── 海是死亡之母并且她確實是女性化的(安妮 塞克斯頓)

36、Sexton beetle ─── 墓地甲蟲

37、The poet, Anne Sexton, can be regarded as a forerunner of the American feminism. ─── 素材摘要 The poem is the Cinderella story retold from a modern perspective.

38、-"The gray-headed sexton ─── "白發(fā)司事,兼挖墓穴,

39、Earnshaw and I, the sexton, and six men to carry the coffin, comprehended the whole attendance. ─── 恩蕭和我、教堂司事,和另外六個人一起抬棺木,這便是送殯全體。

40、The mad old sexton has toll'd evensong an hour too soon. ─── 那發(fā)了瘋的教堂執(zhí)事把晚禱鐘提前了一個小時。

41、But they had scarcely touched the sexton when they were held fast, and now there were seven of them running behind Dummling and the goose. ─── 這樣一來,已經(jīng)有七個人跟在抱著金鵝的小傻瓜身后跑了。

42、Anne Sexton:Dancing with Madness ─── 安妮·塞克斯頓:與瘋狂共舞

43、said the farmer, going towards the chest in which his wife had hidden the sexton, who now lay inside, very much frightened. ─── 農(nóng)夫說。于是他走到箱子那兒。他的妻子早把那個真正的牧師在里面藏好了。

44、Deborah Sexton Law Office, PA - Focusing on estate planning, probate and trust administration. Located in Fayetteville. ─── 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網(wǎng)志,以及多個應用項目。

45、First of all, there is the fundamental theme that a woman writer may intuitively feel.This feel can be understood in terms of Sexton's being a "witch. ─── 第一個主題可謂是每個女性寫作者,實際上也是所有作者,直覺感到的基本主題,用塞克斯頓的話說,就是巫。

46、In 1971 when Sexton's team returned from Greece with the European Cup Winners' Cup on board the aeroplane, again the bus was an important leg of the journey home. ─── 1971年當塞斯頓的隊員從希臘帶著歐洲優(yōu)勝者杯乘班機回來時,乘坐大巴回到斯坦福橋又成了濃重的一筆。

47、A sexton, just to fill the top of a church, hanging down from the lamp, carelessly let it swing back and forth in the air. ─── 一個教堂司事,剛注滿一盞從教堂頂上懸掛下來的油燈,漫不經(jīng)心地讓它在空中來回擺動。

48、If that be all," replied the sexton, "he can learn that with me." ─── 如果沒有其他事的話,”教堂司事回答說,“他可以跟我學?!?/p>

49、Anne Sexton refers to Rumpelstiltskin in her poem "The Abortion. ─── "安妮墜機指rumpelstiltskin在她的詩"流產(chǎn)" 。

50、Objective To explore the relationship between Sexton pathological subtype criteria and biological behavior of basal cell carcinomas(BCC). ─── 目的 探討基底細胞癌 (BCC)Sexton病理亞型劃分標準與其生物學行為的關系。

51、"The sea is mother-death and she is a mighty female" (Anne Sexton) ─── “海是死亡之母并且她確實是女性化的”(安妮·塞克斯頓)

52、I peered into the church and tried to see the sexton at the bell rope but couldn't. ─── 我朝教堂里窺探了兩眼,想看看司事是不是站在鐘繩下,卻什么也瞧不見。

53、A replacement was found in Dave Sexton who had previously worked as coach under Docherty before taking up management himself with Leyton Orient. ─── 接手主帥一職的是一直在俱樂部中擔任教練的代夫塞克斯頓。

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