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10-02 投稿


necrotic 發(fā)音

英:[[ne'kr?t?k]]  美:[[ne'kr?t?k]]

英:  美:

necrotic 中文意思翻譯



necrotic 詞性/詞形變化,necrotic變形

名詞復數(shù): necroses |形容詞: necrotic |

necrotic 短語詞組

1、chronic necrotic gingivitis ─── [醫(yī)] 慢性壞死性齦炎

2、infectious necrotic hepatitis of sheep ─── [醫(yī)] 羊傳染性壞死性肝炎, 黑病

3、necrotic gingivitis ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性齦炎

4、ulcer necrotic ─── 潰瘍壞死

5、necrotic pulp ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性牙髓

6、necrotic osteitis ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性骨炎, 骨髓炎

7、necrotic angina ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性咽峽炎

8、necrotic body ─── 壞死體

9、necrotic caries ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性齲

10、necrotic cyst ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死 ─── [物質(zhì)]囊腫, 軟化囊腫

11、necrotic lesion ─── 壞死的病變

12、necrotic stomatitis ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性口炎

13、necrotic flecks ─── 壞死斑點

14、necrotic tissue ─── 壞死組織

15、necrotic ulcer ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性潰瘍

16、necrotic mcbbs ─── 壞死m(xù)cbbs

17、acute necrotic gingivitis ─── [醫(yī)] 急性壞死性齦炎

18、necrotic inflammation ─── [醫(yī)] 壞死性炎

19、necrotic clotting ─── 壞死性凝血

necrotic 相似詞語短語

1、anecdotic ─── adj.軼事的;愛談軼事的

2、necrotise ─── 壞死

3、neurotics ─── adj.神經(jīng)過敏的;神經(jīng)病的;n.神經(jīng)病患者;神經(jīng)過敏者

4、neurotic ─── adj.神經(jīng)過敏的;神經(jīng)病的;n.神經(jīng)病患者;神經(jīng)過敏者

5、necrotize ─── v.使(組織,器官等)壞死

6、nephrotic ─── adj.[泌尿]腎病的;腎病變的

7、dicrotic ─── adj.二重脈搏的,重脈的

8、acrotic ─── 表面性

9、cerotic ─── 銅黃

necrotic 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、When symptoms are necrotic, never wait untill necrosis is widespread or hardly any virus will be extracted, if at all. ─── 如癥狀是壞死類型,切勿等到壞死斑擴展,否則,即便提取也很難提出病毒。

2、At the upper right is amorphous pink caseous material composed of the necrotic elements of the granuloma as well as the infectious organisms. ─── 右上部是無定形的粉紅色干酪樣壞死物,它由肉芽腫壞死成分以及感染的微生物構(gòu)成。

3、In the abnormal group, solid components of tumor , necrotic tumor core, edematous brain and apparently normal white matter regions were determined on DTI compared with T2WI and contrast-enhanced T1WI. ─── 所有患者術(shù)前均行MR增強掃描和MR擴散張量成像,對照T2WI與增強T1WI,在DTI上測量腫瘤實質(zhì)區(qū)、腫瘤壞死區(qū)、水腫腦、正常白質(zhì)區(qū)信號。

4、Objective: To observe the effect of Yiyiheji on the patients with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis (AHNP). ─── 摘要目的觀察抑胰合劑治療急性出血壞死性胰腺炎的療效。

5、Schwarz K,Foltz C M.Seleium as an integral part of factor 3 against necrotic liver degeneration[J].AM Chem Soc,1957,79:3292. ─── 孔祥瑞.硒的生物學作用及臨床生化意義[J].國外醫(yī)學臨床生物化學與檢驗分冊,1982,3(4):33-34.

6、Big blister, ulcer appears to reach on knuckle and foot section necrotic, bone is phlogistic with osteoporosis, even brothers may fall off completely. ─── 指節(jié)及趾節(jié)上出現(xiàn)大皰、潰瘍及壞死,骨炎和骨質(zhì)疏松,甚至手足可能完全脫落。

7、Simank HG,Manggold J,Sebald W,et al.Bone morphogenetic protein2 and growth and differentiation factor5 enhance the healing of necrotic bone in a sheep model[J].Growth factors,2001,19 (4):247257. ─── 周華江,薛強,張琦,等.重組合異種骨治療股骨頭缺血壞死的實驗研究[J].中華實驗外科雜志,2004,21(9):1148.

8、During laparotomy in each patient, reduction of the hernia contents, resection of necrotic bowel loops, and primary anastomosis (enterostomy in one case) were performed. ─── 手術(shù)中對每位病人的腸內(nèi)容物進行復位,切除壞死腸管并進行基本吻合(1例進行了腸造漏術(shù))。

9、When the external pressure exceeds the capillary closing pressure, the tissue becomes ischemic and necrotic. ─── 當軟組織血管外壓力超過血管內(nèi)壓力時,血管閉鎖造成組織缺氧壞死。

10、How should take care of the patient with necrotic head of a femur? ─── 應該怎樣去照顧一個股骨頭壞死的病人呢?

11、Conclustion: The CT manifestations of active adrenal Tb associated with Addison disease are adrenal glands enlargement with large necrotic areas, with or without calcification dots. ─── :腎上腺活動性結(jié)核引起艾迪生病時CT表現(xiàn)為腎上腺增大伴大片壞死 ,可有點狀鈣化。

12、When there is extensive caseation and the granulomas involve a larger bronchus, it is possible for much of the soft, necrotic center to drain out and leave behind a cavity. ─── 當存在廣泛的干酪性壞死并且肉芽腫累及較大的支氣管時,大量的壞死物排出,留下空洞。

13、New-style concealed coccus can cause kidney tit necrotic and integrated proof, pyelonephritis and pyuria of similar kidney tubercular. ─── 新型隱球菌可引起腎乳頭壞死綜合征、腎盂腎炎和類似腎結(jié)核的膿尿。

14、The cells in the center of the ducts with comedocarcinoma are often necrotic and calcify, as shown here. ─── 如圖,在有粉刺癌的導管中心區(qū)細胞常為壞死性與鈣化的。

15、The reason that you don't feel anything is because the pulp is dead (necrotic). ─── 你沒有什么感覺的原因就是因為牙髓已經(jīng)壞死。

16、Staining study revealed an abundance of grampositive bacilli in the necrotic tissue supporting the blood culture finding. ─── 壞死組織染色學發(fā)現(xiàn)大量革蘭氏陽性桿菌支持血培養(yǎng)結(jié)果。

17、Necrotic tissue appeared earlier and polymorphonuclear leucocytes(PMNs)decreased in the spleens of the immunocompro-mised m... ─── 多形核巨細胞在感染早期免疫應答中起重要作用。

18、Few number case of illness has haemorrhage sex bleb, be like polymorphous erythema or toxic sex skin necrotic pine understands disease. ─── 極少數(shù)病例有出血性皰疹,似多形紅斑或中毒性表皮壞死松解癥。

19、Didn't X smooth pelvis see unusual serum assay fights nuclear antibody to suffer from femur likely normally necrotic disease? ─── 光骨盆未見異常血清化驗抗核抗體都正常有可能患股骨壞死癥嗎?

20、Abnormal deposits of calcium in the injured and necrotic tissue (dystrophic calcification) are not considered to be rare conditions in human pathologic records. ─── 摘要在受傷及壞死組織形成不正常的鈣化現(xiàn)象(營養(yǎng)失調(diào)性鈣化),于人體病理記錄并不少見。

21、However, X-ray analysis indicated that necrotic area of 2 hips in the treatment group increased and the implanted bones were gradually absorbed. ─── 另外2髖疼痛有所減輕,但X線顯示壞死區(qū)擴大,所植骨逐漸被吸收。

22、RHD infection has been characterized as an acute fatal necrotic viral hepatitis in up to 85% adult (older than 2 months) rabbits died within 36 to 72 hours after infection. ─── 兔出血熱病主要引起急性致死的壞死性病毒性肝炎,2月齡以上的成兔于染病后36-72小時間即暴斃,其致死率高達85%。

23、Necrotic materials and foam cells seen in histopathology appeared hypo or iso dense on CTA,hypo echoic on DUS,and heterogeneous intense on MRA. ─── CTA為低、等密度者 ,DUS回聲低 ,MRA信號強度不均 ,斑塊鏡下顯示無定形壞死物質(zhì)及積聚脂質(zhì)的泡沫細胞。

24、ResultDelayed enhancement signal was found in acute and chronic myocardial infarction, was confirmed as necrotic myocardium in pathology by TTC staining. ─── 因此準確地判斷心梗后壞死心肌的范圍和透壁程度,可以指導、評估預后。

25、Objective To explore the ability of Bifidobacterium targeted proliferation in liver necrotic area of rabbit model made with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). ─── 摘要目的探討雙歧桿菌在海扶超聲聚焦刀(HIFU)制作的肝凝固性壞死模型中的靶向性增殖的可能性。

26、During the operation, the necrotic tissues were cleared away as can aspossible. ─── 手術(shù)時盡量去除眼表面的壞死組織,使植床保持健康。

27、Microscopically, the pseudomembrane is seen to be composed of inflammatory cells, necrotic epithelium, and mucus in which the overgrowth of microorganisms takes place. ─── 顯微鏡下可見由于微生物的過度增生形成的假膜,假膜是由炎性細胞、壞死的上皮和粘液所構(gòu)成的。

28、A herpetic ulcer is seen microscopically to have a sharp margin. The ulcer base at the left shows loss of overlying squamous epithelium with only necrotic debris remaining. ─── 顯微鏡下可見單純皰疹性潰瘍有一個銳利的邊緣。左側(cè)潰瘍底部沒有鱗狀上皮的覆蓋,僅見壞死組織的碎片。

29、How should take care of the patient with necrotic head of a femur? ─── 應該怎樣去照顧一個股骨頭壞死的病人呢?

30、A ly only to necrotic areas. ─── 只在壞死部位使用。

31、Compared to the control group, the necrotic area of hepatic lobule and fat droplets of hepatic cells were decreased and SDH activity was increased in the experimental group... ─── 實驗組與對照組相比,肝小葉損傷區(qū)域縮小,肝細胞中脂滴減少,琥珀酸脫氫酶活性增強。

32、TUNEL method which is used to discriminate apop totic cell death from necrotic one is easily influenced by many factors else. ─── 但目前用于區(qū) 分凋亡與壞死細胞的TUNEL技術(shù),較易受主觀因素的影響。

33、Results Initial evaluation revealed the presence of an area of scleral melt and epithelial defect with an underlying calcific plaque over the necrotic area in the nasal conjunctiva. ─── 初始評價顯示鼻側(cè)結(jié)膜鞏膜溶解和上皮缺失區(qū)的出現(xiàn)并伴有鈣化斑。

34、A260/A280was 1.82,A260/A235 was 1.57.In the agar double diffusion tests,HmNVshowed cross pecipitate line with the antiserum of tobacco necrosis virus (T-NV),but no reaction with the antiserum of melon necrotic spot virus (MN-SV). ─── A260/A280比值為1.82,A260/A235比值為1.57.在瓊脂糖雙擴散試驗中與煙草壞死病毒的抗血清發(fā)生沉淀反應,與甜瓜壞死斑病毒(MNSV)的抗血清無沉淀.

35、Alternatively, there may be inadequate clearance of neutrophils by macrophage apoptosis and the release of neutrophil proteinases during necrotic neutrophil cell death. ─── 無論是哪個,巨噬細胞凋亡對中性粒細胞的清除并不充分,中性粒細胞壞死過程還是有蛋白酶的釋放。

36、Because pressurization wraps up E word, can pose the hematic carry obstacle of limbs, make an organization necrotic! ─── 傷員上肢出血,且沒有骨折和關(guān)節(jié)損傷時,可采用加壓包扎止血法止血。

37、If infection can appear badly acute kidney tit is necrotic, this is a kind of of acute pyelonephritis serious expression. ─── 如感染嚴重可出現(xiàn)急性腎乳頭壞死,這是急性腎盂腎炎的一種嚴重表現(xiàn)。

38、Got femur head how is necrotic disease treated? ─── 得了股骨頭壞死癥怎么治療?

39、Good control has been obtained by trimming all dead leaves, all broken green leaves hanging from the pseudostem, and leaves with necrotic spots over more than one third the lamina once a month. ─── 方法是:每月修剪一次死葉、掛在假莖上綠色壞葉及壞死斑點超過三分之一葉展部分的葉子。

40、Method:12 patients with hepatic lesion were investigated by color Doppler and Power Harmonic Imaging(PHI),which included 4 hepatocellular carcinomas,3 metastases,2 hemoangiomas,1 necrotic node as well as 2 inflammations. ─── 方法:用能量多普勒超聲和能量諧波成像檢查的肝臟占位性病變12例,其中肝細胞肝癌(HCC)4例,肝轉(zhuǎn)移癌3例,血管瘤2例,壞死結(jié)節(jié)1例,炎性病灶2例。

41、The colour of the necrotic area can vary from a light tan or near white to an orange-red or brown depending on the time of year, the plant species affected and weather conditions. ─── 壞死位置的顏色可以從輕黃褐色或近白色到橘紅或棕色,這取決于當年的時間,植物種類和天氣狀況.

42、Methods Surgical procedures included removal of cranlai hema toma, contusive and necrotic brain tissues, correction of cranio?orbital defor mity,and repair of dure mater. ─── 方法早期手術(shù)治療包括清除顱內(nèi)血腫和清除挫傷壞死腦組織,矯正顱眶畸形及視神經(jīng)管減壓、修補腦脊液漏。

43、Foliage dull green with bronze or purple-brown surface markings becoming irregular pale brown necrotic patches; leaf margins wavy and interveinal regions sometimes puckered or corrugated. ─── 葉片暗綠,表面青銅色或紫褐色斑紋轉(zhuǎn)變成不規(guī)則淺褐色斑紋,葉緣波浪形,脈間有時收縮或呈波紋狀.

44、Orbital computer tomography showed lens subluxation caused by spontaneous massive bleeding of necrotic tumor. ─── 巨量的玻璃體出血涌向前房進而形成前房完全出血;

45、Necrotic focus was found in the deep and subcortical white matter in 7 of 16 SIDS cases. ─── 16例SIDS中 7例可見白質(zhì)軟化壞死 ,白質(zhì)區(qū)GFAP陽性膠質(zhì)細胞增生明顯 ,與對照組比較差別顯著。

46、Because catheter is aggravating oedema of bladder mucous membrane, haemorrhage is necrotic, accentuated infection, the bacterium is kept clear of very hard in cystic mucous membrane. ─── 因為導尿管加重了膀胱粘膜水腫、出血壞死,加重了感染,細菌在膀胱粘膜里很難被清除。

47、Direct laryngoscopy revealed narrowing of the glottis with diffuse ulcerative necrotic tissue. ─── 以直達式喉鏡發(fā)現(xiàn)聲門狹窄與廣泛性潰瘍壞死組識。

48、A virus disease of sugar beet occurred in Ningxia showing symptoms of yellows, parch blight and necrotic yellow vein of foliage leaves. ─── 發(fā)生在寧夏甜菜上的一種病毒病的病株葉叢主要表現(xiàn)為黃化、焦桔和葉脈黃化壞死。

49、When the wounds were totally covered by granulation, the dry necrotic scalps were removed and the wounds were covered with split thickness skin grafts. ─── 對有足夠殘留發(fā)區(qū)者,則于術(shù)后6個月采用擴張術(shù)治療禿發(fā)畸形。

50、Earlyapoptotic cells and necrotic cells can be distinguished byannexin - V/PI assay. By using specific MoAb of apoptosisrelated gene products, FCM provides multiparameters ofgene regulation on the basis of single cell. ─── 在細胞凋亡研究中FCM也顯示了獨特的優(yōu)點:多參數(shù)測定單個細胞內(nèi)凋亡相關(guān)基因的變化,并能鑒別早期凋亡細胞與壞死細胞。

51、I just 21 years old I got femur head necrotic disease. ! How should I do. ? ─── 我才21歲我得了股骨頭壞死病.!我該怎么辦.?

52、Surgery to remove necrotic tissue, cover skin defects and correct deformities. ─── 外科手術(shù)切除壞死組織、修復皮膚缺損和矯正畸形。

53、By 10 umol/L SB and 1 umol/L DEX combinedstimulation, apoptotic and necrotic rate was higher than DEX group at 3,5 and 7 h. ─── SB10林mol幾和1林mol/L DEX聯(lián)合刺激下,小鼠胸腺細胞凋亡和壞死比例在3、5和7h時點分別為均高于DEX組。

54、The remainder one adenoma was heterogeneous with focal areas of signal equal or greater than to the intensity of fat on T 1WI and T 2WI, which represented histologically necrotic composition. ─── 另1例在T1WI和T2WI上顯示信號不均,內(nèi)有多發(fā)類似或高于脂肪信號區(qū),病理檢查為壞死部分。

55、Microscopically, the ulcer here is sharply demarcated, with normal gastric mucosa on the left falling away into a deep ulcer whose base contains infamed, necrotic debris. ─── 顯微鏡下所示的是胃潰瘍的黏膜面與正常的胃粘膜分界清楚,胃潰瘍包含了較深的滲出層和壞死層。

56、The fourth stage of fibrosis was only seen in lymph nodes of a case with complicated CWP. In this case the necrotic materials of lymph nodes eroded adjacent bronchi and vessels, and coalesced with progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). ─── 1例復雜型CWP的淋巴結(jié)累及鄰近的支氣管和血管 ,并與肺內(nèi)進行性大塊纖維化 (progressivemassivefibrosis ,PMF)融合。

57、Clostridium bacteria form hardy spores, resistant to heating and drying. In poultry, Clostridium perfringens causes necrotic enteritis, currently cured with antibiotics. ─── 在家禽中,產(chǎn)氣莢膜梭狀芽孢桿菌會造成腸壞死,目前使用抗生素進行治療。

58、Moreover,high con centrations of CORT increased the necrotic and apoptotic percentages in dose -dependent and time-dependent manners. ─── 并且,隨著CORT劑量增大和作用時間延長,海馬神經(jīng)元壞死和凋亡的發(fā)生率會隨之增高。

59、It was found that SF had beneficial effects on acute haemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis. ─── 發(fā)現(xiàn):黃腐酸鈉對急性出血壞死性胰腺炎有明顯療效。

60、More than one organism could be involved, necrotic stomatitis could be complicating the infection, acute or chronic pneumonia could be setting in. ─── 不只與一種微生物有關(guān),壞死口腔炎會使感染變得很復雜,急性或慢性肺炎可能已經(jīng)感染。

61、Method: 30% trichloroacetic acid solution was used to cauterize the inner wall tissue.The residual and necrotic substances were removed to make the wounds clean, then MEBO was applied locally. ─── 方法:采用30%三氯醋酸燒灼瘺道內(nèi)壁組織,再去除殘渣壞死物,以達新鮮創(chuàng)面;

62、The main reason of enteric fistula is that necrotic margin can not be decided clearly.Early use of somatostatin can reduce gastrointestinal fluid and alleviate the symptoms of diarrhea. ─── 早期使用生長抑素有減少腸液分泌的作用,還可減少短腸綜合征急性期的腹瀉癥狀。

63、The necrotic tissue may drop out . ─── 壞死組織會脫落。

64、Lung abscesses, if large enough, will contain liquefied necrotic material and purulent exudate that often results in an air-fluid level by chest radiograph in the abscess. ─── 如果肺膿腫足夠大,將包含液化壞死物質(zhì)和膿性滲出物,因此胸片上顯示膿腫的氣-液平面。

65、Early reseation of necrotic bowel and application of anticoagulant postoperatively are essential to reduce the mortality and recurrence of AMI. ─── 早期適當范圍切除壞死腸段和術(shù)后抗凝治療是防止復發(fā)、降低病死率的重要措施。

66、Rhythm of the heart of some of companion of acute miocardial infarction is so wrong because conduct systematic cardiac muscle to be short of,be blood, necrotic cause. ─── 所以急性心肌梗塞伴有的心律失常是因傳導系統(tǒng)的心肌缺血、壞死造成。

67、Some topics about fluid resuscitation,prevention of renal failure,treatment of heart and lungs injury,removing of necrotic tissue and reconstruction of the chest wall were also discussed. ─── 并對救治過程中體液復蘇、腎功能衰竭的預防、心肺損傷的治療、壞死病灶的切除和胸前創(chuàng)面的修復等問題進行了討論。

68、Hepatic artery was also obliterated in 3:1 group and pathological assay showed that liver segment ablated with TAA was coagulatively necrotic either grossly or microscopically 1~2 weeks after HSA. ─── 1一2周后肝動脈DSA隨訪,3:1組滅活節(jié)段肝動脈均呈閉塞狀態(tài)。

69、ResultDelayed enhancement signal was found in acute and chronic myocardial infarction, which was confirmed as necrotic myocardium in pathology by TTC staining. ─── 因此準確地確定心梗后壞死心肌的范圍和透壁程度,可以領(lǐng)導治療、評估預后。

70、Background Necrotizing pancreatitis with infected necrotic tissue is associated with a high rate of complications and death. ─── 雜談背景伴有已感染的壞死組織的壞死性胰腺炎,與并發(fā)癥發(fā)生率和死亡率高相關(guān)。

71、Objective To study effect of endoscopic surgery for hemorrhagic necrotic nasal polyp and to analyse its clinical characteristics. ─── 摘要目的探討鼻內(nèi)鏡手術(shù)治療出血壞死性鼻息肉的療效,并分析其臨床特點。

72、New necrotic laticifers with cambium-like meristem continue to form in the inner bark and this makes the disease become irreversible. ─── 新的壞死乳管和形成層狀分生組織繼續(xù)在樹皮內(nèi)層形成,因而使該病成為不可恢復的。

73、When symptoms are necrotic, never wait until necrosis is widespread or hardly any virus will be extracted, if at all. ─── 如癥狀是壞死類型,切勿等到壞死斑擴展,否則,即便提取也很難提出病毒。

74、Percutaneous drainage of the hepatic necrotic mass was complicated by a bacterial infection for which he was treated with antibiotics. ─── 經(jīng)皮引流肝壞死大規(guī)模復雜的細菌感染的,他是用抗生素治療。

75、Autoradiography results confirmed the extravasation of radiolabeled SCKs in vascularized areas of the tumor, whereas no diffusion was observed in necrotic regions. ─── 放射自顯影法的結(jié)果證實,放射性標記的SCK在腫瘤血管化區(qū)域溢出,而壞死區(qū)域觀察不到擴散現(xiàn)象。

76、Under light microscope, it was found that the epithelia of inner digestive tract were widely damaged, most epithelial cells were necrotic or vaculated. ─── 在光鏡下,可見消化道內(nèi)壁上皮組織廣泛受損,細胞大量壞死或空泡化;

77、Conclusion: Meseteric vena-occlusive necrotic bowel disease has no characteristic symptoms and is easily misdiagnosed. ─── 結(jié)論:腸系膜靜脈血栓并腸壞死癥狀無特異性,容易誤診。

78、The light brown pigment seen here in the necrotic hepatocytes around the central vein is lipochrome. ─── 圖中中央靜脈周圍壞死肝細胞中的淺褐色色素為脂褐素。

79、Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling, edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls. ─── 壞死性倉皮炎以育牛場的閹牛和公牛中所出現(xiàn)的倉皮外翻性腫脹,水腫和壞死為特征。

80、Acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis (n=16) was showed heterogeneous higher signal intensity on T1WI.The low signal circle can be found on T2WI. ─── 16例診斷為急性重型胰腺炎,T1WI可呈斑片狀高信號,T2WI可出現(xiàn)低信號環(huán)。

81、This case demonstrates the use of a simple technique to identify a necrotic mandibular incisor tooth as the source of infection. ─── 這一案例證明了一個簡單的技術(shù)的使用,以確定是感染源壞死下頜切牙牙齒。

82、The differential diagnosis for a cystic neck mass includes BCC, thymic cyst, lymphangioma, cystic schwannoma, and necrotic lymph node. ─── 頸部囊性腫塊的鑒別診斷包塊腮裂囊腫(BCC),胸腺囊腫、囊性神經(jīng)鞘瘤、壞死的淋巴結(jié)。

83、Restrict control of sodium intake, hemodialysis and resection of necrotic tissue are effective measures for the management of burn hypernatremia. ─── 嚴格的限制鈉攝入、血液透析和壞死組織切除是有效的治療方法。

84、The necrotic epithelium becomes embedded in exuding fibrin and red and white cells,so that a grayish pseudomembrane is formed-commonly over the tonsils,pharynx or larynx. ─── 壞死的上皮細胞被纖維蛋白、紅細胞和白細胞凝聚在一起形成灰白色的假膜,通常覆蓋在扁桃腺、咽或喉。

85、TUNEL method which is used to discriminate apoptotic cell death from necrotic one is easily influenced by many factors else. ─── 但目前用于區(qū)分凋亡與壞死細胞的TUNEL技術(shù),較易受主觀因素的影響。

86、Often appear septicemia sex shock, make water little, anuria, produce exhaustion of acute kidney function even, sometimes necrotic kidney tit falls off can cause kidney angina. ─── 常出現(xiàn)敗血癥性休克、尿少、尿閉,甚至發(fā)生急性腎功能衰竭,有時壞死的腎乳頭脫落可引起腎絞痛。

87、The ulcer base at the left shows loss of overlying squamous epithelium with only necrotic debris remaining. ─── 左邊潰瘍基底面缺少鱗狀上皮僅存有壞死的碎片。

88、The imaging finding of large necrotic area can be predictable in its histopathological grading. ─── 并期待大區(qū)域壞死之影像特徵能預測此類腫瘤的組織病理分級。

89、At one year old, he suffered from an unknown incurable disease.Two surgeries took away the necrotic parts of his four limbs, both ears and his tail. ─── 一歲時,太郎得了原因不明的難治之癥,在經(jīng)歷了兩次手術(shù)治療后,共切除了一對耳朵、四只腳和尾巴的壞死部分。

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